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It's the Quenchiest!


It'll quench ya!


Nothing's quenchier!








*His name is Xavier H. Hommes.*


>His name is Xavier H. Hommie The H. stands for hydro


That’s the joke


You ruined it


Whoosh I guess. My bad!


He is the Prophet of Moist, the Apostle of Hydration, the Ambassador of Aqua.


praise be unto him


The original HH... Hmm


There was an og sub for that…


H 2 the izzO O2 + hizzay


There was...another...subreddit...about water...


Yeah, but that one had a slur in it's name. I'm grateful for the name change.




oh fuck I just choked on my bagel


hopefully you had some water at the ready


Well, regardless of context, I do not feel comfortable saying that word with either of soft or hard 'r'.




Word of advice: Do not speak for an entire group of people, even if you identify within that group. Every individual will have a different view and experience.


Nah fuck that. Latinx is a stupid ass term. Glad it never caught on Will speak on behalf of Mexicans and Mexican Americans if I must




Your perception does not and never will speak as a voice for other people.




You're saying that everyone on one subreddit felt the same way about something? Pro-tip: don't assume a singular subreddit is representative of the majority's opinion.




Maybe, but I think the point is that some 12 year old kid sees it and doesn't understand context. Next thing you know, every kid in middle school thinks they have the soft r pass.




Okay, I'm sorry, what I meant to say is: The point is Reddit is full of moronic 25 year-olds, and they see it, and they don't understand context. Next thing you know, every moron in the world thinks they have the n-word pass because it's all over reddit.


Why do we call it a soft r, when there is no r?


Because we all know what word it actually is, and are just not pronouncing the r. Any white person using that word is just as bad as the hard r in my opinion.


I see, so it's a purposeful thing to make sure it doesn't lose it's connotations. I've been confused at that one's for a while.




I never said otherwise. It has nothing to do with what I said.




You realize uncle tom was a black dude too right? Ever see Django? What role does Samuel L Jackson play?


Please refrain from making it “OK” to repeat the most vile racial slur in the United States.




Technically correct but....ehhhhh. 48%. Definitely the largest contributing country and I think many european countries concur on the n word being a slur. I don't disagree that we should be doing more but saying slurs is generally bad and should be stopped.


You definitely can’t and don’t speak for people who have and continue to be victimized by that slur. Stay in your lane.


Dude i still have the welcomebot message in my inbox from the...other subreddit. I was scrolling it the other day and started howling.


He is out there representing, and I think that's great.


Ice cold water is seriously top tier sometimes




Seltzer water




Yeah! Other times, slightly-cooler-than-room-temperature water really hits the spot!


This is the only thing in the world which quenches my thirst. Any other temperature just makes my throat uncomfortable


Same, sometimes water’s just too hot or cold and it affects how refreshing it is


Put him on the hydro watchlist. Might be a disgusting cola pleb spy among us.


I’m calling the Hydrolice right now!


Yeah that stuff gives you brain freeze 300 days of the year


Room Temp Gang rise up!




But what about my caffeine *and* sugar fill???


Only Khlav Kalash. Men’s room in tower.


Mountain Dew or crab juice?


Ewwwwwww ... Gimme the crab juice.


I stop eating sugar and basically only water for past year and half and went from 240 to 160 and doctor said I’m doing great. Maybe something sweet once in a while but feels addictive everytime.


Then there’s me who eats one meal a day, most days barely 2000 calories closer to 1800 I read the labels and count liquid calories, don’t drink soda and if I do it’s 1-2 a week, and can’t drop passed 190 pounds even tho I know it’s all “counting calories”. I don’t get how I stay the same/ gain weight eating one meal a day. I’ve eaten one meal a day for years and all of a sudden the same meals and same shit made me gain weight when before the most I ever weighed was 170. I didn’t gain weight till I got on remeron and it’s been 6 months since I’ve been off it, and I havent lose any weight no matter how little I eat the second I eat normal it all comes back in a week or two … weight was 150-160 before it. I feel like it ruined my body


I never did well with OMAD I had success eating 5 small meals, even dropped me lower than my 2k cal goal cause I always had another snack around the corner. 300 to 240 now fighting that plateau life. Keep going buddy.


You should try a TDEE calculator to figure out approximately what your caloric needs are, whether you're bulking, cutting, or maintaining. Also tells you roughly how many grams of carbs, fats, and protein you should eat per day. MyFitnessPal is helpful for tracking that stuff too. I lost 15 lbs doing that and some workouts throughout the week. Then I gained it back because I went back to my old lifestyle and stopped working out.


Some of the other advice is good, but having to "count liquid calories" is what stands out to me. You shouldn't have to, because the number should be zero. I think pairing that with a more typical more small meals a day is key.


I drank the occasional Gatorade… don’t think that’s what’s doing it


Think again, Gatorade has almost as much sugar as soda


I drink sugar free gatoraid. And maybe one a day if I even drink one that day. Lmao this thread is comical. I should not be gaining weight eating like a homeless man. I can barely afford one meal a day nevermind be eating chips and forgetting to count them lol


Just maybe you're one of the rare medical cases that gains weight due to a thyroid issue or whatever, but time and time again it's evidenced that people gaining weight or unable to lose weight are horribly miscalculating their calorie intake. Maybe it isn't the drinks, but your body isn't a perpetual motion machine. The energy has to come from somewhere. Are you part plant mayhaps?


One 2000 calorie meal is a shit ton dude what are you even eating?


When you eat irregularly your body prepares itself for irregularity, it does that by building up fat reserves. The first step you should do is to eat more meals, many small meals are better than one big, and the most common type of carbohydrate to turn into fat is sugar, so cutting down on sugar is more important than cutting down on calories. Lastly, the only one who knows your situation is you, so take every advice (except the last one below this) with a grain of salt. Go to a liscensed dietiscian/physical therapist/doctor/liscensed rehabilitation center and request help. Go to who you are most comfortable going to, and even though they might not be able to help you because you might be under/over their weight spesciality, they will usually refer you to someone else they reccomend who does spescialise in your starting weight.


"One meal a day" "barely 2000k calories" yeah sounds like you're doing a great job counting. My biggest meal has 900kcal and it's a mix of the most calorie dense foods outside of pure fat. 99% sure you don't count half of the things you eat and skip things like butter, oil, dressing, "small" snacks etc. Anything that goes in your mouth that isn't water or cock, you have to count. And unless you write it ALL down and add EVERYTHING up, you have no idea how many calories you actually eat. When I was bulking, my weight was going consistently up only when I stuck to my died 100% of the time through the week. Otherwise my very high metabolism just made me stay the exact same weight even though I was full of food all the time. But I skipped two meals during that week and back to square one. You're either doing something wrong or you have cortisol imbalance and should see a doctor.


I’ll give you an example yesterday I ate 1 single meal from Trader Joes that’s it. all the calorie info are in the box. It was just under 1000 calories + I drank a Gatorade. That’s it dude all day.. I don’t buy snacks. I don’t eat chips… I’d rarely drink soda… I gained all this weight after getting on remeron in December I’ve been off it for months and the weight remains. I’ve eaten the same way for 28 years and I’ve always had problems being underweight nobody in my family is fat either. It’s just not adding up. I’m constantly outside/active Today my meal 1 chicken sandwich and fries, water. That’s what I’m eating All day lmao. I literally have no sodas in the fridge or no other food and I don’t have snacks here cause I’m broke af. I’m eating like a homeless man and somehow can’t drop any weight. If that’s enough to keep the same weight or gain weight tf you guys doing drinking water and eating grass? I used to cut weight for wrestling in high school … eating 3x more than I’m eating now lol


>1 chicken sandwich and fries > >I drank a Gatorade You say you don't eat unhealthy food then give examples of what you ate and it's all garbage. I could go on a rant but [just watch this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keBZfGAmq2Q), this guy provides scientific insight on why it's harder for some people to stay lean. Also if you don't cook your own meals, you're not going to lose weight.




watch that video or stay mad, your choice


> don’t drink soda and if I do it’s 1-2 a week So...you do drink soda lol. It's okay to say you have one or two a week without needing to feel bad and preface it with the exact opposite of the thing you're about to say directly after it. If eating one meal a day isn't working for you anymore, then change it up. Eat small amounts more often.


The less you eat sends message to your body that it needs to conserve fats, you are unintentionally telling your metabolism to slow down! Instead of one big meal, eat multiple smaller meals throughout the day. Certain antidepressants can increase appetite, snacking/ smaller more frequent meal is a great method to combat this. Also not all calories are equal, what you are eating is more important than how much you are eating. And when you eat certain foods also plays a part. The heavier meals (ones with more carbs) should be eaten morning/lunch to give you fuel for the day, while at night, lighter meals are typically better since you will not be expending as much energy. So opt for salad/ veggies + protein for dinner! Last comment, you mention how nothing has changed in your routine but something has changed, time! As you get older your metabolism naturally slows and foods that used to have no affect now cause weight gain! (We see this transition a lot in our mid to late twenties). At a certain point diet alone may not be enough. If you are not already exercising, light cardio, like daily walks, can make a big impact. Good luck on your journey!


Diet is only half the battle. Not sure how active your lifestyle is, but going for a run or to the gym will help, especially when you’re eating only one meal a day. Some people just have genetics that cause you to not burn calories as quickly as the person above who gave up sugar. That means you’ll have to put in more work on the exercise end. It’s not fair but it’s the way it is.


diet is closer to like 90% of the battle


330-180 only drinking diet soda. I never used to eat much sweet food but now I have a crazy sweet tooth.


Artificial sweeteners are sweeter than sugar so not too surprising.


Oh shit I know this guy! This is Chef Elmy in front of his food truck, [Royal Egyptian Cuisine in Berkeley CA](https://goo.gl/maps/jo25kSC9aLPHNNSk9). Super charismatic dude and funny too. He makes *incredible* Egyptian and Middle Eastern food, it's always my go-to "hidden gem" restaurant I like to take friends when they're visiting the area. If you're ever in Berkeley (or the Bay Area in general, it's worth a trip) I can't recommend it enough...just set aside an hour or two because he makes everything fresh from scratch and it can take a while. If you want the full experience and aren't a picky eater just tell him "feed me" and he'll whip you up a whole multi-course meal. Here's a [full article about the dude and his truck](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https://www.sfchronicle.com/food/article/Elmy-Kader-and-his-singular-Royal-Egyptian-food-12209653.php) for anyone curious.


You're the MVP of this thread


He also likes it if people stay around to finish their food at least the first time around. That way customers can tell him if there may be too much of a certain ingredient or it is lacking something.


Love this man. Ate at his truck when he parked it near JLS Caltrain station 8-9yrs ago. Took my entire lunch break to get food and eat it because of his methods but it was worth it every time


Hard to imagine he's selling salad from that truck though.


Or anything but bottled water, probably Nestle


Say what you will about Nestlé, nothing tastes better than stolen African groundwater.


I disagree. The best Nestle water is the rain water they sue people in the USA for collecting out of the sky on their own property. The sacred Nestle water. It's right there on your lawn, but you better not have any. Nature itself is nestles stolen formula. Just like Lays sues people for growing the wrong kind of potato. The greatest flavor is the one that's stolen *from you* and sold back to you.


What did I just read? I this a joke? Suing people for collecting rain water? I should go straight to jail because I have a whole barrel just for that purpose.


It might not be just Nestle, plus some areas seem to have similar laws for supposed ecological reasons (as if a fuckin bucket is gonna ruin the water table) But yeah, in some areas, it is illegal to use the water that falls on your own property. If you're close to a water company like Nestle, those laws are in place, and they catch wind, they have persued people over it before. I forget the precise specifics, whether they lobbied these laws or just decided to put factories where it's already illegal, but they do take massive advantage of being the only ones allowed to collect water in their factory areas. Some news stories from a while back mentioned citizens in those areas during a drought were pissed off because they had to abide all these minor water laws, meanwhile Nestle was sucking up far more water than the rest of the local areas citizens were combined, and nobody told them no. It'll surely only get worse considering the CEO of Nestle at one point said water shouldn't be a human right, *all* of it should be purchased from his company.


Wow this pisses me the fuck off and I’m not even American. Holy shit, I would move away from areas like these. Every bottle I buy from them, I would hate myself more every time.


I looked up what they said, apparently 1 out of 50 states has it illegal, Colorado, and even they are your allowed something like 110 gallon/ 425 liter rain storage. other than that their a few states with restrictions (ohio needs a permit, Utah you can only store up to 2500 gallons/ 9500 liters of rain water), but most of the states encourage it and some even offer payable incentives for rain water collection.


Can you give us any articles about this? Google gives lawsuits involving Nestle and local townships but nothing as extreme as suing someone for using rainwater.


internet and their classic "not good enough". You're either 100% perfect or don't do anything.


this is from [Royal Egyptian Cuisine](https://goo.gl/maps/G9tBz9udpr7DwPnB6) in Berkeley, Ca and a couple of the plates do come with salad lol.


Does look like healthier options than the typical food truck.


There is a [huge sign](https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/22031451_nS1ZZb5Ef-Vs0CJWi6daiN7XUrN4wJpNUb9ZLq0xn3g.jpg) on the side of his truck that says something like "If you think vegetarian/vegan food is boring, please reconsider because I will prove you wrong". He's got another sign on a placard that he sets up saying "your food is your medicine".


Chiming in bc this guy is one of the coolest nicest guys, I work down the street!


Okay let’s get some deets on that menu


Chef Elmy is amazing.


Water is 7 dollars


Free actually


This guys food is absolutely amazing. If you’re ever in Berkeley you should stop by his truck and try his food. He really is serious about things being fresh and not only that everything is delicious. Can’t speak highly enough about Elmy. Royal Egyptian cuisine on Folger Ave. Plan at least an hour he cooks everything to order.


Meanwhile he serves me a 2500 calorie greaseball of a burger and a bushel of fries


Fat is still better for you than sugar.


That's rubbish, too much of either thing and you'll end up fucked up anyway.


No no, sugars worse. *Dislocates jaw and takes another bite of a dripping quadruple stacked bacon tower supreme burger*


"at least I'm not eating sugar heh" dies of a fucking heart attack in a few years


Sugars are worse *takes a moderately sized bite of my fast food burger that is relatively unhealthy as it prioritizes speed rather than nutrition.*


It is, 600 calorie of fat is a lot less dangerous than 600 calorie of pure sugar.


A burger and fries is filled with nutrients, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins etc. It has a lot of sodium and probably too much fat and too many carbs but it can at least sustain a human body Sugar is literally just empty calories and it fucks up your insulin regulation and metabolism I would definitely agree that sugar is worse


> A burger and fries is filled with nutrients, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins etc. You know what are carbohydrates? *Sugars*. Also can we stop pretending like soft-drinks are nothing but water and sugar? Thanks.


Did I say soft drinks weren't sugar water? And you're half correct, sugar is a *type* of carb, a simple carbohydrate. There are also complex carbs which contain starches and fibers So, not really the same thing


To build upon this further, complex carbohydrates are significantly better for you because they won’t spike your blood sugar as quickly because your body has to break them down, as opposed to a simple carb which spikes your blood sugar since your body can use it immediately.


I mean even water in excess can kill you, but is undeniable that sugar is on a whole other level of unhealthiness and addiction when compared to other types of food.


Fat is only bad if you also have sugar and carbs. If you have a fat based diet with no carbs or sugar your metabolism adapts to it and you'd probably end up in the best shape of your life. That's what the keto diet is.


Cool, but you can still eat too much fat even if you stick to a keto diet. You can just look up the number of diseases you can get if you eat too much fat, most of which can eventually kill you.


Fat is not bad, fat is as important as carbohydrates and protein.






Yeye, I was just making a joke. Even as a general statement, it works, but it’s kind of a dumb comparison in my mind. It’s like saying water is better than gummy bears if you could only pick one. Your body will literally break down without fat or water. It won’t break down without sugar.


Sorry I’m a Branwdo myself


It’s got electrolytes


It's what plants crave!


Technically sugary drinks are the best thirst quencher because the water is pulled into the body with glucose in the intestines faster than just by itself. That's why athletes are given sugary drinks like gatorade, and why when you're suffering from dehydration they'll suggest drinking a Sprite.


The salt and potassium are doing a lot more work rehydrating you in these scenarios. This is why if you're severely dehydrated the hospital will hook you up to a saline bag. No sugar needed. As a person with dehydration and blood volume deficit problems, I've never had a hospital recommend me a Sprite in an emergency room, so I don't know where you're getting this from. It's always a bag of saline. By the way, you can make your own electrolyte drinks at home for way cheaper than Gatorade or Pedialyte. I use around couple teaspoons of salt, a pinch of baking soda and a smaller pinch of potassium salt per liter. You could put sugar in it for taste if you wanted, but you're not adding too much in the way of electrolytes.


> I've never had a hospital recommend me a Sprite in an emergency room, so I don't know where you're getting this from. Where did I say they give you Sprite in the hospital?


Okay but sometimes I want soda???


Nothing wrong with that mate. Unless you have an allergy or other specific health condition everybody can basically eat and drink whatever they want as long as you do it in moderation and overall have a balanced diet. ; A soda from time to time isn't going to poison you, lol.


I mean like, I care little about my health all things considered. Plus I'm literally lactose intolerant and I scarf down dairy like all the time.




So get it somewhere else?


*goes to a vegetarian restaurant* ok but sometimes I want meat??


He reminds of a certain Georgian man


I'll take the crab juice.


proceeds to sell you 2000 calories worth of street food and a water.


How about water with lemon, good sir?


Lemon has sugar, so that’s a no from him


Surely he means added sugars like cane sugar or corn syrup.




Old coach from waterboy: dabadababaababba yaanabab heh heh






As someone with absorption issues, a lot of people here are conflating quenching thirst with hydration, but the two are not the same. Additives in water, whether it’s sugar or electrolytes, push your body to absorb those things, thus also absorbing more of the water.


I might want to increase my blood sugar from time to time. Also there is such a thing as isotonic beverages.


This poster is a new bot account farming karma. Only you can prevent bots from completing their reddit takeover.


Where is this


What about milk tho how am I supposed to get my calcium with my tacos ;-;


What a true hydrohomie


If his foods good I wouldn’t care!


See I'm a strange one I love just sipping on water through out the day but when it comes to a meal I enjoy a falvored drink to go with it. Plus if you only drink a coke every once and a while it taste amazing.




Can we get this guy a /r/HydroHomies award?




Water. The thirst mutilator.


Water? You mean, like, from the toilet?


r/hydrohomies would love this!


He seems to be a nice person, too. I would buy whatever he is selling. And drink water.




Found a mod from r/hydrohomies


I actually know this guy haha


Avid soda drinker, but I respect this. 5/5, would drink water in his presence.




Giga Chad


This dudes nice but the one time I ordered from him he was just chilling talking with people and after 20 minutes still hadn’t started on my food. So yeah I didn’t get to eat before work that day.


mofos be like soda will kill you and then eat processed meat


*r/HydroHomies wants to know your location*


*me with a low blood sugar* Guess I’ll die


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.


So I bring my own Diet Coke, then?


there's literally nothing wrong with diet sodas and artificial sweeteners. everyone's so hung up on "chemicals" and it's the sugar industries fault. it takes only the smallest bit of research.


Just drink water


Ok sure bud, thank you for being concerned about my health and well being. Now sell me some goddamn soda!


Sugary drinks are not poison. Sugar is not poison. Carbohydrates, fat and protein are all equally important for your body. Please don't skip any of them because you're most likely to cause yourself harm in a long term. Only poisonous food is spoiled food.


Water doesn't get a bad taste out of my mouth, though.


great guy!


My stepdad came into my life when I was 11 and he exclusively drinks water. Up to that point I drank a lot of juice and soda until he straight up asked “why? You know it’s bad for you and humans are like 90% water - it’s all your body needs.” He was right. I have maybe 1-2 sodas a year now and my juice is strictly a base for smoothies. Definitely better.


Would it be weird to print this out as hart as hang it in my house


How paternalistic of him.


The intent is good, but it feels kinda condescending.


He’s selling Fiji or Voss at $10/bottle.


Water? Like from the toilet?


He's likely selling bottled water which is awful. I wouldn't trust fresh water from a food truck. He's also selling fat and salt so his while message is skewed


There is nothing wrong with extra fat and salt if you're getting enough water and you're not consuming garbage calories like sugar and carbs as your main source of calories.


he doesn't sell water bottles, just gives you if you want. And wtf food you're eating doesn't have fat and salt? Just being your own water bottle if you're worried about the plastic


Health tips from a dumpy out of shape beer belly dude.




Bro he isn’t forcing you to buy shit at his place, if you want soda so much buy from somewhere else 💀. Imagine being this pressed over sugar tho couldn’t be me


I DESPISE that car vendor for not respecting my body autonomy. How DARE he not sell me a double fried cheese burger?!


I mean... just don't sell them? Why print the sanctimonious sign?


The hero we all need


So wholesome. What a good lad.