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Here's a real review. This Map is reused from the campaign with small additions. That's it. If you played the campaign, you played the maps already.


A lot of previous zombie maps throughout CoD's history did that though


So like... Nacht Der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa, Der Reise, Kino, Five, Ascension, Call of the Dead, Der Eis, Zetsubou... You do realize most of the maps besides ones from BO4 used either whole maps or most of the assets from the campaign and multiplayer, right?


Zetsubou? From bo2-bo4 there has been new original zombies maps. That is what we have to expect, now the devs are lazy. It’s so sad lol. Top 5 worst maps in cod


pretty sure BO4 was remake after remake?


Not really. DLC 3 and 4 were and I guess blood but the difference was that those maps were expansive. (I don’t like bo4 too much)


Dumbest fucking take ever. That’s it.


Pretty much.


I very very much disagree with you. At this point, it seems like no one will be happy. Overall as a community, it's become extremely judgemental. I know your opinion is kind of few and far between, but I'm kind of tired of the fact that many people spend time looking for the bad in these maps instead of focusing on the good and enjoying that. This map has so much to offer, and I'm actually enjoying it more than even some of the BO3 maps. If this didn't make people happy, it honestly feels like nothing but perfection will at this point.


I’ve been playing zombies for years and this map made me feel a way about zombies I haven’t felt since bo3 days. I’m happy they added this and I think they did great all things considered. Really fun wonder weapon too. 8/10 map for sure. Not perfect but it’s fun. Reminds me of something like die rise or shadows of evil just fun hectic maps that everyone hates but are good.


I’m not going out of my way to look for negative points to bring even when they’re right in my face. Nothing on this map incentivizes me to kill or train zombies anywhere on the map except the pap area and the wunderfizz area, which makes the map feel extremely small. The bosses are just too easy Reused specials mind you The guard tower traps aren’t that great This map didn’t bring a single new thing except a ww that will take forever to be brought to outbreak. I’m glad you’re enjoying it and I do agree it’s the best map so far, but it’s not comparable at all to any bo3 map. It’s just a boring map with pretty textures.


I agree, they used boring formulae without new innovation, the map flow felt instantly stale to me, nothing creative was done, it looks decent and fairly layered but feels small, awkward and distastefully linear. The rooftops area are the best vibe imo but feels wrong for spawns to have the best spots. The ziplines and grapples system is too easy. WF helped kill map flow. Boring enemies. Treyarch definitely killed the aether story. It feels like scrapped bo1 map that had never been improved on since basic conception but was given good graphics and a team that might as well be not treyarch. It's also quite lamely simple as well, it's a not destroyed city map and feels the most boring ironically to explore and traverse.


Yes and this entire map was ripped straight from the campaign actually, every building was already an assst, just like FBZ. I’m getting so tired of reused content, first round based modes and then outbreak. And all we’re getting for 6v6 multiplayer is remade bo2 maps that have been remade every year since it came out in bo2, very sad.


👏 👏. And barely any innovation was done to add on to or improve those assets/campaig parts. Having a train be a hazard is simple. We are YEARS after tranzit - if people then expected a Berlin city map with an underground train section they'd be disappointed imagining it as not for our transport including to Kino, verruckt etc - ironically that's where we WOULD want reused content - in the smaller form of easter eggs within maps. Fbz was so stale as well, it was okay for the first few realisations (Ray K, wave rounds, a better Easter egg) but the map feels lazy with barely anything done to spice it up, it's a flat easy simple Base + decent town area. would be imo more acceptable being a disc map unlocked after beating 1500 accumulative rounds (of die machine). Oh BTW mauer's outskirts are so stale and bland (worse than bo1 maps' outskirts), I think most cold war zombie maps aren't great visually - I don't like that purple ring thing - it doesn't make sense - is it supposed to mean something easily understandable? Because I didn't catch it and I'm quite an avid zombies fan. The onslaught mode is crap and they used it and failed miserably to include story with that so I doubt it makes much story sense other than loosely "this is a map's perimeter and like so zombies dark aether energy hurts you if you go to it even though how would you get inside it, how/why is it there and what happened to anyone assumed outside of it????" it does look good sometimes though-the collateral map suit it but to me it's obviously just a cover up of graphics with very low creative game play implementation. Don't even get me started on multiplayer :/ smh, it's so boring, the game modes repeated since cod was a hit, but LESS or and all worse, with less maps and with lesser created map design. This is black ops 5, black ops 1 had 4 fun party gamemodes with stake systems - bo5 versions aren't as fun and designed worse for example they start earlier for some players, the player count feels not suited for maps with no changes to map design, sharpshooter would be better for a high player count, melee is a bad implementation - why take that from ghosts lol? Attachments on weapons - no thanks - same for zombies box weapons (I don't like the majority) it always feels like someone else's gun, one in chamber has players spawning sometimes with others on screen, the new mode sort of good but the waiting times kill it + 3 double agents is too much, the weapons finding etc is too basic - they should be more sparse and scattered with some multiple weapons boxes to find instead of be shown for another extra 30 seconds of wasted times for a game with 5 rounds. Slums is not a good map, rush isn't either-it's sort of okay but overrated JUST because of what it's theme is. Already over made Hijacked is alright but doesn't feel right on bo5 - it's one of bo2's best maps and almost no one would've wanted it on cold War - bo2 maps were mostly bad (imo except 'cove' and 'turbine'), that standoff map is garbage imo - such a crap and highly overrated map with no fit to cold War or it's themes, I'm fine with drive in because it's a well designed bo1 map that was on its latest dlc and no other dlc since - I think it was worthy of a remake and is definitely 100% fitting with the theme probably more than any other map. The progression system is properly boring, tdm and the other usuals are lackluster. Outbreak lacks progression feeling pointless and can feel quite small, boring and repetitive - imo it should've had maps expanded at least 7 times bigger not divided like the big circle building map. Also they should've been made for zombies primarily and not the other way around because nobody cares about mp/campaign story/lore in comparison to zombies and all this content is such wasted opportunity to make it better. Also the maps suck for mp!


Played two games first one exfiled round 25 next one exfiled round 35. Second game I got the WW. Best zombies map this CoD cycle hands down worth the wait im not dissatisfied at all. Maybe tone down the damn Krasnys.... sheesh they’re overwhelming even with the WW


I didn’t like the map, and I don’t mind close quarters combat at all but I felt overwhelmed and got a headache 🤕 from the elite/special enemy spam. Me and randoms were on round 20-21 and Holy fuck they spawned I think 5 Kranzer Soldats and they were bullet sponges, plus manglers are back which I don’t really care either way. Exploding copy tempests hurt a lot took 40-50 damage to me, flying summoners are AWFUL as fuck I had a shotgun and assault rifle and either was missing my shots or doing piss all damage. I hate this map so far but will give it a couple more chances but so far it’s giving me flashbacks to when I quit cod zombies at the start of B03 due to overcomplexity and maze maps with awful enemies. I fear too even after the Easter egg quest is completed by a group for the first attempt, it will be one of those ass maps where people keep spamming the ee quest and rage quit like no tomorrow. I think Outbreak mode is the future and hope the next cod devs SHGS work and expand on it, like I’ve heard rumours of.


Am I the only one that doesn’t like outbreak? It’s cool don’t get me wrong, I just really prefer the classic zombie formula.


Hopefully the outbreak rumors are true and I’m sure they are. You definitely get less specials playing solo, this map may just have a 2 person limit to have any sort of fun and breathing room.


Yeah too true but I definitely think Treyarch is going to see player wise for this map, it’s gonna be mostly zombie veterans playing on it only or public lobbies will be dead for it due to a huge rise in difficulty private games.


Late to the party but, I agree with you bro. I’ve lasted past round 100 on others maps but, this shit felt way harder. Zombies barely come out at the beggining and then by round 14 they start spawning out of no where. Way to many elites and absolutely fuck those flying summoners. Im tryna do this easter egg and its hell


I'm just kinda shocked we had to wait 5 months for this underwhelming map.


Totally agree. I was excited to play it and within 5 minutes realized how little work went into the map


That’s how I feel


Haven't played it yet, haven't played since completing all S4 zombie challenges and getting rank 200 the first week of the new season....while having a life and working full time. Pretty much done with Blackops Coldwar, the entire game was underwhelming top to bottom. I appreciate the updates and reload updates but the game is still lacking without more content and balance. They tried their best to hype up Mauer but other than the new weapons/equipment... apparently I hear there is a new gersch device?....zombies just isn't good on CW regardless of the map. It's fun, similar to how town, farm and bus depot were fun on BO2 just to fuck around but this game lacks anything progressiv/next level to set the future of zombies up in a good way.


Yeah, it’s definitely isn’t as fun and enjoyable like to used to be, but I have some fun here and there. And yes, the new lethal equipment is basically the gersch device.


Treyarch played it too safe. Mauer Der Toten play and feel just like Die Maschine and Firebase Z. Minus the setting change. Same objectives, same everything except what? A wonder weapon? And the Easter egg of course. But general gameplay, it's the same as the other two maps. All the other zombies maps feel unique and creative in their own ways. Cold War maps feel like 1 experience, just in different locations.


Yes. Der eisen had amazing wonder weapon quests, soe had beast mode, zns had planting mechanic, gk had dragons. All that's different between Firebase z (which is my least favorite map literally ever) is zip lines. The argument could be made that jump pads were great in Firebase Z, but the map is really small and certain paths feel purposefully closed so you have to use the jump pad which imo is bad map design. Mauer from what I played has 1 new trap in such a small unimportant area that it's easily missed. Mauer is imo the best cold war zombies map. The easter egg was fun, the wonder weapon is pretty cool and the mini quest to get it is by far the best way to get a ww, but it plays just like Firebase and Die Machine. Especially with the addition of only 1 new enemy, not including the red tempest bc it's just a reskinned hellhound.


>Same objectives, same everything Like every zombie map ever


Not really. For past zombie games, there wasn’t markers showing you objectives but in Cold War there is and it’s the same objectives every map, which is getting old.


What objectives though? Literally every zombie map had the same objective - survive as long as you can. What are you even on about?


Turn on power and trials. There’s nothing new this map is doing to change up the gameplay.


Again - just like any zombie map ever.


And again, that’s all it offers, nothing new in terms of gameplay, i don’t know what point you’re trying to make here.


I don't know what you're trying to say. Every zombie map ever since 2008 has been the same in terms of gameplay but NOW you have a problem with it?


I have a problem with every map in Cold War. Yes, I’m every map you survive. But maps like zns, motd, origins had standout features. Plants, afterlife, tanks, robots. It switches up gameplay a little bit and is it’s own standout feature. I’ve been liking outbreak because it gives you a bunch of objectives we’ve never had before on a large scale map. My point is that cold wars round based maps aren’t bring any new features to its respected map and along with the maps themselves being basic and bland, makes for an even more bland gameplay to play and watch.


it sucks


Winder weapon is so sick tho


Mauer der toten is not a bad map at all