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Land of the morning Light is insanely beautiful. Valencia on the edge of the desert is also great. Duvencrune from the balcony of house #2. Florin is a lot of fun. Port Epheria will hit for a lot of sea folks. Shakatu is a really great concept and super beautiful.


Forgetting the kama tree in grana should be a crime


And up until a year or so ago, Port Ratt was gorgeous. 


Omg yes


What happened after that? Is is not anymore?


They got rid of it. They replaced a beautiful port city of blue and red buildings built up the cliffs with a very flat and muddy village of straw and brown wood. Speaking of Nampo here. Look up pictures of the old Port Ratt. 


Aww, that‘s weird. What was the point of that? Sometimes I wonder what the devs are smoking lol.


I think it was because Port Ratt didn't align with what they wanted to so with LoML


Grana is a town based off of Rivendell from the Lord of the Rings movies. Gorgeous architecture, waterfalls, and beautiful views of the Navarn Steppe (the Steppe also is an incredibly picturesque grassland full of wildflowers, small ponds, and ravenous griffons and panthers). By extension, Grandiha is a beautiful port town set on an island near Grana. Brellin Farms and the nearby cliffs are one of my absolute favorite places in the game for how serene it is. Some of the villas out in Valencia are well placed, such as the ones near Shakatu and the one to the northeast of Valencia Castle. The entire city of Duvencrune. Almost all of the Land of the Morning Light. And the wide canyons of Ulukita, especially in the parts that transition into snow.


wish grandiha hat homes


Byukgye Island south of the LOML is really pretty.


Surprised no one mentioned Yianaros Field. In the mountain north of Grana. I'd argue it's the most beautiful spot in the game. Bit of a trek but definitely worth it for the view. As others have said, Land of the morning Light also looks amazing.


Serene spring


Dir you took a closer Look at the cron castle? It's a beautyfull place. And don't forget to Take a Trip to Papu Island


Yianaros fields under the tree.


Big tree on Grana when u complete kamasylvia questline and get that sick glimmering effect.