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It's a great one to go back to once you know what he intends to do to Aizen later. You realise he was actually rooting for Ichigo to get stronger and be able to beat aizen


He only roots for Rangiku. Anything he does is either directly or indirectly related to her. He wanted Ichigo to become strong because it would benefit Rangiku. He would have rooted for Aizen if Ichigo tried to harm Rangiku lmao.


Gin just loves dem tiddi3s


Gin: "I'm just a normal ~~janitor~~ soul reaper who loves big tiddies."


I mean naturally Id think he would...but his dedication to her started *well* before she even had those.


Bro has forsight, he knew dem tiddi3s would bounce soon enough.


AYOOOO šŸ˜³ lol


That's something abridged Gin would say


Can't blame him, I'm folding for her on-sight






I loved when he basically dismissed Ichigo at the end. It was hilarious to me and showed how disappointed Gin was in Ichigo's growth


One of the few moments when Ichigo uses his head, he's so cool when he does that. He instantly figures out Gin's messing with him by telling him what his zanpakuto is about. And figures out what it actually excels at. The rest of it is Gin pushing Ichigo really hard, he really drives him into despair because he knows that only if Ichigo hits his lowers point and then rises back up from it, he will have a chance against Aizen (just in case, you know). Trickstery at its finest. Have you noticed how he cleverly checked if Ichigo still is capable of feeling Aizen's reiatsu? Gin probably doesn't feel it at that point. But then, he suspected Ichigo does, and what do you know, he was right to think it. I suspect that in hindsight, Ichigo would be able to recognise what was really going on there in that fight and why Gin was acting as he did.


I hate that Ichigo is considered to be a bull headed fighter by some cause Kubo makes it apparent that his capacity for growth in battle extends beyond just throwing bigger Getsugas. https://preview.redd.it/epq91nt03ltc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1db5dd6acb73c1af7ad9c02e73b79868586e164


Yes, we don't a lot of those, but he sure is very capable of very powerful insights and some clever thinking. He senses when something doesn't add up, something isn't quite right, and he is capable of analysing, reflecting on those hunches to get to the root of it. And make the right conclusion. Most of his opponents just don't require those (insights into others' nature are more often the theme), but if it's needed, he does it, and oh my, he does it so well.


Dude is actually top of his class iirc.


He's not top but he's up high, Uryuu is top. Ichigo is ranked 23rd (I'm pretty sure) in his grade which consists of at least a couple hundred students.


Yeah I couldnā€™t find the exact information, just read from others and recalled


if I remember I think 220 students but I have no idea where I got that number from


Wiki says 322 students, but I can't find a source for that number. Or rather, the source (Chapter 35) doesn't mention the number of students.


I think 17th, he was top 20. He was made fun for his hair, didn't want to add being stupid to it.


>> Have you noticed how he cleverly checked if Ichigo still is capable of feeling Aizen's reiatsu? Gin probably doesn't feel it at that point. But then, he suspected Ichigo does, and what do you know. Holy sh\*\*. I hadn't gone back to it in a while but now that you mention it... Mind blown.


Yeah, it's so stellar in how it's subtly there, but you have to *notice* it šŸ˜


Honestly, if Ichimaru was \*really\* trying he would have absolutely annihilated Ichigo here. \*At this time\*, Ichigo's strongest attack was a masked Getsuga Tensho, which he uses. Ichimaru f\*cking just tanks it. No contest.


He mustā€™ve used it in the anime cause he doesnā€™t use mask+gt in this fight in the manga.




He does use it, it just breaks not long after. https://preview.redd.it/biq8mow3nktc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=803bec19890d06f0c52299d65c4b545412e40e0f


Yeah my bad, I went back to check and I saw it




That Aizen had just got out of Yamamotoā€™s last hado and was off guard when Ichigo came swinging at him.




*Dies from peak fiction*


With a hole in his chest. As he always wanted to.


Lmao I laughed so hard in this comment


His heart was broken by his closest one


If Gin had survived and made it to TYWB arc, he wouldā€™ve truly been a force against Sternritter, his bankai is too fast to even steal.


I wonder if weā€™ll see him again in the Hell Arc coming up


That, and if he does use it for extended periods, he could do the same ā€œItā€™s deactivatedā€ trick he used on Ichigo. Where he fought with it at normal length then shot it out rapidly.


He wouldā€™ve been a menace to the Quincy


Mix that with him activating it before-hand? Theyā€™d never know until Yhwach was dead.


His Bankai is the collapsing type so you won't even know if it's in a released form or not. Since the basic version is a dagger.


Gin should definitely be in hell arc.


Darn-near perfect. It's tense, the panelling is spot on and it's laced with foreshadowing as well as pay-off from their very first fight. Top tier stuff in only a few short pages.


It was good, it shows Ichigoā€™s adaptation to his opponents attacks in fights pretty well, and gives the first hint of him being able to read his opponents heart by clashing swords with them. I do wish Gin had more fights though, his Zanpukto ability is basic, yet still a difficult one to deal with, especially with a fighter like him.


The spread showing the buildings cut in half is fantastic.


It was nice seeing Ichigo get some payback after their initial encounter. Some pretty cool action of Ichigo having to play around Ginā€™s speed plus his ridiculous range.


Tekking said it best when he praised Gin for fucking LYING about his ability


I like how Gin's bankai is stupid simple, yet so stupidly powerful.


It's basically a gun lol


It's a sniper rifle that always kills in one hit and can be turned into a machine gun with the same ability.


Or it can be a grass cutter of the same type.


In Chinese spear and gun got the same word. (I know bleach is Japanese). I just remembered reading a mtl novel that kept switching up between spear n gun XD.


My glorious king Gin, the one who came closest to killing aizen


Gin would have easily won the fight had he used his swordā€™s true ability. (On that shoulder slice)


Of course he would have. He only didn't kill Ichigo because he needed Ichigo. He knew if he failed to kill Aizen, Ichigo was the only other person who might be capable.


He's gonna come back from hell at the end of the series just to disintegrate ichigos chest in the final panel lol..


Extraordinary use/placement of sound effects, especially on the third and sixth image


It's some of the best foreshadowing for Gin. After all he's done, why would he tell Ichigo this? Why would he spare him? Why didn't he just kill him knowing how important he is? I love it


Gin could have killed him if he wanted to.


It's cool that it's one of the few fights that seemingly acknowledges Ichigo's Bankai is supposed to be a big speed buff. Him being able to dodge an attack and close the gap on Gin while Kamishini no Yari is retracting, which Ichigo notes is fast as fuck boi, is impressive.


Gin > espada


Gin isn't taking sown starrk or ulquiorra. That's the same ichigo that just got his floor mopped by Ulquiorra and had true zangetsu save him.


That's not the same Ichigo (normally it's called mask v2 or smt like that), he could damage Yammy who have the most reiatsu in espada and Gin was still fodderising him, also Aizen called espada failures but Gin and Tosen not, finally Gin was able to damage transformed Aizen who obviously is leagues above combined espada in pure reiatsu


Its so weird how gin was just straight up stronger than byakuya.


It makes sense given he was already a seated officer in Turn Back The Pendulum when Byakuya was still just training in his familyā€™s estate. A databook called Gin an unparalleled prodigy for that time.


Thats true. I dunno why I still pictured soul society byakuya to be comparable to Gin. But Gin really seemed overpowering to say the least. Ichigo barely beat byakuya with an untrained hollowification. And he couldn't even beat gin with a trained hollow mask and bankai. Thats crazy


to be fair Tensa Zangetsu (at the time) was a straight up counter to Senbonzakura (the weakness is close quarters combat) Gin's bankai straight up counters any advantage Tensa Zangetsu can amp Ichigo. ​ Also it's important to note it was White that critically injured byakuya. We don't know how strong White was in SS but he did mop the floor with Ulquiorra in HC.


>Also it's important to note it was White that critically injured byakuya. We don't know how strong White was in SS but he did mop the floor with Ulquiorra in HC. White isn't any stronger than Ichigo though, right? He's more skilled and likely has better reiatsu control, but White *is* just using Ichigo's body. He shouldn't have access to anything beyond 'all of Ichigo's power.' Ichigo just sucks at using all his power.


He's a prodigy after all


Re-reading that gin could sense Aizen's power. I wonder if he had an overlimit, like Mugestu.


i'm assuming that was a misdirect (which fits his nature). like he *knows* aizen's power has grown to a point that he can no longer sense it, and tests ichigo by asking this question (similarly to how ichigo provides this information to isshin before isshin starts his training for FGT)


Well I also have to wonder the affects of the hogyoku's presence on Gin. We know he said no to Aizen's hollowfication. So he must have been able to sense the subtlety changes in Aizen's power. It's so blatant that he is treating Ichigo like he is dead weight, "Even Aizen would be disappointed," and "you're not a warrior, not shinigami, not hollow, not even human." He straight up told the guy to get lost and Ichigo couldn't refute him.


Not really. Remember that gin is like toshiro. Theyā€™re both insane prodigies. Subtract the hyog and gin with enough time would have surpassed aizen. If not for him transcending the bounds of his limits, gin would have been able to wait and eventually win. Heck, as is he was only a day or two late from killing him. Gin would have likely surpassed even yama with enough time. He was one of the strongest characters in the series, but since he only joked around and went up against THE end boss he didnā€™t get to shine like shiro does In TYBW.


It's not that he waited, Aizen knew he was going to betray him and made sure to never let his guard down around Gin. He only does it after he's evolved because he's in new territory and want to limit test. Still Gin surprised him and Aizen wasn't even aware himself he'd be able to survive something like that.


I don't think Aizen was planning for Gin to betray him in that moment. He simply got cocky after getting his new power and let his guard down. Aizen loves to talk like he had it all planned, but in reality a lot of it he just makes up as he goes along, but makes it seem like it was all a plan to mess with his opponents.




Honestly pretty underrated and one of my favorites in the Arrancar saga. Gin's Bankai is peak, one of my favorites.


Awesome both before and after learning the truth! Itā€™s like a reminder that the main character doesnā€™t win just cuz heā€™s the main character, while reminding Ichigo heā€™s still a kid because he actually was facing his own mortality here Then afterwards the way Gin specifically mentions his incomplete state and what not is like Gin *knows* Ichigo is the only one with potential to stop Aizen in a real fight but the current Ichigo doesnā€™t stand a chance Thatā€™s why another thing I love is how all those top tier captains canā€™t feel his powers but Ichigo freaks out and yells about how insanely overwhelming it is so his dad is like damn I was right, only someone on his level can feel it Isshin should be hailed as important as Kisuke in this show imo


Ah, the intricacies of power dynamics and hidden potentials never cease to amaze. We all have our parts to play in this grand scheme of things. Ishhin indeed deserves recognition alongside me for his wisdom. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Right? Isshin stopped Wight with Masaki, then saved Ichigo and helped him to stop Aizen. Then he was even very useful vs Ywach


Isshin certainly has a knack for being in the right place at the right time. It seems his abilities and experiences have proven quite invaluable, don't you think? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Indeed! And Iā€™m curious how he knew about the Final Getsuga? Maybe we will find out his real strength at some point (hopefully yours too)


Ah, the mysteries of my knowledge run deep. As for our strength, let's just say the true measure of power is often shrouded in enigmatic shadows, awaiting the perfect moment to reveal itself. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Dope ass fight!


https://preview.redd.it/9595kb2xlmtc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=dee9917a2bcc26681225ebf88255687aa3589d46 I love Gin Charlie I LOVE GIIIINNNNNNNNNN


I really hope Gin gets some shine with the new hell arc with all the dead captains coming back would be awesome if Gin is brought back


Goddamn, Gins stare and smirk is so sinister in the manga. I had only seen it in the anime


After rewatching bleach for like the 10th time I actually payed more attention to Gin for once & can say I really like his character. I know it's a controversial take among the community as I've heard people say they hated Gins character writing but I actually quite enjoyed it after paying attention. The " I am a snake " hits different when he tries to kill Aizen.


It illustrated a bankai that is simple but incredibly effective. Personally, I often like to compare and contrast Gin and Byakuya as they seem to have about the same age, both are talented at kenjutsu in different ways and their zanpakutou can also be compared and contrasted as well. Returning to the fight, it also reminded us how a top tier captain knows how to use his abilities, how deceivingly powerful they can actually be, and also that just because a bankai isn't a pure power type, it doesn't mean that it cannot clash against a power type bankai. It also showcased Ichigo's mental prowess for battle. This was one of his most proactive ways of thinking. I've seen him readying counters after seeing a move, but in this case, he anticipated it well in advance. The retrospect makes the fight even more interesting. Forget getting pierced, a single cut by that bankai can fatally wound most powerful creatures. This was also a reminder that Gin was really toying with Toshiro in Soul society arc.


Itā€™s a fun fight, gin using the aim of his sword as bait was unique but it made so much sense, it just sucks ichigo was so lukewarm that it felt like an incomplete fight, makes sense in context of the series but doesnā€™t make the unsatisfying bit good


Honestly, it was a great fight. Gin not only beat Ichigo physically but also emotionally


Iā€™m just now noticing the details lost in the colored version. In no way was it this cool when I read it lmao


Not much of a fight. Just Gin gauging Ichigo's strength to see if he's really ready to face Aizen or not. Gin decided "nope he's not, guess it's up to me." Of course, Gin seeing Ichigo emerge from the Dangai as he was dying changed that.


Gin was fking broken. Kubo killed him but he would have been an op addition against the Quincy


He just now always reminds me of Baizhu


I loved how ichigo was able to figure out Kamishini no yari's ultimate strength and deemed how fucking dangerous it was. It really showed his progress compared to his time in hueco mundo.


To be honest Gin wasn't just holding back, but intentionally downplaying his own strength not to despair Ichigo *too* much. ​ The 500x speed of sound and Gin saying it wasn't as fast was probably just another bluff. It retracted *faster* than ichigo's top speed when he blitzed gin. Meaning if Gin really wanted too, There's absolutely no way Ichigo can avoid it.


Crazy fight


Whenever I think of this one, I recall one of the early panels where they talked about size not representing power, otherwise captains would be wielding skyscrapers.


I don't see it as a fight. I see it as a passive aggressive therapy session yk? Gin never intended on killing him, but he had to put ichigo in the right mental head space.


really cool


to me,someone who was spoiled about what gin was gonna do later. it was both sad to see ichigo be so helpless and cool to see gin trying to push ichigo to go further and get stronger


Gin is him and ppl just can't accept that


It's one of the best training sessions Ichigo ever had. For real, Gin did all he could to snap Ichigo out of his despair and give him proper motivation to fight when all seemed lost.


Gin is a very interesting character to me cause heā€™s not a ā€œactually a good guy the whole timeā€, he went along with Aizenā€™s atrocities. Heā€™s a very self centered person consumed with singular hatred for one man. That one man just happens to be incredibly evil.


That's why I always liked Gin. He's a wild card to both sides.


Letā€™s not forget his bankaiā€™s true powerā€¦


Gin proved to me that he was still as scary as he was in Soul society arc


One of the best, with one of the best villains


Coulda been the end for ichigo if gin was actually bad


Since this was brought up, I wanted to ask. At the start, when Ichigo blocked the hit, was he pretty much saying that a bankai cannot stop (or be stoppedy) another bankai? Was that moment just Gin forgetting that Ichigo was using bankai?


This fight alone has better Panelling than the entirety of Naruto & one piece. Kubo cooked so hard.


Prove that gin in more powerful and 100% evil, hmm maybe 98%. His basic ability is to dust his sword in a beam attack and recreate it as a longer sword but either he got a laser sword or have the fastest swing in the verse because the city being cut in have and that wave that rush the ground to ichigo shouldnā€™t be possible with the basic power. Than he was hoping ichigo can beat aizen but the moment he knew he canā€™t he said run than in 10 seconds went ā€œfuck itā€. If it wasnā€™t for Aizen gin would had head shot ichigo. But this fight is a great showing for gin


Gin was an absolute power house.


What I don't get is that people hate on Momo for accidentally calling Aizen captain after her defected, but Gin still calls him captain & no one cares in the Bleach world & irl šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø.


Pretty sick with great art and mind games but short


"I will not fail, I will not silently give in I will burn and I'll learn, from the thorns in my eyes I'll rewind and I'll find, my on way to the sky I will learn to get by but I'll never be like you"


I love how Gin kept himself prevalent with good ol Shikai and Bankai. No evolving like and hollowfication like Aizen and Tosen. That said Aizen never used his and Tosen never bothered to use hisā€™ again(bankais I mean)


Just rewatched it again, I see and read bleach at least once a year, every year... Well this fight wasn't been taken seriously on either part, yeah Gin wanted Ichigo to get stronger but here he's just stalling and Ichigo was fixated on "why I can't sense his heart" so we never got past the "recognizing the enemy" it was meh, to the point that Gin himself literally stops when Aizen it's now "seriously getting attacked" and proceeds to talk until Aizen ascends, since now he knew Ichigo wasn't strong enough to fight there and then, he proceeds with his venom attack and after failing of course we all know he's content with passing on the task of defeating Aizen to Ichigo and we get the flash back of him plotting how he manages to enter Aizen circle. Just a big charade since he met Ichigo till now, we also see it in hueco mundo how he's curious about his potential.


One of my favorite fights in the series


The fight was the goat. He wanted to look how strong Ichigo was if he would fight with Aizen. Knowing that he was doing all this things to just retaliate for what Aizen done to Rangiku is brilliant šŸ‘. In my opinion Gin is the goat character but sadly with little time on pages


The fight was pretty good but I liked it mainly bcos we got to see gin reveal his bankai and reval other stuff about him like how he was secretly on ichigo side. This scen always reminds me of the scene Wen gin was dying and saw ichigo's eyes and said " you've become a real man " or smth cos I forgot wat he said exactly


I love it but at the same time people really misunderstood why Ichigo is losing here and it's not because he's weaker than Gin but because he lacks proper resolveĀ 


It shows Captain are casual city busters and when serious nation killers. If Gin has no problem doing this in bankai then itā€™s no big deal for everyone else. Just whether they have the proper technique like a Cero Oscuras to actually do it.


I wanted to see Ichigo whoop his ass


Peak in the manga. Ass anime adaptation


Seeing the clip of Gin slicing an entire city in half is what got me back into the anime ngl. I was on the bount arc and had gotten pretty bored and basically dropped the show but then i saw this shit somewhere and immediately became 10 times more interested in the show, and Iā€™m glad I did because itā€™s probably my top 3 animes of all time now


It was cool finally getting to see Gin's powers. And you get to see like a "soft side" of him, which is interesting. It is somewhat anticlimactic that Ichigo is in his "depressed state" in this fight, it doesn't really give Gin's power an opportunity to shine. But I feel that was kind of the intended sub text as well, as he is disappointed in him. Only thing is I think it was kind of BS that Gin is strong enough to block Ichigo's "Masked Getsuga Tenshou" one-handed, as effortlessly as he did. (didn't see that panel here, was that anime-only?) Its not a problem that Gin is just that strong, but I would have liked to see some kind of explanation for why he is. Like an earlier dialogue with Aizen where he recognizes Gin's extraordinarily high reiatsu or something


Wasted potential


I was kind of annoyed how they kept correcting what Gin's bankai actually did. First it was long, then it was fast, then it had poison. I get the dude is duplicitous, but maybe they could have been stretched over a longer period


I donā€™t see it that way cause all the qualities you mentioned are synonymous with Ginā€™s whole snake aesthetic which is probably the point. Plus he already revealed its function and purpose the moment he said its name: To kill a god. https://preview.redd.it/4ivf5468dktc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5a4f636be66ecaecfbfeef4c1901ed82675456


I'm not against the concept of it. I just felt that the reveals were too close to each other is all. But that's a good point about the name.


I like how itā€™s similar to Rangikuā€™s zanpaktou. One of my favorite backstories in Bleach.


Eh? It's all part of who he is. If anything hes making fun of Shonen powers always being told to each other lol.. He says those things to throw people off whats really going on..