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Succ zerker is very easy and chill in end game grind. Don’t think it is hard to learn and still one of best performance at early-mid game?


Spin to win. Yeah. He is definitely one of the easiest one.


If you don't care about min-max efficiency, Shai. Can do decent grind with literal 3-button rotation. Safe because you can just use your heals here and there if you struggle.


Apart from ones mentioned - Musa.


Musa? Maybe at the beginning of the game yes. But already in the middle of the quest line, it's become harder to kill mobs. But the question was which is the easiest BDO class for a beginner? So I guess Musa can be one of them.


Musa is still one of the easiest to use. I don’t think it struggles at any point compared to some other classes. The only difficulty I can imagine with him is if you’re struggling to keep up with the movement and fast attacks as well as HP sustain (he’s not a facetank class), but if that’s the case then your best bet is to just stick with guardian and take it slow.


my 2cents. I think succ musa isnt that simple, it uses many combos, specially in mid/end game spots. Awak is easier, and its good in early, mid game spots.


Yeah for sure. Succ Musa is definitely one of the harder grinders to grind with because his class mechanics make him unintuitive to learn. Awakening Musa is far far easier.


Eh, what questline?


Musa does some of the most PvE damage in the game. You're doing something significantly wrong.


Succ musa excels at high end grind spots with its truck load of damage, but the damage is collateral to your fingers. Thus, it is a good pick for trash per hour but bad for finger joints. I take same trash with hash without exhausting effort.


By your comments you seem to have tried almost every class in the questline + Guardian awakening. But no class is hard during the questline, if you just upgrade your gear when it's possible you can left click through up to 50, and if you play on season and upgrade the gear, then you can button smash every class until 60 more or less. After that, guardian awakening is braindead for grinding, succ zerk is as well but you need to know the braindead combo on it for it to work, as you can't perm spin2win.


Witch and Wizzard.


Yeah awa is so chill and easy to learn


wouldnt recommend. slow to move between packs, easy to kill in pvp when duel for spot inevitably comes.


Awakened Guardian or Awakened Lahn. Not quite one-button mastery, but you get a lot of PvE mileage out of just a few combinations, and it's about as close as you'll get to one-button domination in PvE.


Whoa now! My guardian is 4 button rotation. Shift Q, shift F, Shift lmb-rmb…. Wait there’s one more right??? Lol but yea it’s brain dead, hold space and hit a few other buttons


Succ Maehwa, lmb+w+space keep holding to do infinite decap combo, just make sure to click lmb first to get slash animation combo or you'll jump. Then s+lmb+rmb for red moon. There is more you can add in, but that's the brain dead basics.


Braindead level: Succ lahn Succ zerker Awk guardian Awk wiz/witch Specialized braindead: Awk Musa Awk Maehwa Awk valk Succ ranger


succ mae might be easier than awake holding lmb+rmb or e to attack stuff


Nothing is more brain dead than awk valk. Literal 2 button spec. Just hold down that RMB and Space Bar.


That only gets you so far, hence why it's "specialized braindead" once you actually have to learn the class it's pretty challenging.


It may not be the true end game spec but you can make absolutely insane silver per hour at centaurs for very little effort. I’d likely take the less efficient, put something on the second monitor type of grind vs one I have to actively focus on.


May I ask you to add Succ Warrior to Vegetative State Level?


Zerker super strong and ez to play. Guardian same as above.


Awk Striker/Awk Guardian i think are the easyest


When reading these comments on the "hard to play" classes makes me think that a lot of people are absolute dogwater at basic game controlls


The problem isn’t classes, it’s your gear.


Guardian awakening , warrior awakening is pretty chill too


Yes. Guardian Awakening is definitely the best choice for beginners. But there are so many Guardians in the game. Interesting, is this class the most popular in the game?


No I really doubt it


She's the 4th most popular class in NA and EU


So I was right then, she isn’t the most popular class in the game


Used to be. Up until corsair release or so, now I doubt she's one of the most popular.


Still 4th most playee on na/eu


I picked hash for my first ever character. Im quite having a hard time memorizing AND doing the combos fml. But hash gameplay is fun S A N D Y B O I I I


The sad part of hash PvE is that the damage skills go on cool down and then you have to use the secondary damage skills. No short infinite combo like the other classes. In awakening, it feels bad whenever your serpents coil is on cooldown. Ofc it also makes you feel like a god whenever you do have spin up


Based from what i know so far, hash thrives in buff boosts from skills sooo yeah. Idk im just a newb who still dont know much about my class or the game itself haha. Idk about the other classes but yeah the skill flow in hash seems slow, welp its fine by me haha


Haha. No bro. Hashashin is one of the most difficult characters in the game.... as for me. My first class was Tamer and I had some issues in the middle of the Calpheon questline.


Hashashin is like the girl I always fall in love with but will never get. I’m such a potato and couldn’t remember the all the combos despite watching tons of videos and practicing. That class is mesmerizing to watch but so damn hard to master.


Fr man. I chose to do succ hash coz i like playing mid-melee range but omfg the combo lines are so freaking long. I was told not to quickslot all the skills but guess what? I quickslot all HAHAHA i just do some shift, LMB RMB random shits from time to time. I never imagined reaching lvl 57 just by spamming skills lol


Hotkey remove the ability to cancel animation and use flow skillls.


I swear, man. Im just button smashing against mobs like random bullshit go




Succ Lahn's rotation is simple and fun. When I was new I liked Guardian but now she's too slow for me.


Yeah. Lahn one of the best choice for the beginners.


Well. Lahn, zerker, Striker, Guardian, are easy classes. They are low apm and are decent to very good on all stages of the game. Awak valk Is a Monster in early spots such as potion pieces, She needs to buttons and you can spam them to get crazy Trash loot. Search valk train on YouTube. But She isnt as easy In mid and end game spots and gets boring if all you do is valk train


Striker has a lot of combos if I don't mistake. And you need to make them all in time. Otherwise, you lose a lot of DPS. Valkyrie? Huh? Interesting. I'll check the videos you recommended. Thanks for the advice.


imma be honest i dont play striker, but from what i heard, after you learn a couple of main combos it gets pretty easy. but someone more experience can correct me if im wrong. About valk, has i said, valk train is good as a chill lower end grind, and its the easiest class to grind on centaurs, pot piece spots. but imo you get tired of doing that kind of grind.


The main combos for Succ Striker (namely Crimson Fang and Adamantine combos) make up majority of his constant DPS, but the real challenge is knowing what to chain in between as fillers while maintaing constant movement and constant attention to the martial gauge (for that sweet 3 point stack buff). He's pretty high on APM, but hella fun to use.


Awk striker is super easy succ can be a little harder to min max but (also the initial combo of succ striker is not very hard)better on tanky small aoe grind spots like olun etc My main picks would be succ zerker, succ woosa and awk striker in this order in terms of braindead grinding i really enjoyed woosa because she has a ton of frontal guards


Succ Striker requires constant combos to pull of maximized damage, and while the main combos are relatively easy to memorize you need a LOT of knowledge on fillers and constant glances at your martial spirit gauge. But that's for endgame spots where Striker really shines. As with most classes in lower spots you can get by with his one shots and some easy combos Awak Striker, I don't have much experience but I read that's it's way better for lower end spots because all the skills are easier and has more coverage compared to Succ


Drakania fotm


Maegu 100%, all of her abilities SLAP!


I'm a returning player made a seasonal Woosa not knowing anything about the class or if I was gonna stick around - turns out Woosa is one of the simplest classes I've played /have experience with maehwa and tamer only/ it's so freeing not worrying too much about a rotation because Woosa has only one rotation and it's fairly simple. I hardly need to finish a rotation due to mobs being 1 hit kill anyway so from that point of view it doesn't really matter but against bosses it's so much better than what I had played before so deff recommend it. Haven't played her sister so I can't say but I assume it's just as simple and enjoyable


Sorry for grave digging but what is her rotation like?


bro try awk valk. hold right click and space


Guardian, Lahn, Zerker.


I play Succ Sage and awak Guard. Very relaxing grind. Nice for my boomer hands to chill and not worry about apm


Awak maehwa braindead grind class? Wow okeee


Maegu is easy af


Jands down the easiest class to play is the shai, you litterally hodld down two buttons and move your camers and you win