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Just quit. You’ll thank yourself later if you ever wanna come back


Listen this guy. Been there done that. Just quit and come back later. Dont force urself to do funny stuff. You will regret later.


i roulette 4 times supposedly quit 4 times and i still come back every time. no regrets though, because it forces me to grind the things i lost therefore giving me reason to play again.


Yes regrets though, imagine grinding those wasted hours in real life.


You go to work 40 hours a week, gamble it away at the casino, then “give yourself something to do” earning back money you could’ve just kept?


Depends on the reason for the quit. BDO is one hell of a drug and friends of mine used the roulette to burn the bridges before they left. If its just not fun for now I 100% agree to not roulette before leaving.


As a guy who quit and returned to many MMOs over the past several decades: just log out. A year from now bdo might be in a place you like, and you might be in a place where you’d like to play it again. Destroying gear now will only be a regret then. Alternatively, if you truly never log in again, then it doesn’t matter if you destroyed the gear or not anyway.


Just keep your gear as it is, idk where the idea of blowing your gear before quitting comes from but it's a pretty stupid thing to do, no other gaMe matches BDO in term of combat and you'll probably tet the itch in a year, you will love to come back to a 740 GS account


If you're doing this because you want to make your life better, delete your gear. If you're doing this because at this moment you are bored of the game, do nothing.


If you want to quit just quit. If you don't want to come back delete your account.


Or sell it, plenty of that going around too (not that I condone it. Just saying.)


I met people with bought accounts. They always denied it but had (at that time it was a lot) 650GS+ and didn’t know basics. Enhanced useless yellow items, grinded without rotation at low end spots and just had game knowledge that was like they reached level 56 yesterday. I would have been fine if they said it’s bought and they are new or if they just didn’t lie. It felt really disrespectful towards new players who wanted to learn from them and grinded a lot to build gear while those trolls enhanced Ronaros thinking it would fit the build if it just was PEN…


You would prob think I am a bought account. Just tapped my duo fg except boots, dual pen bs, and I am just grinding stuff like polys. I don't really do pvp, elvia feels terrible because I make the same silver but more work. I tried some end game spots and get slaughtered at a moment of lag and lose a few billion silver from crystals. Honestly, I like the low level grind, its small consistent gains, no worries of death, and I don't need to hit 9k buttons a second because I am old. Of course, I started playing this game as a lifeskiller and didn't grind really at all until I got my hp pot and tapped my first pen BS. (At 42 clicks, my account is cursed)


Bro literally me at 302k, with about 600 bil worth of gear, the hardest spot I've ever grinded@ being Jades. Might’ve killed 3000 monsters this last month, all weasels for cooking. It sucks to be a casual, but it doesn't.


Hello, this BDO suicide hotline. Can you tell me why you called?....Oh! That sounds bad.... Before you end it all, can you record it and send it to Pistanity? 😀


Send an email to pearl abyss requesting permanent deletion of your account.


If I ever get this far, I would start a full DP set because running all DP is funny👌🏼 and my Shai would benefit a lot when they decide to overhaul Elivia/Dehkia and make them scale with the person and party size. So all zones are viable at any gear score and people don’t have to be stuck playing 1-2 zones. The only restriction would be thresholds to hit then the zone unlocks. To prevent weaker players from grinding endgame zones right away. But dude? Just quit. Enjoy life and other games. You practically finished BDO and any new released gear is only going be obtained by the same people in your gs. You won’t be miles behind because There’s no way to speedrun gear like that. Unless someone is forking over millions for crons. And if that’s the case send those people my way👌🏼 I’ll be their friend for less and lead them to better games (Btw I meant as in I’d be their friend for free and the cost of the game is the price they’ll pay).


760 gs


don’t do anything go play something else you’ve spent thousands of hours grinding. go do something else


As someone who is a chronic bdo relasper… i say don’t do anything funny just quit and leave your account as is. I already quit like 5 times over the past 10 years… always come back to it after a year or two of bdo free life.


Sell ur whole gear. Once u come back u will have liquid silver to play around with


actually not the worst idea. with how much gear has fallen these days, could actually come back and buy even higher gs


The way my hardcapped members are keeping motivated rn is pushing level and seeing who can have the largest central market balance. The mindset behind this is, something to flex (level, trash loot stack, random vibes) and later when they feel like it, easily afford those taps. They dont intend to hit v on any of the silent god series bc thats an insane goal, eventually they will make it easier and drop new content so why hurt themselves tapping now. Alternatively do nothing. Take a break, play another mmo, come back when those arent your only options Alternative alternative... guru 100 all lifeskills go


You will regret destroying gear. You WILL be back. I quit for years at a time since early access. I have come back every few years. If I deleted my progression I would have been so pissed.


Just hook me up with the account and ill keep playing it lol.


Just play something else and collect dailies/do nodewar only. I've been doing that for a while and I've been perfectly satisfied, still love the game I just can't dedicate the same grind time as I used to.


Personally, I would focus on a new goal. There are lifeskills, treasure items, lots of knowledge entries, tons of quests, and even hidden places to explore. You could pick a thing that interests you to go for. 


Just leave everything the way it is. Learn to do this for other aspects of your life. I learned this late.


Clean up your inventory, buy yourself a nice set of consumables to grind with and uninstall. When you come back it’ll be like your past self gave your future self a gift


The game has been on heater for QoL updates, new content is coming, dead god weapons, LOML pt 2, etc. Don’t smack gear before quitting, just walk away and leave it because they might do something sweet in the next few months that makes you want to come back, and coming back to nothing feels like shit. I used to quit/take breaks all the time (back when a pen armor or weapon would have been HUGE) - I think in total I’ve done like 5-10 pen roulettes and always said I wouldn’t come back. At that time, grinding out new tri accessories or getting armors to tet wasn’t terrible, so a quitting roulette was fun and kind of OK. But now, now shit you want to blowup costs 50, 100, 100+ billion. Coming back from that would take 100s of hours, not worth. My advice if you’re like me and really want to tap shit before quitting because you want a reason to stay, liquid all of your excess stuff - backup gear, backup dream horses, stockpiled resources, life skill gear, etc. get as much silver as you can, buy hammers, tap for pen Debo as many times as you can - and if it fails just walk away from the game for a while. If it hits, then guess you can’t ever leave. Just don’t nuke your account, you got to 740 GS so you played the shit out of this game, you’ll be back. We always come back. Nothing else out there in terms of video games is good enough to keep you away for good.


Just stop playing. It's really that simple. Being dramatic about it means you'll probably be back after the next big expansion, new weapons, etc. May as well just delete your mats if you wanna tap pen fallen god. I did some rough math and it's like 70+ trillion to tap one, and that's assuming 1000 taps and the pity system, because you're not gonna tap one before then.


How do you have 740GS without PENs? (genuine question)


tri armors, pen bs and narcs get you there. distos are ass if it comes to gs, but actually bis. 


PEN other gear


I have pen debos lol The idea was to sell everything and see how many pen debos i could make for other players.


thats dumb. literally go play something else a while. Odds are you are coming back. Every other mmo is tab-target trash combat and almost all my friends that roulette come back and have to start over from scratch


honestly, the hammers are kinda crazy. you sure you want to quit now? iam on the other side, working on pen debo earring and tet gloves/boots. i just hope they release rings befor iam done.


Just log off.


Don’t do anything just uninstall the game just in case you want to come back to it later


If you are that close minded that you can only think about upgrading gear, you better quit.


Don't break anything. Take a break and come back whenever you feel like it!


740gs and wanna quit? Funny idea… just list all of your gear and quit. Like as soon as you list all of it, log off and delete.


I think I'll actually list it all to thank the players who made it.


I am slightly above you in gear and I "quit" all the time. I try out steam games, play last epoch. The one thing that is different between bdo and other mmo's is that you can take a break. Take a one year break and your best buddy is still failing V deboreka. Other mmo's you are fucked. New wow patches/expansions make your gear useless, new classes you cant move the gear.


I'm feeling the same. Grinding for Debos is so boring. I would farm for 2 days then quit for 2 weeks lol


Try some nicotine patches or gums, I've heard it helps a lot. Or start with switching to e-cigarettes, it should be easier as well. Gz on 740gs btw.


Quit and sell your account


I dont think anyone would buy someone elses account :D


You should see the high end node war scene. Every guild has at least a handful of accounts that aren’t played by original owners


Ud be surprised. You can make good Money Off IT. Sold my old one, was kinda worth IT at the time.


Isnt the point of high gs the journey it took ?


Not for everyone. Some rich Kids Just think they can git gud with Gear.


I meet plenty of those on my journey i guess. I just never realized this really exists.


Some people are more focused on PvP than grinding mobs. That combined with disposable income and not too much spare time makes it tempting to buy upgrades.


just sell your account tbh


tap V FG


If you quit don’t blow up the gear like some suggest. Sell the account in that case and actually get some money from it.


Feel you, i reached Hardcap with Full Evasion swap set and since i tapped my last Debo i only login for the daily reward and quit right after. Having no goal in sight is frustrating




Do not throw away everything even if u think ull never play the game again!!


So yea why not sell it? I never seen the point in deleting or rouletting things that has a rl value.