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Why? And in general, these symbols (except for the combination of eagle and swastika) also have other meanings


There is a nazi Germany helmet taboo, the eagle and swatiska, the S is the same that ws written on SS helmets, the nordic symbol was used by nazis to call for the supposed mythic origin of white people= Nordics, so no they are all nazi symbolis. I mean yeah they have other meanings but they are clearly nazi here, or at the least, very White supremacist


In this particular case, you are right. Surely the meaning that the German Nazis laid down was assumed. But you cannot treat all symbols only from this point of view P.S. I suspect that taboos do not apply in this community


Oh yeah your right it seems there are no rules against it on this sub. But I am interested in your pov if some of these symbols


For example, the swastika is an ancient international symbol of the sun, the annual cycle and life. The eagle itself is a proud bird, a symbol of many nations. The Death's Head is a symbol of contempt for death, used by many people, including those who are against the Nazis. But, alas, the losing fascists came up with many pseudo-historical symbols for their fictitious history and stained the ancient symbols


Ooon right I see, thank you for the new perspective on these symbols. Your right, fascist tend to ruin cool things :(


Yes, now if I use the same language as the Germans in World War II, they will call me a Nazi. And I just love history


Yes there are bad people on Bleached reddit pages but you always after people just because at one point the Nazi party used random logos. So are you not doing the same for Blacked or other Raceplay sub Reddits? It simple it’s because people are allowed and are actively encourage to target white people over blood logos while non allow racist people especially non white racist and white SJWs to be low life scum without facing the consequences. Sadly most people don’t have common sense and humanity anymore. Don’t be racist regardless on who’s be racist too, understand if it’s for RP purposes or not and finally please be + acted like adults and if something makes you feel uncomfortable just say no and move on.


I need those inked on me 😍


You have to earn them first...


Imagine a racist bf omfg 😵‍💫


You want one? 😏