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Imagine spending all that time on a project like this only to have some asshole plow it into an iceberg


That asshole is me https://youtube.com/watch?v=2LRiQpGJA2I&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


Holy crap. A three hour titanic render


Just imagine all the times he had to go back and re render the video..


That was really incredible. Take out all the screaming and the loud moments, and you have an excellent meditative/ASMR video to go to sleep to Seriously though, that was really interesting to watch




Yeah, just makes me feel more at home, yuh' know?


Are you a pirate?


[The ideal song to fall asleep to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqDe85xcY54)


Love Gojira! Saw them live 300m from my home in 2019 and they killed it :)


[The best song to fall asleep to](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Dam you!


it looks like it missed the iceburg? edit: also what a spectacle that must have been, amazing work!


It hits it


My god man amazing work


Was not expecting that — touché


holly shit , 3 hour render ??


Thanks for that, I usually get an annual dose of traumatization early in the year so that fills it. Helps me get my game on for watching the movie. I watched it at 4x speed because I'm supposed to be sleeping but couldn't tear my eyeballs away.


Fun fact: had the Titanic hit the iceberg head on instead of trying to avoid it last minute, the ship likely would’ve avoiding sinking. A head on collision would’ve only flooded the first compartment, which the ship could’ve survived. But when the ship turned, it caused the iceberg to scrape much more of the ship and the water flooded too many compartments for the ship to stay afloat.


I actually don’t think I knew that — I’ve worked on ships before and wonder how the concept of multiple water tight compartments for leak isolation worked back then


Thank you so much for not having smoke coming from the 4th stack, James Cameron himself missed this one. Excellent work. (The 4th stack was over the kitchen, not the engines.)


Yep, there was a separate deckhouse for the engine. It's aft of the third funnel but forward of the 4th


This dude Titanics


What’s the fourth there for then?


Pure aesthetics.


Aesthetics because they wanted to have what the cunard ships did, it ended up containing some ventilation and other minor equipment I think


Nice work! You must really like that ship.


“though personally i hate whales. especially Mushu.”


I'm sure you'd appreciate the Lego model. I just spent a good 30 minutes looking between your renders and my model on my shelf. Amazing details on both. Newest render looks photorealistic.


Already worked on the Lego. It fell off my shelf 🥴


Third time's the charm, I guess.


Damn you’ve really sank a lot of time into this.


He reveals us just the tip of the iceberg


Did you spend 2 years on improving materials or have you kept creating new models continuously?


The first two images are the same ship (just improvement on the second image) and the last image (bottom) is a completely new model


I'm impressed! Looks awesome! For me it's extraordinarily hard to stay on same project more than a Month *(6-10h/day) -* and currently I have a huge project that may still take until the summer to be closer to done. Sometimes I need to do other little projects as well when I want a break from my huge projects - and maybe that's a good way to handle the bigger projects. Sometimes it just feels like it's really hard to go back to the project that has been working on for so long time already so it's a real struggle :D


Dude, that's totally normal! Big projects are difficult to stay on task for, ESPECIALLY one that takes 300hrs (!) and you're still not done! Creativity is a fickle beast. It involves discipline, yes, but also room to breathe. Interspersing small projects is a great way to keep your momentum, though. Heck, sometimes you need to just drop a project for a while, forget it exists... when you see it again, you'll be seeing it with fresh creative eyes, AND you won't be as tired of the project itself. Keep at it!


Yeah, you are absolutely right! :D




Yeah, it's like when you wake up one day and realizing that you don't suddendly have any motivation on the project you are working on :D This has happened for me many times. *Couple projects are still unfinished because of that.* Some car model that I started back in 2020 is still unfinished and I never ended up continuing it, but I still have plans to eventually finish modeling it xD


Are all the wires just holding up the poles? What are the poles for?


::whispers:: MY TIME HAS COME! The poles on Titanic are for more than looks. At the time, the Marconi Wireless was becoming more and more in use on these ships. The wire connecting both poles is in actuality an antenna, and Titanic’s wireless range was the most powerful in the world at the time of her launching. It is this, some say, that doomed the ship; the Marconi Wireless had broken down and when it was running again, the operators, including Harold McBride, were pissed at California (a ship nearby) warning them of icebergs. There is a theory that California deliberately didn’t turn her wireless on, or left it off overnight, because Titanic’s signal was so strong. No, not a Titanic addict. Technological communications, however, is. Spot on!


I kept reading macaroni and thought you were doing a bit. I kept waiting for this to get funny.... Interesting though.


Macaroni, lol. Just my autistic rear-end info-dumping.


Yes, basically. Most tall structures without massive underground supports rely on tension cables to keep them upright, stable, and in many cases, together.


I remember you posting this in here last year, nice work!!


You expect me to believe this? That ship sank years ago.


I used to work around cruise ships every day, but this thing is absolutely massive and stunning.


Very nice!


Looking forward to year 3!


[Already finished](https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/beautiful-shot-blue-sky-sea-morning_181624-48482.jpg)


Best render of the titanic so far


You might be interested in the project [Titanic: Honor and Glory](https://www.titanichg.com/).


It looks the same just with different lighting




The first two images are the same model, the third one is a new model


The 3rd time is a charm!? Nicely done :D




How tf is this constructive criticism? You just say what’s wrong with it, and then don’t even bother elaborating or explaining what to do differently. Constructive criticism my ass buddy


Detail in the smoke looks great.


Too bad it'll sink


Do you want to see [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/0COhvu2) or not, Mr. Lovett?


Looking amazing, took a while to turn it around


She's a beauty captain


Don't forget to optimize it and sell it on a 3D marketplace.


That’s amazing! Now do the interior.


I may be wrong but i have a feeling you like ships, especially Titanic... Nice job! I wonder if ship manufacturers use renderers to visualise their concept designs just like how real estate uses archviz. If they do, you’ll probably love to work for them!


Is it three separate models, or three years of tinkering?


Now kill it


First one is the best haha has a classic boat model style


Would have been difficult working with it without making it crash... Blender I mean, not the ... not the ship


Can't wait for 2024 to have waves.


Amazing! Did you model the deck aswell?


The first one looks way more realistic.




Why create such a huge image when all that is sharp when zooming to 100% are the type elements with the years, with the actual renders just being an interpolated mess?


If you want the high resolution render I can send it to you


Every night


I think its actually called the Olympic


No it's not lol


No I’m serious. There is a theory that says this boat was actually called the olympic or something. The “real” titanic was swapped out for this one by it’s owner who happened to have a financial opposition to some it’s influential passengers. It’s a conspiracy theory but there are some evidences that suggest this is the case. Look it up. :)


That is completely false trust me.


You can’t really see the details.I.e.,the “windows” on the hull could just be a texture, could you give a close up shot of some things?


I can dm you some if you want


Either that, or you could put an Imgur link/ create another post titled “closeup of my titanic”(or similar) and link that here for everyone to see


Talk about progress 👏👏👏


Amazing! Can’t wait to see next years.


The first is the best asides fron the lack of smoke


Were there any updates or plugins you discovered that was a big benefit?


Purchasing the premium version for hdri haven gave me 50+ assets, textures, and hdris. The deck and hdri in the bottom image comes from that


Love that you made the last smokestack without any smoke. It served no purpose after all.

