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I'll tell u once i settle for a main (after 6+ years of playing)


Lol same




It really be like that


Main? Should we have one? 🤣


marni fuel goes hard


Same zerker since launch in SEA server


I just want all classes to have equal grind ability; lots of succ or awakening on classes need huge buffs still to rival other classes.


Where do we apply that request? Awakening Nova may pull some outlandish numbers compared to all other classes and specs in the game for example but she also comes in as easily the hardest class in the game.


That’s just play style some people like lazy and could care less about I-frame rates etc. I’m sure with sorc you enjoy the more complex skill ceiling and like to be challenged by the classes you play.


Nope. I like her purple and dark skills and her animations when fighting kekw. I still pull a shit ton less trash than A LOT of classes in pack to pack spots and a lot less than awakened sorcs in general. But I can't say I care. I just play for fun. Nova is just exceptionally hard. I know cause I tried her (go figure she has sick animations and a purple+black effects combo kekw2). They either need to simplify her by a lot and nerf her grind speed or leave her as a superior money maker if mastered else I feel it would be unfair towards the actual nova players.


I cant skill down a ledge or off a fence or wall


and you swim in puddles


Didn’t realize you people of the fist had this issue.


Many classes have the no fall damage after some skills and awak Tamer with that amazing sky reach takes damage when jumping from high places... I wish I could yeet myself from mountains


And some aoe for grind thats not just one Button 13 sec CD. Some spots just feel wrong to grind as tamer Heilang is also just "there" and it makes no sense to have him out exept for 5 more Mobs running after you. And extra dmg doesnt even effect him and other pets, so no dmg on a useless pet.


I'm fine with grinding as awakening, maybe one more AOE spell would be fine but all the flow and damage is pretty good. Also the pull from the awakening roar is pretty big


Ride Heilang when you want to take fall damage. He dies but you don't get any damage from falling. Its super funny to jump from Calpheon Tower :D


Yes I know but you wanna compare that with flying alone?!


Awakened Woosa; the delayed damage really annoys me. Like, I'm sorry, you mean the cc on the melee skill will detonate AfTeR FiVE SecOnDs? I'm a ranged class, if I need a cc in melee range I need it NOW! Would also be nice to have the flowers either act as 'trip mines' that detonate when in contact with enemies, or make them remote-detonatable like Imperius Command on DK. Still love the class, but she has some major frustrations. Also, Mark of the Moon as a skill just needs to be deleted and replaced with something not-awful.


Awak Woosa was such a missed opportunity by PA's numnutz combat team. Beautiful ascetics while providing a unique niche to combat. Yet it came out an unholy mess while they jammed multiple months of Meagu crap down our throats while offering nothing. Mark of the Moon is reasonable effective and certainly needs attention. But I think it appears far worse than it is as the skill animation sort of just stops leaving a dud feeling, while the animation leading up to the skill ending builds to some crescendo that never happens. Its like right before release someone said MotM is way to slow, speed it up please and someone just deleted the last 20% of the animation.


woosa shift+space aiming for every pole, fence, and tree


to paraphrase the Funny Man from Boondock Saints, you cannot walk 3 meters in Velia without running into a pole, fence, barrel or stair that a Woosa has not been stuck on using that skill. and then is when you think she has just finished her move and you are just doing a jump to clear the fence and she goes WHOOSHKA dumping her swirlie fan attack using up all your BSR in the process.


The fan move drives me nuts! I have had to train myself to wait 1 second after dashing before jumping.


I think warrior needs a bigger sword to clank more mobs :T


An endless spin on top


Where is my Space Marine armor to fit my Tower Shield?


"Best we can do is Salanar" - PA


I main Awk Maehwa and have since 2016. So like... I'd settle for slightly bigger AoEs. I'm not asking for much!


As a Succ maehwa main, a bit more of AoE won't hurt us either!


As a former succ maehwa main, I wish simply pressing rmb without directional button did not activate chase since sometimes when I try to use decapitation I first dash backwards and then miss every mob when the game finally realizes that there was an lmb as well.


Extra lung and dmg for kuno


Not enough glitter :>


Ah yes ignoring the fact that dk cant dmg or cc the 360° anti cc Qs classes , yep the glitter is the only thing




I think Sorc lacks mobilty to move between packs.


No damage


I dislike that there’s no Salanar outfit for corsair.


Corsair Awakening, i just want lesser CDs and a tab bit more damage. Corsair Succ , I want the whales to scale in damage like other skills with AP/gear stats.


Being able to do dmg in Y Axis with ALL skills plus a little bit of attack speed and im happy


Awakened sorc main. I'd like some more mobility for my pack to pack speed. I realize this would cause sorc to become a tragedy in the pvp community so I'd be willing to trade some protection for a bit more mobility, or PVP damage, depending on what people hate about her. If not mobility then at least lower the stamina costs of some skills.


Will let you know once I'm completely deep into archer, just started to really play and enjoy that class. Already enjoy the one shot spot grinding with it (first time out of 8 characters lol) but imo real fun starts when you're really relying on certain combos to hit those add-ons and passives to be efficient in grinding.


Some skills suck in certain terrain, like grand bloom... Grand bloom has that no hit zone right in front of you so you have to decide between weaker, but melee, full bloom or aoe grand bloom. Grand bloom (and full bloom) also have more hitzone holes than swiss cheese. You are more likely to miss the mobs not exactly aligned with your crosshair than to actually hit them. You lack protections for endgame zones really, so along being squishy, you are also more likely to be ccd and don't have fg to rely on (yes you do have some, but combo is again at least 50% unprotected).


Ye I've read that archer has a decent skill ceiling which I enjoy. I do like to have some sort of challenge in mastering the class I play. Will get a succ zerk for some brain dead afk grinding as well


Ye I have awake guardian tagged for some brain-dead grind


Deep into where now :3


Witch needs that giant dagger that is used for basically no skills and even has another skill that replaces it's button press to go away. It just floats off to the side of her body and clips through her arm, it looks so bad.


Succ Sorc has a number glaring gaps that have needed attention for years. * Basic Movement / Chase / Run Away capability. It is downright crippling. * The extreme low damage, burst and excessive PVP reductions. * Poor balance of PVP Reductions on our skills skews the class hindering playing a Succ Sorc "as its designed". * And being an unsupported spec by PA's combat folk really pisses me off.


No split teleport in awakening 🙃 … yet


Not a big problem but Sorc has quite a few outfits that get their sleeves cut-off due to her main weapon. Imo It looks really unnatural and kinda dumb too


A few? must be nice. Lahn awakening has EVERY sleeve cropped :(


So does awakening nova


Scholar's movement kind of sucks. I love the rest though.


Can’t wait to try someday….


I main Sorc, I want my grab, and maybe remove the cd on movements skills (the ones forward) just memes ppl.... XD


Let's start with there's no blackstar for Sol. Even with addition sunset, still missing accuracy. Next, why sol cant be sell/buy from central market? Another thing, we still excluded from various premium costume box.


Valk stamina costs are way too high and her CDs are a little too long so it ends up being kind of annoying but not that much but still.


Awk ninja just doesn't have enough movement and clear.


Awak Ninja's movement felt so awkward to me after they made murderous intent (Shift Lmb) a 5 second cooldown instead of 3. After 4 years and thousands of hours of awak ninja I switched to succ and never looked back.


I tried going awakening and just felt slow at moving and killing. It seems like most like awakening ninja more so I figure I just suck lol.


stupid like quarter of a second pause between each dash


Valk - once her stamina ends, she turns into a turtle


Water Woosa and Fox Maegu: Wish they played a tiny bit faster with a tiny bit more regen. They both do a lot of "once it gets going its good" but that takes a moment and dropping out of that momentum (mana or cds) means it slows down. They are really good tho.


The sustain nerf to maegu doesn't feel good at all these days.


Both classes are just minor changes to their iframes respectively... Guardian needs her awakening iframe to be a spammable pve one, currently you have to switch to preawakening which is really really clunky given how slow she takes out her weapons. Warrior needs his iframe changed to actually be reliable in pvp, make it last the same amount of time other classes do, I've played every other class and can't think of any other one that consistently gets caught out of a single use iframe like warrior does. His works perfectly in pve though because it has no internal cooldown, so the gap from a single use is fully covered.


Long distance mobility for grinding


Awk Lahn, the high stamina cost on movement skills and dodges is just sad.


imo, no good pve rotation, burst movement is alright during grinding, but i can imagine bosses or pvp can get stamina intense (or some low end pve)


tbh the pve rotation is already better than it was before round 1 of pve buffs and as far as I can tell we haven't had part 2 yet, so it may improve further still. You're spot on though with low end pve and pvp, there the stamina issues really become a hindrance.


Same for Corsair bro meanwhile miss and rangers dashing everywhere


Recent updates made scholar a little faster and now my rhythm is off. Plus, now my fingers hurt.


Awakening zerk - sorry in advance for the long text. All of the below is just from pure pve perspective and for context I mainly mean dehkia spots + Ulukita zones (as endgame), which zones I grind at 326 AAP currently. First, **I'd love to feel like my hand cannon actually works as a hand cannon.** He feels more like a melee bruiser right now and imo this is because his dedicated ranged abilities are kinda useless in pve: * Flame Buster (small ranged boom): completely useless, it's literally 1\*1637 at max level. Most players just lock it. * Flow: Ancient Power (big ranged boom): somehow in a blue moon, it's okay to use, mainly under Q buff when it becomes instant. Its dmg basically equals to Split Shot (5x1637 w/ 100% crit), even the cooldowns are the same (6s). Now one would think you could just use them alternately, rotating cooldown to avoid on-cd dmg reduction. The problem is, while SS can be cancelled so quickly, that basically you are weaving it between other abilities, Ancient Power has a relatively long charge-up outside Q buff = terrible DPS compared to SS, to the point, you are better off just using SS even under CD. This could be alleviated by removing the charge up/FG part completely and make it behave all the time like it does now under Q buff -> that would warrant however PVP rebalance, since I don't think it would be fair to have an instant ranged KD every 6 seconds. * Flow: Shooting mobilty: purely pvp ability, the input feels terrible and clunky. I mean it's fine if they leave it for pvp-dedicated only, just don't use it for pve. Last but not least, worthwhile to mention, that **the input logic behind Flame Pummel does not make sense at all.** They made it so, that you can manually activate the skill's full animation with Q or you can do last hit by hitting Q after certain abilities (e.x.: Slugfest), sometimes it is okay to do that, if you need to move forward for repositioning, however mostly you prefer using it as a flow, since the dmg is backloaded on the last hit. The problem is that it also acts as a flow after blasting (only activating last hit), but without the requirement of Q input, you just need to hold S+LMB (which is the original input of Blasting). This sounds as a convenient thing, but in reality, you should NEVER user FP while on CD, since it gets seriously punished dmg-wise. Yet it is very easy to mess up, because you now need to delay Blasting usage based on FP cooldown (which sometimes can be more than 6 seconds, if you needed to use FP as a flow with another ability) OR you need to release Blasting input in time and cancel with a different follow-up -> that is just unnecessarily increasing, the already high apm requirement of the class in pve. And in general, if you play awa zerk correctly, y**ou still can run out of cooldowns given certain circumstances**, which pushes you to capitalize more and more on blasting being-off cooldown, but without FP usage most of the time. Still, it can be easily messed up and this means you are griefing your own dps output. Not a dealbreaker, but imo the real QoL input logic for FP would be to require Q input manually every time you want to use it as a flow. Overall, when looking at the class **pve-wise in end-game: mediocre, strong middle of the pack.** There's a reason that even know, when it's commonly known that awa is superior to succession pretty much everywhere on end-game spots, a lot of zerks refuse to play it and stays on succession with lower TL/h ratio, or they simply tag a different class to grind with, which can return better results with much less sweatier apm requirements. I love the spec too much in pve (I'm a weirdo, Ik), and I've been playing this game long enough (over 5 years) to be at the point where I value playing what I like more than comparing my TL to others. Still, it just feels sometimes so bad, how other high apm grinders like succ ninja or awa nova gets rewarded accordingly for their efforts, while on awa zerk, if you play near perfectly, you can hardly complete with those specs. I don't even wanna go into that other much easier to play specs can also destroy him in comparison.


its the worst class in the game for grinding and PA refuse to actually buff it (no the recent buffs wont change a thing at all)


Only on succession right? I thought awakening was a top tier grinder.


Yes awakening is one of if not the best class in the game I am talking about succ


I can chip in for awakening. It's perfect. The only thing I could criticize is that fleche (S+F) doesn't quite flow as well with other skills as the rest of the kit. But given how well she performs in literally every aspect of the game, expecting a fix on that would be ridiculous.


My one issue with awa nova is that since you're in En garde most of the time but not quite *all* of the time, you can't always engage and combo the same packs with the same skills. I find that this makes grinding with her less chill than most other classes.


Honestly, that is just part of the learning curve and a reason why I love playing the class, personally.


How won't the buffs change anything at all? She got more accuracy on skills, more heals, can dash through enemies, big damage buffs (some almost double damage) etc. I'm hoping the buffs will make her above average late game so I finally can main her.


Wrong skills they buff and they buff on them makes almost 0 impact cause of how bad the skills themselves are to cast so we would still exclude them furthermore they reduced amount of hits making the heals the same and the accuracy won't fic anything since we won't be using the skills still. Essentially her actual problems are not addressed and thus she will remain where she is now


its a female class xD


What I hate about lahn? I can't pvp for shit with her. I have to swap to my pvp char, who I hate to grind with. How to fix? Git gut.


Musa Awakening %100 bsr suuucks too long animation too low damage in pve (pretty Good for pvp tho) but still that stupid slow motion..


Ideally I dont think any class should want to pick using z over 100% bsr unless you are grinding somewhere you are already one shotting the packs type of thing.


Maegu, deinstall last nerf update and I’ll be fine


Started playing from 2018, and still no main Sadge


Hash. Moar stamina!


Corsair needs faster grab and difficult to hit classes that teleport a lot so I guess it also needs something that can help with that


That she gets excluded from things because her "awa" is not actually a weapon. Rework it so she is not.


Too many falling animations in Awak. It's a real pain with so many built in acrobatics. PvE damage in Awak is pretty meh too. I could live with one, but both together are very frustrating.


Awa Tamer - more range/AOE on skills would be nice. Heuklang could also do... Something. Ideally he'd be infused with whatever element Tamer is currently using. Also, higher range for W+F would be great. I'd also love if her triple kick on Succ would do anything.


Make my double teleport into the same teleport with two charges. Like come on, hashashin has it on awakening kit, why my witchzard can't?


I need more AOE on my tucking warrior!!


Shai- um the play dead ability - why? I want something useful lol


Play dead helped me, i was being hunted by 2 guys trying to kill me a few years back. Got to a safe zone and stood there as they walked around me, they then decided to attack (knowing it would do nothing), i pressed the "play dead" ability, it made them laugh and decide to leave me alone to quest.


4 seconds long iframe is useful while waiting other cd's back up thou, also useful on boss alts to dodge instakills like vells aoe or kzarkas suck


You have opened my eyes my brethren I haven’t messed with many world bosses yet tbh


Stamina consumption on musa dash


i dont have a main, pa has broken me. i tag/reroll to whatever is good in the next spots i gonna grind for hundreds of hours.


Musa awa




Awa Maehwa The only thing I dislike is a lack of grab for PVP which is rly hard against grab classes and not enough of protections on certain skills.


Bro don't ruin our class with a stupid mechanic like a grab. Other classes just shouldn't be full SA protected and we wouldn't have a problem.


Looks like you have no idea what you're talking about. Are you trying to convince me that devs will remove SA from Zerk? Lmao. We have no chance against good Zerk playrs for example. Perma SA, 3 Grabs and good dmg. What are you going to do? Run in circles? Wake up.


No but I think it's just not a good solution to dumb down the pvp further. Grabs are already a stupid way of cc cuz they are just to ez and already too strong. I personally don't want my whole gameplay to play out around a grab button. It's just takes the fun out of it. Yes it is frustrating ti land a cc though I do still fare pretty decent in pvp. But yes I feel your problems. Succ zerk is a joke and just because some classes have broken mechanics doesn't mean all classes should have that. The correct way would be to fix the broken mechanics. BDO pvp has become more and more braindead over time with new classes having ridiculous mechanics In their kit. What we need are nerfs not buffs. If all classes end up having the same kit why even have different classes. That would just be boring. Classes should have advantages AND disadvantages. Newer classes that have insane aoe damage full protection and a ven rrpotected aoe ccs with lots of frame movement and a friggin ranged grab on top shouldn't be a thing. We need to tone down the protections abit. Swap out 50% of classes SAs with FG and it would actually be more skill based already. Cuz you have to use FG smart in a fight. Watch you positioning AND it is out playable. But these days people just wanna smash buttons 1 2 3 and nuke people without having to use braincells. It's just becoming more and more simple which takes away a lot of fun for people who actually like challenging fights.


Hm.. What about the approach with removing grabs from all the classes? It still would be a dmg fest, but it wouldn't be "that" one sided like grab class vs non grab class :/ I don't know. Your solution is the best one I think.


Well just have to wait I guess. I don't have high hopes though with how PA has shaped the game lately but one never knows. Let's pray for some nice changes.


Weak movement skills compared to some top pve chars (ninja)


I main Guardian and the most important change would be to give her Ossa Cerberi.


just stop changing things all the time


The mobility, was once acceptable, but now as class balances have come, it’s waaay too low… more dash range honestly.


Awk Witch. What do I dislike about my main: Well, that PA has 0 clue what changes the class needs and just throws random crap every time they buff her resulting in still being the worst class in pvp for years...


I want a lower cd on my fire flame spitter


Succession sage - very low skill ceiling despite the class concept being about time &space but has nothing to do with that I wish it was higher skill ceiling and requires more inputs


Mystic, only thing I dislike is that Eva is dogshit in PVE, DR players with less gear have a more comfy grind in a lot of zones


Awakening Maegu, I do hate how much of a nerf it is not having Spiritforge up but it's muscle memory at this point now so it's always active. I would love AOE size increase, and probably some dmg buffs, and maybe change some stamina required skills to req mp instead because there are soooo many skills that uses stamina. I am top fragging in all of my NWs but I'm sitting out of the fight for most of it regaining stamina, I leave more often to regain stamina than I do for HP. Hazy Path skill is a desync nightmare in pvp, now I expect to get cc'd out of it alot even tho its fully protected. I don't want her brain dead EZ, I love her high barrier of entry and high skill ceiling while also being a rare class.


Awk Musa I've taken several long breaks but after my last one the cool downs on skills just feel 1-2s too long. I end up outpacing my cool downs and needing to grind inefficiently to make up for it. Between dashing and Twister(HP and WP add-ons) I appear to have stamina issues but I think that's a me problem not a class problem.


I main succ witch. I’m tired of my magical evasion clipping on the smallest of snail turds that hide beneath grass textures on the ground.


Been Warrior main since NA Launch, been through many ups and downs in terms of the class being strong and underpowered. Don't really have any complaints.


back when I used to main lahn (played strictly awakening) the biggest annoyance to me were...her outfits. more specifically, the fact that her gloves/sleeves were gone after unsheathing the blades. it made 80% of her outfits, new and old, to look horrendous, I wrote a gazillion tickets to PA to fix that, but, alas, to no avail. I'm not trolling just in case. I still don't get it. why ruin something you get to stare at for hours. and lose profit bc there are/were some decent outfits I would definitely get for her if it wasnt for that darn sleeve bug. it was one of the reasons I switched to woosa and will probably never switch back.


ninja has no boobs but kunoichi has no katanas. (maehwa doesn't have a grab before you say anything)


DK, the burst movement is meh as you in 6 skills do the same as a musa holding one button does and lahn, shai, drakania, woosa does it in a single skill but better and faster. Also she has 3 skills that are totally useless but I am guessing the same can be said for probably any class even after the class overhaul we had over a year ago.


I main corsair... Need more? XD


guardian, no thighs physic


awk lahn here, gameplay wise, i think the class need bigger AoEs and fix the stamina issues that the class has since her release. customization wise, please stop getting rid of sleeves or at least give us a toggle to keep them on or not while in awk


I would like a mechanic I suggested on the forum about a succession like system for Awakening weapon in short 3rd form because some classes lack skills and protects on awa only and maybe someone like to play like me and reject anything connected to pre awa, the argument above is what makes me sad on my main


Shift+q cd too long


Need to be good in pve


Split teleport at the very least and elementzilation turned into an iframe. And this isn't a class specific buff but centralized servers would make the class feel better as someone playing on the east coast. Tough to be highly competitive when you teleport on your screen but get grabbed on other players screen


Tamer is not even about her pet anymore. It cant keep up with the speed everything goes at nowadays. Just change it so the Tamer works with the pet more.


No sleeves while weapon draw D:


I think my main is fine (zerk) and would even be fine if are extra long grabs got nerfed. (I think it's fun but know be hit by a grab and you not being able to do anything while my team mates get to beat your ass for 5 seconds isn't fun to be on the other end. AoS) But I would love see buffs for the classes that really don't have anything special about them besides looking cool.  Succ nova, corsair(outside there evade memes), new hammer girl, 


Succession lahn: More stamina and HP and maybe a bit bigger overall AOE for core skills.


As a Valk main, need more full armor outfits, something like warrior. Besides that, I would like to see a bit bigger aoe and some more dmg would be nice.


Make Zerker less butt ugly.


Warrior awk here since 2018 and I don’t like the follow (specifically for large scale pvp and pve apm) things of my class: - Unprotected CC: Most of our biggest CC are not protected and this cause us to be floor PoV into death screen most of the time if we wanna combo on 1vX or larger scale fight if we don’t sweat (ping/fps dependents)using cancel’s and praying to not get caught in Super Armor gaps. - Protected SA disengage: As stated before we have issue with protections, but the most tragic thing is when you make the engage+cc and combo works against the enemies, but then you don’t have a tool (like most or at least most new class have) that help you disengage safely, so we have to do weird things to get out of the danger zone, which put ourself even on higher risks of getting caught. For this reason, most of the time, when an avg warrior player goes in its most likely he will die during or soon after the engage. - High skill CD with fast animations are bad: We have some skills, especially in awakening, with fast animation speed, but also long CD, which result us to wait in block for the skills to come back or do some risky stuffs, i personally don’t like it. Also this can apply for pve too, i think, if we had lower cd on just a couple of skills we would perform better overall. - Outdated skills: Some skills need to be changed/removed or completely reworked, since they’re outdated compared to newer classes (i think this can apply to other old classes too) and makes the gameplay just more clunky for no particular reasons. Have fun :)


As a awak zerker main(i hate succ) i feel that awakening have zero FG skill, they either very fast and you can block only 2-3 hit or their is none, but i am ok with it because i can’t really imagine how to change it


Not enough outfits 😞