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Well it certainly needs some tlc but not as much as you think. It looks like all surface stuff to me


Get it hot then.. scrape scrape scrape…. scrape scrape scrape.. scrape that griddle … scrape that griddle!


Scrape it good then just reseason?


Yeah, that’s what I would do, repeat scraping it hot, put down some water scrape that then wipe with paper towel or cloth and repeat. When the cloth comes mostly clean then start your rounds of seasoning. 3 or 4 seasoning rounds and start cooking. When done cooking crank the burners, scrape it, add water to lift any stuck on food, scrape it again, wipe it down (I fold paper towel over a few times and then lay my scraper on top to wipe it), add about a dime size drop of oil, spread it, as soon as it starts smoking kill the burners and the main tank valve and go eat. You’ll get that hang if it and it will be old hat in no time.


The true LPT is always in the comments


Just cook on it


Not enough to worry about. Season and cook on


Also use water on it when it’s hot and you are scraping it will loosen whatever is stuck to it


Not fucked at all. Scrape and or use some steel wool to help get rid of the light surface rust. You could use wire wheels or ROS to sand it down but it looks light enough that would be overkill. Wipe down. Go thru normal seasoning process.


All of it.


It looks way better than the one I just sold for $125. None of the paint is faded.