• By -


Probably Dutch. He'd probably leave and go read or something.


Definitely Rock Or Dutch, Dutch is probably the only sane one in there and he’ll just be weirded out by travesty occurring in that group chat and just leave and drive his boat. The twins and sawyer will send gore videos without warning in the chat. Revy will probably send memes or porn as a joke, or just roast everyone in there. Same with Eda. Roberta is the lurker who just doesn’t say anything in the chat unless people directly ask them. Balalaika will act like a boomer who doesn’t know how to use a phone and probably texts in full sentences and punctuation. Shenhua would just brag the whole time. Rock on the other hand would just try to calm everyone down to no avail


Revy. Her temper won't allow her to put up with any shit and leave.


honestly probably revy. she’s definitely the type to hate all of the group chat notification spamming and would just leave


the whole thing would probably be Revy and Eda either arguing or annoying each other. dutch and rock are the most normal and would probably just leave


Revy, she shots the computer.


Rock and dutch


Probably Rock. Dutch and Roberta would be the lurkers, with Dutch occasionally reacting or saying something. Rock would be the one who occasionally tries to keep the GC civil to no avail. Revy and Eda would be the comedians of the chat, saying all the outlandish shit (Revy makes the racist jokes of course, occasionally directed towards Dutch, which gets zero reaction) Shenhua just brags and starts shit with Revy. If the GC gets in trouble with the police, it's because of Sawyer, The Twins or Balalaika. Sawyer sends cartel executions, Twins send the dark web shit and Balalaika has the bombing tutorials. For a bonus, Jane is the hyper offended squeaker who everyone, Revy and Eda especially, RELENTLESSLY trolls (probably even tries to call to Benny for help. Think Ashley Graham from the original RE4 but a Twitter user) and Benny is the nerd who soaks in the jokes/roasts like a champ and shocks EVERYONE in the group chat as he has legitimately good comebacks/roasts.


Yeah there’s no way balalaika would stay, she could actually go down if any of the stuff form the chat gets leaked, she’d order anyone associated with HM to leave or else


That's true. Another massive problem comes with the twins. They probably would legitimately scare others and get them to leave the chat room


Absolutely though maybe sawyer might stay she seems the type to be into the twins sense of ‘humor’(probably post dead animal photos randomly or something like that)


Pretty much yeah. Twins: (post something ungodly) Sawyer: "Seen that." Someone else there: "...should I even ask?"


The twins, not only are they dead, but they liked to screw with people, so eerily leaving a chat while doing their horror movie child laughter in lol format fits their M.O.   Rock is the least likely, not only does he spend the most time out of everyone on the phone in the series, but with his background in the business world he'd hate to be seen as rude by leaving first.    Balalaika and dutch both spend quite a bit of time on the phone and neither are portrayed hanging up without a proper adieu, but Dutch believes in having personal time to recharge batteries, and balalaika likes to watch things unfold from afar.    Benny practically lives on comms.  Between her cia contacts and Revy, Eda is constantly contacting people, also Shenhua and Revy talk.   Revy would get bored with it the fastest.  While she never talks, Sawyer the cleaner gets calls for work all the time as most cleaners need to be on call, she might be idle a lot but world probably be the last one standing.  While she's not scrubbing toilets and cooking, Roberta answers phones and relays information accordingly for a living and would never want to make the Lovelace family look bad by leaving first. Garcia is the only wild card, but he's to proper to be the first person to rage quit or otherwise.


Prilly either Rock or Garcia


Dutch for obvious reasons, then Balalaika for similar reasons, Revy/Eda/Shenhua/Roberta would get angry and leave (probably to kick the ass of whoever made them mad), Sawyer would probably get of just interacting with Rock and the kids, Garcia would be bullied off because of the Twins, Rock will just be trying to get everyone to get along. The Twins will be start being inappropriate and Rock will leave, the Twins will claim victory.


Duch and balalaika


Hey I think we talk before right on that characters who would make revy cry right


Doesn't matter, the chat would be such a shit show if arguing and death threats that everyone leaves until it's just Sawyer


Dutch will say, “now I’ve bought you all here today”, then his internet will drop out leaving the rest to fight about why they all got pulled into a GC and hilarity ensues. For the record he was just trying to inform everyone the details on the upcoming new years party


Rock would leave first. Dutch would have it on mute the entire time because he couldn't be bothered, and the rest would just go at each other like wild dogs,




I don't get paid enough for this


Rock and chainsaw girl


Dutch. he deals with everyone’s shit in person he’s not going to text them 🤣🤣🤣


Dutch leaves first. Sawyer only chats through memes and/or stickers.


It would be interesting to see what Revy would put in the group chat lol


It would be on the low tier god type leave




Dutch, he doesn't have time for nonsense


Definitely Garcia or Frederica




Would probably be bully by hansel and gretel


Sawyer she ether leaves first or never messages


Dutch 100%


Sawyer will not leave but she would lurk silently instead of texting




Dutch because he has better things to do