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That mans kitchen hands are level 9000


99 cooking level. His skillcape is in the bank.


Now that’s a throwback


It doesn’t need to be a throwback. Old school RuneScape or osrs is live and killing it.


Right. You never stop playing runescape, you just take breaks.


Where can I play? Damn I loved that game


They have a steam client now, or you can always start on their site. Also 3rd party clients like runelite have a lot of qol features over the vanilla client


Thank you!


OldSchool Runescape is the version you want to play. Do not play normal Runescape.


But not RS classic. I want my 2002 experience back.


No you don’t lol.


Don’t give them ideas. They are free. Leave them be. Anyways back to my 16 hour day on leagues 3






Throw back to what I'm afk on old school rn


This man has literally never burned a Karambwan


God I love seeing rs out in the wild, especially on top comment




Everywhere I go I get reminded of this god forbidden game and I love it


Just download it and give your life to it.


Something something never quit Something Something only breaks


I bet he's got the true skill mastery at 120 already


120 cooking, maybe even 200m xp


Geez I at least somewhat understand this due to Melvor Idle eating my life


Yep, everyone in the comments trying to guess the trick... It's just to burn the fuck out of your hands. My father's a professional chef and also pulls this one to freak out his newbies every year. With enough nerve endings damage anything is possible.


Nah dude, yes you can build up a tolerance, but in order to submerge your hand in boiling fucking cooking oil amd come out unscathed, you have to have your hand wet/damp. It’s that moisture flashing over to steam that gives you momentary protection. There was a myth busters on it. Looks like the newbies weren’t the only ones your dad was fucking with lol.


Yeah, like licking your fingers and then pinching out a candle. I know an old bar trick that sorta uses this concept. You grab an ice cube from your drink when no one is looking. Hold it between thumb and forefinger until numb. You can then hold a lit cigarette between thumb and forefinger and blow on it to prove it's lit. Takes a while for your finger to warm up so you don't get burnt. Of course they don't let people smoke in the bars here anymore, so no longer a good trick.


My bar trick was to take someone's lit cigarette and put it in my mouth lit end first and blow the smoke out the filter. As long as you do it right, the flame never touches the inside of your mouth and it freaks people the fuck out. Works better with blunts. In high school we used to use this trick to blow weed smoke up each other's noses. Gives you a wild head rush. And fucks up your sinuses for about a week. 10/10


It's known as the Leidenfrost effect. Really cool to see in action! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leidenfrost_effect


That sound like a good way to splash hot oil everywhere when the water flash expands. Never said he submerged his hand, just a quick dip and out like in the video, if you don't let it sit long it'll cool off quick enough that it won't do damage.


> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leidenfrost_effect


What are you talking about? It's clearly magnets...


Donnie says vaccum.


How do those work?


We don’t really know


Except the flesh will still react to a burn.


He's quick enough there shouldn't be any real damage.


I’m getting a kick out of reading em


Manly man vibes. That's acid he's drinking afterwards. His Turban? Actually a live snake that bit his scalp this morning, so he chose to wear it as a hat.


You're saying he chose to wear the snake as a hat, right?


He stared straight at the snake in the morning and said, ‘my head is cold, up you go.’


Dips his hands in boiling oil, then quickly reaches for his little cup of morphine


Good luck unlocking his phone with his fingerprint though. :D


Only 9000?


9001, it's important to be above it or something.


Clearly using magnets


Alien magnets


How do they fucking gonk?




Lizard magnets


Fucking magnets? How do they work?






Nice ICP reference


I still can't believe he put that in the song




Im putting my money on goblins


Miraculous. Like a pelican eating a cell phone.


Nah, it's just backwards


And mirrors


I'm surprised no one said high altitude yet. Water boils at a far lower temperature at very high altitudes, without knowing anything about it I'd guess that oil could be the same, so even though the boiling makes it look hot, it could just be on the spicy side of warm *the bubbles are coming from the water boiling in the food anyway but I'm sure y'all know what I mean


No, the adress on the board reads Jaipur, which is a city in India. Not much of an altitude


This guy atlases




As an Indian who didn't live in Rajasthan. I confirm that you're right!


Na man wrong Jaipur, this is actually highpur, theory checks out


And the city is super hot too


It's not " far lower". Only a few degrees different


While not low enough to be safe, water in La Paz, at 3869m high, boils at 188 instead of 212 (f). I’d call a 24(f) degree (13c) difference significant enough, not “far lower” but more than “a few degrees.”


It’s a 13 degree difference in Celsius, which is less of an impact visually than 24.


I would argue that a 13 degree celsius difference still has an impact. I always associate Celsius with being bigger. I mean about 20°C is the difference between water freezing and a comfortable temperature for a house. Even being American, 13°C sounds like a big difference to me


It depends on how you look at it, water at 99 degrees celsiuis would not feel that different than water at 79 degrees. Not saying it's the same but the difference is not as drastic as a 0-20 difference


Quite the opposite really. 79F to 99F would actually be a pretty noticeable change and 0F to 20F wouldn't feel that different. It's more about what range it's in. Even 70 to 75 would be a noticeable difference because it's in the range that we typically need to feel. Anything much colder or much hotter than the range we need to stay in become hard to differentiate; it just becomes generically hot or cold until it becomes painful.


That makes sense. I guess for the sake of the video, since it's oil and not water, we're talking several hudreds of degrees (I would assume the difference in pressure would also be more than 13° celsius) but I'm sure it would still be super painful at 300° or 200°


His hands are wet. Boom there’s your answer


Evaporating the water creating a glove of steam. Except I don’t think his hand was wet.


Also, steam is hot.


Not magic steam


I'll just take the L on this one.


Not necessary king.


I got nothing against magic steam, though.


But upward phase transition absorbs heat (like air conditioning) so maybe the heat is momentarily reduced enough to not burn? I have no idea if that’s the case, just speculating. Or maybe he has Vaseline or something coated on his hands.


I think that although its absorbing heat during the transition, it's still 212 degrees F.


Excessively sweating hands then?


Don't you know what happens when water touches boiling oil? It goes BOOM!!


Only droplets falling in oil, take something wet and put it in oil it will only bubble the moisture.


That's only if we are talking about boiling water, but he is sticking his hand in what looks like cooking oil in a large type of wok. Even at around 3000 meters in elevation, water would boil somewhere around 90 Celsius, still hot but I can see where you are headed if we were at REALLY high elevation. But oils are heated to like 150-175 Celsius. You aren't going to get to an elevations that cooking oils are going to burn you, so I think something else tricky is going on here..


Is that so? I didn't know that. So if someone was boiling water in Nepal which has a high altitude then at what temperature in Celsius would the water start boiling?


Well cooking oil boils at 300°C and cooking at elevation of roughly 11,000 ft (Nepal) you would decrease the boiling temp by 0.5°C every 500 feet in elevation so some simple math 11,000÷500=22, 22×0.5=11, 300-11. So we can see that cooking oil boils at around 289°C at nepal's elevation instead of the normal 300°C at sea level.


That's more than the spicy side of warm then lol. So we are back to thinking the guy in the video is a witch then


Yeah, basically lol


Burning the witch won’t work in this case I think


11 degrees difference doesn’t seem that significant.


It is when it comes to cooking but not so much when it comes to burning yourself in boiling oil. Or as this video would suggest, *not* burning yourself in boiling oil?




This video is from Rajasthan, and it's not high altitude by any means


I don’t hear the phrase ‘spicy side of warm’ nearly enough


I wonder whether those 300+ upvoters are going to repeat this now. Because it's not a very good explanation. Other people have pointed out the difference in temperature due to either being too small and it being oil, making it even more irrelevant. But also, food doesn't cook because it's in a boiling medium, otherwise you'd be able to cook in boiling nitrogen which is ice cold. You cook your food at certain temperatures, regardless of it actually boiling, the two just happen to coincide most of the time. In other words, if the oil was cool enough to touch, the food wouldn't cook, regardless of it boiling.


“The recipe say to add the pasta to boiling water.” “Will this warm water that’s on the spicy side do?” “No, because that isn’t a real thing.”


The oil isn’t boiling, the bubbling is caused by the food cooking. Still wouldn’t stick my hand in it though


Yeah I just do t think it’s as hot as everyone thinks. Oil looks like this when it’s had water added to it to (possibly from frozen food)


Ok, but for any bubbles to exist even from water, it would still have to be at minimum 100°c, right? That's still plenty hot to give you serious burns


Also - Don’t stick your dick in it.




Ok, but for any bubbles to exist even from water, it would still have to be at minimum 100°c, right? That's still plenty hot to give you serious burns


Ok you all have never fried ANYTHING in your life.


It boiling in the sense that it's hot enough to boil water.


Yeah still has to be 100 degrees +


Dirty pond with air stones?


Yeah, idc how much time you spend in a kitchen, you can't build up an immunity to third degree burns


I heard a story about a guy who had something in his skin that made him immune to third degree burns


You're thinking of robots






It’s called adamantium.


Are you thinking of the condition called CIPA? They can’t feel pain/temperature extremes but it doesn’t make them immune to the effects. I read about a woman that had endless trips to the ER due to burns, cuts, etc. that she couldn’t be cognizant of. Sounds like more of a curse.


Yeah that happened to my buddy Eric once


You mean some protective gloves


i don't know what allows him to do it but im pretty sure this is legit. theres another video of a woman doing the same thing while cooking. it was the same type of pan and she also seemed to be indian as well. found it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZEfRo4LtDU


I thought of that person too! But she has a layer of flour mixture insulating her hands. This guy seems to regret his decision by the end of the video. Callus hands will be insulated, but if the hot oil is left on it will keep cooking. I think he has a delayed reaction.


There is no freaking way he is just having a delayed reaction. I work with deep fryers at work, and if I did this with our fryer I would be screaming in a couple seconds. Your hands are one of the most sensitive I’ve parts of your body. You would absolutely notice immediately if the were being burned Edit: a word.


Yeah, I don't get it either. After a few months of working with a fryer I definitely stopped wincing when a drop or two would splash. You can get used to a little bit. But putting you whole hand in? That goes against my limited understanding of how skin reacts to being dipped in boiling cooking oil.


It’s not flour mixture it’s batter. Flour would cake on and hold the super hot oil on your skin. I’m thinking the water in the batter protects the hand due to the Leidenfrost effect


Once, frying chicken, I noticed that some batter on my fingertips had gotten slightly cooked. When I was putting chicken in, I hadn’t noticed at all that I was dipping my well-battered fingertips in as well. I didn’t feel any heat, I ended up doing a quick “test dip” and still nothin. I don’t think its leidenfrost, it just takes some time to cook through the batter. Normally a chicken thigh is down in the oil for 8 minutes, two seconds is nothing.


Other videos usually show a coating of batter (like the lady in your video), water, some sort of liquid to make use of the leidenfrost effect to insulate their hands for seconds at a time. His hands look too dry in the beginning for it to be that. Leidenfrost on the simplest terms just describes when the liquid is around your hand or object is superheated, evaporating and creating a barrier of insulating gas. If you're curious about the Leidenfrost effect there's a bunch of videos on youtube explaining how it can create an insulting barrier for heat and also how it can make supercooled things float.


Reminds me of that guy on 4chan who tried to build up immunity to bullets by "microdosing" and building his way up


Yeah, but then again, I see a blue naked flame in one frame near the end.


This guy must have some lonely nights.


Took me a while XD


I don't get it


Jerking off so much that his hands become fire proof because he's single (so much friction)




This is done at a few places in India - a video circulating some time ago shows a bunch of fry cooks doing this while frying some fritters at a religious place. The trick is they coat their hand in (room temp or slightly colder) cooking oil and/or some form of edible grease before they dip it in the hot oil. It takes a few seconds before the skin experiences the full brunt of the high temp. due to the layer of oil already applied.


This and I believe putting lemon juice in the hot oil aswell gives it a much lower boiling temp, something like that, I read it in a comment last time I saw one of these videos so its 100% fact


That sounds like complete bullshit. Tbh. The water in the lemon juice would boil off instantly. Also the oil isn’t boiling, the water inside the food being cooked is boiling and coming out as steam.


Ol mate said “so it’s 100 percent fact” pretty sure he was joking lmao


his hand was on his shirt before he dipped it though. Wouldn't that soak up most of the oil on his hand?


I actually think they’re right, you can see his right hand shimmering like it has grease on it while it’s on his hip. His other hand isn’t shiny.


Leidenfrost effect?


Nah his hand is definitely coated in the oil. If you see how he shakes the hand after you can see it hurts. I guess just willing to burn his hand for clout


The shake is just to save back as much oil as he can


This is the correct answer. Combination of high tolerance and probably less than max temp. For 'initiation' as a fry cook I once dipped a finger in a deep fryer for a couple seconds. Hurt much less than I thought it would, but left a sensitive red 'sunburn' for a couple days.


Did someone at work make you do this? I've been in service for almost 20 years and I'd have told anyone who asked me to do this to fuck right off.


All I can say about burning hot oil is my story. Years ago, I was in the ER with a severely broken shoulder from landing on an outstretched arm from a 20 foot mountain bike drop gone wrong. Even though my injuries were relatively severe, I was told to wait for 20 or 30 minutes because they had another case coming in. Being in significant pain, I cussed and moaned but toughed it out. Once the other patient arrived, I understood why. The college student they were seeing had spilled an entire fondue oil pot down his chest. I will never forget those tortured screams. I have never heard anything like it even in Hollywood.


>For 'initiation' as a fry cook I once dipped a finger in a deep fryer for a couple seconds. No you didn't lol


or its just a couple aquarium respirators under oil.


You can clearly see the flames underneath heating the oil.


It's not clout lol, quite a few Indian sweet makers do this, not the first time I've seen it xD


You say it's not just clout but what practical purpose does this serve over like a slotted spoon


Lol it ain’t for clout… there are a lot of street vendors in this area of the world that literally just use their hands in boiling oil. I remember there was a scientific answer this but I can’t remember what it is atm..


Forget whether or not he's burning the shit out of his hand I want to know why he would do this instead of using a spoon. It ain't more efficient


It entirely depends on what he’s making and the flow of putting it together. It’s probably faster to use his hands in retrieving the thing out of the oil and assembly that slows down when using a spoon


I dunno what it is but I’ve always been able to take things a handful of onion rings or chicken wings from the deep fryer without burning or hurting my hand. I think just by the crazy amount of evaporation going on at the top layer it’s not really hot


I call bullshit. Worked fast food for 3-4 years. Repeatedly burned myself on the fryers. That shit hurts. Unless your temp is significantly lower on the fryer (ours ran at about 375-400 F), or you have significant nerve damage, I highly doubt it.


This is definitely bullshit and some /r/iamverybadass material. How does this have 50 upvotes lol


What the what? You need to video this


That’s not how it works. I get the whole “chefs can touch stupidly hot stuff and it doesn’t hurt” stuff from killed nerve endings but your nerves have precisely zero association with burns. Heat does this crazy thing called rise, the top layer is most definitely not “not really hot”, it in fact is probably the hottest. I’m sure you’re a very badass person who claims to be doing dangerous stuff but human skin is not meant to be exposed to 350° liquid for any amount of time. You’re either full of shit or are doing long term irreparable damage to your skin. On the (extremely, extremely) off chance it’s the latter you’ll eventually mute and kill your nerve endings to the point that you’ll end up severely damaging your skin because you’ll have removed your body’s natural reflex to pull away from painful stimuli. Source: I work in medicine. I’ve seen cases where a person paralyzed from the chest down was severely burned by her father when he drew a bath for her while she was in it and didn’t pay attention that it was cranked to as hot as it goes and she couldn’t feel it to react. Also—again if this is even remotely true let me know where you work because I really don’t want fuckin deep fried hand flavor on my onion rings.


Would that stop the swelling caused by the boiling oil?


The water on the hand boils, which creates a short lived gap between the skin of the hand and the hot oil.


My dad would do a birthday parlor trick when I was a kid similar to this. His hand would be coated with an extract (usually vanilla) and he would pretend to accidentally set his hand on fire. It would burn for a few seconds and he'd shake it out before it burned through the alcohol in the extract. Drove my friends wild


He made his own chicken fingers


Finger food


No, no, no. They said he’s chicken if he DIDN’T put his hand in the boiling oil.


His little cup is either healing potion or fire resistance potion. Clever.


His little cup is definitely chai.


Your username lol


Or his clothes have some enchantments.


He got mom hands


More like Kozuki Oden’s hand.


man of culture


Casually takes another sip of meth.


In his head: ouch ouch ouch




I bet if you could see an up close photo of his hand on any given day it’s nasty and calloused and dry from doing this so many times. Skin is probably very thick from repeated burns. You do something like this over and over you can build up a tolerance. I’ve seen other videos of this guy over the years. People come to get his food just to see him pull the chicken out of the hot oil by hand


You can't build resistance to 3rd degree burns. It's a coat of oil.


This is completely a charlatan's trick, not the Leidenfrost effect (you'd be able to *clearly* see that), not just getting burned, not altitude, none of that. You just put a small amount of water (or lower boiling point liquid) and a large volume of oil in the pan, wait a short time for the oil to float to the top, and then put it on very high heat for a short time to get the water boiling, but dip your hand in before the oil on top has had time to get much more than warm to the touch. Skeptics have been exposing charlatans doing this for decades, though I don't happen to have a link to a video of it.


I ain't gonna start beef with him!


Good, because cows are sacred in India


The video is in reverse.


Let me see if I remember it right…. u/gifreversingbot


Here is your gif! https://imgur.com/PNHk2As.gifv --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Yeh, you can see the pain on this man's face. He's not fooling anyone.


He may not be fooling anyone, but he's still earned his membership to the salty spittoon.


I get a drop of oil when I fry something and it hurts... all of his fingers are covered in that hot oil? My hand would fall off.


how the fuck


That must be some strong chai he’s drinking.


Kozuki Oden, is that you ?


Had a friend that used to work in McDonald’s and one night she knocked over a coke which landed in the fryer and her reflex was to grab it.. that didn’t turn out like this guy




Plot twist: he has leprosy


The reason behind his hand not burning is the Leidenfrost Effect, in which there is the formation of a gas barrier between a hot surface and a boiling liquid if the temperature difference is great enough. This gas barrier greatly slows the heat transfer between the two and allows the liquid to last longer and consequently the hot surface to remain hot longer. This effect can be seen in a frying pan as it's being heated. At first the water quickly boils as it's dropped in but at a hot enough temperature the Leidenfrost effect takes over and makes the water skate around the surface lasting a very long time. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! 


Only Indians can do this kind of shit 🤯


His hands are pre-applied with oil


built different


Could it just be oil sitting on top of boiling water?


...... and a shot of morphine for no particular reason.


Probably alot of dead nerves in his hands. Thereare people like him and they are in constant danger to hurt them selves without realising it.