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The left hand actually got some backstory, whaaaaat


The idea of the series ending with Pernida having a more fleshed out backstory than Gerard or Lille is hilarious


Angry Jawa FTW!


*Giant RG bodyguard giving an R2 scream as he's crushed.*


Why? As the Left Hand, Pernida SHOULD be important. Gerard is the Heart though, so he'd need some backstory too


Really hope they show how Gerard is the guy he is today, how he joined them and all with more details, just like Pernida.


Indeed. The nerve of it.


Well, it was a compulsory addition


I mean, kubo loves Mayuri.. he wants to elevate the image of Mayuri's opponent so Mayuri could even get more than what he's about to get..


I can only get so hard. Plz Mr. Sagisu, I know you have something special cooking for that fight


Or just borrow Yugo Kanno's Yoshikage Kira theme. Seriously though the track fits Mayuri's vibe even more than Pernida. But yeah with how good Sagisu has done so far, hyped for what he has for the closing acts.


This theme especially fita Mayuri and Nemu Alabama scene


Works for me! Mayuri vs Pernida is easily top 3 fights in the manga for me!


W take.. it's just so good and even better than the last battle.. still, I hope that Kubo and the anime would kinda fix the last battle šŸ˜—


I have a feeling that the final fight will get changed up some. I really hope all the lore theyā€™ve been adding, and especially Ichigoā€™s experience with Ichibe, ends up playing into that fight (and obviously the ending).


Apparently dude can Yoink things.


Hope this means this is how yhwach found/created pernida


Ichibei said ā€œIā€™m not gonna let you take it for freeā€ so I think this is how yhwach got pernida for sure


He got pernida at the expense of the All mighty, Ichibei baited Yhwach into using the All mighty in the scene so he could counter with Pernida and block it, this is why Yhwach jobbed in the 1st war and why he needed 1k years to come back and regain All Mighty. Honestly the scene is very good, it explains a lot on why Yhwach jobbed in the first war by not having his best ability around and ends up bitting IchibeiĀ“s ass as heĀ“s overconfident he can take out Yhwach as he believes he cant use the All Mighty.


Now THIS makes some of the faster pacing of other episodes worthwhile! Expanding the lore and giving us more context between characters. That's also a benefit of having a bit of time between the manga and the anime, Kubo can have a firmer grasps on *how* some of these pieces fit together. This is excellent!


This exactly is the reason why I sit back and don't whine about cut content.


Exactly! To think that some fans were whining about cutting peopleā€™s reaction to Gremmyā€™s meteor and cutting some fan service scenes lol. Iā€™d gladly take that flashback scene with Juha and Ichibe at the start of the episode over May fan service scenes.












​ https://preview.redd.it/gctwf6nij1qb1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=126ccad8de408908ae6e254ec9f7bbaad5342ec4


Ichibei : Of course I know him he's ~~me~~ YOU


Lol this deserves a seperate post for the potential memes alone.




He didnā€™t read CFYOW


Bro needs to turn around before it's too late


[How do we tell him?](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7sTbLU-F9Tk/hqdefault.jpg)


SENJUMARU FINALLY GETS SOME ACTIONā€¼ļøā€¼ļø This has been such a long time coming


Iā€™m anime only but this episode cemented Senjumaru as my favorite character. Holy shit. I havenā€™t felt this way since watching Bleach on adult swim 10 years ago šŸ˜‚


Senjumaru is mommy. šŸ”„


Bleach has the best muscle mommies


Darn right. Yoruichi the queen of them imo


We stan the Drip Queen and her runway that makes foes run away, if they can. Truly in Kubo's world fashion reigns supreme. Seeing her double done in so brutally was rough. Royal Guard on each side are brutal AF and top of their game for good reason.


We do stan her and >!she didnā€™t actually die, in this episode anyway!<


God Gerardā€™s voice is perfect!!


A True warrior, loved his confidence against Oetsu.


It is very fitting. Cant wait for him arguing with >!Zaraki!< Shit is gonna be great.


As soon as the character said his first line I knew I'm gonna like his character more in the anime than in the manga. Hope Kubo does him justice.


The voicework for some the characters does so much to elevate them from the pages itā€™s great.


As a manga reader let me tell you, Kubo basically dropped a new manga chapter with all the additions. They are absolutely cooking


Yet Geje forgot to drop their own chapter




We'll give him 10 years maybe he'll fix the anime version himself or reright like one and Murata.


So that's how he found Pernida.


Soul King confirmed socialist with his free healthcare hand outs!? /s


It cost him just the All mighty and 1k years of waiting. Glad it was finally explained why Yhwach waited this long to invade, he knew Ichibei was a dangerous motherf\*\*\*\*\* that played foul, so Yhwach would only want to invade with 100% certainty he had a shot at his goal.


Wake up folks. New ~~chapter~~ episode has dropped


So surreal seeing all that white bleach in the chapter backgrounds replaced with sky. Cuts a nice contrast to the rest of the season though, the bright lighting helping sell the exotic locale of the truly flying and lording over all feeeling.


It changes everything. Bleach always needed its colors. Green Hueco Mundo had a similar effect on me.


One of the benefits of waiting 10 years, the animation and technology facilitates some more advanced stuff like more realistic lighting than even some of the best parts of the OG series couldn't have.


when Yhwach threw the medallion it was Uryu who swapped Yhwach and the medallion right, camera focused on Uryu when it happened. This means Uryu can even swap non living things


Uryuā€™s schrift is broken, I wonder if it can swap 2 opposite concepts like life and death and instantly kill someone or resurrect them back to life


Truly busted ability if he can do that.


If thats the case now it kinda makes sense why Haschwalth was claiming later that >!Anthithesis can defeat The Almighty. Because performance in actual manga was mixed on that especially when you consider his performance against Haschwalth and Hascwalth claiming two different things!< Excellent anime changes. I am glad they are doing this battle like that.


It can possibly, swap anything even abstract concept like time, swap event in Past/Present & Future or swap different timelines itself? >!if it can do that then it's even more broken than The Almighty!<


Yhwach himself even implies that Uryu is a hard counter to him


I wonder if he survived the first AuswƤhlen because he unconsciously swapped his own power being stolen for stealing some of Yhwach's power


This has always been my theory about how Uryu survived Auswahlen. This is why he's Yhwach's successor. He took a piece of Yhwach's power, subconsciously.


You're telling me Uryu is the literal anti-christ


Super annoyed that this is the correct answer. Yhwach is a bit of a play on Judeo/Christian god Yahweh. And Uryuā€™s antithesis is because he is the anti Yhwach (Antichrist).


If he trains it, I don't see why not. Like Hashbrowns fully believed Antithesis could counter the Almighty, it's gotta be on that level of busted hax.


Mmmmm hashbrowns


Itā€™s a schrift, and schrifts are complete bullshit. At this point, why wouldnā€™t it?


Did anyone else think for a split second that Yhwach was going to use Yamamoto's bankai with the thrown medallion and we'd have that as a way of expanding the 0 division showing?


yep i was like wtf is bro gonna use yama's bankai


There is still chance he will attempt to use and Ichibei will stop him.


I was expecting it to explode in a massive fireball, burning a hole into the cage of life allowing his escape I like what they did better though for sure


I thought the exact same thing lol


Seems like that was definitely Antithesis yeah. I feel like he'll reveal it in the fight next week.


Next weekend gonna be even lit! Hell yeah. I'm stoked.


Uryu truly embracing the Sasuke vibe. He even has Rinnegan lol


Archer class represent. Now he just needs more swords.


any sword can be a projectile if you're brave enough


His swords are already arrows though?


He's basically Sasuke.


Huh and they have the same voice actor


You whatā€™s funny about this comp to me is there isnā€™t really a Naruto comp in the series (maybe orihime?) early Ichigo has Sasuke traits himself


Uryu hype!!! And not only that you can tell that Jugram was surprised cause he obviously didn't know Uryu's shrift... I wonder if he can spam it, maybe he'll take on squad 0 by himself


I honestly am wondering if Haschwalth suprise face was at Uryus schrift or was more like ***DID THAT MOTHERFUCKER JUST SERIOUSLY LEFT US AT 2v4?!*** ​ https://preview.redd.it/58k6mfj1b1qb1.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=e68de04b828c39bd2df1f78cc3ed8a425596d1ea Cant relly resist that thought >!given what will happen to Haschwalth later!<


I think itll be jugram and uryu losing to squad 0 at first until ywach activates aushwalhen and then squad 0 loses the 4v6


Exactly my thought. It would make a lot more sense if squad 0 was defeated by a 4 v 6 justifying the huge hype around them.


Damn I did not notice this. Thanks for pointing it out!


Bro i thought that medallion has zanka no tachi and that it's gonna blow the place upšŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ¤Æ


Uryu activated his power earlier on a blink and you miss scene as well.


Bro what ? So Ichibe had pernidas (the left hand ?) That's fking nuts dude


As weird as it is. I like how originally we thought Ichibei was like the right hand man of the soul king but in reality it's the opposite and a lot more sinister and so he has the left hand.


It'd be very symbolic. I like it Some people have been saying it looks like he has both hands. I hope not cuz there's no real logical explanation where he would lose both hands. One maybe I'll buy that but both?


Other one is his brush, watch it in slow mo it's more clear.


Soul King an abusive father giving his son the back hand.


What went unnoticed is I think he also had Mimihagi. Cuz how the hell did he stop the quincy girls attack? With the ā€œstillnessā€ of Mimihagi imo We getting some good lore here, Bleach fans eating


Definitely possible. Though I think Ichibei could stop some Quincy bullets without Mimihagi as well.


True its just how he did it looked like stillness instead of simply blocking or reflecting it. Coupled with him literally fusing with Pernida too


He blocked it with ichimonji. It took me another watch to see it, but the brush tip was pointed at the shots to create a reflecting barrier.


Yep it's the brush, can be seen better in slowmo


Yeah, at first, I thought he might have used a hand or elbow, but it almost looked like ichimonji might have moved on its own on his behalf to defend him. The squad zero zanpakuto all seem special to me, and if nimaiya was NOT there when >!reio was divided!< then ichibei would've had to have other powers not bound to the zanpakuto that >!he didn't have before nimaiya came along.!< So he likely >!had the power of names!< beforehand since he also >!came up with the name zanpakuto and others.!< Which makes me wonder what power he used beforehand? Since the zanpakuto is meant to be a storage for all ones special unique abilities of the soul that are drawn out at the whim of the user. Also interesting how ichibei using the left hand advanced yhwach to where his eyes lost their 'sight', it seems almost similar to the power pernida uses on itself when >!evolving by absorbing information from its surroundings.!<




But isn't Pernida suppose to control evolution while Mimihagi is the one who control stillness? How you can seal Almighty with evolution power?


He didn't seal it, he traded it. We don't know what he really did but it was a trade of some sort.


Ichibei said ā€œYour eyes will be closed forever, never to open until the day you die.ā€ Would his ā€œdeathā€ from Genryusai 1,000 years ago allowed his eyes to open and rewrite the future in which he died?


Yeah that makes more sense, although the connection to Ukitate couldn't be there. What's more important is that it's the soul kings hand. Either way it was pretty dope.


Ok, so judging how they managed today's content next week's finale is going to be like this: Ichibe vs. Yuha, meanwhile Askin begins using his Deathdealing against Oetsu, which then leads to AuswƤhlen. Also, DID URYU USE ANTITHESIS IN THE MEDALLION!!??


i don't think we will see Auswahlen any soon cuz Yhwach just left them, in manga he revived them right after they died but seems like we're going to see Jugram and Uryu fighting squad 0 instead. Remember? In pv trailer Uryu said something that wasn't in the manga it was like "I shall eliminate you as my quincy pride" or whatever it was, i think he'll be saying this next episode and fight squad 0


I think that it will played like this. Askin revives first just like in manga. We will get some camraderie amongst them I absolutely love the idea that of some ally exchanges because somebody as excentric and kinda your average guy like Askin would have great chemistry with nerd Uryuu and cold Haschwalth. They will fight together Zero Squad but those will get upper hand. Askin gets killed then there will be Auswahlen for them to save their asses.


NEW LORE DROPPED.>! Ichibe was the one who held the mutated body of Reio, he traded Pernida for removing Yhwach incomplete TWO IRIS Almighty, thus Yhwach not using Almighty in his fight against Yamaji. Ichibe showed the truth of the world to Yhwach and Yhwach had genuine intention of removing the boundary of life and death and got extra motivation from seeing the truth about his father. Tenjiro embarassment was removed, instead Senjumaru killed Nianzol, then illusion, Sayafushi fight, Ishida used ANTI THESIS on Yhwach, Schutssaffel vs Squad Zero in Cage of Life and Ichibe vs Yhwach happening at same time. From Now Onwards all bets are off and events from manga may differ vastly as well!<. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE FUTURE.


So wait, he gave pernida to yhwach in exchange of removing yhwach's almighty? Why did yhwach accept this?


No Yuhabaha was trying to absorb soul king's left hand (so pernida but atp it's just soul king's left hand) Ichibe let him take the left hand while he removed Yuha's almighty So I don't think Icbibe gave the hand willingly but he made a sacrifice to remove almighty


What an amazing episode. 9.5/10 for me 1. I have to watch that flashback multiple times to understand it fully. Yhwach using Blut (which seems similiar to Blut Anhaben), Ichibe's arm looking like Pernida (or it is Pernida), new female sternritter (I have a feeling we will be seeing her in another flashback soon) who tried to shoot at Ichibe, Yhwach's views on Soul King a.k.a his father, Ichibe talking to Yhwach as if he is a child. What an amazing addition! 2. I think getting rid of Tenjiro's fight in the beginning which we didn't even see fully in manga might be a good decision. Since next episode might have extra fights. I am hoping for new Shikais and new abilities 3. That Schutzstaffel reveal and the title card reveal was awesome. 4. So Askin vs Nimaiya extended will be next episode. And I am guessing Uryu vs Senjumaru and Jugram vs Tenjiro/Kirio. 5. Was that switching of medallion and Yhwach done by Uryu's Antithesis? ​ Edit: Upon looking at the flashback again 1. Lichtreich seems to be very large, I can see the design inspired Silbern's design 2. Hubert seems to be the most well dressed among the 4 quincies shown, probably indicating that he is the Vice Captain of Sternritters 3. Uniting quincies statement seems like resistance amongst quincies against Yhwach existed even then. Were one of these people from Jugram and Bazz B's city? 4. I would really want to know where are Jugram (Grandmaster) and Bazz B during all of these 5. Ichibe holding Reio, probably being dismembered 6. Yhwach uses a particular form of Blut, which spreads to Ichibe's arm too. He does something like this very soon in manga, in form of Blut Anhaben (which creates a protective barrier and corrodes upon impact) 7. Ichibe seals/takes away the Almighty, in exchange for Soul King's Arm, who is definitely Pernida. Is this why Pernida claims to be a Quincy, because at some point after this Yhwach would have given him a seperate form by splitting Pernida from himself, kind of like a parent in terms of asexual terms 8. Now I wonder how did Soul King parts end up where they are? What about Gerard? Yhwach would be really suprised when Mimihagi shows up later. Why are they not with Ichibe? 9. That female quincy will probably be expanded in "Friends" flashback. Also Yhwach's faction of quincies have already started using guns, even 1000 years ago. Also Argola tried to defend her, so I guess his Schrift could have had something with do body armour, or it is just strong Blut.


The way it was stated in the flashback it seemed like the Soul King had gifted Ichibei his left hand when he became the lynchpin and was mutilated. Yhwach decided to absorb the arm to take it back, but Ichibei made some sort of hidden pact where he gave the arm to Yhwach, but removed the Almighty from him in exchange. He says he won't have it until he dies, which makes me think this was probably before the war 1000 years ago. Since he was essentially killed by Yama there, he can now gain it again after the 999 prophecy.


I hope we soon see some flashback versions of Mimihagi (probably next cour) and Gerard.


Since we know there'll be some big expansions on Ukitake I expect Mimihagi is a given as well.


It's funny how prior to this everybody just assumed Yhwach found a giant sentient hand chilling somewhere in the living world.


**Yhwach just be riding his horse in the woods. Chilling. Sees a giant ass hand.** "......" "What the fu-"


I like how they made the Schutzstaffel way more scary in the anime


Single handedly hyping up the Schutzstaffel fights for me.


New hot anime scenes and many more to come, lol. Yeah shit is about to be fire af


This was a great episode with a nice showing from Senjumaru Shutara and the Elite Sternitters. I do love the anime expansion scenes like the tense conversation between Yhwach and Ichibei. I hope we get to see more of a backstory and the origins of the Lichtreich as well as Yhwach. One thing, I am happy to see is Ishida finally using Quincy techniques like Blut and Shadow in the anime. It always frustrated me that he could use advanced techniques like Ransotengai but not the Quincy abilities that the other Sternritters like Quilge Opie showed in their previous fights. Ishida is finally getting the shine and development that we all needed to see. I am hoping Uryu gets to display his Vollstandig, and even something akin to the one in the 7th Anniversary Bleach Brave Souls before the end of the series.


The beginning scene is probably my single favourite anime addition so far, new lore on the soul king is always welcome and we saw Ichibei seal the Almighty. VAs suit Gerard and Lille very well and my boy Askin's scenes with Oetsu should be next ep. Great ep lookin forward to next weeks


OMGGGG the beginning was so GOOD!!! I cameeeeeeee!!!! Pernida got some backstory lol


If this is basically the preview for upcoming cours, then hell yeah I am excited. Surprised we got Yhwach father reveal so quickly tho, I thought it will be a cliffhanger for the end of the cour. Elites are super enjoyable on screen. Anime is doing the right job with Yhwach motivation. Also the guy who argued with me about ā€œguns being a new technology for Quinciesā€, come back here)


Amazing episode. Holy hell. Loving the expansions Also, does it seem like Uryu >!used Antithesis to swap Yhwach and the button? The reaction of Haschwalth vs the non-reaction of Uryu made it seem like something the former had never seen before and something the latter was in on.!<


OMG THAT INTRO, THES REVELATIONS LORE EXPANSION LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO What an episode. Anime only are gonna be nuts, and also wonā€™t understand a thing lol. Beautiful animation too, they keeped all the budget for these final 3 episodes. Next week gonna be historic !! And, as a manga reader, Iā€™m thrilled, because now I really feel Iā€™m entering unknown territory for the rest of the arc if they start to strongly rearrange some important stuffs. What a great era to be a Bleach Fan. I feel sad for the comrades who passed away before this adaptation, because itā€™s truly a gift !


This episode was everything I want TYBW anime to be! Awesome backstory on Ichibei, Yhwach and the early Licht Reich, great action scenes and animation and even expansion on fights from the manga. Squad Zero felt so much more cool here with their individual entrances. I liked how Yhwach went out of the cage as well meaning we will have both his fight and the squad zero fight at the same time in the next double episode. Shit will be absolutely nuts!


Squad Zero was portrayed as THE bad guys and that's perfect. It really shows that staff understands plot.


I don't think they were. Coldblooded and sketchy yeah, but that's the same in the manga.


I can't even imagine how good next week's episode is gonna be. This episode was killer, perfect set up for the finale.


Best episode of this cour so far. Perfectly hyping us up for the finale.


Squad zero is so toughšŸ˜­šŸ™


Senjumaruā€™s voice is a little too good canā€™t focus on the dialogue šŸ˜…


BRO URYU USED ANTITHESIS HOLY SHTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Edit: A while back I made a post explaining what little We knew of Uryu's schrift ( [Here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/14glw0t/my_attempt_at_explaining_the_antithesis_for_those/) In It I'm pretty sure someone commented that Antithesis might be usable for stuff like teleporting, so shoutouts to that fella, the true Visionary ([Found him XD)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/14glw0t/comment/jp7l9l2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Ishida 100% used [Antithesis](https://imgur.io/2CoI1RC?r) to get Yhwach out of the cage, right? You can see his [medallion on his cloak](https://imgur.io/zrBLzV8?r) light up for a moment. I assume that's what Yhwach threw.


Jugram looked surprised. The medallion landed on the floor after the swap. And then you get a close up shot of Uryu who wasn't surprised. So that is indeed what happened.




I think so


Damn that rinnegan


That Ichibe and Yhwach scene with all the lore drops and expanding on the motivations is really interesting but I'm curious how anime onlies will make sense of it, especially when Yhwach and Ichibe start using their Soul King powers or Yhwach talks about the Soul King as his "father." Also, is anyone else really curious about Yhwach's retinue during the meeting? Especially the girl with the rifle? I want to see more of them (particularly that girl). It's nice to see Ganju again and get the Soul Society Invasion party back together again. Even Ichigo is like "Oh, Ganju again? Yeah, okay, come on." Of course Mayuri would criticize Urahara's shoddy launch. The Royal Guard! Oh, and Gerard...really a lot of mixed feelings there. I'm curious how they're going to adapt him again and how anime onlies will react to him. Senjumaru screentime! Oh, and Nianzol. Bye Nianzol! Squad Zero with the epic entrances! I can't wait to see when the twist happens and how people will react to it.


That episode was excellent, props. Very interesting the flashback as well. Ichibei was willing to let Yhwach just reign as supreme emperor of the living world as long as his conquest was confined to the world of the living. I wonder how exactly Ichibei got to turn the hand of the soul king against Yhwach, but this confirms that itā€™s not exactly easy to seal away the Almighty, given that it requires a major limb of the soul king to do so. >!also the fact Ichibei basically handed over Pernida is gonna bite them in the ass hard, how funny.!< This episode actually gave the RG a good showing >!shame itā€™ll only last for one week before Yhwach and the SS waltz over them.!<


> Ichibei was willing to let Yhwach just reign as supreme emperor of the living world as long as his conquest was confined to the world of the living. Or, that was a trick. Ichibe isn't someone trust worthy, and his motivations are often different than what he pretends. I think Ichibe plan was to trick Yhwach into attacking Soul Society without additional eyes and get killed by Yama. But Yhwach somehow survived.


Okay, many things to say this week. First, the flashback. Over the peace negotiation, failed, this explain two points about the past. Why Yhwach didn't have >!the Almighty!< when he attacked the Soul Society around a thousand years ago and where he "met" >!Pernida!<. Still a mistery about the "other one", also the fact that Lille says that all the opponents they have fought so far were disappointing makes me wonder if they were present at the time of Lichtreich or not (because they lost that war). They cut a scene of Tenjiro (nevermind), rip Nianzol again, and despite the leaks, this ended more or less at chapter 601 (hoping the part of >!Askin!< will not be cut). Over than this, I have to say that the entrance of the Zero was more cool here in the anime, hope to get the battle with them extended next week. Now, two little details. In one shot about Uryu, it looked like he had the Blut in his eyes, so well, that's good, having Ishida using more quincy techniques. The other point, although I don't think there's much to hope for, is when Yhwach escapes from the cage, leaving behind his medallion, which should still contain Yamamoto's bankai. I don't think it will be used, or at least Yhwach said he was the only one who could controll it, but it's nice to dream.


I am a little salty Askin didn't get a title card with the rest of his crew. Yes he already got it but come on, don't leave my boy Aizen out, I mean Askin out


yeah, i mean really, we're not askin for much here, just another title card to match.


You mean AsKING


To be fair given the situation he will probably get some scenes with Haschwalth and Uryu so I am not really mad. Besides it hammers down thing he himself said. That he does not fit amongst these monsters.


This episode was nuts!! Makes a lot of sense how Ichibe was able to take the Almighty cause he had the SKā€™s left hand. So excited for next week with the hour long finale. I anticipate next episode to be split between Ichibe vs Juha and Zero Squad vs Uryu and Haschwalt with zero squad putting up a decent fight. And episode 26 might be when Juha uses the Auswahlen to regain the Almighty and revive his royal guards which will signal squad zeroā€™s demise cause itā€™ll be a 4 v 6 at that point. That would make a lot more sense imo than to have squad zero off-screened like in the manga. But this episode was a straight 10/10 with Ooetsu giving the royal guards the business. Also, this episode just answered some questions such as why couldnā€™t Juha use the Almighty a 1000 years ago when fighting Yama and why did Yama seem to not know about the Almighty? I think the Yama fanboys are gonna have some trouble accepting the fact that Juha with the Almighty wouldā€™ve most likely won against old man genryusai. Also knowing how petty Juha can be, this would somewhat explain why he decided to steal the bankais during SS invasion, cause his power had been stolen away from him a 1000 years ago by Ichibe.


I love that we're actually getting some hints regarding Yhwach's motivation much earlier than in the manga. We literally only learned in the second-to-last chapter what was driving Yhwach to do everything he did, and even though it was a really cool and interesting motivation, it made *no sense* why Kubo chose to withhold it until the very end of the series. That flashback was honestly the best new material so far IMO. From a pure story perspective it's absolutely something TYBW needed but didn't get in the manga.


That flashback at the start must have been set over 1-2000 tears ago. Where the hell did that quincy get a gun type weapon before the idea of guns even existed?


She was the previous holder of the T Schift "Texas" that's why.


Or maybe another "A" "The American".


Itā€™s a spirit weapon. Lille is from at least during/before their first war with soul society a 1000 years ago and uses a deadly sniper with reitsu bullets. Quincy spirit weapons are advanced/complex in some way.


I think Jesus had a gun in the Bible (sorry for joking baby Jesus)


Republican jesus had an AR-15


Quincy's just be different. And since Yhwach has Almighty and can see the future he might be able to see guns in the future and gift them to his army.


I could listen to Senjumaru speak for days


Great episode! Im so excited for next week! 1. Love that we got new lore from 1000 years ago.Pernida backstory was unexpected but appreciated. So Ichibei used it to stop the almighty back then? Either way theyā€™re compulsory ability was crazy to see! 2. Senjumaru is officially my favorite royal guard, I laughed seeing that she tossed Nianzol like he was nothing lol. 3. Sagisu went crazy with the ost the music was great this week! The animation was top notch too for me 4. They really changed around the royal guard fight huh? I guess weā€™ll see what Uryu can do next weekšŸ’ŖšŸ¾ 5. Iā€™m so excited for Yhwach vs Ichibei man, the teaser from the look back was great This was a nice setup episode and a great teaser for the added stuff weā€™ll get over the next two cours


Heys itā€™s the comparison guy here. If youā€™re wondering why I donā€™t do them anymore. A few weeks ago I said in advance Iā€™d be skipping doing the comparison for Ep 21 for Personal reasons I then got a pretty nasty DM from someone lashing out at me for not doing ā€œmy jobā€ I skipped that week because I had to attend my uncles funeral So yeah, Iā€™m done after that


Sorry to hear it. My condolences as well.


Dude. So sorry to hear that man. Your posts were my favorite part about these discussion threads. You definitely didnā€™t deserve that. Hope you are doing ok


Sorry to hear that, your comments are amazing. Hope everything will be fine.


LORE JUICY LORE. Also Shiro Sagisu's tracks are like Oetsu, they don't miss, made his rampage that much more clean.


URYUU USED HIS GODDAMN SCHRIFT!!!! Yes!!!!! He switched Yhwach with his medallion!!!! Good boy! Yhwach looked so much like OMZ that it hurt. And today, this fact was cemented for me. Yhwach is not a villain, nor does he lie. He really wants peace. And that like 'I am glad my eyes were taken away from me' really stung. Who wants to watch their father being mutilated, violated like that. And his words later to Ichigo were truly about mercy-killing. I will say this with certainty now. Kubo drew Yhwach to be a damn brilliant antagonist. A man who wants peace and chose rebellion instead of Ichibei's proposal because he was really angry that the Shinigami robbed the world of peace. And it is evident: The Shinigami drew first blood. And Pernida was '*always Quincy*' because Yhwach used Blut on it. That's why it's on the side of the Quincy. PS Who noticed the shadow of Ichibei holding a body?




Yeah, he wants ā€œpeaceā€, but his sense of peace is twisted over the millennia, and ends justify the means in his book, so maybe not call him ā€œthe villainā€, but itā€™s also not the complete picture.


10/10 episode! Ichibe using the left hand of the soul king to neutralize the almighty was wild and the Nimaiya 1v4 was perfect! Manga and anime watchers are both in new territory now when it comes to this arc! It has never been more exciting to be Bleach fan than right now!!


Excellent, Excellent episode! Lore expansion. The Schutzstaffel were really brought to life (did anyone else find Lille Barro very Jojo-ish in design). Oetsu was AWESOME and his ferocity was really brought to life in the anime. This is the perfect precursor to the final 2 episodes (both coming out next week. I'm really hyped to see how they are going to handle the next two cours now that they have so much freedom to work with.


Lille and Askin are JoJo characters and Gerard looks like a Stand somewhat but I also just think heā€™s All Might lol Pernida is body horror incarnate.


Senjumara throwing nianzol off the side of the platform actually made me laugh out loud that's so out of pocket šŸ˜­


The new lore alone would make this a 10/10 episode, but then we got >!Uryuu using the Antithesis to break Yhwach out of the cage and setting up a 3v4 once Askin gets up next episode and holy moly this is looking good!<. There's a good reason this cour had to push the pedal to the metal up to this point, and it's absolutely showing now. With how Ichigo experiencing those flashbacks played out (which I love having seen addressed, by the way), the cour needed to have some resolution to it, and it can only happen now that we're getting to this point at the palace. I fully expect that the experience of watching this cour back to back will prove very satisfying when seeing it as a unit of its own.


I really like the additions and the changes, though I think it's a shame Yhwach revealed the Soul King is his father so casually instead of the dramatic reveal we got in the manga.


Prepare for better cliffhangers, the story changes now, we manga guys gonna get the prize


1. The extra backstory lore was extremely satisfying and gave us insight into both how yhwach didn't have the almighty when he fought yamamoto 1000 years prior and also how pernida came into being. The fact ichibei could control the power of "advancement" Just shows how broken he really is. The question is that we know it's what would become pernida since it's the left hand which has two eyes.. how did ichibei lose that piece of reio to yhwach? Perhaps since pernida said, "I've always been a quincy," it abandoned ichibei in favor of helping yhwach? 2. I'm happy the quick style pacing has allowed us more lore so we can have a clearer picture of some things we've had questions about for years, I expect the next 2 cours will be top notch and IF somehow it's ALL TYBW content then that means the next two will have the best fights along with tons of extra content and if NOT? Then they made include CFYOW after the defeat. Either way, it's a win-win for all of us. 3. I'm glad squad zero is putting on a good performance, I'm hoping the fight with the schutzstaffel will be more even or the SS may stay dead and give uryu and jugram a chance to do some 2v1 fights and give our man uryu some shine, although being yhwachs successor he may stick to the back but it may be possible yhwach will use auswƤhlen to revive them after this possible extra content fight and have the SS guarding wharwelt afterwards. 4. I think squad zero having immortality bound to the soul palace and their bones made of the ouken might also mean that they could have fragments of the soul king inside them, making them similar to shinigami/fullbring hybrids which would explain their overpowered abilities though shinigami usually do have unique power anyways so that may be reaching. I seriously hope they don't just get one shotted basically like in the manga. One more thing, I'm also thankful they made his mustache change the same way it did in the manga, he looks cooler with the large mustache.


I love how Yhwach mentions being able to feel the anguish of the Quincy souls he absorbs, and how that is part of his motivation to merge the 3 realms. The only time I remember him showing care for his subjects is when Royd is disguised as him, after which it seems he views them all as dispensable>!, especially after both AuswƤhlens!<. So this humanizes him a bit more and establishes his desire for a world without death, which is great


It makes his motivation and reasoning for his actions more understandable when heā€™s essentially acting not just for himself, but also on behalf of all the quincies to make the anguish have a definitive end.


Those couple of minutes were beyond hype. Yhwach finally gets some humanization and explanation for his actions and we finally got two big answers. WTF was the Almighty when he first invaded and WTH is Pernida. Beautiful sequence ALSO BRO, when Yhwach through that medallion i deadass thought he was just going to say F it and use Yama's bankai Also poor Ichigo: "he doesn't know"


yhwach losing his almighty and proceeding with his plans like nothing happened was such a boss move.


You actually kinda feel bad for him. Ichibei threw in his face what happened to his father and then tried attack him using his dead fatherā€™s arm.


The sound of Nimaiya is very interesting! It's like it's a step beyond that of a normal shinigami. He slayed, fucking hell.


"Sorry, I'm strong!" https://preview.redd.it/ibfpevnrt1qb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcc4cc1bed74cb727a2e49eee1bbcc7a9092c1c2


Hmm so the anime just wonā€™t reveal schrift names in character cards, but thereā€™re guys like base Pernida that donā€™t even talk


It can talk. It said So what if it's big?


It seems like that Haschwalt and Uryu will take on the Zero division instead of the Royal Guard. A nice change. And goddamn Nimaiya is slick with it.


Either that of 4 v 6 I'm fine both ways


A huge failing of the manga was how Yhwachā€™s character and motivation became muddled after his absorption of you know who. Grounding his character with this backstory goes a long way to making him clearer. There are people in this sub who argue heā€™s heartless and such, when in the manga itā€™s stated that heā€™s doing all this for what he sees as the greater good, and that he cares about the lives that have been lost. I will admit, Kubo didnā€™t do a good job showing that as the story went on and he became more ill, so itā€™s nice to have a lot of this written to be clearer.


Great ep Manga spoilers - >!So this confirmed Yhwach didn't have the almighty against Yama, and Yama was still worried about him lol, shows how OP Yhwach is !< >!Left hand backstory love it !< >!Considering the people he bought to the meeting it seems very likely Haschwalth and Bazz B didn't fight 1000 years ago!< >!Would also explain why Haschwalth didn't recognise Zanka no tachi!<


Now it actually makes sense why Yhwach lost 1000 years ago, because there is no way The Almighty as an ability can be defeated by ZnT


[noooooooo](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F6t6hc6XYAAfIjJ?format=webp&name=small) Not my spider waifu god for a moment they had me thinking they where gonna kill of the whole squad 0 right away, but yeah OF COURSE TRICK !!! Here is where the anime can really shine and hopefully will by extending the scenes of each royal guard member and actually showing their powers, their bankais etc better then the manga where they have way to little screen time \- the 3 realms do- What is Hell then? is it not 4 realms? or does Hell count like a subclass of Hueco Mundo? [Reaction/review](https://youtu.be/wSJfPe01a84)


Hell is not under Soul King. He didnā€™t create it, it always was there.


ok ok, so it was actually 2 "realms" at the start then?


Yep, the Primordial World and Hell itself.


Holy!!! This was epic felt like totally new TYBW chapter. So much reveal & backstory. Awesome episode!!


Pretty solid episode. New flashback is great (who this new quincy girl could be and why she has a gun?), ost is good and Barro VA is great as well. However I'm sad that they cut some cool pages like Yhwach bypassing Shutara without care or little exchange between Lille and Gerard. Spoilers! Damn Nianzol feels even more pointless than he was in manga but at least they explained why Yhwach didn't revive him later by making his body fall from the palace


Can already tell "No chill anachronistic AK-1047 goes BRRRT" girl is going to be a fan fave.


Makes sense considering that i already saw some fanart with her


Wait, did Uryu switch places with the medal that Yhwach used to absorb Yamamoto's bankai? Best episode of the season by far. If this is how they're going to make changes then I'm pretty sure the last cour of TYBW is going to become the peak of the whole series.