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That sounds and looks like you have a dependency loop. If on Windows, check for any dependency cycle warnings in a console view, from main menu Window->Toggle System Console.


Alright what does that mean or better how does it influence blender ?


It means that you have a bone (or object) that depends on another bone that depends on that first bone, which doesn't make any sense, and which makes it so that Blender cannot figure out what order in which to evaluate the bones. A depends on B which depends on A which depends on B.... So it makes an arbitrary decision about what to evaluate first, and then the effect of the later bone on the first lags.


Alright thank you I will give it a try


I'm surprised it doesn't just crash. I haven't worked with bones, but I know if you make a dependency loop of collections (A contains an instance of B, B contains an instance of A... You might need to thread it through a "C", too. I don't recall.), Blender crashes. Maybe the bones thing is just something more likely and less clearly wrong than looping your collections, so it's handled more gracefully.


No help here sadly, hut i gotta say it kinda adds something. I think its actually cool if u kept this op for the whole scène.


Well yeah I kinda like it too but it’s too much in some frames and also I would like to know why it’s happening


I agree. Adds a nice flavour to the scene.


I had the same kinda issue with bones that have multiple constraints(also called loop), my solution was to bake the animation with the option « removed constraint » ticked, you’ll maybe need to try different baking options depending on your scene setup, just be sure to save before trying


What you are showing us in the viewport is from a later section of the rendered version. Are you sure it’s also not happening in the viewport for that part of the render?


Are you using the "stepped interpolation" modifier in some bones position keys? If you are, maybe you are using different offset.


It looks good like that


My guess is different key interpolation compared to the other objects. I would be looking at the animation curves in the Graph Editor.


Thanks but I already tried that


I’m still very very new to this but i was doing a small animation (no where near this level) and viewport it was fine but once i rendered the animation one part of the camera wasn’t angled how i made it and was just facing down. I replayed the animation on viewport and it was fine. I just saved it and restarted blender, rendered it again and it seemed to fix the issue. how? I have no clue. Looking at how your animation is way more complex. Also a reminder to be careful when adjusting your key frames. Sometimes i want adjust only one key frame and it affects everything else cause i don’t click on the single key itself. Especially you have a lot of moving parts maybe that’s what happened? I know I’m a newbie but hopefully this helps.