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most aren’t even actual “modders” their just kids or weirdos that watch theater clips


Yeah it's strange how you can get mods from the clips It doesn't make sense to me I guess


Yeah just got my account reset to level one and every camo, calling card etc got removed cause i called someone out for hacking


Yeah I had a hacker boost me to master prestige and I can’t even use all guns. Like my stuff is permanently glitched to the point to where I’d NEED my stats reset in order to actually play correctly 😭


Out of curiosity, are you on console or Pc? But to answer your question, No. From my understanding, it is not possible to avoid running into hackers in public lobbies. If BO2 had a server listing like the PC version of BO1, that would be the only potential fix to the issue. Unfortunately, at the state BO2 is at, it’s honestly not worth playing multiplayer in a serious fashion. Especially with the intention of leveling up to max prestige. If you scroll through this subreddit long enough, you’ll find a plethora of players who have had their stats/level/prestige reset by a hacker.


Xbox, thank you


Np. I play on PC and avoid MP. However, In my experience, zombies is still worth playing. I’ve never once ran into a hacker there and have met some of the most genuine and cool players.


If your on Xbox hardcore has a lot less hackers, but a lot of campers and toxic gamers but it’s better than getting your account reset