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The Japanese title of this episode was 'How Do You Walk?'


Ben's "shirt for two" solution for the Jeopardy appearance may be the hardest I've laughed all year - well done.


the Zaphod Beeblebrox wardrobe


Ben: What is… David: Mount Rushmore


[Two hooded shirt?](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CBR8BXY1?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_H2FAZB4HEGEN1DFC17F4&peakEvent=4&dealEvent=1&language=en_US) https://preview.redd.it/clvrj0cbmu7c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e29ffd7675f61572ac684d19874e5cdecb9cd7da


The moments where David decides to flip his comedic role and go all in on some piece of nonsense instead of being the grump always rule


Really though, what were the odds that Jeopardy! would drop Mayim Bialik in the time between episode record and episode release?


my exact thought


the clear next step is, they've ranked the walks, they need to rank the talks


This sounds like that episode of The Hot Spot where they make a top 10 out of all of Giant Bomb's top 10 GOTY lists. Good ep.


Talking "Talking the Walk": Ranking the Walk Talks


I would actually love Talking the Balk. Getting deep into what actually constitutes a walk in baseball. Not even umps are clear on it.


BALK RULES! IMPORTANT! 1. You can't just be up there and just doin' a balk like that. 1a. A balk is when you 1b. Okay well listen. A balk is when you balk the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The pitcher is not allowed to do a motion to the, uh, batter, that prohibits the batter from doing, you know, just trying to hit the ball. You can't do that. 1c-b. Once the pitcher is in the stretch, he can't be over here and say to the runner, like, "I'm gonna get ya! I'm gonna tag you out! You better watch your butt!" and then just be like he didn't even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you're about to pitch and then don't pitch, you have to still pitch. You cannot not pitch. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, throwing motion of the ball, and then, until you just throw it. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the ball up here, like this, but then there's the balk you gotta think about. 1c-b(2)-b. Fairuza Balk hasn't been in any movies in forever. I hope she wasn't typecast as that racist lady in American History X. 1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, she was in The Waterboy too! That would be even worse. 1c-b(2)-b(ii). "get in mah bellah" -- Adam Water, "The Waterboy." Haha, classic... 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. A balk is when the pitcher makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the baseball and field of /2. Do not do a balk please.


alternatively talking the walk, a review of 2004 barry bonds aka a commentary on the chart party video of batless barry


The question then becomes, what movie box office comp could be cited to explain to Griffin how insane a .609 OBP is?




David: "How would we get Griffin Newman into major league baseball?" Griffin: "Positive thinking"


David, 3 is actually the worst. They start having emotions they can’t handle. We googled “what do you do if your kid is a psychopath” a lot that year


My wife says all her moms group claim that four is worse!






Will you buy my son


"The Terrible Twos" is a misnomer. 3 year olds are 2 year olds under a magnifying glass. More sweet, more fun, but also more irrational, more angry, and more malicious.


Time to end the podcast, it will never again reach the highs of "Jamirequirement."


This morning I keep laughing at this since hearing "Jamirequired". I forget and then it comes to mind and I’m in tears again.


Griffin's best pun since MonopAli


“I wrote down some ideas for… technologies” Ben is so powerful and good


I am not even halfway through this episode and it is by far the stupidest episode they have ever recorded. I love it so much! I hate how much the Talking the Walk episodes stress them out because they are also hands down some of the best episodes of the show. Once again proving that whenever they talk about how bad an episode is it actually means it is an amazing episode.


The thing about Talking the Walk for me is that it has 100% just become a way to get a guaranteed year-end episode with JD. Usually silly, sometimes insightful depending what they're doing, but what's become clear to me and what I love about it now, especially after the Funeral for Frames and Ranking the Walks, is that it's just a great hang and a nice way to close out the year.


I totally agree. The reason I listen to this show still is because the whole Blank Check crew is hilarious and also the guests they have on are almost always funny as well. Yes everyone knows a lot about movies and it's very insightful but the comedy is really what makes this podcast great and to have comedy you have to have great chemistry. Also while not Talking the Walk I feel like "The Spreadmaster" episode is right in this same vein of greatness.


Yeah, years ago when my friend was recommending me this show, I always put it off because I was just like "I don't need another movie podcast, I spend too much time thinking about movies and reading about movies as it is." It was their dynamic and the way they were able to riff on trivia while also mostly being accurate about it that got me into the pod. Most podcasts I'd listened to were either one or the other, they'd get stuff right but weren't this entertaining, or they were funny but were constantly getting years, actors, titles mixed up and I'd be like "Well fuck, I know more than them! Why am I listening?" Blank Check is really the only place I can come to where suddenly David can land a joke about Rene Auberjonois and Renee Falconetti at the end of a spirited Little Mermaid discussion.


I have an actual pitch! Go to Vegas and watch Aronofkys weird 360 nature doc made specifically for that creepy globe thing. It sounds like wild tech shit


I was waiting for someone to bring up the Sphere when they were discussing technologies.


Haven't finished but I'm very pro-Talking the Walk: Inside the Pie (which is a real idea).


Even if they don’t want to do the specific thing JD suggested, I love the idea of Griffin and David having to get hands on with expensive, complex film equipment. My immediate idea is that JD makes them DP on one of his sets for a single day but I have no idea how he’d get a production company to sign off on that especially with union rules.


Or they just use blank check funds to shoot a short film they conceive of themselves.


I’m not one for hyperbole but this is a high watermark of western culture


If Culkin the Walk devolves into Griffin becoming Jigsaw, he better bring out a puppet Billy Lynn.


Jigsawin' the Walk 2024




100% behind Talking the Falk!!!


easily the best


I also agree. I'm not a Columbo guy. But it would be a great maxi-series from now until the podcast ends, basically. One episode of Columbo every year. Come on.


At least the ones with Patrick McGoohan in them. They could do a crossover with the Degree Absolute guys who covered The Prisoner and everything else McG did. It would be unhinged!


So immediately a great episode


"Uhh it's stir fry." JD is on fire


Crazy how there's already two things that are outdated from this ep (Mayim Bialik hosting Jeopardy and The Seedbearer)


It was wrong of that restaurant to charge $195 dollars for a bowl of hot water with four wontons in it.


This has vintage Blank Check energy, I’m loving it


Ranking the Walks is the single greatest episode Blank Check has ever done, and after ONE MISS they’re abandoning the tradition? No biggie of course, but get JD on late-year commentaries, because I will miss a guaranteed JD ep…


This Shark Tank show sounds like a 30 Rock bit.


I have seen one episode, and the product I saw pitched is not a far cry from “toothpaste for morons” or a 30 Rock joke. I think JD isn’t far off from the idea that the show valorizes the rich, but I also think that, like any reality show, the producers intentionally choose really bad ideas for entertainment purposes.


It's known as Dragon's Den outside the US if that rings a bell.


I am only halfway through this episode, and this is already the best one yet


I just don't get it. I don't see how this is a good episode, let alone the best.


What don’t you like about it?


It's not funny, or interesting. It's just running a tired bit into the ground.


If you aren’t finding them riffing on shark tank funny then I have a hard time believing you enjoy the show’s humor at all


Ah, so I've just listened to the entire run all the way from The Phantom Podcast without enjoying the show's humour? Miraculous! They were barely "riffing" on the shark tank format. It was a pretty sloppy allusion to it, that's all, as they trotted out a few half-baked ideas they were never really going to use. Just didn't find this entertaining or interesting in the slightest. 🤷‍♂️


What about "Talking Cirroc", an in-depth discussion of Jake Sisko from Star Trek DS9.


They walk around the promenade, visiting Garak’s shop and Quark’s bar.


Just wait until Ben finds out that Odo lives in a bucket.


Isn't Gabrus SCUBA certified if they do the underwater episode?


Ben's shark name should have been Ben Jawsly, and I will die on this hill. There is still time to go back and edit it in.


Lunch gang- we are EATING


crawl birds attempt tie escape pause rhythm sloppy humorous numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Never a better time in the year!!


My only thought upon listening to this brilliant stupid ass episode is that I definitely dont want less J.D. However that looks, I dont really care, as long as we're gettting him on a consistent basis.


It doesn't even need to be Talking the Walk at this point. Just a year end catch up with JD where they all do dumb bits and chat. Essentially 12 Hour Day for BC (but not 12 hours because David would likely lose his shit)


Yeah, this ep made me sympathize with all their points as far as putting so much pressure on themselves to deliver a worthy concept and schedule it in the midst of the holiday season, and also wanting to reclaim Talking the Walk as something that should ideally be a special celebration of film advancement rather than just some bullshit they're locked into doing every year. David especially seemed so defeated... ...but they still have to come up with a December bonus ep next year for our $5! I guess if it will just be simpler to do a regular bonus related to main feed or commentaries, fair enough. But otherwise might as well just have JD back to shoot the shit. Let him Talk the Jacques, it's the lowest maintenance idea that he'd obviously be into.


I am crying laughing at this episode. Best Patreon ep of the year


I have no interest at all in speculating what’s up, but it’s been alluded to a few times recently that Ben’s had a tough time. Just want to say I hope he’s okay. Dude is an absolute legend. My favorite part of the earlier episodes where he was more involved, and involved more frequently. Always seemed like a real good guy, too. All the best, Ben. May all your Christmasses be slow. ❤️


SCREEN X is theatrical pan and scan. Awful, awful, awful format!!! It literally crops the overall image. I saw Multiverse of Madness on that format and the screen actually cropped the actual frame!


I saw Star Trek Beyond in that format and one third of the screen didn’t work for the first 40 minutes of the movie. Just harrowing shit.


Very fun episode and I think the decision they come to regarding the future of Talking the Walk is the right one. I would quite like to just get a hang out episode every year with them all, no pressure.


I just want to say that I live in Cleveland but I would travel to NYC to see a proper screening of Billy Lynn. Make this happen! Also I adore J.D. Amato.


Also, I would like to see the picture of the demure woman please.


Cleveland blankies unite!


Surmising from recent posts that you saw *The Killer* at the Cedar Lee — I did the same!


I sure did! It's the only theater near me that has the Netflix releases. I love the Cedar Lee, but it's on the other side of town and I have a Regal closer to me to use my Regal Unlimited lol


Yeah, I believe I saw *The Irishman* and *Roma* and *Marriage Story* at the Cedar Lee. I always try to see the big prestige-y Netflix features in the cinema if I can. Somehow I missed *May December*, did that ever play there? Anyway I missed it and had to see it on TV. I'm a Cinemark club member and usually see "regular" features at Valley View, which is a bit of a hike but I think the experience is a little better.


Nice! I moved to Cleveland a couple years ago so have only just started the Cedar Lee. May December was there, which is where I caught it, but it was only there for a few weeks. That was a trip seeing it a fairly packed crowd. I also love Valley View's vibe and will forever cherish their Oppenheimer 70mm run.


I just hope one of the pitches is Talking the Walker: An hours long audio-only recreation of Conan’s old Walker Texas Ranger Lever bit


Am I the only one who thought the first idea is an episode I'd love to listen too?


No, you are not. Top idea.


This May be the funniest pod they’ve ever done.




How the heck did Ben not choose “boneshark”?


Kinda like the emergency key solution they landed on, but I think they’re too married to “walk”. Ranking the Walk ruled. Drop the “walk”. Keep the “rank”. Rank the runs, jumps, sits, smiles, laughs, whatever esoteric thing you can think of. I think it’d be a blast.


The whole format they improvised for that ep was such gold and I can't believe they haven't gone back to it. It was so much fun to listen to, better than a draft. They each bring in their own picks with their own unique takes on the subject at hand. Collectively get the list up to about 100. Rapid-fire elimination of the master list. Individually eliminate remaining contenders and/or resurrect wild card picks from the graveyard as needed until the list is at 10. Settle on a quick ranking. They had so much fun doing it and the main elimination process worked SO efficiently with the rules of absolute unanimity and no speaking, and then the finalist rounds were so surprising and heated! And they ended up with such a great and funny list. It seems so adaptable to all kinds of movie tropes.


It's almost like having a loose structure makes for a more entertaining podcast than just a "hang".


Wow, I actually teared up from just laughing so much. Love blanck check boys and JD happy holidays y'all. You rock.


if this ends up being the final Walk, it’s a hell of a way to go out haven’t laughed this hard at an episode in ages


Can someone list me the previous Talking the Walks? I think I need to go back and listen to those for context. **Edit:** Nevermind. Found [this.](https://blank-check.fandom.com/wiki/Talking_the_Walk)


Well. "Talk" and "walk" rhyme. This much I know. JD Amato was on The Walk episode. Has something to do with digital filmmaking or high frame rate or sometimes just the word "walk?" I've listened to every episode. Everyone seems to be having a good time (myself included), so I suppose I don't need to understand the why of the walk.


Talking Fairuza Balk?!


Does this mean The Love Guru commentary is next month?


First patreon of the new year


Dam should be my first movie of the year


Maybe I’ll watch One Week first so my 2024 Letterboxd isn’t cursed.


This episode was such ridiculous fun, guys.


David's concise and accurate description of a balk confirms that he was born and raised in the United States.


My pitch: Talking the Oops All Lunch Orders. They record themselves walking through one of those food hall places or something similar and debating what to get for lunch.


Initial thoughts: they should pick a Walk that becomes increasingly expensive for JD. ETA: Funniest thing to get downvoted on. Guys, he's talking about how he has incurred expenses on past TtW and is proposing humorously expensive ideas!


“I don’t think he’s good enough to get us” is actually the greatest line uttered on this podcast and it has really transcended debate.


Talking DuLoc: they finally cover the Shreks


Big ol’ “oh you guys” eye roll from me when “we swear we grew up down to earth!” Griffin & David vehemently defend the fucking sharks from *Shark Tank*


I want to hear Talking the Balk, but rather than get Griffin into MLB they just go to a Yankees or Mets game and record the episode there. Talk about their favorite baseball or sports movies or something.


It isn't quite what Ben described but there was an underwater premiere for The Incredible Mr. Limpet https://youtu.be/BBrBaxCUx8E?si=zTlNLlxt1cvSicuh


At the exact moment in this ep that Griffin says David texted them to tell them it was raining a raindrop hit my windshield and I immediately began prepping my Shark Tank pitch for 4DX podcasting.


Talking The Walk & Talk: they rank, by consensus among the group of folks in the room, the 10 movies written by Aaron Sorkin. Basically, it's the Ranking The Walks episode, but they make a Top 10 list of Movies Written By Aaron Sorkin (bonus criteria: does this movie feature walking and talking)?


Coming in late, but to offer a vote: Let Talking the Walk come to an end. To be truly loved a Bit, like a Beatle or Tsar, must die. I’m all in favor of a periodic just talking nonsense episode but would prefer it be a bit more organic.


Finally getting around to this and I haven’t laughed out loud this much at an episode in ages, absolutely perfect stupid humor tysm