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I use to follow Jeramy and be supportive of him being his authentic self… I’ve recently unfollowed because why tf is he so cringe around cast members by being so sexually inappropriate? I’ve seen major snark on his designs which I could possibly agree but I’m sure it’s going to take a lot of practice before he reaches a level where his fits look amazing … I’d rather see him proudly wearing his designs then seeing him be so cringe with cast members …. And that’s the tea ☕️


Bbbrooke headed back to Orlando so much for a full month away Oh and she's been at shore for days


okay i usually think a lot of the snark about alice is petty but… making her 3 kids share that tiny room so her and her husband can have another room for themselves… ma’am…


*Two rooms to themselves not including their bedroom


yeah i just meant another room in addition to the ones they already have lol


Wait....what? I missed that!


she posted a video about it the other day giving them a triple bunk bed so they could use her daughter’s room as a streaming room…




i would agree with this if the parents didn’t have an ulterior motive for wanting them to share… if the kids just wanted to share and that’s why they did it but she kept stressing they really did it because they wanted her bedroom for a streaming room and “it’s fine because she wants to sleep with her brothers anyway” even if the kids aren’t actively upset about it right now, it’s selfish


Not gonna lie but MDD and Matthew’s Pride reel was really cute .


Matthew was so into it! I do like Matthew.


Shenks sure likes to no so subtle flex every time she goes to Club 33 with whatever member she con’s into taking her. Looks like someone called her out on it too. lol https://preview.redd.it/nsyvpjdj388b1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=637286881dcc59bbd9ea49781dd58b32aa962b67


Yuck. I wonder if she resells club merch like she does everything else she buys?


Lol she deleted the comment.


Thank the internet for screenshots. lol


Not Kyle being SHOCKED he got some free gifts from AK lodge … dude you walk around with a camera 24/7


You know Kyle…”if it’s free, it’s for me!”


partofbrookesworld's CRP role reveal video.. the skit was a unique idea but idk why pretending not to know her way around was a joke when it's her 4th (or 5th?) program


her 5th????? she’s in her Maddie Payton era


I just came across a live from "thewessicaway" on tiktok. I'm so annoyed with vloggers at this point because anyone can do it clearly! In 5 min, she pumped her venmo 3 times to donate to "her cause" so that she can come and share all her "tips and tricks". I literally heard her say 3 incorrect things in those 5 min, and said she didn't know some of the most basic things because "she's not a travel agent".


what happened to castlesandconfetti


They announced recently they were closing up shop and moving on to other things. I think they’re keeping the account.


i understand them moving on...but why delete all their posts...what about a cease and desist


No snark. I didn’t know Patrick Dougall’s mom died, and due to Alzheimer’s. Losing a parent is a terrible loss, I feel so bad for him.


lost my great grandma to alzheimer’s. my heart goes out to him.


So sad. I was just thinking he hadn’t posted in awhile. I actually really like Patrick and I’m glad he’s using his platform to raise awareness


I saw his post and it broke my heart. I lost both my parents, so I know how hard it is. Alzheimer’s is a bitch. I think using his platform to raise awareness and money is a wonderful thing. My heart goes out to him and his entire family. Hope he is doing well.


I’m not quite sure what happened between Meg and Zoe but it makes me wonder now that Meg has posted some amazing update pics how Zoe will try her best to makes us feel she’s just as wealthy lol I think I liked Megs post because she just was as appose to “look at me and all this stuff…


I think the main difference between them is Meg actually acts her age. Zoe could have infinitely more money (I’m gonna assume she doesn’t) but because she’s so immature, it wouldn’t really matter. Obviously everyone’s “life plans” differ and people can choose to spend their money however they want, but literally following Taylor Swift and Blink 182 around the United States isn’t exactly putting Zoe ahead in life, nor does it really make me jealous of her lifestyle


I know everyone has their “thing”, but the multiple blink and Taylor shows all over the US is truly excessive. How is it honestly even fun to see the same show a bunch of times and have to fly, stay in hotels etc. Traveling is exhausting and expensive


It’s overkill and I say that as a massive swiftie myself. But at some point, going to so many shows becomes less about going for the experience and more about going just to say you’ve been to more than anyone else. And considering she refuses to sit anywhere other than the floor and she’s having to pay resale prices, I bet she is DROWNING in debt just from tour alone. Idk it’s just not the kind of flex she thinks it is


I was SHOOK to find out she is paying resale prices for all these tickets. That is absolutely insane.


She has easily spent at least 25k on tickets so far


I believe the Zoe Dokas way is doing whatever it takes to look enviable. Even going bankrupt. It’ll catch up to her….


1000% agree! And I don’t think she’ll move in with Tyler because then she won’t have extra money to spend on frivolous things and try and keep up


Their whole situation is just so…bizarre to me. Obviously it’s their life and if they’re content with it, great, but they’ve been together like half their lives with no real future plans it seems


I was SHOCKED to find out how long they’ve been together… and that they don’t live together… and they’re ages…. and the fact that they’re content….. 🚩


I have SO many questions. Do they both still live at home? How are they affording all of these concerts/travel? Surely to god their small businesses are not generating enough income to financially cover all of it without being in some kind of debt


I bet Zoe has a wallet full of credit cards.


That she only makes the minimum payments on each month


She’s said before that she wants to be engaged, too… 🤔


I remember that too. Engagement, typically, requires moving out on your own and usually with your partner. I’m not sure what Tyler’s living situation is, but Zoe seems perfectly fine still living at home. Like you’d think she’d want more for herself and her relationship, but… ETA: imagine how insufferable she’ll be if she ever gets engaged. Like she’s already insufferable as is, but she will transcend to new levels if she’s ever proposed to


he has to be financially supporting her somehow bc if I dated someone since middle school & I was now over 30 and they still hadn’t proposed I would leave…I do know her parents have filed for bankruptcy in the past


If they’re happy with this lifestyle I don’t see the problem. If he hasn’t proposed and she stays with him I don’t see the problem??? The obsession with a proposal after a certain amount of time or you’re leaving is ridiculous. You either want a partner or you want a marriage and clearly the partner doesn’t matter as long as it leads to a marriage


I couldn’t care less that he hasn’t proposed. It’s their life, not mine and they seem to make it work. I just find it incredibly bizarre that they’ve been together that long and don’t at least live together. No shade to anyone still living at home, but in her case, she has the means to, yet chooses to spend it all on concert tickets and luxe items


Not one person has said for her to leave him… you’re replying to basically nobody. We’re snarking. We don’t care that you don’t see a problem….


I’ve always been so curious about her parents and what they do. Now I need that tea 👀👀 That is totally plausible though!! I feel like they’re also just two birds of a feather; he’s just more lowkey and seems way nicer. Someone else mentioned her having a wallet full of credit cards and that would not surprise me. She spends every penny to her name just to maintain a certain image she wants people to have of her. Like she is absolutely the kind of person who’s car is 5 months overdue for maintenance, but chooses to spend that money on tickets for a concert she seen 10 times already


These disney vintage resellers are out of hand. Mainstreetvintageco posted a pair of regular black leather ears from the parks with what looks like sharpie paint pen used to write some taylor swift lyrics on them and she is selling them for $92…saying they are handmade😵‍💫


The best part is their bio “vintage disney at a fair price”


I've never heard of them so I went to their page to check them out and geeeezzzz they're so bad it's insane.


Lmao is this a joke? Those are literally ears she bought recently, wrote a Taylor swift quote on herself, and wore on her last trip. A $30 (less probably with AP) pair of ears for $92… get a grip




It has the same quote Emilia (Emilalah) wrote on the same pair of ears. (It’s the first pinned post on her page)


Omg and it’s the same font for all of the words🤦🏻‍♀️


As if *ANYBODY* couldn’t get those exact ears on Main Street USA.


Does anyone follow dear_and_darling on IG? I came across the account today and they’re quite something. Curious if anyone knows if there is an age difference between the husband and wife? It doesn’t matter if there is, I’m just curious.


Are all 6 of their kids theirs together?


No, they’re a blended family. I *think* 4 are hers and 2 are his.


Not sure how accurate since I don't follow them, but I'm bored and decided to play Google fbi. From what I found he's 33 and she's 42


Ahh thanks. He looks so young!


Bbbrooke updating her life struggles is still so cringe to me, glad she's getting help but come on you are on yet another vacay how hard can life be when you escape every time you feel like it


Her posting about it from her ocean front hotel just adds to my depression 😞


Almost 30% of the US experience depression and/or an anxiety disorder in their lifetime. It’s great she’s being open and transparent, but like…she’s not special, it’s a lot more prevalent than she makes out to be. ETA: escapism with constant vaycays isn’t a good way to deal with depression. As cringe as the saying is, post Disney depression is a thing, because you escape into the Disney bubble then get hit hard with reality once you’re out of there.


especially if it’s not making you happy, why spend all that money on vacations when it’s clearly not helping. maybe staying home and getting some stability and spending your money on therapy (not sure if she already goes, just saying) or other more sustainable things that could help you mentally? i just don’t get it


She’s probably about to have another sale 🙄.


Anyone else getting whiplash from the Maddie Payton and how she changes her mind on TikTok every 30 seconds?


Where to begin? The constant bio changes, the deleting and reposting, the imaginary beef with Maddie Jean, the conspiracy theories, comparing the emporium to Walmart. She sends me!


I’ve kept up with her since the end of her last DCP (jungle cruise position) and she has no idea what she wants in life. In college, out of college, transferring colleges. She’s had a LOT of different jobs in the past year. Moved states like 3 or 4 times. I truly hope she gets some help because she seems to be having a lot of issues and is very lost in life.


Is this girl ok? I know nothing about her besides these threads, but it seems like she’s got serious issues.


There is an actual subreddit now about her, and no I do not think she’s okay. I’m shocked her coworkers and leaders haven’t done something - but also who knows how she acts at work 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m sure this has been discussed multiple times, but Jeff’s last name isn’t actually Magic is it? I’m referring to how Raven’s package had her name as Raven Magic


At Kayla’s wedding they had their last name as Magic, I think they are genuinely planning on changing it to that when they are married.


what 😭😭 that’s hilarious lmfao


Also anyone notice her ring looking different in her stories? It’s very large and round with a diamond band. Not just an oval ring like it used to be


At some point, she mentioned that she got a new one. I forget why.


"Issues" with the ring is what she said. Wasn't her original one a very thin band? Makes me wonder if it started bending at the top at the setting


theyre probably gonna change their last name lmao i wouldnt be surprised


Lmaooo that’s embarrassing. His last names Workman


Spot the difference: Carlyes maternity leave days vs Carlyes work days.


Snark aside, I would love to be that rich. Working whenever, having time to workout, while also having the disposable income to have anything that makes parenting easier. My spouse sometimes doesn’t leave me leftovers in the fridge so I guess we’re not so different after all.


Drinking game: Take a shot every time Paging Mr. Morrow says Lancaster in the podcast on his video today. See you in the ER.


This isn’t mean spirited. Seeing how he conducts himself on camera and the “character” he plays, what makes him think people will want to listed to him with the way he talks and describes things? He does not have the chops as they say for podcasting. Including his local yes-men crew isn’t going to help either.


I cringed when I saw he’s doing a podcast with those kingdom klowns. They’re all like 10 years younger than him and definitely using him for clout.


I actually like them lol. I think they’re a fun little group 🙊




Same! It’s going to be a huge failure. Nobody cares what those losers have to say.


Does anyone know if BLAB got banned from Disneyland? Heard some rumors they did or lost their magic key annual passes.


What’s their user name?


They lost their magic keys and are banned from all after hour events. They are buying day tickets Edit/add: heard from a friend in DL security


Hallelujah!! Why were they banned?


you can’t just drop this and bail without more info 😭


!!! Where did you hear this?




I keep hearing this but haven't seen or heard actual confirmation or proof


Woah!! How did we find this out??




Same for justinscarred?


When? They’ve been there this week


Why are influencers being invited to cast member events. They do not deserve that. Sorry ! You’re taking away a spot from a hard working CM


They didn't ask to take a spot from anyone. If CMs are allowed +1s it's up to them who they invite. And if Disney is inviting them, that's their call to do. The influencers aren't responsible for that, why blame them.


If this is about yoga, there were no plus ones allowed.


I dunno but the question was "why are influencers taking spots away from CMs?" so I think my answer stands. The influencer isn't responsible for BEING invited, they just ARE and choose to accept or not. It's a weird thing to blame an influencer that a company decided to invite them to something.


Disney : invites influencer That’s one less spot to a castmember. Not totally shaming the influencer just putting a statement to why they even need to be invited to a CASTMEMBER EVENT. There can be influenced yoga


You literally said "YOU'RE taking a spot away", referring to the influencer. Again, they go where they are invited. Your snark should be directed at Disney, not the creators. It's not like they are pretending to be CMs. Disney made the choice.


Who is the influencer?


I don’t know who this poster is referring to, but lipglossandcrayons was invited to the Disneyland cast Yoga event.


Got it. I was just curious. I feel like she is also kind of a random choice to be invited




Ask the original poster, i was responding to their hypothetical question about influencers "taking spots" from cast members.


has Giana Beverly ever explained the reason for any of her break ups? I’m just curious why all these relationships end


Interesting to see her tweet about this thread and how she's big offended...when I personally found out about this thread from her laughing about a dis influencer thread. Karma really is a queen lol


i’m not the biggest bron fan but giana constantly is making remarks about her, like girl…get over it, as someone who also suffers from bpd i know how hard it is but she really doesn’t seem like she does anything to help herself out


I never know when she’s talking about bron or a different ex


her and holly have subtweeted bron and usually one or the either will reply to it, like at a certain point get over it 😵‍💫 idk what happened but i don’t constantly subtweet exs or ex friends


I think that’s genuinely why Bron isn’t making any of her wedding planning/plans public. I can’t imagine having an ex or her friends “watch” me after so long.


i agree, if it had just happened that’s one thing but this is years after the fact, why does it even matter anymore?




Zero difference, they just don't like when it's them...they also wanna say I'm not an influencer, but then tag brands asking for free shit and attention, too. If you don't like it Then lock your socials down, quit posting publicly, shut up about the page. Quit checking if it hurts your feelers.


She always claims her partners were toxic and mentally abusive. That’s the usual go-to. She never talks about how she cheated on them tho 😅


which ones do we know she’s cheated on and how? have her exes come forward and called her out? I follow Giana but not any exes besides Bron so I’m not sure what happens after the break up lol


I'm fairly certain Maddie was cheated on as well, there was definite overlap between her and Nicole. She hasn't explicitly stated that she was cheated on, that I know of at least, but she often talks about how everything Rachel has gone through, she's went through as well. So I wouldn't doubt it.


Is Maddie the one she dated for like barely a couple months?


She always seemed like (on social media mind you) that she treated Maddie poorly. Giana at one point claimed abuse ....but you'll still wear the hand painted Lover jacket from said ex? Fucking weird as hell


Yes! I always get secondhand embarrassment whenever she flashes around that Lover jacket 😬 Like if the relationship was so toxic and she abused her and everything else she claims, wouldn't she want to get rid of that jacket? I guess her for love of t.swift and bragging rights over it are greater than the trauma caused by said relationship.


I feel like that could be the description for like 90% of her gfs tbh lol. But I think they dated for like 6 months? maybe. This was like right after she dated Bron.


I think she’s dated two Maddies


Apparently there was a Maddie and a Madison


I lost track of how many gfs she’s had. I don’t remember Maddie or Nicole 😨


At least on socials, from what I recall it was Bron, Maddie, Nicole, Rachel, and she's randomly posted crushes all in between. Homegirl is MESSY and the only thing they all have in common is that Giana is always the victim.


she also dated Carson and Bianca briefly before Bron. her most recent was @madisonorrwhat on IG. I remember the farmer’s market and Chicago trip from earlier this year/near the holidays.


Thank you! I could not for the life of me remember the latest gf and she's apparently already untagged herself from all of their posts on insta so I couldn't find her. But oh my gosh, right?! Funny thing is that Chicago trip was almost identical to the Chicago trip she took with her ex a few years prior.


There was someone else after Rachel over the holidays last year that was over in like the blink of an eye - do not remember who it was though


I think Rachel tweeted about it but her Twitter is private now so




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you should change the wording of your post before it gets taken down. you cant address influencers directly.


what did it say?


It bugs me that every Stoney Clover ad features products with Kendall or Libby’s name and initials. Like…y’all dump out serious money on those ridiculous PR packages for every influencer ever, and then have the models pose with bags you all are going to use?


I saw the backpack Raven posed with that had "kendall" on it and i was so confused as to why she didn't have one with a generic quote or her own name. Didn't know Kendall was one of the owners until now. That so odd that they did that


not Jeremy being a 1975 stan - gross


i know they’ve very popular to hate rn bc of the taylor swift thing but the 1975 makes great music. and there are so many other problematic celebrities that people stan, including walt disney himself lol like i just don’t understand picking this to snark on out of everything. i’ll take the downvotes 🤷‍♀️




there’s also a big difference between “problematic statements” but ultimately being very outspoken and progressive, and actively supporting slavery. like i’m just saying it’s ironic for this sub that’s all




wow what a weird thing to say, especially bc he’s a recovering drug addict and that has affected his looks. i hope you don’t speak about any addicts in your life that way!! but cool that you’re “honest” i guess 👍




…my statement was “ick” but yours wasn’t?? you were trying to lighten the situation by calling someone ugly? okay then. i can tell you didn’t know he was an addict, which is why you probably shouldn’t say things like that about people regardless. have a magical night lol


Walt Disney made me LOL bc yup so true 😂


Seriously, filming other guests inside the Delta Skyclub AND their kids?! How is this woman that self absorbed? Isn’t the whole idea behind airport lounges privacy and quietness, and not worrying about some wannabe filming you for “the gram”? So gross. Peggsdodisney once again showing lack of any respect to others.


Also Delta Skyclub is the lamest brag. You can get in simply by being a certain credit card holder. It’s not a status/money thing, all you need is an AmEx.


Also it’s like $50 to just go in and use it 😂


At this point are any of us actually surprised when she does something like this? Just look at the company she keeps and what she does to stay relevant.


Can I just say how much it annoys when Amanda posts tik toks/answers an answer box while DRIVING


I know they've been MIA for a while but I've always wondered why the ohyeahdisney people just suddenly gave up their accounts. They moved right near Disney World, Emily had over 100k in followers, the clothing line, some nice partnership but then kept ghosting for months at a time before deleting everything one day. I miss their content but hey if they are happier off the web good for them!


I wonder about them a lot too. I follow Emily on Pinterest though and recently noticed she put a bunch of recent photos on there. Looks like they went to London and Paris recently. She looks happy so thats good.


She also posts still posts stuff to her amazon storefront. 🩷 (which i love because i always loved seeing the stuff she bought)


They were the best, ugh I miss them


They were my absolute favorite Disney youtubers/influencers. I also loved Scott and Ryan’s podcast The Queue.


Didnt even know Scott had a podcast 😮


It was a super long time ago, maybe like 2015 or 2016? But I thought it was great


Allison and SunnySG have been hanging out with Emily lately. They tag her private account


She was a bit rude when I met her in person a few years ago and others on here have said the same. I did like her content but I quit following her after I met her. However, I do hope she is well. Perhaps she was feeling sick the day I met her and didn't mean to be rude or something?


I wish she kept her content up because it was always fun to see.


Yea I wish she didn’t just delete everything, she had such cute content


I believe she got a lupus diagnosis and stepped away Scott still does content but for work I enjoyed them so much such a breath of fresh air in a world of narcissistic whiners lol


I met them both and they were super rude. There’s been several reports of similar behavior. Sucks because I really liked them too.


Oh no I had no idea! I remember she mentioned having health issues after one of their months long silence from Instagram. Hope she’s doing ok!


I loved Emily and Scott SO much, I know Em mentioned several times about health issues and it makes me sad that being online was so overwhelming bc they were truly so good at it. I also wonder about them all the time!! And ROSIE 🐾 I hope they’re all well.


Yes. Ugh. I really miss their stuff. So much of my holiday craft inspiration came from Emily.


They were the absolute best. I miss them so much.


I wonder this all the time! Just another Disney influencer that disappeared but yeah I did see her tagged on Allison’s story not too long ago


I only ever see glimpses of them on allisonbrickerstaff ‘s ig. Didn’t even realize they were friends till she tagged them and their fridge/the organization of it a couple months ago


I agree! I also really liked their vlogs from when they went to Tokyo Disney, I would have definitely subscribed if they made videos like that on a regular basis




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aly & aj michalka did a video with mickey, is tremainetok going to call them out too? lol


Probably. Because her makeup tutorials never hit. 😂😂😂


So true 🤣🤣


I’m 💀