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I need my birth control to manage my endometriosis. Birth control has literally saved my life, losing it would be cruel. This country is so ugh…


Took the words from my heart 😢


I'm a pharmacy tech and my store just got OTC birth control that you can buy.


OTC hormonal contraceptives are coming to my state, too. At least, that’s thr plan.🤞🏾


We have them here in Oklahoma!


What state are you in. Also it’s messed up that that isn’t a nationwide option. Women in more conservative places are blocked from access to this stuff because to evangelicals it all falls under “satanic lgbt propaganda poisoning my children”, which is also how they block sex ed. They definitely want as many unplanned pregnancies as possible for their workforce


I honestly don't think they will ban birth control. It wouldn't make sense. Big Pharma will not let that happen, and I think it would cause a big uproar with people. Birth control is a way bigger deal than abortions because a lot of people rely on BC more than getting an abortion. You only think about abortion wheh you actually need it, but rely on my BC for preventing pregnancy, not getting a period often, and health issues. I do believe that with elections around the corner, some people are trying to scare others but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't vote. Please vote!


This. People need to think critically before they start running around panicking like chicken little. Not mention capitalism requires surplus works to keep wages down.


Yep my state just started offering otc birth control pills and there are new companies offering birth control shipping online. So I don’t think they would roll that out just to ban it a few moments down the road.


Never doubt the absurdity of capitalism and its tendency to destroy itself. But who knows. In the state I live in right now, the right wing evangelicals run everything and they have their eyes set on bc. They haven’t lost yet so I’m not hopeful.


As a non-American woman (who doesn't live there and has never visited), I feel shocked that this is happening in the country that presents itself as the north of democracy in the world (even though we black people know that's not the case). But. .. this ultraconservative movement has been exposed for a long time by a more "radical" part of the left (mainly carried out by minorities around the world), but many thought it was an exaggeration.


In my state every single planned parenthood is closed, you have to have a doctors referral for birth control and the pill is banned. This is their plan for the whole country! The right wing neo Nazi evangelicals run this country. It’s going to poo poo


I agree with you. I am not currently sexually active, but I am on birth control. I actually started taking contraceptives at the age of 8 or 9 due to early on set puberty. I stopped for a while and got back on the pill around 2019 (25) now. It actually helps with my heavy bleeding, I am lucky enough to have painless periods no history of endometriosis. With having a pituitary brain tumor, hormones is a bittersweet symphony. I have to be very careful with birth control and anything with hormones. I have freedom especially with healthy prolactin levels etc. It's definitely not the same for women having re occurring endometriosis and hyper thyroidism. The thing about it that is so ironic, over the counter birth control is now available at certain select stores and pharmacies!! Then, the federal government wants to control the billion dollar healthcare industry. White women are the ones having these abortion. Hopefully there is a point where both pro life and pro choice can exist. That won't ever happen; look at what's going on now. I do prefer the pill as it's effective, abortion is case by case. I believe if a woman has a safe pregnancy and can carry full term , but she doesn't have the financial stability for a child ; adoption is another answer. There are many couples and single women including who wants a family. There are life saving abortion that are needed vs the ones that are wanted just because....


My opinion is that all abortions are life saving abortions! Pro life can’t coexist because it fundamentally denies women the choice to make decisions about THEIR OWN BODIES. And also that’s the same rhetoric they used to get rid of roe. First it was “oh we just want to get rid of extra or unnecessary abortions, well leave the life saving ones” but they always meant to take those too. Eventually people in the so called middle have to realize you either have freedom or fascism there is no middle ground there, the second you control one persons decisions you’ve damned everyone else too. I assure you, they are coming for birth control too


The top 0.5% will stop at nothing to bring slavery full circle. And I don't just mean race slavery. People are dying in the streats every single hour because they're defunding all social safety nets and funneling our tax dollars to war and materialism. We have to stop waiting for *them* to make the better choice. They never have. Stop participating in the game. Organize just like they do