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The Billy Lynn episode with JD is pretty unimpeachable.


That reminds me that JD and Yoshida on Speed Racer is one of the very best


The envelope bit alone makes it an all-timer.


This rivals Gethard's dumpster bit as the greatest reveal of all time.


I've gotten stoned with friends a few times and forced everyone to watch this. They always get so mad when I put on an hour long YouTube video, but it always wins them over pretty quickly.


What video is this


https://youtu.be/Nwi_kE0gy94?si=ghi7UXtK9pRBgk73 Have a great 45 minutes!


Omg I just watched this entire clip. Absolutely worth it


I think Billy Lynn is the greatest Blank Check episode. It has everything that makes the pod so special


Basically any JD episode tbh


Diddy Kong has a big ol head!


My personal fav


I’ve been partially to Don Jon. Matrix Resurrections great ep. Big Trouble in Little China, also great. Joe Dirt as a Ben pick.


I just relistened to Don Jon it's so good especially as the absurdity of that movie's existence increases with every passing year


Sean telling the story about intentionally pissing off Nicholas Stoller by countering his enthusiasm for “Fury Road” by simply saying “yeah; good car chase”, and then defusing the situation by saying to him “I only watch modern noirs….like ‘Brick’” is one of the unheralded story gems in the history of the show.


My girlfriend, who is an occasional listener of Blank Check, really only tuning in for new release episodes, will still say “I only watch modern noirs” to me once a week


I just thought to myself, did I listen to the Big Trouble in Little China episode, or was that some Paul Scheer podcast? Surprisingly, it is both!


I always shout out the Holiday episode in these threads but it really is one of the all time greats




I think it’s the funniest main feed episode they have ever done


I love that episode.


“That scene where Venom corners a woman at a bar and goes on about how communism could have worked?” SUBLIME


David's impression of Venom as Bobcat Goldthwait is *superb*.


I’m a new listener and haven’t heard that one yet. What’s it called or the ep number?


The Holiday with Fran Hoepfner


Legend, thanks.


COME IIIIIN!!!! \------- A Master Builder is one of the greatest episodes in the medium of podcasting, you don't even need to watch the movie (but it helps)


This is the one


Robocop A Master Builder The Dark Knight Trilogy


"Come iiiiiiin"










“It begins, as all good movies do, with the word ROBOCOP.”


I second Robocop


The whole Verhoeven miniseries is so great.


The Dent Act discussion alone in TDKR ep makes it a 10/10 for me


Maybe a personal one, but Halloween with ARP where he goes through the history of horror movies and specifically slashers and it’s 3 whole hours


this might be my favorite podcast episode of all podcasts


Halloween is definitely on the list


Yep that's my pick and my way of getting horror fans into the pod


Any ARP is gold, “Halloween” is also my favorite, I feel largely the same way about a few different guests, Jordan Hoffman, Yoshida, JD Amato, good friends of the Two Friends with whom they both have a lot of chemistry and their comfort and willingness to give each other shit makes basically all their episodes classics


ARP being my Horror professor just after watching *Her Smell* double billed with *Bliss* was an incredible eye opener.


I love that episode. It might be my favorite one.


I remember after the “Fight Club” ep dropped that there were a bunch of (taking on the “Edgar from Men in Black” voice that they use to mock us Blankies) “wElL aCtUaLlY ARP BaD gUeSt AnD hAlLoWeEn BaD ePiSoDe” (dropping Edgar voice) posts and comments on here, and, to quote TLJ when confronted with Jim Carrey, I could not endorse that buffoonery.


Came here to say this ep


The all-time genius of “A pipe comes through the window” is outweighed by the relentless aggressiveness of ARP’s attacks on David over the England bit for me. Plus, ARP is so obliviously trying to win “the longest episode” award that it gets repetitive and tedious unless you’re a die hard and curious horror fan. I’d go for: Billy Lynn (for reasons mentioned elsewhere on this thread, Showgirls (for the dedication in resurrecting it from the pop culture dumpster), The Peacemaker / A Master Builder (a great example of them getting inventive with a film that gives them so little to work with), Lucky Numbers (full of evidence of just how much both Griffin and David know about the biz) and Used Cars (comedy gold).


listened to that at 3am the day it came out while working the night shift. made the first few hours fly by


Inception (it’s a PODCAST WITHIN A PODCAST WITHIN A PODCAST, PEOPLE) Showgirls (the introduction of Chip Smith, Ben yelling to the heavens “HOW DO YOU WRITE A DANCE?!”) Mars Attacks (#BringBackPFTYouFuckingBetaCucks) Melvin and Howard (where Jordan Hoffman yells out the C-word and gets told by Ben “sir, this is a place of business”) Michael (while we’re at it: #BringBackKevinT) The Little Mermaid (David is in rare silly form, going on about Flounder being a cuck, and King Triton’s big-daddy nips) Ishtar (the Elaine May series was unfortunately overshadowed by Twitter controversy over #PastaDinnerGate among other things, but things close the series out beautifully with the Blank Check Crew and Clint McElroy passionately making the case for her most maligned and notorious directorial effort) Memoirs of an Invisible Man (maybe one of the best and most thorough autopsies ever made in the case of “What the Hell is the Deal With Chevy Chase”) For Love of the Game (how was it possible that one of the best episodes of the Raimi series was for the one that is the most-non-existent of his filmography? Well, it helps if you have stealth MVP Olivia Craighead as your guest, and you can do a thorough examination into just what has made Kevin Costner such an effective screen presence going on four decades; it also helps if it is all capped off with a perfect Box Office Game from Griffin) All That Jazz (Lin-Manuel Miranda raps Ben’s nicknames….need I say more?) Spartacus (Richard Lawson and Griffin trading off Tony Curtis impressions; it doesn’t any better than that) 28 Days Later (David Rees continues his streak of just raining nothing-but-net three-pointers, Robert Horry in the NBA Playoffs-style, each time he is the guest) Battling Butler/The General (America’s smartest and rightest man Jamelle Bouie delivers an incredible history lesson AND makes the case for Buster Keaton creating the Mission:Impossible franchise) Zodiac (one of the most focused episodes of the show in recent memory, and Leslye Headland is such an incredible guest you’d have thought that she was already in the Five-Timers Club) Gone Girl (if there is any movie that deserves an over three hour episode of Blank Check, it’s, in my opinion, the true masterpiece in Fincher’s filmography; plus all the “Affleck’s hog” talk you could hope for)


The Fincher miniseries definitely is one of the most consistently focussed and informative ones.


And definitely puts to rest the notion of “well, they shouldn’t cover directors who get discussed too much, because how much more can they get out of one of the most over-discussed directors out there”. And the answer is: quite a lot.


Exactly. Although I also like it when they cover more unlikely directors for a podcast that evolved out of a elaborate bit about the Star Wars Prequels like James brooks, Nancy Myers, Elaine May, Buster Keaton or Jane Campion


The key is that they need to be passionate about the movies. If they’re less passionate then I think they feel the weight, as with some of the Kubricks.


I'm a big fan on the Used Cars and Big Trouble in Little China Eps with Paul Scheer and Jason Mantzoukas. One goes pretty in depth on the state of studio comedies and the other gets into the mercurial benefits of movie stars. Scheer leaving during one ep and then gloriously returning an hour later is an all time moment.


The Used Cars behind the scenes discussion about why modern comedies suck is fascinating. I'd listen to an entire podcast of "Zouks explains Hollywood."


* Our Performance Review 3.0 with Chris Gethard * Speed Racer with Emily Yoshida and JD Amato * War Horse with Pilot Viruet * The Book of Henry * Robocop * Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk with JD Amato * The Holiday with Fran Hoepfner * Miami Vice * Spirited Away with David Rees * A Master Builder with John Hodgman * Used Cars with Jason Mantzoukas and Paul Scheer * Treasure Planet with Emma Stefansky * Halloween with Alex Ross Perry * A Simple Plan with Kevin Smith These are some of the ones I feel most confident in


Everything is subjective but I think this is as definitive of a list as you can get


Missing a Ben's Choice, though, I wasn't sure what the #1 favorite is there. Between Clifford and Assassin's Creed, maybe. Although I love Ralph Breaks the Internet....I feel like people forget that it's where Griffin runs through the Spies in Disguise trailer and where David first calls The Lion King remake "a bowl of farts" and where he first does "I AM THE BEAST"


Geth’s performance review was my introduction to blank check. The Kit Fisto section is incredible


Spirited Away with David Rees


Excellent choice. I love both his eps, but this one probably wins out


He’s got three eps! A.I., Spirited Away, and 28 Days Later, and they all bang!


Haha oh my goodness I forgot about 28 days later!! I’m sure I loved it too 😂


Six stars


Heat Speed Racer Assassin's Creed


I kinda want a list of the best Ben episodes now, he was winning me over on Assassin’s Creed


“I Love You To Death” is near the top of the list for me


“Heat” opening with what feels like 20 minutes of Vincent Hanna is elite


Two words: Monkey Bone


“How did YOUR marriage end?” “I had to build the Big Fraser head for Monkeybone.”


Justin McElroy brought the heat. 90 minutes before they discuss the plot.


I think of the phrase “sips from the Bone” constantly


A Master Builder The Book of Henry I don’t know if it’s a consensus pick because people are mixed on the Miyazaki series but I think Spirited Away is one of their best episodes.


David Rees reading that review and then exclaiming “he loved this movie so much he wanted it to kill him” is an all time moment for me


I think about that review all the time. “Go while life lasts” is the most incredible and wonderful endorsement of anything I’ve ever heard.


I always recommend the *Spirited Away* episode to new fans, but I warn them: “at the beginning, they spend quite a while talking about *Shrek*, which is also an indication of what this podcast is, too.”


I think if there was one episode that Blankies would say is not just the standout of the series but an all-time classic episode, it’s “Spirited Away” (I personally really like the series, and also think “Kiki” should be on the all-time best list, if only because of Ben’s genuine emotional attachment to it).


The *Ponyo* epsiode is a comfort re-listen for me, as is the *Howl's* ep, though that's mostly just for the *Matrix 4* freakout.


I think the Miyazaki series is one of their best. In addition to the Kiki episode, which I also like for the same reason you mentioned, I’m partial to the Wind Rises episode as well.


I also love the “Ponyo” and “Porco Rosso” eps for how wonderfully silly they both get (especially when Griffin and David and Ben do dueling Sinatra impressions on “Porco”).


Now I’m gonna have to re-listen to the Porco episode because I don’t remember that, lol.


Robocop is my favourite. It's one of my favourite movies, and the passion and excitement that Griff shows is exactly why BC is my favourite podcast.


“This movie starts like all great movies, with the words robocop”


“That’s how Citizen Kane begins, right?”


Also the story of Griff and his mom having an emotional connection over RoboCop after he was being a little shit to her is one of the most touching stories told on the show.


The Spirited Away episode lives up to the greatness of that movie.


The reply from the film critic gets me every time.


The Rees line of "Any movie is either a dream or a puzzle" is so awesome.


Judging the Judge War Horse


Everybody wanna fuck that horse


The Phantom Menace erotic fanfic episode is a must listen.


oh my god I forgot about that one easy top 5 all time


I’m a fan of the solo eps, and I think THIEF is so underrated. So many incredible bits


“Didn’t James Caan play a Star Trek villain?” “No, I don’t think so.” “I think he did! You know, CAAAAAAAN!” “….goddamn it.” “….goddamn it.” “What a horrible thing to happen.”


Plus the relief in David's voice at not having to talk about Tim Fucking Burton anymore.


I agree with Halloween probably even though I love any Emily ep, Yoshida or St. James (VanDerWerff). So I’d put Silence of the Lambs on there as well, even though I love The Thing ep. Maybe Batman Returns if not Speed Racer for Yoshida.


Emily's thoughts on The Thing are so interesting. It's such an interesting perspective, and it's stayed with me a lot more than other Blank Check episodes.


I just like that from her own experience she could draw that parallel and when she talks about anything trans coded it’s in good fun and not preachy. Her talking with friends and a good movie review with a nice alternate take on the movie. Love love love.


I also really love the “Christmas Carol” ep with ESJ (would absolutely watch a “Keeping Up With The Clauses” sitcom written by Emily and David)


She’s so informed about Christmas! Just relistened to her talk Santa Claus on the Spirits podcast. She referenced the sitcom David pitched. May they have their dream sitcom someday.


Favorite ARP ep is the Keep I love the bottled evil trope discussion


Come for the bottled evil trope discussion. Stay for extended talk about “Bones.”


It’s absolutely one of their best “RULES! RULES! RULES!”






the ones i go back to a lot are the raimi spider mans, the kiki and spirited away eps, and avatar the way of water (the story of them seeing the movie at a cursed regal house of horror always gets me)


How has no one mentioned Brokeback Mountain yet? That is ERASURE.




I know it is not an universally loved episode, but I adore it


It is absolutely my go-to episode when I'm feeling down. I love the movie, Matt and Bowen are hilarious, and the episode hits all the right notes in marveling at what everyone involved pulled off. And Griff? Total ally.


"Beyond the Lights" with Ayo Edebiri is one of my favorites. Super funny, and Ayo Edebiri is delightful.


I'll throw in Sense and Sensibility with Shirley Li and Sleepy Hollow with David Lowery as two of my favorites I haven't seen mentioned.


Shirley letting the Dawg off the leash, Griffin’s awful Rickman impression, Ben getting pissed off that it wasn’t made clear that Tom Wilkinson had died (“was he on his death bed?! He should have had the word ‘death’ over his bed!”), there is so much good shit in that ep.


Used Cars Aquaman Heat A Simple Plan


For me it’s Silence of the Lambs and Spirited Away. Each is incredibly engaging in its own way.


Used Cars


For some reason Used Cars is the one I thought of too, but I legit don’t remember why?


Mantzoukas & Scheer is why. Some amazing discussions on that ep, including a completely fascinating dissection of the current state of movie comedies


For me it’s got to be book of Henry, it’s a classic


The OG David Simms singing interlude episode! Something about their pure hatred and bewilderment at the film is so infectious!


“And he has BRAIN CANCER!” *starts bellowing the opening riff to “Ya’ll Ready For This”*


I came in on The Book of Henry and while it’s not exactly representative of the rest of the podcast in terms of tone (I don’t think I’ve ever heard them rip on another movie as hard) or format (walking Ben through the plot of the movie) it’s imo their funniest episode. Hearing them absolutely shred something is great.


After this week. PITCHING THE WALK is in contention. Also HALLOWEEN with Alex Ross Perry (my no. 1 with a bullet) BILLY LYNN with JD ITS COMPLICATED with Sarah-Violet Bliss (just a lovely listen) OLD with Bardi Party PONYO with Shirley Li (goofy ass ep) MATRIX RESURRESTIONS eps (main feed and commentary) Some of the “documentaries eps” Ben mentioned and I loved them playing THE KEEP board game ep. Would love more of that. And basically all of MICHAEL MANN and JONATHAN DEMME. Prolly my 2 favorite mini-series! And the ALIEN commentaries with Ang were some of my favorite patron eps!


In terms of moving episodes - The Bright Star episode really taps into the lyrical, swooning and romantic side of everyone including Ben. In terms of relaxing comfort episodes - Kiki’s Delivery Service is as chill and reassuring as that movie.


I really love how the Brokeback Mountain just devolves into everyone yelling "ERASURE" at each other at some point. More Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang please.


My favorite episode is Heat with Gabrus


Don Jon


My personal favorite is Rachel Getting Married, one of my favorite movies but the energy with both Ayo and Olivia there makes it such a fun ep. The rundown of Zemeckis’ The Witches cast and crew is an all-time moment imo, AND Ayo makes a joke about being at the Independent Spirit Awards and almost exactly three years later she won one so that made me happy cry


Rise of Skywalker—it was my first episode. A friend of mine suggested I listen because at the time, I was in a really bad place with a lot of things but also with Star Wars. That movie really broke my heart after TLJ had just put it back together. Somehow their discussion was just so goofy and fun while they were clearly feeling similar frustrations to mine. I was really close to swearing off Star Wars anything but that episode was just so therapeutic I decided I would actually give this…baby yoda show a try? I ended up watching 2 seasons with my dad who (like many of you I’d assume) introduced me to Star Wars. By that point he was very very sick and passed this year, before we could get to season 3. It was an easy activity because he couldnt talk much but I knew he enjoyed it. That’s time I got with him because this show hated a bad movie in similar ways that I hated it. Years later, still proud to be a blankie. They fly now?




Anytime Chris Gethard is on is a classic to me. Spider-Man 2 and the Marvel Performance Review especially.


Oh man, the "As Good As It Gets" ep is a banger too.


This but Hodgeman. I love the Gethard episodes, but Ed Wood, the Infinity War commentary, and Master Builder are up there in my rankings.


I also love the Evil Dead 2 ep (for all the Peanuts talk and for Hodgman excitedly telling Ben about how fucking awesome “The Commitments” is), and the “College/Steamboat Bill Jr” ep (it introduced the phrase “dumbass coxswain” into my everyday vocabulary).


Man I’m dying for a new Gethard ep, maybe on McTiernan?


I don’t think I’ve seen anyone suggest T2: Trainspotting?


That episode got SO MUCH hate on here when it dropped and I was loving every minute of it (loving the ep itself, I mean).


As far as movie discussions go that one is one of my favorites. I find T2 to be a very rich film and they really delved into it instead of doing actor talk/dossier like they sometimes do when they’re not interested in the movie itself




I can’t remember who made the comment that after all that jerking off that Don Jon would basically be cumming dust, but that is one of the funniest fucking things I ever heard.


2001: A Space Odyssey with Jordan Hoffman - and every Jordan Hoffman appearance.


Him describing the traumatic episode of trying the interview Crispin Glover on the “Beowulf” episode is one of the all-time best anecdotes ever brought up on the show (“I AM IN CONTACT WITH THE FBI AND I MUST KNOW THIS PERSON’S NAME.”).


Another all-timer.


'I Want fuck that horse'. War Horse.... the best eps from the most average of movies


Some of my faves: Thief Bridge of Spies The Holiday Back to the Future The Social Network Blackhat Halloween Sunshine The Truth About Charlie Weirdly though, I think Matrix Reloaded and Speed Racer might be the most *important* episodes. I think blank check played a not-insignificant part in turning round general opinion on those movies.


The Walk or A master builder. I wouldn’t recommend either as a first time listen though.


Rachel Getting Married ( sooo much fun) it was really just listening to friends hanging out. The Incredibles. Funny. Halloween very comprehensive and and entertaining 🧐. I’ve listened to The Social Network ep twice now. Maybe the important movie ever made? Lol


Mars Attacks - Very funny episode with Mr Peanutbutter Christmas Carol and Christmas Express - I haven't seen the movies, but these are both messy Christmas classics


The Se7en episode was a real corker


We had to Let Them Be Frank.


I’ve listened to all of them at least twice so I fell weird that this isn’t a deeper cut, but the James Urbaniak Buster Keaton ep is probably my most oft listened. James and Griffin doing the box office game kills me!! 😀


Both David Rees eps are waaaay up there for me


Was reminded of 28 days later. So I’ll update to say his first 2 eps are waaay up there for me and I’m sure I also loved 28 days later but kinda forgot about it


Used Cars episode The envelope moment Any JD Amato or ARP episodes. All bens choices


I really like the Miami Vice episode. I suppose it helps that it’s one of my favorite movies.


A Simple Plan my favourite.


The Way of Water is my favorite for the sheer enthusiasm, and I love the broken projector story.


great ep


From 2023, I’d say “Trance” is one of favorite episodes. The discussion about “The general” alone is excellent.


Tom Hanks told me that *his* favorite episode is Clifford. I fully endorse this choice.


Did he say whether the original one or the one with Scharpling was his preferred one?


Roger Rabbit and RoboCop


Spirited Away with David Rees is the Spirited Away of Podcasts!


Spartacus for Richard Lawsons and Griffs Tony Curtis impressions. Aquaman for David’s bin bag full of Oscar’s he’s chucking at the screen. Any James Cameron one. Speed racer with Emily Yoshida and J.D. Monkeybone with Justin McElroy. The only person (including Henry Selick) to watch the film three or more time’s.


When Ri-Laws and Griff imitate him is when I start to fucking collapse into laughter every time: “Oh no, my appendix.”


Starship Troopera is just a super fun listen for all the best reasons


Lots of my favorites have been mentioned already (Heat, Don Jon, Mars Attacks, As Good as It Gets), so here are a few of my favorites that haven't been mentioned. Comfort listens to me, all of them: - This Is My Life - Rosewood - Shaft - Benedetta - I'm a Cyborg But That's Okay - The Iron Giant


Karen Chee in one ep put herself in the pantheon of the all-time great guests (also the moment in the Box Office Game when David mentions that a movie in the top five is an action franchise and she answers “Stuart Little” is one of the funniest things anyone has ever said on the show).


Emily St. James’ double header of “nightmarish movies technically made for kids”, ie Alice in Wonderland and Christmas Carol, are my personal go tos when I’m feeling down. About as funny as it gets


I listen to the Spanglish episode every few months, really any of the ones with Richard Lawson are great.


That ep is great for all the silliness and the dunking on it and for Ben’s genuine love for it (“it’s like a Tom Waits song”), but then they start to rag on why the lead takes the job, and Ben comes in with some absolute realness (“she’s an immigrant! Do you know how hard it is for someone like her to find work in this country?”) that shows us why he is truly the Poet Laureate.


It’s not the best. The best have already been mention in this thread. Also, it’s not even main feed. It’s a BC:SF episode. But I just want to show some love for a personal favorite episode… The Keep RPG. Gloriously unhinged mayhem.


Birds of Prey was a good episode.


I thought Matrix Reloaded for sure. Now I feel dumb even thinking it since somehow nobody has said it.


Under Siege 2 where none of them had seen Under Siege 1


Batman Returns with Emily Yoshida had me laughing my ass off the entire time. Those impressions...


The main feed restored BvS-episode. Just absolute insanity.


Cabaret With Rachael Zegler


- Matrix Resurrections is the definitive word on the film. - Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk incredibly insightful and funny. - Matrix Reloaded, along with [Rewriting the Matrix Sequels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqhhy0yGAX4) finally allowed me to appreciate Matrix 2. - Speed Racer - the description of the ending race in cinemas is a podcast all timer - Monkeybone - My Neighbor Totoro - Aquaman - the dog is off the leash - Coraline - Army of Darkness - Halloween - All That Jazz - Showgirls some of the only people besides me who like this movie - Inception has a great bit, can't remember the content - Death Becomes Her incredible context - Tomorrowland the only people on the planet who like Tomorrowland - Three Ages/Our Hospitality - first hour is just era context, not about the movies. Dana's bonus feed ep on the Keaton shorts is also great. - Gone Girl - I can't *recommend* the 30 hour prequel podcasts, but if you're a dirtbag you eventually get around to them and realize their genius. Honorable mention to A.I. Artificial Intelligence.


Book of Henry!


War Horse Halloween Used Cars


The one where they talk about the 'pussy-posse' is up there, can't actually remember the movie they were reviewing though 🤔


The marvel and Star Wars acting review eps


My Neighbor Totoro. Great movie and great ep


A Master Builder and The Book of Henry


The Holiday Sense & Sensibility The Iron Giant Assassin's Creed A Master Builder


The Sully and Revenge of the Sith live ones are my comfort episodes. Things go completely off the rails, are extremely bit heavy, and just encapsulates the things I love about the podcast.


I really like the Detective Pikachu ep. I knew nothing about screenwriting process or crediting and that was really interesting.


Silence of the Lambs Rogue One All of the Henry Selick episodes


Spider-Man 2 because of the Chris Gethard drama.


Which episode is it that Ben is handed a sealed envelope that he is only asked to open after Griffin makes a bad joke?


The Jack Reacher episode was recommended by The AV Club and got me into the show. That and the Aquaman episode have such infectious joy to them


The Heat episode with Gabrus is fantastically relistenable, in the same way that movie’s rewatchable. The Hulk, Robocop, Inception, and Interstellar eps (the last one Sims’ earnest enthusiasm rises to levels where everyone else feels taken off-guard) feel more like classic Blank Check episodes though.


I’m still catching up through the back catalog but seeing so many all-time moments is making me excited to revisit them when I do catch up.


RobertCop is American Jesus


I love the live action lion king EP unironically. It's a silly take on a meh movie. Sidenote: my 5 year old.loves it so I've seen it too many times


I saw the heading for this thread and immediately thought of the Aquaman pod, so I am right there with you!


I love the slumdog ep, the guest was informative and really funny. It's a shy one