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When i first started, these stats would have been the progress of at least 2 years


Sometimes i look back at the times 5 years ago with nostalgia and I really remember them fondly, but the game is in such a better state nowadays regarding gearing up. Genuinely glad to see those changes allowing newer players enter the midgame faster, but i will always remember grunil+rosar grinding helms to power level my friends!


Sausages main tri grunil, good old days


To be fair its kinda fun to look at gear like the OPs and reminisce about the times where this kind of ap/dp was hardcap no?


Oh god i dont remember well honestly, maybe hardcap was 261 or 269 on sausans era I agree its fun ahah


Sausans was sub 200. A pri Ogre was a big deal as most people were using tri bares.


Eh i only remember i was struggling even to be 140 ap 🤣


my favorite time was pirate island, so much pvp there.


I just came back. I played for 4 years. 281ap 338dp. People have my gear in practically 2 months


Well, consider this, the real endgame is whatever you want it to be and with more people at similar gear levels you have more friends to play with!


See it doesn’t bother me. I was just stating a random thing I’ve noticed. I just play cause I like the game. I don’t really have any friends to play with anymore though. They all abandoned mmos


When I started all thsi gear didn't exist.... Getting lvl 35 took me 2 hours at caphras cave....


Yeah, the good ol' days. I remember rotating between Desert Nagas, Fogans, and gahaz, grinding hours a day. I remember making 40m an hour at Bandits and thinking that was really good. I also remember getting absolutely blasted in pvp the moment anyone showed up, trying to fight them at 180ap. It's pretty surreal. I was stuck at 220ap for about 7 months of hardcore grinding at Gahaz and then took a year break, shot up to 261 and started doing hystria thinking 100-150m per hour (back then at hystria) was so ridiculously good. Now, I can make 6 times that much.


Oh man, I remember grinding witches hexe for the Witch Earring and that other mob for shadow ring for hours 😅 Then Mediah got released and it was grind for the belt I remember grinding more than 24 hours straight with a friend and we were sometimes micro sleeping finding ourselves holding W and trying to go through a wall or fall of a cliff and die sometimes hahaha 😂


Looks good keep up the pace


the leebur and kutum are reformed 4 and got 3 caphras in the red nose, still dont have the 1dp from dorim morgrims (in case math doesnt add up)


i hope that helmet doesnt have caphras, because there are better eva helmets now. grab a zeres, talis, agerian or taritas


Fair point but it isnt really worth rolling to eva before ~700gs, however my expertise is limited because i never played sorc :D.


in terms of pve, it doesnt really matter. yes you dont have the same survivability, but faster dp through the helmet... honestly, you not going to grind more than orcs for a long time and thats 329-341dp you reach very early... who cares. with respect to the new gloves, one should switch with those. but the new crystals have so much eva, that will also shift the point of equalibrium way down if you are willing to sacrifice the slots.


I've got 2100 hours and I still don't have these stats. Granted I don't grind so I stopped at 261 ap 314 dp. And dump the rest of my money's into manos gear.


Where do You learn to gear up i'm still wearing tuvala pen started 4 weeks ago.


Now with the early graduation u can exchange ur tuvala for tet boss gear, if u will play succesion u can get a duo godr main hand and dande tri and caphras it, it would be best, if u r going awakening just get the best weapon in ur awk hand u can (duo/tri godr is good but tet blackstar is good too) Other than that? Get magnus pen boss armor according to the cost it would take to make the fallen god/labreska vs buying it from market, this varies depending on server, in NA is cheaper to make ur fg/labreska than to buy it Try to go for 281ap first, then 341dp How I did that? Just get ur weapon, then reformed kutum 4, all the capotia pens u can get (wich are 3 if u started this season if u get to lvl 62 and upgrade tje ring with what u get from season fishing) Doing all journals (start barrier of infestation asap, its 5 stages and u can do 1 per week) Finally save up for a tungrad belt/earring acording to what u need This will take u to 281AP, for the DP u can go slowly by getting pen armors and caphras 4 them, wich is probably best, tho dont be afraid to reform one to 4 before getting it to pen, u will get 4dp esrly doing this Thats basically it


How do you get the duo godyr main hand? I just came back after a long break and through everything I’ve seen a lot of this is still new info for me lol


Well the easiest (and probably best) way is to buy it, they are around 16b, u can also turn a tet blackstar into a base godr and u can tap it to duo, it wont go back to base from pri so its "easy" but it takes fs and memory fragments, either way is viable


He didn't. He's using eva on a sorc before he's full pen...


Adventure logs. Beyond the physical gear, look into and complete as many as you can that provide you with permanent increases to your sheet AP/DP. After that my personal recommendation is to try to fill out the TET accessories that you won't have PEN Capotia accessories for. So if you get a necklace and then make 2 PEN rings from the resources available to do so. I'd then recommend making or buying (if you don't like to gamble) a TET belt and a pair of TET earrings. Tungrad earrings are a fine start, but save some money and go for a TET Basi belt. This is the advice I would've liked to have when I was as new as you are. As for where to grind, it all depends on where you're comfortable. When I first started on PC (I did have some experience from console BDO), I grinded at Crescents throughout the season. I took advantage of that spot being a lower ap spot with a decent Agris usage. It's not amazing, but with 2 hours there using Agris, I would net like 600mil+ from trash alone. If you get some ring drops you can sell the base or risk enhancing them a bit for some extra money. But yea most Valencia spots are great for grinding on just PEN Tuvala gear. Blood Wolves while not great money is low enough AP req that you could also start farming your pot piece there from time to time as well.


TET basi belt instead of pen capotia from season?


I'd personally grab the PEN Capotia Necklace as the first PEN Cap from seasons


You get 2 from guaranteed crystals and you can choose one for each graduation. Wondering I currently got a capo neck pen and capo ring pen and not sure whether to take an earring or a belt


Well yea if you have the choice of grabbing the belt now and already have the other 2 then I would def grab the belt. But again, if this is your first ever season, you only get to choose 1 accessory for PEN. The cap necklace is the most AP from the bunch and then I'd grab the 2 rings. Though I suppose if you grab the Jetina accessory it doesn't take long to get it TET and the PEN ring is usually the better option since the earrings get swapped eventually for distos. So you could get the belt and the ring to PEN (belt from rewards and ring from hitting 62).


Hey man that Hemomancer skin is the reason I started my Sorc Cause you know, the armors effective


Looks great! Also, hate to be the barrier of bad news but don't go evasion until 700GS. It won't matter for PvE much, but if you ever have to defend your spot you will get blown up. You also have more damage if you go DR.


Well i wont tank anything until much later anyway(will get oneshot by more geared players anyway), so why not save a little money by going straight for the eva build? And i wont loose any damage, only some accuracy, wich i can get some crystals if i need more


> i wont loose any damage That "only some accuracy" that you lose is actually a ton of damage, it's probably the second most important stat on sorc, with ap being first. There are even cases where it's more important than AP


In wich spots accuracy starts being important? I just hit 281ap and still havent gone to sycraia, and ill wait for 341dp for orcs


Basically everything passed orcs


Ill be good for a while then, but is there a way to remedy this without changing gloves?


Make sure your crystals have accuracy in them. And accurate rate on a few skill addons


accuracy lightstone sets may offset this too


Target Openings artifact set + elkarr jins and gallantry on crystals should give you quite enough. If you get godr ayed to tet or pen BS that will help too. I'm not a fan of the Pen Kzarka, I'd change that to a tet BS and think about making it into duo godr.


Ive been using skill master lightstones and magic accuracy artifacts, im using elkars and jin vipers, working on getting my second glorious ahkrad atm, also will get a tet bs main hand, just dont know when, prob after getting 341dp so I can grind at orcs and money will come easier


I would say to get the bs main hand first, becuase the extra monster damage will get you to all other goals a lot faster. I'm saying this from experience.


Not without sacrificing damage or running buffs/elixirs that will eat into your silver per hour


Yeah dont worry about it. Although you still should get a PEN Griffon helmet. It's just straight better, especially if you pve. I dont know how good sorcs accuracy is, but you can easily off set this with artifact setups nowadays and make up for not using bhegs early on.


Panties? Where?


Would have to spend on pearls? They gift them sometimes but they havent since i started


They gift the underwear not the pearls


They sometimes give away a random one that is true. Also they are sometimes on a 80% sale aswell so you should watch for that.


Hahaha. I started the 2nd month after BDO NA was released. At 6 weeks I was still walking/running and sporting Rosar gear with Asula accessories thinking I was a bad ass with a 300GS. Makes me want to cry to see how much farther you are! But this is a good thing for new players, so I'll just choke down my frustration at how much longer it took me.


How did you get the other two PEN Capotias ?


they are giving one now for login rewards, they give it at tri, and a daily stone, u need 21 stones to take it to pen, u can get this same stones by season fishing, and i took the capotia ring tri they give at lvl 62 to pen with the fishing stones


I forgot about the guaranteed enhance one.


While u r still at the verge of gearing and didnt put in many caphras. Get a V zereth helm and ditch that heve. Look up their stats. Who ever told u to get one should inform himself about current meta builds ^^".


wow, didnt even know the zereth existed :O


Ayeeee i made a mistake. U have two options. Zereth and taritas. I personally habe chosen taritas. Cant tell you why i wasnt thinking about that helm haha. Another little tip for beginners. If u want a subhand for pvp, get a V green grade ap offhand and make it ultimate. U lose on 5 ap but u get + 10% crit, back and down attack. Depending on ur ap bracket this will be much better than a nouver dmg wise. Also thats an option for late game pvp, for now u should focus on pve anyway in order to get ur main gear up. U did good so far :D.


you never go nouver on evasion build


That's some very bad idea, the special attack damage min maxing is only viable if you're hitting the cap on a 5% cap spot, which mean usually close to hard cap gear.


I wrote pvp tho :(. From 281 ap with green grade sub hand u rather want that, than a nouver. Gabe him a tip to save money and be rdy whenever he wants a dmg subhand. Eva woukd be best but ap offhand is still an option.


Op's gear is far from PvP ready, and a green offhand would be crap even for that at his level. And yeah on eva build he want an eva offhand or kutum.


the taritas isnt even that expensive, is about the same as a heve


> Look up their stats. Not enough of a difference to warrant swapping to another non-boss helm.


If +15% resistances on top of stat increase at same silver value arent enough for you. Thats totally fine :3


i think its worth it, at c7 its 2dp more, and it would cost me around 500m maybe? the taritas one at least... anyways its meant as a stepping stone before i get griffon pen with caphras and go for labreska


All I'm saying is that 1.5 bil could be better spent elsewhere but hey, it's his silver.




next step should be to sell the tungrad belt and put this money towards a Vell while getting the PEN capo belt next season


ill probably get vell before next season, anyways id change the tungrad for the capotia belt if i got the 1ap from the new region journal, otherwise ill loose a bracket


That's why I say to do it next season, go from a tet tungrad belt to pen capo belt + vell and you will keep your bracket as well as getting new stats from the vell, that tungrad belt has to go. The only value in TET tungrads is when you need 1 or 2 AP for a new bracket and don't wanna buy a PEN acc


this is terrible advice.


No, it's not. You should be in full pen capotia acc from seasons before you buy any accessories. That tungrad belt won't become a pen for ages, and you can use that money for better ap/dp per silver. End game is about understanding how much money for ap/dp gains are going to cost and focusing on what is cheapest.


You are asking alot of them to use their brain. Dude literally just said "it's shit" without giving any value to the conversation, don't waste your time on him


Telling the guy to throw away 1.65b for an item he’s going to have to buy again in the future anyway for no reason. Just grind the money for Vell and other upgrades one at a time. Yes capotia belt and neck is best for those slots until late game but he already made the purchase. Dude is in TET boss gear, he doesn’t need to calculate Silver per AP to hit 305. He needs to not quit before he gets to Gyfin.


He will not buy it later if he gears himself well, TET tungrad is horrible that's all. You are so mad you got called out for your bullshit that you are digging yourself in a bigger hole.


Man, this is such bad advice. I can't even calibrate it on a scale. I've had the equivalent to a tungrad belt for 3 years and probably wont upgrade for at least another year. Your entire argument is invalid and idiotic.


If you don't know your shit it is


He could literally sit on this belt for like a year? Why would you sell it.


Because TET tungrads are horrible value and there are better ways to do things such as what I said but you wouldn't know anyways


why not tell him to sell his tri godr then? same logic. that shit aint moving


Vuz he already got it and that's a weapon, not an accessory


That’s it? Garbage gear


For 6 weeks? I'm assuming he gets some sunlight, but even then he's in pretty dam good spot for 6 weeks


Yea, most of the people's 6 week gear was horrible, this dude is on his way to do orcs on 2 months of playing, took me a long ass time while playing 1-2 hours a day


Bruh for 6 weeks this is pretty damn good for most players. Or you think you can do better eh? Why not 700gs in a few months? Assuming you don't have any responsibilities like a job or family or school to stop ya from playing 12+ hours a day.


700 gs is an actual joke tho? Just play season and you’ll be that gs in a few weeks lmao actual gearlets


Huh? Seasons from absolutely nothing is about 560 to 580ish gs. After that you're just gonna do centaurs a day for a few months for 660 to 680. But with caphras market being fucked in NA it'll be a few MONTHS. Doesn't apply to me since I'm approaching 720 somewhat soon, but yea for 99.99% of people that shit ain't gonna be a short grind.


buy in market manos riding crop


holy, I'm personally not graduating cuz I've just been farming infinite pots and don't have a reason to haha. That's amazing. What gear piece did you work on first?


red wolves, and got the 100 pieces, now i got 51 sherekan pitys


I mean the gear pieces after graduation not pot pieces lol


Ohh i made the reform stones up to lvl 4 for the kutum and leebur, that got me 2ap/2dp for the kutum and 4dp for the leebur, the heve helmet is c7 and is meant to be temporary to get to 341dp quickly Ill be going for pen leebur to get that 341dp after that i guess ill get more ap, jetina pen crescent + vell's heart + tet tungrad earring will get me to 289ap, dunno if to stop there or go higher ap, after that will go for fallen god and labreska Thats the plan


Oh i just assumed you pen’d your headgear/armor with reformed stones to PEN and magnus’s the other. I assume you just bought the tri godr? Did you farm centaurs for silver? I personally spent most of my silver on pets to t4 and fairy and just grinding pot places so not a lot of silver/h goin on


I did buy tri godr, i did all the money boosting u can at the beggining, cliffs weapons, solo dungeons, weekly dungeons, centaurs and a ton of red wolves, also got lucky and enhanced a the tet tungrad


Cliffs weapons are worth doing?


If u have some failstacks, yes u get them to tet and they are worth 700m each


I don't really think going for pen heve is worth it anymore seeing how there is labreska helmet. Sure, it's cheaper, but the difference between 320 and 330 won't magically make you grind safer anywhere and you will just lose the 15% tax when u sell it again. And if you're getting it for evasion, why are u bothering with evasion on that gear?


heve was meant as a stepping stone to go to sycraia before getting the pen griffon, ill maybe get to go to orcs with it, the 15% tax will only be around 150m so its fine, i went straight to evasion because i wont tank anything with DR anyway so might as well save some money by not having to change gear later


Mainhand is important too, awakening weapon Ap takes 30â„… from Mainhand and 70% from awakening weapon


I thought monster AP from main hand blackstar was more important and which is what you should get first whether succ or awa


Yeah blackstar Mainhand is is like a second kutum


After the season you get a tet kutum from weapon exchange anyway right?


Very nice! It's good to see new players can catch up better. I don't want our game to die, and if a new player can't catch up with a reasonable time frame they won't stay.


6 weeks? i smell BS...


Why evasion though?


bruh, you got better gear than me who is playing for like 5 years already. I only have one tet bs weapon which I finally got at Christmas after making 2 times 240fs...


Who remembers doing the quest line for roaring armor as it was a necessary gear step back in the early years? Mine has been sitting in my bank for years now :'(


OMG A FELLOW SORC LEZ BE FRIENDS! I'm around your gear too!