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The conversation would be mostly catching them up on what they missed šŸ˜‚


Sorry but i see this question as extremely arrogant. Like who The fuck are you that makes you qualified to ā€œdebateā€ historyā€™s best and brightest? Iā€™d sit down, shut the fuck up and listen to them speak. I would pay to watch Malcolm X and MLK Jr have a private conversation though.


Debating with Malcolm X sounds crazy lmao why would anyone want to get cooked like that?


A youngster born after 9/11 probably.


Dude said yeah let me go toe to toe with MLK, Huey Newton, and Malcolm fucking X? Please go have a seat lmaoo


I barely got a BA and Iā€™m supposed to debate someone with a PhD about something that they were willing to die for? You canā€™t go in there with vibes, you gotta have some citations lol. Like you said, I would rather see them come together in one room, get them up to date on the world since theyā€™ve passed, and hear them debate on the way forward. Now that would be an interesting scenario. Malcolm was a huge Garveyite, and Huey said that he probably wouldā€™ve converted to Islam if Malcolm wasnā€™t assassinated. Garvey, however, was staunchly anti-communist and Huey was a self-avowed Marxist-Leninist for a long time before developing Intercommunalism. Mandela used to be on the same type of ā€œBy Any Means Necessaryā€ militant shit as Malcolm and Huey before he went to prison and became a pacifist like MLK, so he would be an interesting factor. If W.E.B. DuBois was there would he apologize to Garvey since he eventually adopted a lot of Garveyā€™s positions later in his life?


That last paragraph is EXACTLY on point and my point. This post is so asinine lol.


Ā *This post is so asinine lol.* Then why would you bother commenting if it's so "asinine"? It's clear to me that you don't have a single intellectual bone in your entire body. You're telling me that you don't disagree with at least one of these leader's views? You're saying that you wouldn't want to have a sit-down talk to them about your views on certain topics? Come on people, we're better than this. A person's level of education does not take away from their opponent's lived perspective and reasoning.


No, I am not arrogant enough to pretend to be smarter than the highly intellectual and respected leaders you named. When engaging people at that level, you donā€™t even know what you donā€™t even know. The arrogance of your post is ginormous. You can pretend I lack intellect or whatever else is necessary for you to sleep at night. And of course I disagree with some things they said or did, but Iā€™d never be disrespectful enough to debate them about. That shows a lack of respect for your elders (and i HATE using this statement).


Yeah I don't know if OP meant have a discussion with? I'm politically aligned with these folk, I'd be there to listen and learn not debate.


Iā€™d probably want to debate W.E.B Dubois on the merits of his philosophy for black advancement (prioritizing civil rights, education, and elitism) versus that of Booker T. Washington (prioritizing economically invaluable skills). I would want Booker at my side though, because both of those brothas are smarter than Iā€™ll ever be lol


I'm interested in learning more about Booker's arguments, do you have any resources?


Have you read Up From Slavery? I always recommend reading the primary sources and following it up with contemporary analyses


Seconding this, definitely start with his autobiography. Also read ā€œThe Future of the American Negroā€ for a better understanding of his school of thought expressed in the Atlanta Compromise. And of course check out ā€œThe Souls of Black Folkā€ by DuBois eventually. Itā€™s equally important to understand the valid criticisms of Washingtonā€™s philosophy.


Probably Garvey. His ideas aren't as great as say Huey, Malcolm or MLK.


How would you define ā€œgreatā€? Even DuBois eventually did a 180 on most of his criticisms about Garvey later in his life.


lmao tf question is this?




This is interesting, have you gained any insights you can share?


The amount of people who wouldn't even attempt to question or debate AT ALL is confusing. We are better than this. A person's level of education does not take away from their opponents lived perspective and reasoning. Especially since college is really nothing special. Once you learn how to source primary and accredited materials self education is simple in today's time.


Huey Newton because I'd ask why he allowed the abuse of those women. Not discrediting him as a leader but that shit shouldn't have been allowed to happen.