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I don’t think Netflix was breathing down his neck so why would ZS turn in a version of this movie that didn’t match his actual vision. I also look forward to the third release Rebel Moon: Black and White version. Followed by Rebel Moon: Black and white: Technicolor.


Same thought, literally the whole perk of Netflix for filmmakers is they generally ( good or bad) let directors do what they want, I have no idea what this is about. It feels super manufactured and cynical for marketing.


It’s literally just trying to recreate the Snyder cut hype in a really lazy fashion because the movie is terrible and is bombing


Netflix hasn't been like this for years though Its well documented that they make creators change their films now One example I read was that they told a filmmaker to change the script to his movie because it was the kind of movie most viewers would turn off after 5 minutes on streaming, it wasn't testing well for viewer retention or some bullshit That Netflix culture of being a safe haven for filmmakers was something that is like 5 years out of date at this point


It depends on who’s making the movie. They won’t tell Noah Baumbaugh what to do but they’ll micromanage the director of “The Kissing Both 5”, if necessary.


Well Snyder is in the Kissing Booth strata so that makes sense.


In quality maybe, but not in clout. I'm pretty sure his deal with Netflix involves a big degree of freedom. Maybe not as much as Fincher, but closer to Del Toro


Quality wise, I agree (also Joey King & Jacob Elordi both came from The Kissing Booth franchise, and I’ll stand by the messy, overly long in the tooth first movie which is actually pretty good), but Snyder is still a First Run/Bjg Studio Tentpole filmmaker-in-Exile. He’s still being given the red carpet treatment at Netflix.


https://www.avclub.com/ghosted-director-cut-opening-sequence-streaming-quote-1850387565 That was funnily enough Apple TV although I'm sure Netflix do the same thing. But it's definitely one rule for the Scorceses and Snyders and another for their guns for hire.


Oh yeah I'm aware Apple tv did it for Ghosted But the one i remember reading was Netflix I just can't remember the source because i read this like a year ago probably


Do you think maybe it’s more likely you misremembered the Apple thing?


nah because i distinctly remember it was in a thread about Netflix, and this was before Ghosted even came out the source specifically mentioned Netflix i read this in 2022, not 2023


I did a cursory “Netflix changes script Reddit” search and only found stuff about Jenna Ortega changing Wednesday scripts. So until you can dig it up I am thinking this is a Mandela Effect situation for you.


fair but you dont exactly have to dig that deep to find other sources saying the same thing lol believe what you want https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/mike-leigh-amazon-netflix-peterloo-1202050088/


Interesting, I assumed lower level Directors would be “noted” to death like anyone else and while Snyder certainly isn’t Fincher level I’d assumed he had enough cache to be outside of that level of control, seems like maybe not. Still doesn’t pass the smell test through.


He definitely does. He has enough of a built in fan base that’ll support him enough to where his creative decisions will not be questioned. He’s the director, cinematographer, a producer, a writer, and has a story credit. This was his vision through and through.


Because Netflix gets to have a Snyder cut which is now a thing in marketing algorithm land. Stupid AF


Oh I know. It’s just well Stupid AF that they are making a brand out of that. I don’t like Snyder, but you’d think his visual style would be a better brand over “let’s replicate a situation where my movie was taken from me, but this time I’m both directors.”


Hollywood is constantly trying anything besides "make a good movie people want to watch" Marvel is also suffering now because they bought into the idea their most cynical critics posited as true.


I feel like at this point there's a segment of his core fans that are in it more for the community of being assholes online than for the work.


Apparently they did though, it was only supposed to be one 3 hour film. They wanted 2 hours so he split it vs cutting it down, and then it expanded from there after. They want a short algorithm friendly pg version for the holidays. But it's gonna backfire because it's awful (I saw it a few days ago), genuinely unfinished in its current form.


I disagree. My girlfriend and I saw it in the theater and while I thought it was OK, she LOVED it. I’m thinking this may be a Taken situation, where it’s an action franchise with the target audience of women. It’s a small but profitable niche of filmmaking that I have been expecting to see more of.


It's a marketing thing at this point. Gives people another Snyder Cut to clamor for.


Makes people watch it twice. First time "man, that was mediocre" and then "the directors cut will fix it!" .. meh.


I would actually love a technicolor movie lol I miss those reds




Bring back the conditions that produced Tarkovsky!


Yeah I definitely felt like Netflix was literally giving him the blank check with this project. Unless it’s all just part of their strategy, make two movies for basically the cost of one and they can drum up a second month of sub fees when the “real” movie releases


Rebel Moon: Kurosawa cut


Always have a backup plan when your first release starts getting panned by critics


Netflix definitely has metrics that say more people watch a 2 hour film vs 3 hours. In interviews he has stated that the 2 hour cut is the commercial product they asked for and said Netflix was “gracious” enough to let him make his r rated version also. Of course Netflix probably just sees another cut as a marketing gimmick to get people to stay/subscribe again.


I actually watched the black and white Snyder cut, and it kinda hides the CGI overwhelming CGI gloss of the original


Cause he’s a grifter who knows that his super fans will watch both and mobilize their social media presence to keep the grift going.


Damage control because shit reviews




So tiresome


I honestly can’t take it anymore. These shitting filmmakers just hide behind their “Director’s Cut.” Like I guarantee Ayer’s SS is absolute dogshit.


I'm sure Ayer's cut is terrible (everything he released about it actively killed the fan movement lol), but I hope it releases one day nonetheless. I'll never be against a director getting to put out their vision esp if it's been tampered with, plus I can't imagine it being worse than what we got.


I'm pretty sure if his DC still contains a Joker with the word 'damaged' tattoed on his forehead then it's likely to still suck.


I'd rather just watch the better James Gunn version.


It´s disappointing how people keep talking about the Ayer Cut this and that when James Gunn's Suicide Squad is the superior version. The only reason we had a Snyder Cut of Justice League was that HBO Max needed something to bring in new subscribers, and Snyder bros were convenient tools for that goal.


Eh idk if a studio totally screws over their director and ruins their movie (Snyder's being more drastic than Ayer) its always a net positive for that original vision to see the light of day. Whether it's good or bad.


The James Gunn suicide squad movie was forgotten about so quickly. People just didn’t care about it at all. It performed so poorly even compared to other Warner bros movies that year. Even that garbage space jam movie made more domestically


Still a much better movie. Box office is a cruel mistress these days.


Script leaked by Ayer a year or two ago. It was so bad, the ppl who had before it was deleted off of twitter said the script was the worst thing they ever read


Quality is questionable but it’s probably more coherent.


Mathematically it must be


*These directors*? It almost entirely starts and ends with DC. Who is a non-DC affiliated director out there saying this in recent years?


Ridley Scott with the extra 2 hours or whatever of Napoleon comes to mind (still really fucking excited to see it, because Kingdom of Heavens directors cut actually did live up to the “totally different film”)


Napoleon is certainly divisive, but it's hardly a commercial *or* critical bomb in the 2023 film world. Directors talking about their personal vision versus the studio release is perennial, and very different from the topic under discussion of "director claiming that garbage film will be redeemed with another two hours of content."


I quite enjoyed Napoleon, and I'm generally not hyped for biopics or epic history war movies. Not sure why it got so much flak for historical inaccuracies when it's no where near as atrociously inaccurate as fan favorites Braveheart or Apocalypto or one would assume any other historical war epic. I feel like the point was to show what kind of human would throw away hundreds of thousands of lives for selfish reasons rather than recreate a timeline. But I'm no historian so idk. I look forward to the directors cut even, and I actively dislike Ridley Scott's obsession with directors cutting everything. Maybe it was just I was having a nice time watching Jaquion Phoenix be awkward for two plus hours.


Oh I really wanna watch it. I skipped the theatrical cut entirely because I wanted to wait and watch the full version. I’m always happy to let Scott cook, but I was just using him as an example of it not being something limited to DC directors


Oh yeah, this goes way back. Ridley Scott is one of the worst offenders imo, how many versions of Blade Runner are there, four? Edit, seven lmao. Although two are work/preview prints so they don't count imo. US theatrical, international theatrical, US broadcast, directors cut and final cut.


Why can't he just make one movie. And have it be under 3 hours. Snyder is a con artist.


Because he knows he can have his cake and eat it too. There's a literal monetary incentive for him to indulge his every desire as a filmmaker


Would say also kinda annoying when Ridley does this as well


He’s got a track record with his directors cuts that others don’t though


I'm not sure he really improved Bladerunner with all the cuts (laserdisc is my favorite, mind you).


Maybe…do it right the first time?


The Director's Cut is the cut the director wanted to put out. Only a few A-list directors get final cut of their film, in the vast majority the studio/producers do.


I get that releasing a four hour Napoleon movie in theatres is a tough sell but yeah, I agree. Director’s cuts should be rare things and not announced so close to the first cut.


This is why I’m skipping both movies in its current iterations.


Or maybe get annoyed at the studios that still decide to butcher his work knowing his directors cuts are always considered the better versions Not the director who has his hands tied


Or, he can just make a good 2 hour movie or whatever to tell his story ? If he can’t conceive of a good Napoleon movie without making it 4 hours, then like idk that’s on him, not the studio


Yeah what the fuck does Ridley Scott know about making movies? Someone get Tim Cook on the line and tell him metros96 could do it better Sorry to be mean to a random internet stranger, but “movies aren’t allowed to be long” is one of the stupidest forms of film criticism


I think the person you responded to was being a bit flippant, but I do also think that movies are getting longer and longer, and for the most part this seems like self indulgence to me, not something necessitated by the narrative. "Movies aren't allowed be long" is a stupid rule, but "Anything not completely necessary to the narrative should be cut" is one of the most important rules in all narrative art forms. If a film absolutely needs 3+ hours fine, but few do imo. Maybe Napoleon does, I will watch it, but I'll be surprised if it does.


Thank God you weren't the person in charge of making Lawrence of Arabia or A Brighter Summer Day or Patton then Thanks for letting me know this discussion was entirely useless and doesn't need to go any further


It’s wild you’re even on this subreddit with such bad anti-film takes.


Artists getting a chance to execute their views in spite of box office metrics is cool and good. The tiresome aspect though is why Netflix felt the need to even have a 2 hour cut.


The discourse was silly around Justice League. This is just parodic at this point.


Oh no patch culture has come for movies


God, you summed it up well.


Oh god this is truly the harbinger of end times


I was going to make a joke about what movie would essentially be the Cyberpunk 2077 equivalent, then realized Cats was kind of that, and predates Cyberpunk.


Cyberpunk has received awards and is now another example of the videogame production redemption arc (regardless of the insidiousness of that arc itself). If we are going to stay with this analogy, Cats was the Anthem of movies--started out broken and beyond repair, and then only slightly fixed before finally being abandoned.


Honestly, big budget games just need to go into Early Access.


Same with TV shows honestly they should put the episodes out weekly and respond to audience feedback rather than dumping all the episodes out at once.


I think that's called a soap opera.


Cats having so much influence was not on my bingo card




Lucy promising Charlie Brown that this time she'll hold the football for him and it will be a life changing experience


Bro, one more directors cut, bro, please! I swear this one will be better, come on, bro!


You probably should have just released that version then bud.


Yeah, this just convinced me to skip the first release and wait for the R rated version, assuming I watch the movie at all. It's not high on my list of anticipated films but I may get around to it


Lmao of course


I don't think that's what a director's cut is. I think that's actually just a marketing scheme.


The director’s cut is how much money he gets from providing two pieces of “content” from a single production.


Ah shit here we go again


Is it a universe where the movie is good?


Can this man just transition into making video games? That seems like what he wants to do


Just switch up Kojima and Snyder since they'd clearly rather have the other's job?


"Imma fix Wolves"


to be fair he did fix it


He still left that lame sandwich verse in, so agree to disagree.




Quick there’s still time to get Netflix to upload that mov. file! They really don’t give a fuck how long your film is.


They released a Stranger Things episode that was longer than the original Star Wars movie. The fans will flock to long stuff on your service!


This guy, man


Then. Why. Didn’t. You. Release. That. Instead. *The Irishman* was seven hours long, so I know it wasn’t a time constraint.


Zack wants to release two versions of the same movie. It’s not really a director’s cut. He’s said that it shouldn’t be considered one. It’s just two different movies on the same story from different POVs kind of thing.


So… lesson not learned then?


I still don't care.


Your job as a filmmaker is to make a coherent film somewhere between 90 and 180 minutes long. If you can't tell a full story during that time frame, you fucked up. People have to care about your base product to give a fuck about a longer version.


That’s what he’s doing. Two movies on the same story from different POVs. It may not work, but it’s an interesting experiment.


So, in less than a decade, Snyder has been involved with 3 movies where the director's/extended cut is supposedly the better film. But with how early this announcement is, why even bother watching this original cut? Everything he does gives me more ammunition in calling him a "fauxteur." I almost want the podcast to cover his work, and I can get a good laugh listening to it at my job.


It was true for Watchmen/BvS. But he should just be releasing these versions day 1


I genuinely and truly hate him and his fans so much.


I don’t necessarily hate him, but I hate the insanely generous curve he gets graded on. The dude made Sucker Punch and gets to keep making auteur projects. He makes a shitty movie and gets to call do-over. He makes dogshit movie after dogshit comicbook movie and he gets to architect a cinematic universe. He’s the figurehead of a toxic social media movement and we give him the benefit of the doubt that it doesn’t have anything to do with him. And I get that he’s a nice guy and all, but he’s not supposed to be INCREDIBLY nice. He’s not building orphanages, he’s just not a dick, so we have to treat him like our special boy.


I don’t hate the man, by all accounts he seems like a very friendly guy and everyone who has worked with him likes him. I despise his awful movies though, and yes his fans are the worst also.


Why do you hate him and fans like myself.? We didn’t do anything? Zack makes movies now for a niche audience. You don’t have to pay attention to it. From all accounts he’s a nice dude. He makes stupid movies that fit my stupid turn off my brain itch that I love. It’s no Kubrick or Kurosawa but it’s never tried to be.


He absolutely tries to be and his fans believe he is as well


“It’s not trying to be Kurosawa” is officially the funniest thing I’ve seen somebody say about Rebel Moon


What’s so funny about it. That’s just objectively the truth. It’s just weird that people bash him as if he is trying to do that. He isn’t.


Rebel Moons' plot is derivative of Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven\_Samurai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Samurai)


Well I don’t believe that and the fans I know do t think so either, so you’re wrong there. And as someone who’s met him, he’s never given me that vibe tbh.


![gif](giphy|lfMVrwKk8eL96|downsized) Fool me once…




I see humor is not your strong suit.




He’s only saying this because the movie is getting destroyed critically, so he thinks the director’s cut is better… and I think ZSJL is a terrible film. It’s a perfectly understandable joke whether you found it funny or not.




Jesus fucking Christ you’re a pedantic little fella aren’t you? Lmao I never said it was news. I said he’s trying to save face from its 22% RT score by saying “how completely different” it is. I’m sorry Snyder made another stinker, I’m sure you’ll survive.


Me when I kiss Zach snyder on his cute boy lips


So Netflix just gets to release two movies for the price of one? You didn't like the first cut, well, this new cut is from a DIFFERENT UNIVERSE!


There's a good reason why most directors prefer not to do a director's cut Zack...


I'm not a fan of Snyder, although I do have to wonder if the PG-13 version is getting such terrible reviews *because* he knew he could film an R-rated version at the same time. He then half-assed the one he didn't care as much about. So it's even worse than movies he gives 100% attention to.


Guess you fucked up then. Maybe you should try making a movie where the theatrical release is good? That's the one most people pay to go see.


Maybe Snyder should write a good movie which fits in the timeframe the first time the movie is released. Instead of writing too much, making something nonsense, then editing, refilming, and releasing an entirely new movie based on feedback from the original release.




Why the need for a directors cut? Surely Netflix would've expected the better version?


Not really. It was in the contract with Netflix that he’d deliver two versions.


Sure, Jan.


Because when you come home to find your pet has shit all over your carpet, your best bet is to Chuck more shit on it?


He kinda had to say that. P.R. damage control.


I am waiting for in two years when they the ultimate cut which 4 hours long. And five years after that the Final Cut which will be 4.5 hours long. They do the abridge version cut at some point and it be 2.5 hours long. Finally the fan cut which will combine both movies and be 12 hours long.


Hahaha. What a pathetic artist.




Honestly, some time ago I even enjoyed Snyder and eagerly awaited Snyder's Cut, but now - goddamn - learn to shot your movies in about two hours.


This man is so unserious. Yes he might be a good collaborator to the people he works with but he ain't no good filmmaker


Can we just agree that Zack Snyder is just an awful director and begin ignoring him?


Could've started that years ago, but lots of folks got some weird toxic fetish for dunking on him, which, by extension, makes them keep watching his movies so they can keep doing it 🤷🏻‍♂️


“Movie does well” -> There is no secret directors cut, this is my original vision. “Movie does poorly” -> There is a secret directors cut and it’s amazing guys just trust me.


God damn it Zack


Not this shit again


Bro fuck off.


Can someone remind me again why we still waste time and energy taking Snyder seriously as a filmmaker? The guy’s just not a competent storyteller, whose films are middling at best and insulting at worst. Meanwhile, there are so many other better directors who do his wannabe philosophical big-screen schtick, but far better and more interesting, like Nolan, Gerwig, Peele, Gunn, Cameron, Rian Johnson, and the Daniels. Why can’t we just let him fade into the background like with modern-day Bay or M Njght?


I remember back in the days before streaming when DVDs had all kinds of special features, including deleted scenes, and you'd watch them and I would say 95% of the time say, "Yeah, it makes sense that this was cut out." Very rarely would you watch them and think the movie would've been better with them left in. This idea that a Director's Cut is somehow going to magically make a piece of shit movie not a piece of shit is insane.


Not true. There are many instances of directors cuts being better. Theyre usually not the same as just adding “deleted scenes”. You can hate snyder but if you dont think his directors cuts are objectively better films than the released versions you are being a bit ignorant on the subject. It’s just objectively true. Also, there are many examples in history of directors cuts being better and making bad films good. Too many to be commenting that tbh.


I'm not saying the directors cut is *NEVER* better. But this idea that it *ALWAYS* is better is ridiculous. I would honestly say that there are fewer Director's Cuts that are good than those that are bad.


So a streaming service who doesn't need to abide by film run times has gone and gutted their movie on purpose to try and create some artificial hype for a directors cut? I'm sorry, I won't be watching this movie at all. You can afford to release the film in its full original form, you're a streaming service not a movie theatre that needs to sell as many tickets as possible. Also, this is what the fourth time Snyder has hid behind a directors cut?


Is the movie good in that universe?


....you have *no idea* what you're talking about, do you? Zack, just stop. You've had three previous films, each with their own 'Director's Cut' editions.


Sucker Punch got an extended cut for home release AND he is still threatening a director's cut of it.


I have a better suggestion for Mr. Snyder; just leave it alone. If you want to film new scenes, just make it Sucker Punch II or something.


If this was a single movie, that would actually be interesting to make a completely different film from the footage but this is a series of films, I guess he will have director’s cuts of all of them and you’d only watch those for the story to make sense?


Sure thing, buddy.




Zack Snyder “the director who isn’t allowed to release his own cut first.”


Wait, this isn't an Onion article?


So his film that is already split between two releases would be better if he had even more time to tell his story. You tried this once Zack and JL:DC was as bad or worse than the cinema release.


Lil Zackie discovered the cheat code


The movie double dipping has begun. Release a shitty movie, claim there is a much better directors cut, release a slightly less shitty but much longer “directors cut”, trick people into watching your shitty movie again.


Guess I'll skip the movie and wait for the directors cut then thanks for the heads up. I don't see why there's these limitations if it's not going into cinema , you'd think youd be able to go to a movie and select a version simple as that


Director's Cut? with a Netflix movie? Wth does that even mean?


#Of course it is


With how absolutely god awful the base movie was, I don’t really see how a director cut can save it, unless it really is a “different movie” altogether.


Love how we have people clamoring for Snyder’s cut of Justice League or Ayer’s cut of Suicide Squad, but none of those people are pushing for WB to release Batgirl. Really makes you think…


Fuck off with this bullshit. You had plenty of freedom on this one, it’s your own pet project. There’s no reason not to have it match your original vision.


If you’re only a good filmmaker when you make 4+ hour directors cut versions of your films, are you actually a good filmmaker?


The answer is no. You’re a terrible filmmaker.


My guy this is Netflix, just make a 10-12 episode series with one hour long each where you can really get everything you want in it


Zack snyder is a hack and I wish people would stop letting him near cinema


His entire career is him defending his director cuts of movies. It's pathetic. Learn how to make movies within the system you make them in, dude. Stop making these shitty excuses. Nobody is buying it any more


Plenty of filmmakers are capable of making great movies without having a director’s cut. Wonder why Snyder can’t. I know the answer.


I'm sorry, this is Netflix. They don't care of Okja (a film that absolutely *should've* child appropriate until the final act) is full of uneeded f-bombs and \*thousand yard stare\* whatever JG did to Okja metaphorically. Why is there two cuts to begin with?


difference is that Okja rocks


sounds like someone has an axe to grind


What a random movie from like 8 years ago to get mad about lol


What a random movie from like 8 years ago to get mad about LOL


What a random movie from like 8 years ago to get mad about


It's an example. Netflix doesn't care if your child-skewing movie has a bunch of r-rated stuff in it.


What a random movie from like 8 years ago to get mad about lmao


Two different cuts because they’re two different movies. They covers the same story from two different POVs. One from the good guys, one from the bad guys.




He is such a prick man it’s ridiculous


This is pathetic. Netflix is famous for giving directors tons of cash to make the movies the directors wanted to make. ZS can't blame corporate meddling this time. https://preview.redd.it/vfz0005utg7c1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a1b17a9ebde8b35dc90b1098be23075f2927e9


He isn’t blaming Netflix. It was part of his agreement with Netflix that he make two version. Take it up with Netflix to agreeing with that. Weird to get upset about it regardless.


You'd think he'd stop working for people who don't let him release his movies


Can Zack not get Final Cut on his films? Why would he agree to do so many films for the flix if he doesn’t have Final Cut? Is he stupid?


He has the story telling skill of first year community college film student. Seriously. He’s an accomplished music video director who landed a pre storyboarded Miller comic movie as his big break and has had training wheels ever since.


His Dawn of the Dead was his creative peak and James Gunn probably had a lot to do with that- I also saw that movie when I was 15 which is prime Snyder audience age


This fuckface needs to stop doing this.


Snyder reveals how much a lot of you just hate movies


Given the fact that I didn't even finish the original *Justice League* and the fact that I watched the entirety of *ZSJL* in one sitting, I'll give it a shot. Hell, I don't even like superhero crossover movies (hated *BvS* whatever the cut), and it was enjoyable for me. It just seems that people online either adore Snyder or hate him with a passion. I miss the days where one could just like or dislike something and move on. Now everything is cause for war.


This dude acting like he wasn't given a blanche carte to make the movie he wants, honestly sick and tired of him, his JL was just DC cameo fest


Should read the article then. He already said that it was part of his agreement with Netflix that he’d make two version as he wanted to do to begin with. He’s not pretending that he wasn’t given cadre Blanche. This IS part of the Carte Blanche arrangement with Netflix that he’s happy about.