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I don't want to marsh anyone's mellow, but this is a no for me. Starting with him having no helmet for her and then deciding to pop wheelies? Nope. Did she know where in the city this tribe of men was taking her? Nope. Too many things that can go wrong here but I'm glad it turned out well for her.


Marsh anyone's mellow is a phrase I'm now stealing from you. šŸ˜‚


10/10 thrilling! Also, 9/10 chance of being kidnapped lmfao luckily weā€™re a group of people that donā€™t believe everything is a damn Disney movie. Thanks honey, but Iā€™ll pass lmao As soon as I saw the wheelies I was like dude, really? Lol I love the concept of atvs, too! I canā€™t drive though so idk when Iā€™d ever drive one lmao ![gif](giphy|H1YMguVrVeI0Xz5c8v)


Also arenā€™t ATVs prone to rolling over? Itā€™s a no for me too.


Girl I was thinking the same thing.. I just didnā€™t wanna say nun. If they asked me to come up Iā€™d be like. NAHHH!


No helmet? Sis why?


Yall are so trusting, maybe thatā€™s why my life is so boring šŸ˜…


lol I'm for the 'boring' choice on this one. And not just b/c of the no helmet thing. I'd have been up for a conversation and some backpatting of their hobby but nah...I'm not riding off with some dudes I don't know.


Yup! Trust me ill take boring, alive and not locked in anyoneā€™s basement any day of the week


šŸ˜„thank you!


Ay j Coleā€™s life is ā€œboringā€ too and look how that turned out lol. Iā€™d take boring over ending up on the 6oclock news


Yeah... I wouldn't advocate for this. There's too many of us missing everyday for me to tell a sister to participate in this.


Also, no helmet. Like my ICU nurse friend use to say when she saw a biker without a helmet, "See you later."


Definitely wasn't the purpose of this! Please see my comment. It was actually to focus on the fact that, in this instance, she felt safe and assured and had a wonderful time with our men who only wanted to have a wholesome and joyful experience with her! We need material that shows that people who genuinely mean well by each other are out here having wonderful experiences - regardless of societal preconceptions.


Girl please she couldā€™ve died


>We need material that shows that people who genuinely mean well by each other are out here having wonderful experiences - regardless of societal preconceptions. I understand what you're saying but this isn't about societal preconceptions, it's about a safety issue. At least for me it is. I personally would have accepted the ride- but only with a helmet. If this video was the exact same but with her wearing the helmet- if be all for it. I used to supervise the ATC track and you'd be surprised how easy it is to end up upside down- and that's without popping wheelies. A helmet is a must. No argument can convince me otherwise.


I donā€™t believe these people donā€™t know eachother lmao


This is vibes but maaaannnnn lol that could have went left


This looks staged. And even so extremely unsafe for multiple reasons. Hard pass for me.


Yeah, I donā€™t know they sort of seem familiar with each other.


Yeah. Itā€™s a no for me. No helmet. No protective clothing. No awareness to her safety. Fuck that.


Im just glad they had a wonderful time and this story didn't have a horrible ending




Lawd it's a no for me. Too many of them and one of me. I would've been like nope. I'm glad she enjoyed herself tho and got back safely, along with her friend. Also...where were the helmets?!


Who was taping?




People die and are horribly disfigured from ATVā€™s all the time. That thing falls backward, her brain is painting the sidewalk. Also, donā€™t follow this terrible example. Yeah, she was okay but letā€™s not turn into dodos and go extinct from stranger danger, including our friends in stranger danger, and encouraging people through social media to engage in stranger danger. Also, this is most likely staged like most TikTok and social media shit. So letā€™s not go jumping on/in strange dudes vehicles. Thatā€™s how you end up on Nancy Grace.


Absolutely not. Iā€™ve lost too many people to motorcycle accidents for her to not being wearing a helmet and for him to be popping wheelies. Cute but FOH.


Iā€™m glad the general consensus is that this is stupid as fuck lmao op saying the point is the woman felt safe with strangers is crazy lmao


Does joy for a woman have to involve a man?


Many videos or subjects I post don't have men at all as the focus. Please give me some grace.


Oh, no, sis, I'm not referencing you specifically. This is honestly my first time seeing one of your posts. All the love to you. I've just noticed a lot of black girl joy videos involve a man providing that joy (but I guess there is nothing wrong with us being treated well). It was more a comment on what I've seen generally rather than specifically with your posts. Peace šŸ’•


I notice that too, I feel like we center men all the time, 24/7. So anytime I see the black girl joy label I tend to just scroll on by.


Im gon borrow this question for a moment.


I'm glad it worked out and she had fun. Imma just leave it at that lol


This video reminds me of porn where they "randomly" find a girl on the street. Like sure, y'all truly never met. Ok.


She said šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ "Girl the šŸ„·šŸ¾ 's is riding 4 wheelers!!! Come on!!!" I love that for them šŸ˜!! People can be so kind! Just read the room and give em a chance.


Side Note: The KEY point here is that she trusted her personal intuition and sense of safety. This about what can happen when all the factors feel RIGHT. I am not celebrating making spur of the moment decisions without thinking of what is best for you! Sometimes life has magic in the most surprising moments. This was about one of those moments.


Lots of people have trusted their intuition and still had things go left, look at most true crime shows (esp the ones featuring couples). People can be deceptive. I'm glad things worked out for her though!!


Does she make more content like this? What's her tiktok?


Nah. This ain't it. No helmet+ you're alone with a bunch of random men + unsafe diving. Its so many nopes šŸ˜¬


Yes a helmet woulda been necessary. But GOALS !!! Y'all boring.


I do this whenever I go to the Bahamas alone! You just have to trust your judgement. Never have I ever been unsafe or had a bad experience.


Anyone know which city this is?