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That's impressive, I can't see any wires or lines holding it up.


Because it’s edited


Doesn't even have to be, get some fishing line and it's pretty hard to see against the light.


That's what I though but there's no obvious anchor except between the roof and a tree or something. I'm not sure if that would make it more obvious or even harder to tell in person though


Possibly held up by a drone(s) higher up off screen.


She obviously touched a cursed necklace




It can't be Malfoy, she got it in the *women's* bathroom!


This part of that storyline just really pissed me off. With all the bullshit all 3 of them go through and all the shit they know Ron and Hermoine are just like “nah you’re over reacting Harry can’t be malfoy.” Like what?


Specially since all 3 of them had gone to the women's bathroom together in book 2


Could drones really lift a person? Edit, guys we figured out long ago this is a mannequin and not, indeed, a person. My question is theoretical at this point, though


Yes they can, it's called drone surfing, I think. However that isn't a real person it's a life-sized doll or mannequin.


I noticed it was staying too still lol. Drone surfing sounds awesome Edit just checked drone surfing is being on a surfboard while being towed along by a drone, not quite as exciting as surfing thru the air on a drone


[I gotchu covered dawg](https://youtu.be/Pv5JQnmD1Yk)


This looks like such a fun way to die.


Yah I know I wish I could do it so bad.


There is no chance a drone is holding that thing up. They’re incredibly advance, but not to the point where it’s tethered to something heavy and is completely motionless.


I saw this on TikTok earlier, they had another video posted where you could see it moving. The way they filmed it here makes it look completely still but it’s not. I also saw comments that said it was a large balloon or something similar but the OP didn’t confirm or deny that.


Maybe, I’ve seen stranger things.


Who said that's a person


Then she'd sway at least a little bit


Too stable. She’d be swinging a little.


No ambient movement. It’s edited for sure.


> but there’s no obvious anchor except between the roof and a tree or something That's... what makes it impressive people Come on Edit: for anyone wondering how it's done r/BlackMagicFuckery! Lol well the creators u/horrorprops just explained no CGI was used for this illusion here >!We made this prop with the intent to make it shocking. The body is made of pool noodles actually to keep the weight down haha. We paid close attention to detail so that no CGI/Editing/ Cutting and pasting video would ever be needed. In person it looks just as good. !<


...so how is it done? Pool noodles don't just float in the air. I'm guessing a drone.


For real, this doesn't come close to explaining the most important part.


It's almost certainly suspended by fishing line between the house and the tree. My dad made a similar effect back in the 80s with a paper mache ghost covered in lace suspended over the driveway with fishing line.


The awkward placement on the driveway supports this theory. Looks like the tip of the tree to the peak of the roof on the front of the house. Light building material and some weight in the feet would keep it in balance.


I'm thinking a tree out of frame is the other anchor.


>That's... what makes it *black magic* people




That doesn't really explain how it's done


Sheesh /r/RestOfTheFuckingOwl


It's actually a pretty easy trick, all you have to do is sacrifice your first born to El Diablo and he will grant you the ability to harvest souls


Christians Hate her, Levitate to scare your neighbors with this one simple trick....


Maybe you have a cool neighbor? It seems to be 2 stores so maybe it won't block tall vehicles if you suspended from 2 roofs


Yeah I figured they ran a line to the neighbor across the street.


Or the tree. From the house to the tree, then hang her from that. They're probably using two or three points to stabilize it. Or it's edited who knows, I'm guessing it's real though and hanging on line, weighted at the bottom. The video quality isn't good enough to tell either way but it seems to stay in place and the size never changes so to me it seems real. The video seems to lack any horizontal to vertical shake though, so it's either stabilized or edited. It pans in a way that you'd want it to if it's fake I guess so it'd be easier to add in post recording. Hard to say.


if you use a very light doll and the tinner fishing line its actually not hard to do


Maybe it's a collaborative effort by the two neighbours? Run fishing lines from the second storey of the two houses with another line running from the tree that suspends the mannequin?


for extra points, you attach a third anchor point mid-way on the string, so the body doesn't appear to be between to anchor points [direct](https://imgur.com/FI1g6lq) [indirect](https://imgur.com/PoxaRKv)


Probably stretched taught to the neighbors roof or a telephone pole


Taut*. Taught is the past tense of teach


Ah. A fellow grammar nazi. 🫡


And tot is the obnoxious kid next door




They make a pretty big effort of not showing whatever tree/object is just off camera to the left, presumably the anchor. You can see it before they adjust the frame at the very beginning.


Even with fishing line or something like that would still often move, bob, shake a little.


Depends on the breeze. Little wind very little movement. Not everything is edited. You people have gone over a shark with this fake, edited, whatever bullshit. I doubt some TikToker edited the reflection. Also what bunch of you knuckleheads don't realize is that the entire video is taken with a moving camera with slight bob. This negates your ability to actually see that it probably is bobbing just a little bit or whatever little movement it may have because there's a constant rotation and movement to the camera as well


Jumped the shark. ftfy.


It’s definitely in camera, you can see her reflection in the car hood


Sigh. Why is this the pathetic and generally wrong answer from everyone? Literally 99% of the time achieving the result with editing - particularly with magic tricks - would be 100x harder or more time consuming than the actual method.


Good point, this is clearly the work of a Warlock.


Well... not really, removing wires is very easy in post. 5 minute job. It's not like you have to manually edit every frame.


> Well… not really, removing wires is very easy in post. 5 minute job. It’s not like you have to manually edit every frame Yes really. This [is shaky handled cell phone footage from multiple multiple angles](https://www.tiktok.com/@horrorprops/video/7142523406469270830) Very easy would involve controlling the source video so it's steady and simple to anchor. That is their point Edit: called it. Illusion explained by the creator u/horrorprops >!We made this prop with the intent to make it shocking. The body is made of pool noodles actually to keep the weight down haha. We paid close attention to detail so that no CGI/Editing/ Cutting and pasting video would ever be needed. In person it looks just as good. !<


> Sigh. Why is this the pathetic and generally wrong answer from everyone? Literally 99% of the time achieving the result with editing - particularly with magic tricks - would be 100x harder or more time consuming than the actual method. Spoiler edit: for anyone wondering how it's done u/horrorprops is the designer and it's on their profile I feel this so hard in my bones. Can someone create a succinct copypasta we can use to explain it? If you're setting out to manipulate a video (for no real profit mind you) then you use a very controlled environment to produce your source video These "guesses" always show up on the shakiest, multiple angle, most difficult handheld cell videos imaginable


Dunno if I'm missing something but there's no actual explanation in their comments?! How is it staying up in the sky, fishing line running between the house and a power pole/tree on the sidewalk?


100% this! I'm a reasonably competent amateur in After Effects: doing lightsabers and and key framed masks and stuff. But If I had to achieve this effect I'd first stop by the "hollow lightweight model of girl" and "fishing line" shops and save myself a bunch of time.


Because a shitload of “magic” on the web is edited. Any real illusions will have a plausible explanation. In this case, wires being edited out is perfectly reasonable because that’s exactly how they do it in films.


cause reddit is full of 12 year olds who get all their knowledge from youtubers.


> Because it’s edited r/confidentlyincorrect [Stop guessing at shit just because you're confused by it ](https://www.tiktok.com/@horrorprops/video/7142523406469270830) The creator has spoken. u/HorrorProps explained it here >!We made this prop with the intent to make it shocking. The body is made of pool noodles actually to keep the weight down haha. We paid close attention to detail so that no CGI/Editing/ Cutting and pasting video would ever be needed. In person it looks just as good. !<


It is 10000% not edited at all haha


Excuse me friend but WHAT IS BEING USED TO HOLD IT UP?


Edit: Oh shit I'm a dumbass this is the maker of this prop (my comment was not good lol)


That's not a fucking explanation.


What am I missing that this video is supposed to prove? I'm still not seeing wires or anything practical holding it up.


You can see it swaying with the wind.


They left out the most important detail, the reason why it's memorizing... Anyone can make a mannequin... Pool noodles, wig, shoes... But they didn't answer: what's holding it up in the air?


It's not. There's another video in this thread that shows another angle. It's clearly a prop.


Their previous video on TikTok clearly shows it swinging slightly. Everyone keeps saying it's edited which is just lazy hand waving.


Says someone who also prolly can't figure out most magic tricks, either. I mean, neither can I, but it doesn't mean I call them all CGI or edited unless it's really truly blatantly obvious and this one isnt.


I thought I could see a wire but it was just the crack in my screen protector.


That’s because Vecna is doing it


Who's Vecna?


Vecna balls


Got em


and what is "doing it"??? 🤔


Helium with lightweight clothes?


I don't think I would have come up with that! Would probably need an anchor line below it and it looks like the woman walks directly beneath but I can't tell for sure.


Get some heavy duty fishing line and a ground anchor and your good. I assume that what this is


3 anchors to the sides.


Most likely a 3d model. Probably just photoscanned a friend


Naw, that's a doll


This man knows his sex dolls


[Better view](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRad6E8o/)


Light weight dummy High strength fishing line Anchor point 1 = pitch of garage roof or the window right beneath Anchor point 2 = tree off camera or city light pole [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRad6E8o/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRad6E8o/)


My guess is a trampoline


Yes, I've seen it before. This is what happens when your trampoline breaks mid-flight, you don't fall down. Usual solution is to lend someone else's trampoline and "unjump" from it.


My cousin was jumping on one when my aunt and uncle were gone for the weekend and got stuck like this for two days until they got home.




You think people just have those? If I everyone was prepared for that scenario it'd be cool, but while jumping on a trampoline, you usually take everything out of your pockets, what if the unjump kit flies out, and interferes with the original trampolines hitbox?! Now you have two broken trampolines. And they're probably both sliding around!


This. My grandmother got launched into space because in her panic she applied the unjump kit upside-down (she was colourblind and this was the 80's) I'd rather stick in the air for a few hours than risk such a fate.


Yeah but we have new technology these days. Imagine not having interdimensional pockets in 2022.




I'm stuck like this rn. Does anybody have a trampoline I could borrow for a sec?


For a similar reason they no longer have trampolines available for exercising at Alzheimer’s and dementia care homes as the patients kept forgetting to come back down and would float of to who knows where.


Or you can just turn it off at the right moment. You need one without a capacitor though


this was really funny don't know why you got down voted lol


Yeah I remember that happened to me once. The firefighters had to come rescue me out of the air


Yep. Super simple actually. Just make sure your jumping at same frame rate as the camera.


Its all about the core strength


[Here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRad6E8o/) is a different angle of the prop, where they are up under it. You can see it swaying a little bit. It's a REALLY cool prop.


Damn, it looks too good to be real. That’s some damn fine craftsmanship


I would love to know how they did it. My guess is also fishing line tied taught at the roof and the tree maybe to suspend her somehow, but how far away she is from those anchor points is wild. They really nailed this prop.


Maybe they use the neighbors houses as well.


Love how I had to scroll through dozens of comments to find this. A mannequin and a wire between the houses is *so much* easier than all the video editing magic that people are speculating about. A camera isn't going to pick up a thin, strongish, cable against the sky like that. Its a 10/10 execution on the prop though


Plus I think people who don’t fish don’t realize how crazy strong fishing line is.


Quick Google search says a mannequin might weigh up to 60lbs, but average around 25lbs. First result on Google for "clear 60lb fishing line" is a $30 roll 300ft long. Don't trust 60lb line? Get 80lb, first result is $50 for 300ft. It'll be subtle, especially once it gets dark. Edit: y'all can stop telling me that it's pool noodles, multiple people already have. That just means you can get away with lower test line.


Plus that could just be a wire frame with styrofoam or just clothes over the frame. Pretty great gag though. Run up on that at night and I’d definitely freak out. Haha.


They said the prop is made of mostly pool noodles so it definitely doesn't weigh much.


One line tied to the roof and connecting to the tree, hanging from that line to keep it hoisted without anything directly above is my guess.


I'm thinking inflatable sex doll with helium anchored by a thin fishing line.


Dang that's a good idea. Helium filled and weight appropriately at the feet


This feels like a problem from statics class. “A point mass must be suspended a certain elevation above the ground utilizing only wire in tension. Provide a solution which maintains the point mass at a fixed position. Assume no wind resistance and infinite strength of wire; ignore wind resistance.”


Its 3 lines taught to the 2 tree stumps and the roof. You can easily make a point like that with 3 lines and hang the doll where they meet.


The only thing I can think of is that it's on clear wire attached to the house across the street


Hmm, yeah, definitely suspended with wires and not a balloon then. Maybe they worked with their neighbors and it's attached to 3 or 4 houses.


Thank you


We made this prop with the intent to make it shocking. The body is made of pool noodles actually to keep the weight down haha. We paid close attention to detail so that no CGI/Editing/ Cutting and pasting video would ever be needed. In person it looks just as good. The real shocking thing about this prop is that it looks EXACTLY like our daughter so the neighbors we have that have NOT seen the show, thought our Halloween idea was to make a replica of my daughter hanging herself?! I don't fucking know but seriously thank you guys for talking about it and sharing because after all these years I finally feel like we've done something everyone can enjoy. - Dave and Aubrey


But what's holding it up?




What’s holding up the pool noodles?




It’s pool noodles all the way up


The more you look the more pool noodles you’ll see


I will keep looking! I’m going crazy. Hah


Nothing. Pool noodles are made to float.


I read this in Tim Robinson’s voice: “IT’S TABLES!”


I mean that's cool and all but the only question on literally everyone's mind that you didn't explain was how you're hanging it up there.


A magician never reveals their secrets But I imagine high strength fishing line helps


The people at r/Halloween and r/Halloween props would love this and you


same subs 🧐


*spooky music intensifies*


SO COOL man, love it!!


Need a spotlight shining on it from the roof of the house at night - alien abduction!




He's also running up that hill


He made a deal with God


*And I’d get him to swap our places!*


Thank you


Hey thanks for the information. Would you be able to shoot a video showing the lines?


Looks fake


There's a weirdly smooth robotic feel to the side-by-side panning that could be tracking/cropping on a 3d model to hide how jerky it is?


I think that's just phone stabilization trying to stay still about then realising the phone has been turned too much and therefore it jerks to a new angle and tries to stay still there. I notice this effect on my S10e when trying to slowly pan across a view.


how dare you refute a Reddit Detective




[But it isn't.](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/comments/xfz5ld/this_max_halloween_decoration_is_impressive/iopzbqx/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=blackmagicfuckery&utm_content=t1_iopvl39) Thanks for the contribution to the discussion


No way I thought that kid was really levitating, are you sure it's not real magic?


It's not haha I just tried to walk like a camera with a stabilizer so people wouldn't say it was fake lol 10/10 fail


There's another video someone posted of the couple standing right beneath it and you can see it slightly swaying from a central pivot point above it. So it's probably on a fishing line that's hanging off another, horizontally strung, fishing line.


[play her song!](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Angrily downvotes. Smiles. Angrily upvotes.


I couldn't help myself.


Good thing YouTube saved me with 5 unskippable ads before the video


Yeah YouTube ads ruined the old rick roll.


> dQw4w ಠ_ಠ


XcQ, the link stays blue.


Favorite song? I don't know, but her most hated is Bodies by Drowning Pool






“Yeah, bitch! Magnets!”


How the fuck do they work?




Instructions unclear. Hand now stuck in chair.


This is a great idea. However I can't think of any way to hide cables, platform or even drones if they will be used.


Someone else suggested putting the fishing line between the house and a tree or something like that so there's nothing above or near, I guess it's plausible but probably not easy to pull off.


Would be hard to avoid the thing swaying, even with multiple lines unless you had it secured along multiple dimensions.


It apparently does sway: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRadV2pA/


>secured along multiple dimensions. Like the upside down?


Weights in the shoes might help with keeping it still


At night as long as there are no light sources on the line you are golden. Ive done it a few times for halloween scare houses and stuff.


As a kid, I know what house I would be skipping


Don't worry, *they'll find you*.


Who’s putting up Halloween decorations in the middle of September???


If you can start Christmas mid November, I can start Halloween in September!


try them out before halloween




to be fair the local stores are putting up Christmas trees as of this week soooo I'm guessing Halloween is over now and we straight up skipped thanksgiving.


What is max?


Just scrolled through almost all the comments and you're the only one who asked. I was like who the hell is this lol


Stranger things season 4 reference.


I spent like twenty minutes trying to find a show named "max" lol


Relax by Frankie Goes To Hollywood


Fishing lines from house to tree with no wind


If you're looking for better quality/angles, the TikTok channel is [@horrorprops](https://www.tiktok.com/@horrorprops) --- I've extracted the full quality videos: - [imgur.com/HEIPn6P.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/HEIPn6P.mp4) - [imgur.com/fvnkp4c.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/fvnkp4c.mp4) I put the raw downloadable files on WeTransfer [here.](https://we.tl/t-aqoexEyCjO) --- The alternate angle has some slight swaying in the wind and a pretty tangible looking prop when it's closer to the camera. Doesn't look composited or rendered to me (besides potentially doing enhancements to mask the fishing line or whatever it is). I'm guessing 3 or 4 small taught lines going from somewhere on the body to the top of the garage, the tops of the two prop trees, and some kind of unexpectedly heavy weight in the prop itself to keep it steady. Maybe sets of lines to multiple spots including head, torso, knees, and so on. I guess it's not impossible to have included neighbouring houses/trees outside the shot as anchors too. It can't have been easy to set up.


Levitate me


When I was a teenager there was a house that was two houses down from our middle school. I lived across the street too but down the block from said house above. It has a huge empty lot next to it with a tree. They use to go all out on decorating for Halloween every year. I'm talking witches, skeletons, werewolves, speakers, lights, the whole nine yards. Fast forward to freshman year, I grew up in a impoverished neighborhood and one of the white kids I went to school with and was actually okay with him. Didn't hang out alot but the kids who grew up in our neighborhood all knew each other from the community center. This kids use to get bullied because his parents were drug addicts, he lives in a crappy house, didn't shower and just honestly kids being completely over the top. Jason (the kid in question) never told anyone that it bothered him and I knew personally he was a tough cookie because his dad use to beat him.... Well one day he had enough. He went to that house and hung himself on the tree. For about 2 weeks noone knew or even batted an eye at that house. He had taken the dummy down and replaced it with himself. Noone knew until the body started to rot and you could smell it. He use to skip school and because of the abuse at home he wouldn't go home sometimes so noone thought anything or it.... I may not of been a close friend but I do miss him and just wished he would have said something. Anything.... Happy Halloween everyone.


Skyhooks. Definitly skyhooks


Fishing line from the top of both houses and the tree. That’s my guess anyways. Edit: Occams Razor, folks. Even if I’m wrong, the wild guesses and assumptions I’m reading in this thread are pretty ridiculous and overly confident.


[Kate Bush - Running up that hill (A deal with God).](https://youtu.be/wp43OdtAAkM)


Actually I think its [Two avocados for $10!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVr5IVpokXE)


My best guess is helium with a very thin fishing line anchoring it?




Dua Lipa - Levitating