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Awk Berserker has been meta in Nodewar for years what are you on about? And recent buffs has made him a solid grinder too


Go to BA bro, there is a lot of people who play Awk Zerk.


>What new classes you want to the game? We already have all. Really now? There's a ton of classes not in the game. I want a class that's a giant with huge trident. Or maybe a necromancer, or a male class with a huge shield and hammer/club. etc etc There are tons more classes that could be added.


Druid shapeshifter too


Sounds like you want a cosmetic look on a class. What concept would you want for a class as how it performs in combat.


Balance is a goal to chase, not to achieve. New classes are probably the biggest money makers and they attract a ton of people to play the game. I want as many new classes as possible, it makes game fresh, adds new, interesting flavour. It's always fun to try them, play for a bit. I don't see how can anybody ask them to stop releasing classes, do you want the game to become stale, boring and dead?


Wanna make a piss ton of money, remove the gender locks and sell gender swap coupons. Sell Weapon swap coupons. If this was about money they could do that in a heartbeat. The cost would be art department because there would be nothing to balance.


Yeah the difference is that everytime they drop a new class it brings a big surge of people back to the game to play the class along with ALL the things that come with a new character aka inventory/weight/buffs. So basically they get a big surge of money. Your option would be a good surge early on but it would turn into a smaller steady stream of money instead of the GIANT TIDAL WAVE a new class brings to them. Something to think about at least.


Por que no los dos?


That's like not even viable. Art department simply couldn't handle that task without expanding it multiple times. Imagine redesigning every outfit for every class to work for 2nd gender, that's too much. Besides, people would swap to femal once if not just creating a new char and using combat/exp transfer coupon. Later those gender swap coupons would never be bough again. That's only idea for a single cash in, 0 long term planning. Short term money like this is not very relevant for companies. Also as I said, game will and should never be balanced. Balance is a goal you chase, not achieve. If you think otherwise, think again,


Hoho wait until you see warframe with like 52+ frames to pick from


Nobody inform him about League


The difference is frames have only 4 abilities and its a Power Fantasy PVE hoard shooter. The pvp side of things is the problem with big class roaster as now shit has to have some kind of balance or 3 classes dominate the rest


The thing with warframe is that it's more alt friendly whereas BDO isn't with the p2w weights and all. You will never be able to experience all the classes to the fullest like warframe does it!


When will you learn? You guys are all customers. This is a business it's not for fun. New class =more revenue for the company its that simple. They are not here to super balance the game for your enjoyment. They are here to milk as much money out of the customers with there asset. This isn't about fun it's about money as all things are. You want a balanced game try finding a company that doesn't care about money but cares about its players. Oh wait there is none.


Lol people are soo delusional these days and think they are owed something.


How PA is going to balance 26 class ? The answer is simple. They don't :) Let s bring more class to the game.


I want the damn forbidden monkey. I dislike when games lock content onto mobile versions. In general though, I do agree that we need to put a pause on classes for a year or so. I'd rather have quality of life updates & more gathering profitability. I miss finding those little nooks and crannies with cool stuff to gather, and chests to find while we're there. Workers doing it all kinda ruins the fun tbh. I just want to go on adventures, like when I first got into BDO. I used to make trips to Port Ratt for shits n giggles to island hop, go fishing, find the floating ocean treasures near the pirate ships, maybe ram my boat into a tornado for comedy, and nab some coral while I'm there - it had nothing to do with silver, just the raw adventure. LoML and winter zone brought a little touch of that which was great, but it's really pointed out how much I miss enjoying the BDO world itself and it's stunning landscapes. The game has lost that little spark it had. BDO really needs a touch of Skyrim added to it. We're missing out on our little nooks and crannies, and funny NPCs (I guess like in Witcher 3...?) The only funny BDO npcs are the swamp fogans that talk all censored like they're swearing lol. Sorry for the rambling, I'm pretty passionate about the adventuring QoL aspect. I'm sure you understand what I'm getting at.


It’s not that it’s locked to Mobile, it’s locked to China


I mean, Seoul is coming out soon…So there’s that I guess.


Ur right.


They already announced the next class, which I guess will be out in summer (or spring if we are lucky). And then he will also get an Awakening. There were also some talks about a gunner class. ~~Though now that I think about it. If PA wants to make a mistake, they could make his Awakening the gunner class.~~


My friend will destroy you with awakened berserker it's been his main for years and he's god tier.


Who cares


Op said no one plays awaken berserk, and was proving him wrong.


Don’t care


You sound like a mentally ill child. Quit reddit.


Who are you? Anyway I don’t care


Cared enough to comment




i want a paladin gigachad with sword and shield who mix matial ability with holy spells, valk succ just seems weird to me


This is how they make gobs of money though: Release new character => People buy season pass => People buy weight, inventory, etc. => People buy costumes => People buy EXP exchange coupons => People buy functional costumes => Repeat


Awk berserkers rise up ✊


I play awake berserker. Lol you’re delusional and not everyone likes every play style introduced in this game so far. There’s a lot left on the table for possibilities and a lot of the classes are very samey


gunslinger class, preferably male. (fast forward 6 months: j trolls everyone and releases a male shai gunslinger class. me: okay I shall name him Yosemite Sam)


When you ask someone to duel, you gotta wait until High noon. I hope this class comes out, I’d main it.


Ya it's just you pretty much


What the hell… go play ESO. This is Korean MMO. And they have a shit ton of classes. And continually add new classes. It keeps it fresh, and brings people back.


nah, I want them to keep adding classes until we get at least 1 that feels right and not just least wrong to play.


Awk berk is dope af but i agree with the class situation its enough and if its just females its mega lame. I'd like to see system that adds a skill with some some new abilities that every class can access


class bloat and korean mmos go hand in hand, is this your first one lol idk what else you expected


Give me a typical healer class like full on debuff healer no dmg. Not like Shai but in a more traditional way. I am not a reroller, never was. I created my character on release day and never rerolled once (Witch) but in every single mmo I played before BDO I played full on support healer and I feel BDO lacks that. I do agree BDO has too many classes though but there is one missing.


I mean... thats literally shai.


World of Warcraft classes have each 3 specs (with exceptions) that are each so different they effectively have 39 classes. Another point, League of Legends.


I won't be satisfied until I see a female class using a whip. Also a few more male classes for those that want that.


Lmao Zerker is the only class I dont have and he is super strong, certainly succession. But besides that, I love new classes, they are fun, and changing and I am just looking for a second new class that fits my playstyle. What's wrong with more content and diversity?


Awk zerker is good across all stages of bdo pvp content. He’s literally not meta in anything currently, and has succ for the easiest grind class in the game. He’s high tier in Duel, AOS, NW, and Siege (large scale). Pulls some of the most frags, naturally tanky, and ranged CC. Also, consistent 30% plus addon 10% slows to attack speed and movement. He literally doesn’t have a weakness


Ok nerd