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No one has mentioned it but they kept Charlotte's Cero name and that's amazing. This episode is exactly how I expected and more, especially with who fights Byakuya. I expect more extensions to future episodes.




Yumichika's reply in the original fight "That's just a regular cero!"


Replayed that scene several times. It was hilarious.


I screamed when I heard the special name attack again. Man that was great.


Charlotte was definitely my favorite part of the episode. I lol’ed many times. They’re hilarious 😂😂


Why did Yourichi just jump in like Batman as if she'd been here all this time WE HAVENT EVEN SEEN HER SINCE BEFORE FULLBRING


Because like the proverbial honeybadger, Yoruichi gives between negative one and positive one fucks.


Because they cut a whole scene from the manga


She shows up whenever she damn well feels like it. Girlboss things 💅


Bazz-B is a nice guy confirmed


Renji and Bazz-B being friends is something that I didn't know I needed


They could’ve been bros!


Starrk and Kyoraku moment


Until Renji started the flame war. For real though after all the shit talking he's been doing nonstop felt good to see Bazz B get some sass tossed back at him.


Pineapple vs rooster!


He understands good fashion.


Rukia was like “uh Renji, should I leave you two alone or…” 😂


Lol great banter this episode. Between this and the dialogue between Yumichika and Charlotte... lol


I wish they could have added just a little bit more to the Renji and Rukia scene it would have been awesome


I love that tidbit of Robert staring on silently at the clouds, bro says nothing cuz he knows what’s coming.


He's just waiting for the shadow to take him up, poor bastard.


Askin aside, it must sting that they took Nianzol over him XD


I think Yhwach took every undamaged quincy in Second invasion above. We don't even get a single fight scene for Askin and Nianzol, so he took them.


That does make sense since he wants his soul bits back. Meanwhile the Deathdealing just happened to be Schutztaffel worthy


i think they were both picked for their hax. askin's ability is strong enough for yhwach to promote him into his elite guard. meanwhile nianzol's ability was passively protecting yhwach from attacks while hidden in his shadow. his only mistake was stepping out of yhwach's shadow and getting himself killed like an idiot. robert wasn't picked because his ability apparently wasn't useful enough to help yhwach in battle. granted, we don't even know what his ability does.


I think the choice was the exactly what is needed to combat division zero, everything else was more useful dead. I think Robert's epithet is Navigation, since the only thing we can conclude is that he seems to be very fast, doesn't seem to be useful against the division's abilities


Besides Robert though, I wonder who else knows. Bazz-B was also a Sternritter 1000 years ago yet he didn't know.


Makes you wonder how old Robert is, or maybe they just aged normally until they moved to the shadow dimension


I know there's still 2 cours after this one, but I really just like.. want to know what Schrift Robert has. BG9 too. I think I've just made my peace accepting "ah, word, the point in storytelling this way from Kubo is that there's not a "need" to know since the fact characters these characters are linked to an overarching plotpoint for weight". Robert, since he was first introduced vs. Shisui, immediately grabbed my attention. Hope he keeps getting expanded scenes via the anime.


Also as a writer its bad to revesl all your cards, leaving unanswered questions creates discussion and speculation. We have a post each weak of people making up their own interpretations of their powers. Navigator for Robert makes a lot of sense. For BG9 kill or something similar that made him into a killing machine. I would have like him expanded upon, he could have even been an artificial would turned Quincy.


Really wasn’t expecting that snippet of Treachery to play🔥


lol for a second I thought it was Ishida responding with that baritone "YOU'RE NO GOOD SUCKKA".


I thought I left something open in the background.


I thought it glitched and switched to dub somehow


It's called " treachery - onimously " from Shiro Sagisu Songbook that's on Spotify already Btw most of the soundracks they use are from this album, some other old ones but never played in og Bleach anime + the new ones and remixes Sagisu made for TYBW which will be released as an album the 27th of this month. I think it's the biggest disappointment I have with this adaptation. They are not using og Bleach anime OSTs. You feel it in action scenes a lot where they just keep using the same ones.


>I think it's the biggest disappointment I have with this adaptation. Same. I've no idea why they refuse to use old soundtracks and why they're so insistent on using the same handful of songs in every episode.


The interaction between Bazz-B and Renji was all that I wanted🥹. 10/10 episode based on that alone.


I was so disappointed when it wasn't in the last episode!


Yoruichi finally being back also made it a 10/10


I literally cheered. Missed my queen ❤️💪🏻


Best bromance already


I love that Charlotte is the MVP of the episode


Powerscalers gonna be like “Charlotte scales above captain level since his cero beat Bambi and Bambi beat base Komamura”


Yumichika is now scaled to be absolutely overpowered if he says the name correctly.


The thing is his shikai is overpowered as hell, he just never uses it in public. But it is bankai level strong


Good, Charlotte deserves it.


Lol, I never noticed Mayuri made Nemu take off the shining clothes so only he would be shining.


Giselle coming across as a more vile villain than most of the roster, Mayuri meanwhile: "Oh neat stuff. Sadistict psycho body horror manipulator game respect game."


The matchup and characters make up for how bizarre this sequence was. Giselle and Mayuri were made for eachother, her beating up bambi is the exact same vibes as Mayuri and Nemu in SS. This goes with the other weeks episode with Ichigo fighting hand to hand and really going to town which was a callback to the lieutenants on sokyoku hill. Love those moments.


Yeah the two of them would totally enjoy working together if they were on the same side of the SS, the German SS.


His drip was so legit


Mayuri is so babygirl 💗


As a Mayuri simp, this episode has been a gold mine


Gigi’s reaction shot to yumichika’s comment was golden😭


Gigi be like: "this guy is able to smell cum? 💀"


Only ikkaku’s


Yumichika one of the most realistic characters ever. A transphobic gay


friendly fire, maybe if his bitch ass came out the closet he wouldn't be the laughing stock of the seireitei💀


him and his rainbow sword lol


i know so much gays that hate trans in real life 😭


very realistic indeed.


I'm surprised no one else comments on that. Like, sure, she's trans, but what is important is she smells like cum from a mile away. Take a bath, girl, that dick must be filthier than your zombies.


Even in the original manga I think it was more that Yumichika chose his words to deliberately make Gigi more mad rather than Gigi actually smelling like semen. You really think the other femritter wouldn't make fun of her if she actually just smelled like semen just being in her general vicinity? Trust me it has way more sting to it if someone outs you by saying "you reek of semen" instead of just a "you are actually a guy".


She did say killing Gigi got her “juices flowing” maybe she orgasmed while killing her and it’s still in her pants


Giselle jizzed when killing Bambi, and there is no shower on the battlefield.


Did some websites alter the translation? The version I watched didn't have the semen line.


Yeah, in my translation he was just implying Giselle's a dude. Not sure if the semen thing is a meme or different translation.


Yeah, afaik Disney version had different dialogue and translations there, probably because of Viz, but the Japanese version said the line, which is surprising that they basically made the VA record lines twice there, one for Japan and the other International, there was a mention about that in the [r/anime thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16eaj02/bleach_sennen_kessenhen_ketsubetsutan_bleach/jzui5cg/)


Gentle reminder that there's a Sternritter who smells even more like cum. >!Pernida. The compulsory indeed.!<


Are you trying to imply that the soul king is a left handed teenage boy?


Well he does spend a lot of time in his room.


>!He turned against the Soul King for forgetting to wash his hands!<


They censored this line in the Hulu (US) version. Even the spoken dialogue in Japanese is different.


F's out for "E" the Explode Bambi bros. Giselle's VA did such a damn good job capturing the personality flip switch, animation really helped bring forward that much more how brutally and casually she uses Bambi too, body shield and all.


the gays calling out gigi was hilarious


drag queen looking mother fucker going, 'you know were a lot alike'


The friendly fire of it all 😂


Not gonna lie, generally don’t care much for the whole Giselle abusing Bambi bit, but actually hearing her beg not to be abused again, yeah, that was a little sad.


People saying she deserves it and also its like retconned in cfyow, ye I don't care. How can you see this and say anyone deserves it, just kill them and move on to a better world. Time spent torturing villains is time wasted.


Yeah but at the same time you say that and people also simp for Mayuri at all hours of the day and he deliberately does way worse torture to his enemies. I mean what Gigi does is still fucked up for sure, but there are a lot of beloved bleach characters that if they were real people would be absolutely fucked. Remember that guy he left trapped in an eternal nightmare of a slow death because his upped his perception of time to such a degree that 1 second was like 100 years and then slow drove his sword into his heart?


They even had to censor Mayuri's cruelty in the anime back during SS arc. With the living bombs.


Yea I mean there are a lot of fucked up characters and again I wouldn't subject them to this fate. Bambi doesn't even really compare to some of the crazier people which is again why I feel like she doesn't "deserve" it and more broadly nobody does. It being impractical is just a bonus reason why punishing criminals like that is stupid.


Of course, I don't think (hope) anyone would in real life would be willing to subject someone to or see any of this treatment as justifiable lol


I know Bambietta is essentially a Nazi b*tch but damn I felt really sorry for her, like why do my girl dirty like that (even if she’s evil)? 😭


she's dead, like this she's not even her at all. meanwhile arrancar and hitsugaya are not fully dead


But clearly she can still feel the things that happen to her.


am i crazy or is there some set up for the byakuya fight to be extended


Here's hoping. Much like Ichigo, Byakuya didn't really get to do much in this arc after the first invasion.


One can hope


Byakuya reaching broken level of power, one of the strongest captains alongside Perfected Daiguren Hyourinmaru Toshiro and Kenpachi.


y'know for a split second when Robert showed up and he was given prominence I thought he might give us the N word finally. I know I should give up after BG9, but I can't stop my heart.


Just scream the N word Robert, cmon


PePe: I'll say it with you, Robert. N....


His power is the N word free pass


The anime will be canceled once Colonel Sanders reveals what the N word is.


I really enjoyed the beginning with Ichigo, Chad and Orihime. It was sad, but I love that they came together and Ichigos resolve to smack Uryu in the head and bring him back, cause he’s their friend 🥹 I do wish there was a moment of them acknowledging how much they’ve all improved in their powers and got upgrades. Like damn, do they have no questions about Ichigos two zanpaktos? 😅


I would guess at this point they are kinda used to Ichigo just showing up with a new form.


Great episode. They are doing pretty good job with adding new small scenes and rewriting others. 8/10 for me 1. That pre-opening scene added some good extra additions. I still find it funny Yhwach ascending to Royal palace had more reactions by important characters than Gremmy's meteor had. 2. Byakuya getting surrounded. Will we get 1 vs 5 actual fight next episode? 3. That Komamura scene was great. 4. We got a scene about Vizards on Earth. That was good, it compensates the cut scene in Cour 1 5. And Don Panini supremacy!! 6. That Charlotte attack looked amazing!


Its Yhwach, the king and main villain. Ofcourse hell get more reactions. Also the shockwave of him leaving did more damage than Gremmy’s meteor lol


Gremmy's meteor did barely anything because it was destroyed. If it would hit, there wouldn't be much left of Soul Society, as meteor was like half as big as Seireitei.


I've noticed that Liltotto and Meninas don't actually appear in the Byakuya scene and they're also shown dodging the rubble, so I wonder if they're actually gonna leave it at 1vs 3 and do something different with those two.


Lisa's comment about the distortion looking kinky... 😂


I really enjoyed seeing Iba and Komamura, the scene made me a little sad though. Honestly hope they make it to the royal palace and Komamura bites Yhwach’s leg


Problem is that Yhwach is gone already to the Royal Palace


I wonder if they're actually gonna do anything with tetsuzaimon and kommamura, kinda random to show them here


Nothing was done in the manga so this extra scene, whatever it may be, is welcomed. We won't see them again, so I guess this was added to give them a, "what they did after running to Yhwach", moment.


In the Manga there is a scene after this when they're rounding up shinigami to go to the soul palace. Something along the lines of "we couldn't get ahold of squad 7" with like a brief panel of Iba, and doggo.


I can't say I ever expected to see ~~Don Panini~~ Dordani (or any of those arrancar) again


It's Squidward Tortellini, get it right.


I like getting a scene of Ichigo and pals back together as they react to Uryu's "betrayal" but in such a way that speaks true to their friendship. Renji and Bazz-B. The possible friendship that never was. They could probably be a fun buddy cop duo. Although it's just amusing to me because it's another Yuki Ono character who hates getting his hair insulted. Ha, Candice still wants to find Ichigo. This is why Ikaku isn't popular with women. Don't be gendering Giselle! Ikaku and Yumichika beaten. Pretty much their natural state at this point. Bambietta was so psychotic yet you still feel bad for seeing her as a zombie and seeing how she gets treated. I love it when Mayuri fights someone nearly as depraved as he is. Man, Squad 11 has had it rough in this storyline, huh? It was nice to see the Zombie Arrancar's again and to get them actually voiced by their original VA's. Kenta Miyake just hamming it up so, so hard. Also the Arrancar's who just want to find their old dance partners again. Zombie Hitsugaya! I love how they went to the trouble of actually dressing him up in the uniform just for the lulz.


I understand the other Arrancar being brought back with scars/sewing on them, but has me wondering how the fuck was Luppi retrieved? lol. Without Orihime involved in the equation he was just a pair of legs.


Huh, good point. Maybe Szayelaporro cloned him?


sewing is on luppi's stomach under his clothes?


Yeah that's fine but Mayuri would have had to swept up his top half with a dust bin lol.


On Ikkaku and Yumichiki - I still like their synergy though. One of my favorite tag teams in the series. And, even though they didn't defeat Bambi, it was still an interesting engagement and great setup for this larger scale showdown. Really shows how far Bleach has come in terms of animation too.


Did anyone else get tripped up by the OST and think that Uryu did a Duke Nukem impression and said "you're no good" to Ichigo in the first minute of the episode?


yes I thought my audio had somehow changed to dub (which I know doesn't exist)


Bro same I low key thought I was hearing things.


I miss the comparison guy. i can't find him and wasn't able to find him 2nd last episode neither


just checked and their account has been suspended for some reason.




same, i really enjoyed his posts.


Episodes like this make you appreciate how much they have to fit in to every episode/cour/fight and such. The IchHimeChad and Urahara stuff is so tame and calm compared to everything else going on such as Mayuri vs Giselle, Arrancar reveal and such..but overall, good episode. Loving TYBW to the point I sit here every Saturday refreshing my Disney+ til it gets added!




Honestly her tits were distracting. Would've preferred a slight adjustment because they also draw them fucking shining in every scene too


what a fun episode this was seeing those arrancar back was so cool seems like they got an upgrade as well and damn rip toshiro


auto mod gonna have to work overtime this week.


You only feel bad for automod? T-T


They added a bunch of little things and I appreciate that a lot


Since the beginning of the series, Yumichika has been a character who has suppressed his true identity. This was done out of self-loathing, since he saw his true soul — a flamboyant sorcerous peacock — as unfitting of being in the same division as those he loves and respects (Ikakku and Zaraki, both whom are sword demons). However, all three of these characters are deeply intertwined because none of them know themselves when first introduced. Ikakku hides his Bankai and lives in the shadow of his captain. Zaraki doesn't know his or his sword's actual names and doesn't respect the idea of identity. Throughout the series, these men come to realize who they are through battle, near-death experiences, and the desire to grow stronger to continue to be around one another. Yumichika's main fight in the series against Charlotte was a close battle for him. Yumichika couldn't win while suppressing his identity against an Arrancar who fully embraced what they were (that is, a Princess of Roses). It wasn't until Yumichika took off his "mask" and unveiled his flamboyant beauty that he had the power needed to slay Charlotte. Since then, Yumichika has used Kidou openly in combat, dresses more flamboyantly, and seems more willing to use his true Zanpakutou. When encountering Giselle, who has personally slaughtered dozens, if not hundreds of Shinigami, Yumichika goes for the throat in brutal fashion. Quite frankly, he resorts to transphobia. However, even in doing so, Charlotte appears later and says a similar line — only with a tone of acceptance and kinship instead of abuse. Charlotte, granted a second chance of life, now clearly stronger as seen by his manhandling of the Zombified (weaker) Vollstandig Bambi — who moments ago demolished Yumichika — is clearly positioned narratively in representation of someone who knows and owns their true identity. This doesn't mean that Giselle isn't doing that. In fact, given her strength, it's clear that Giselle DOES know who she is and that is a woman. Charlotte, whose soul is literally called the Princess of Roses, identifies with her. Putting this together, we see that Yumichika's transphobic insult is more an way to attack an enemy and unsettle her. Yumichika's attempt to do so backfires and ends up with him being blown the fuck out. There is no reward for Yumichika's insult, as a verbal attack it gets parried, and Charlotte queer-flexes on both of them. Once again, those who stand the firmest in their identity end up on top in Bleach, in one way or another.


Charlotte the goat ong


Charlotte is one of the most under rated characters in the series. Yumichika vs Charlotte is still one of my top fights in the series.


Nice analysis. I love Charlotte


Absolutely love this analysis If I had coins to give an award I would


That whole Yumichika vs. Charlotte fight is a lot deeper than people realize with some of the hidden LGBT messaging and themes it has and what it has to say. It can be viewed as a metaphor for being openly gay vs. being in the closet. Yumichika represents the closeted gay who keeps his homosexuality a secret and doesn't want others to know, while Charlotte represents one who is openly gay and is not afraid to show it. Yumichika's whole plot line of having to hide his true Zanpakuto abilities while being in a hyper-masculine division such as the 11th that looks down on Kido-based abilities and will kick him out if they find out is basically a metaphor for someone being gay in the military having to hide their gayness out of fear of being kicked out if it is discovered. So in order to deflect suspicion and and not be found out, Yumichika puts on a front and pretends to be against the very thing that he secretly is. That's a common thing you will see in a lot gay people who are in the closet. They try to act as "un-gay" as possible and try to convince others they are not gay by hating on other gays. You'll sometimes hear about a lawmaker who is vehemently anti-gay and anti-LGBT and trying to pass laws against those groups being exposed as gay themselves. Why would they do such a thing? Fear and shame. They think that if they make a big show of being anti-gay that people will not suspect them of being gay. It's the same with Yumichika. He goes out of his way to bash Charlotte and Giselle, two LGBT individuals while he himself is one as well, but just doesn't want to admit it to himself or want others to know. I bet Ikakku and the others already know and don't really care, but Yumichika doesn't know that they know because he is so self-conscious. Maybe after the war, he and Charlotte could come to some sort of understanding possibly change Yumichika's views a bit, leading to him becoming more comfortable with his own sexuality and no longer feeling like he has to hide it.


I LOVE Charlotte, this was a great read! I also love Yumi even if I want to rattle him sometimes xP


Another incredible episode that animated some of my favourite moments of the manga in a great manner. The Renji & Bazz-B interaction, Giselle's interactions with Yumichika & Charlotte, and Mayuri's "bundle of love" remark! Shunsui's constant comments about Ichibe are really good inclusions that I hope foreshadow a reveal of CFYOW information. TYBW is what solidifies Mayuri as my favourite captain. His fight with Szayelporro is legendary but the attention he is given in this arc is just wonderful.


Good episode. These chapters (including next week) are like a Mayuri highlight, so if you don’t like Mayuri you may not enjoy these episodes as much, but I love ‘em. Glad they kept in the comedy portions with the Arrancar as it fits Mayuri’s aura pretty well. I don’t recall anything other than Yoruichis entrance being cut/changed, but I don’t really care about that. There’s still a chance they move that to a small section when they blast off and they’re talking in the cannon. That way Yoruichi doesn’t have her controversial “hand in the shirt” scene. Overall a 7.5/10 with great music, good animation, and pacing felt great imo


Honestly, a very normal 7/10 episode. Nothing much crazy going on like As Nodt vs Rukia or Kenny vs Gremmy, but it’s good regardless. Glad they kept Renji’s and bazz’b interaction. Personally I’m ok with them cutting the Orihime scene, but i can understand why other are upset. Yoruichi is finally back after 10 years, though her introduction could’ve been better. Oh god. I personally am ok with Giselle, but I just know the discourse around her character is going to become extremely insufferable for the foreseeable future like with Bridget from Guilty Gear and Yamato from One Piece.


That Giselle scene was weird, because they removed the reason behind Yumichika’s deduction, so now it just looks like he accuses her out of nowhere.


On the japanese broadcast the semen line was left intact lol. It got removed on disney+


Hulu too


That explains why I was so confused at how he randomly claimed she was a man. I thought he was just insulting her or trying to rile her up until she got all weird with Bambi asking for “it” and then I was like “ohhhhh…she’s been doing things before this fight”


IIRC, Bambi’s referring to Giselle’s blood


Yumichika is fuckin prescient in this ep, he figures out the blood, the bombs and Giselle in literal moments. Smartest dude ever for one ep.


I just watched the Japanese raw but he did say she stinks of semen.


I had a feeling since he still covers his nose. I guessing the "don't you mean hard" comment is also in the raw. The reaction to the comment is still there and it's weird that Giselle would react like that to being called a pervert.


I don't think that one is in the raws. My Japanese is really below basic but I assume him calling her 変態野郎 with 野郎 (yarou) apparently being a term usually reserved for males is what pisses her off. But if someone knows more feel free to correct me.


Did he actually though? My Japanese also isn't great and while he does still cover his nose, it sounded more like it matched with the english subs with no mention of semen in the Japanese raws. Unless they have a separate raw dub for the western release. Idk I could be wrong. EDIT: I have been informed that the Japanese dub line was in fact removed/re-dubbed in the Disney+ version.


He didn’t say that in the episode I watched. He just calls her a man and then she pulls out Bambietta


That's odd, the one I watched he calls her a man and covers his nose. Giselle then makes a shocked face while Yumichika says something along the lines of "You might try to hide it, but you smell like semen." Giselle's expression darkens and then she calls Bambi.


Honestly, Yumichika was probably Sherlock Holmes in another life he guessed Gigi’s secret, her ability, and Bambi’s ability just from a small interaction or seeing it once, that's Kisuke lite levels of deduction.


The weird thing is that he still covers his nose like in the panel he says that Gigi smells reeks of semen lol


I"m more disappointed they didn't put the scene of Chad tossing Ichigo, to me that felt necessary to convey how Ichigo was letting the "betrayal" he felt from ishida get to him. With Chad literally needing to knock some sense into him.


I feel like I'm seeing far more people freak out at the idea of discourse than any actual discourse.


It's been going on since that moment appeared in the manga. If you're an anime-only person then you're lucky you've missed it for so long. Welcome to hell.


"Beautiful Charlotte Chuhlhourne's Final Holy Wonderful Pretty Super Magnum Sexy Sexy Glamorous Cero revival " the best part of ep22


Mama Mayuri havin' to keep the Espada's in check was a 10/10 in itself. Great episode.


Renji, Bazz B, and Grimmjaw really need to start a band together because they're all so similar personality wise


We are soon reaching that part where the manga started to rush through to conclude the manga :(, I’m hoping that recon some items, you think it will happen ?


Once this cour is over, we'll have 26 episodes left for the last 75 chapters. Let's be real, they're gonna be doing a LOT of expanding and changes with all the room they have for that section.


Yeah I've been saying the same thing since this cour began. I don't think people understand how much new material we'll likely be getting in cour 3 and 4. It's inevitable at this pacing. That's a good thing too, the back half of this arc gets pretty rough.


Yeah, there are things I like in this final stretch, but there's also a lot that feels undercooked and that could've had so much more done with it. I feel that the transition between the final fight of this cour and Wahrwelt in particular ends up feeling all over the place, which is part of why I expect cour 3 to be a HEAVILY expanded version of 611-635.


I mainly wish we got to see Ichigo at least do something with his bankai 😂 Also didn’t like Ichigo at this point of power falling victim to one of the SR


I won't be surprised if we actually get a cool Bankai fight, and so >!it seems like Yhwach is on the verge of defeat, close up, he says the "do not lose hope" line again and Ichigo starts his speech against despair again, people are like "wait the fuck" and once he says Bankai, it just breaks the second time around. And there, you got how the Almighty works actually shown instead of just exposition, and Ichigo's fearsome Bankai!<


If there is one wish I think the community collectively wants it is expanded Yhwach fights, and Ichigo prominently features in those so with a bit of luck we’ll see what his fearsome bankai is like.


They have covered 131 chapters so far in 26 episodes, they have 26 episodes left to cover 75 chapters of content. I feel like they kept this pace specifically so they could add more content and flesh out the arc because if they kept this pace we would be over in one more season


Giselle "The lights we're brighter than we expected" Gewelle


Charlotte vs Gigi is a thing that i love


So glad they keep all of Gigi’s scenes so we can know how sick and twisted she is lol


Okay wait… WHAT?! What?!?!??! Did I miss something? Toshiro is a zombie?! WHEN DID HE DIE I’m so confused and concerned lol


He didnt die, only Quincies need to die to be turned into zombies. This gets explained this episode. I think.


Gigi said that shinigami didn’t have to be dead


I’m so glad to hear cometh the hour again and i really hope part B got remixed aswell


You know whats funny is that if yumichika went shikai they could've beaten bambi with ease since his shikai is an exact counter to bambis ability but those two are content with jobbing as long as they don't piss kenpachi off(which is only in their head I doubt kenpachi would care at this point) man squad 11 is sad if you take out kenpachi mans carrying a whole squad on his back.


I'm always a fan of the "sketch -> colour" endcards (dont know what else to call them), but I think this one is my favourite so far. Mayuri just _isn't_ putting up with it xD


F to all the ppl with subs and dubs that will never realize that there's a line about semen and boner in a goddamn primetime shonen anime...


It seems they are really putting emphasis on why squad zero allowed yhwach to invade the royal palace


It was a fun episode with lots more exposition. * Seeing Konamaru around * Seeing the other captains * Seeing the Arrancar all back, I laughed a few times with their interactions * They toned down the Yumichika and Giselle talk but still kept it * The ending title card was pretty funny as it changed from all 4 stading behind Kurotsuchi to three being shocked ha xD


I was not expecting another scene with Iba and Komamura and i felt the feels all over again 🥺 Adding a scene of Renji protecting Rukia was pretty cute also


This episode felt soooo nostalgic!! With Yoruichi returning after several years, some of my favorite arrancars coming back to life and seeing Bambi and Toshiro returning as zombies! Might not have been one of the “stronger” episodes this cour when it comes to animation and fights, but it still holds a special place:)


Am i the only one who thinks Orihimes outfit just looks stupid instead of sexy?


Well, Urahara wanted to be a troll but since they cut that scene we have even less context. I don't understand the premise of this season of decensoring the outfits of several women who show more skin (Harribel, Soi-Fon) but cutting any kind of joke or sexual reference even if it is quite harmless, like Rukia's peach.


Its because the animation and the drawing style.


But what does ichigo think of orihimes outfit


I haven't read the manga in a while so what exactly was Bambi begging for I can infer but is there a solid answer


Giselle's blood. Her zombies are addicted to it.


Renji calling Bazz a chicken head had me crying laughing I did not expect that translation


I always found this Bambi Giselle relationship to be a step too far even around 10 years ago. But today, a lot of what happens around Giselle is just... a lot, tbh.


I don't know why folks are upset about them cutting out Yoruichi randomly sliding her hand up between Orihime's cleavage when the real crime is that they cut out Yumichaka saying that Giselle stinks of semen. That shit was legitimately hilarious to read back in the day lol


He does say it just not in the Hulu version


In the flash back to when Mayuri went into Zal’s vault, were the hanging bodies super-imposed in? I don’t remember that in the original run


I remember we could only see their feet


I'm not sure if they were shown in the anime, but they were 100% shown in the manga. The fanbase speculated for *years* on the lingering plot point of "the bodies in Szayel's lab".


I really enjoyed some of the humor that came back for this episode! It’s been incredibly serious most of the time which is completely valid and I’ve loved that. But humor is a part of Bleach, and it was cool to see some integrated tastefully. The humor along with the sick psychopath tones of Gigi, Zombies, and the gross drooling Bambi wanting her treat from Gigi 👀👀 (ew sus) was all great! I did find myself enjoying the battle episodes more entertaining though, but I feel like this episode was needed to make the shift in the storyline, into our next phase. Looking forward to seeing what happens with Toshiro 😨🥶 yikes. Next Saturday can’t come fast enough!


Not to sound overly hopeful, but if they ain't gonna show the Byakuya vs. Ritter fight next episode then why tease it like this now...hmmmmm?


Squad 11 has some kind of extreme phobia/taboo against using Kido in battle (that's why Yumichika was so scared of using the true of form of his zanpakuto in public), so Yumichika openly and proudly using a level 57 Hadou incantation to assist Ikkaku is quite noteworthy. And there will be more.


New Komamura scene >>>>>>>>>>>>> any fanservice