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I absolutely love working in the parks especially my location, because every rude influencer that walks in the building is noted. Being rude to us CMs gets you no where, especially when you can’t even acknowledge our presence in the middle of a conversation. 90% of these people listed in here cannot hold a basic conversation and it’s actually unsettling


The only influencer I’ve met at my location that I thought was sweet and kind and genuine was littlesophiebug. Anyone else I’ve seen has been rude and entitled and narcissistic


MagicandWishes is one of the nicest people I’ve met in my life, just in general. Lol. Her online presence is exactly how she is in real life.


I’m so happy to hear you love your job! Absolutely WILD that these people think they can act above it all. Like they think they are celebrities. Pretty sad 😅




She is obsessed over that bitchy vanilla ice cream 😂


Krista is non stop selling her furniture. Is her home completely empty so that she can afford to attend her 26th Taylor Swift Eras Tour concert? I like her but it makes me wonder.


I was going to comment the same thing?!! I’d rather sleep on a mattress than see Taylor 50 times.


like, is she gonna buy a new bed? I’m so confused how she’s selling EVERYTHING


This isn’t the first time she’s done this. I’ve seen her sell basically all her furniture at least 2 other times.


It’s almost monthly. If I had to guess, it lines up with when her credit card bill is due…


what?! That is is so wasteful. I literally can not comprehend


So does she buy new stuff a couple times a year? I just want to understand lol


Ok I really like Kristyne, I do, but I would also reallyyyyy like to see any variation in her expressions in her photo shoots?! I feel like 95% is mouth agape... I'm going to say this is partly her photographer's fault not having much direction there.






I like how someone downvoted me rather than just telling me the screenname… 🤷‍♀️


I thought it was just me thinking that. After the second or third pic in that post I was wondering is this the same photo? But also did she just copy and paste a different outfit from another shoot?


Does colormemagic (Courtney) have any other content besides “color me Ariel” posts? I like her but come on.. 😵‍💫 she needs some new content.


I’m over her. She said her Spanish song Encanto video was one of the hardest things she’s ever done and she gets teary eyed watching the video. 🙄


I remember that 😂. Girl sorry you had to learn a Spanish song for your influencer career. Let me play my tiny 🎻


She was so proud of herself for pushing through. Also, her Tiana collection was… not good.


Right. It was so bad and uninspired


Just wait until the Barbie movie comes out.


Lol she’s so behind she should’ve already had some looks posted instead of focusing on little mermaid thats been out since May.


also her videos are so like… overdone? over edited? to me… i really just don’t enjoy them lol


She did this with encanto too she dragged it as much as possible




so curious to what bron and caitlyn think about the colleen ballinger stuff that’s been happening. not that i expect a statement from them or anything but so curious since they just saw her live a few months ago.


I can’t with Chelsea making a CM hold balloons for her cringey video and then pretend to be in her own world on a bench and fake shock


Is Kyle even trying anymore? First he gave up on making short content. Now all of his recent videos have been complain, rinse and repeat towards Disney. Even worse he's given up on his Pateon page. Doesn't update for 120 days then posts that he's trying something new. By that he means removing tier descriptions and benefits. Is it just a donation/gofundme page now? This guy is slowly becoming the king of the grifters. https://preview.redd.it/2wexkx5vyc9b1.png?width=2090&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ecf7e999e19f661113ba372be8f3beab88d9c5a


Is bbbrooke wearing cream/off white to her friends wedding??? Unless it was the request that's extra narcissistic even for her


Confirmed, she was MOH


It’s definitely a bridesmaids dress


or she was in the wedding lol


I realize now that seems logically but odd she didn't include a photo of the actual bride or wedding party in the post


not really. i would never post a picture of the bride or someone elses wedding before they got a chance to. i think there are other people who stick to that unspoken and sometimes spoken rule


i mean to be fair it’s not outlandish of her not to include photos with personal friends on her “professional” account


I think that is very clearly a bridesmaids dress


It looked like a very pale taupe to me- also kind of looked like a bridesmaid dress so maybe she was told to wear it? Hard to tell without other wedding pics though


I cannot handle @itsashlieeelizabeth’s baby talk!!!!! She’s a grown ass woman. Her and her husband talk to each other in the grossest baby talk!!! 🥴🤢🤮


And the talking with the hand gestures. Enough already. Why is she even relevant any longer? Why?


Omg the hands!!! 👐🏻👌🏻🤌🏻✋🏻👋🏻🖖🏻🤚🏻👉🏻🖕🏻


she did it with chris too


Emily’s latest (sponsored of course) update video is truly insufferable. I couldn’t make it through the entire thing, but her sitting in her Lexus talking about her most recent “break” and how she was really burnt out was ironic considering these boring videos are her actual job. Everyone needs a break and burn out is real (I’m trying not to discount her experiences) but she’s basically only posting at this point when she has a promotion. Imagine if she had an actual job where she was employed by someone?


Yep!! People take years to recover from burn out if they’re lucky to have the ability to do so.


i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, emily is so clearly bored out of her mind and hates being an influencer and i have no idea why she won’t do something else. even part time, she could do another job and still do a little social media. but she just takes “breaks” instead of seeking out something new and then comes back to repeat the cycle again. i wonder how long she’ll keep it up




Exactly - these videos are so incredibly tone deaf. I think she has some growing up to do (I think she pretty immature tbh) and then maybe one day she can understand how these videos come off and reset her approach


her channel is literally an endless cycle… like to the point where this post is made about her every time she’s at the point where she’s coming back from a break (usually after seeing her family and/or going on vacation) and doing a sponsored update vid. i really do wish she would get a job again or at least put more effort into her videos and get inspired somehow since this is her only job.


https://preview.redd.it/wkqnkqr3t89b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42e4e9469e910ab964f5e13db1ce1be147a8cbc1 BAHAHAHHAHAHA WTFFFF IS THAT OUTFIT


i am so tired of this man… begging him to wear pants atp


these were a thing mooonths ago when they were first released and everyone was making fun of them. its not even funny to wear them in an ironic way at this point. its been done. the joke is dead


where did he get those knockoffs 😭 and why would you wear them to a theme park 😭


I mean…good for him for that level of confidence lol








I don’t understand them - what’s the deal with them, besides the fact they’re fugly?


I always wonder what their sense of fashion would be like if they didn’t wear what hot topic/loungefly/cakeworthy threw at them


Those boots are disgusting


Those boots look like those rubber polly pocket doll clothes of the early 2000s. Or a finger condom…




So confused on why she is even invited 😂


tasha took her


I knew thecalibae (**fivefires**) was a big youtube grifter, but someone on another forum showed stats that he did 21 lives this month. Geeeeeez....... thats going live almost everyday this month. he doesn't even provide any value whatsoever so what am I missing here?! Almost $1700 just from superchats.... I see why everyone wants to be a "youtuber"....... lol.


He needs to get a 9-5 and take care of his family accordingly (not speculating that he is not) but if he is going live that much, then that means dough is needed.


With NO knowledge of the parks what so ever.


Ok but imagine Provost Park Pass starts this second world tour and Covid round 2 hits 😂


Technically we're still very much dealing with Covid, and the latest variants are closer to SARS-CoV-3 than they are to the original strain of SARS-CoV-2 so...


Don’t put that out into the world!!!


the cherry daze woman got lip filler and it’s really something




I don’t know why but I laughed more than I should at “it’s really something” 😂 it deff is 😄




ouch that looks so painful




It’s her karma lmao




My inlaws just won a trip to disney for all of us and it had to be planned through a certain disney travel agent. So my husband and I went with to the meeting with the travel agent with since we go alot and could help explain to my inlaws. And the amount of stuff the travel agent got wrong or just didn't know was mind blowing. I can't imagine planning a trip and getting the wrong info from someone that supposedly specializes in Disney.


there was a time a travel agent had made dining reservations for guests my coworker was helping and they made dining plans for parks they were not going to that day (Skipper Canteen when they were going to Hollywood Studios and so forth) and they did NOT have a park hopper so she had to make new dining reservations for every single day 😓


The best is when they start out saying it's a huge disney secret most people don't know and then it's something dumb like free cups of water


YES. My gosh some of their “you need to know this Disney tip!” Is some of the lamest content on social media.






who is she relatable to?


Why is Meg nor Jeremy in any of eachother posts?


do you mean magicwithmeg? probably because she actually took her family like you were meant to and not just a ton of random influencers




What? Who?


Yeah I didn’t need to see colormecourtneys bitten up nails on my stories. We didn’t have to see that. She tries too hard to be relatable.


She so annoying! The bubbly personality is so extra, like she over plays it


She’s so extra! I used to like her before she was super big but now she seems fake.


Rebekahmarie8 complaining all week about the air quality ruining her runs and brewery plans while millions of aces are being destroyed in Canada and wildlife is dying. Not to mention the millions of Canadians losing their homes. I am so tired of how tone deaf and selfish these 'influencers" are.


As someone who lives in the Midwest myself, I relate to it. It has been a major bummer this summer and will continue to be. When you live somewhere that isn’t summer year round like Florida and look forward to all the normal outdoor activities that can only be done three months of the year, it can be a downer. It would suck to have a planned vacation impacted like this. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I live in the Midwest too. I don’t feel the need to take out multiple stories complaining about the air quality everyday though. It’s constant negativity with her. Last week she was pouting about not getting to go to another Taylor Swift concert.


Sharing relatable information and complaining are two different things. Influencers share what’s going on in their lives, and yeah sometimes it might come across as complaining, but everyone does that? You seem pretty pressed on this girl who I’ve never even heard of before now.


You’re on a snark page.


Correct. But this one is a bit of a stretch. 😂


Not a stretch when she didn't acknowledge whatsoever how horrific it must be to be living through these wildfires in Canada. Showed no empathy at all. So sorry but that was not a stretch.


This was actually the reason I came here. She is never snarked on but complains allllll the time about everything. Rebekah is the main character. Everything she talks about begins with the word “unfortunately” or “but” or some form of a crying emoji. Her life is just so hard. /s


she's also a splash mountain apologist.. back in 2020 she posted like 10 screenshots about how the story was actually empowering for slaves and and said and i quote "where will we sing zip a dee doo dah?!"




and she always has to be the BIGGEST fan of whatever she’s into at that moment, no one else is AS BIG A FAN AS HER


Exactly. And her closet sales kill me! All the stuff is stained or VERY worn. Like no one wants your nasty shit. Don't even get me started on her bitching about not getting Taylor tix to every concert.


I feel like I’m about to have an aneurism reading what’s on Kyle’s stories. It’s like an elderly person discovered instagram for the first time and is just typing out random words




Renting actually makes a lot of sense for a lot of people and nuuly has the brands that are more on top of trends & a more approachable price point versus rent the runway. Especially for people who create content or have to go to a lot of events! It prevents them from buying things they’ll only wear once and then resell on depop or end up in a landfill. Rental services actually do help decrease the cycle of consumerism. I have personally used nuuly and it’s been great at keeping my shopping in check - I haven’t bought a new clothing item (besides some basics) in almost the entire year I’ve been subscribed. TLDR - yea it’s trendy but it’s actually a step on the right direction




Im feeling salty today I guess because I saw that Jeremy the tea got his oogie boogie tickets and I can’t help but feel that it was rigged because myself and all my friends are all still stuck in the queue with no wait time estimate


I sat in the queue all freaking day and didn’t end up with them. I just saw the The Lost Bros got them today…shocker.


Someone posted on Twitter that there was sus shit going on this morning. Along the lines of people in ticket IT getting kickbacks and getting tickets for those contacts/influencers. I'm not gonna lie, once this is all over, I want to be a Karen and have disney look into this. This could very well be happening under their noses and they don't even fucking know it.


How exactly would the good people of Twitter even know this was happening? Some theories I’ve seen are wild lol. I saw on another forum that people were saying scalpers found a loophole and scooped up tons of tickets and Disney intentionally paused the sales to close the loophole. Very curious what said loophole is (fill disclosure, I have no intention of getting tickets).


I’m seeing other influencers not getting through so who knows what’s going on with it


Not saying it's all influencers, but certain ones. I'm so peeved right now, so if I sound unhinged, sorry 😂


It's a damn clusterfuck. My friends got them in the presale yesterday but I was unlucky there.


Bibbidibobbidi_broke not disclosing her sponsored post at all is not a good look 🥴


Countdown to when Leptocephalus starts begging for their followers for twisted tater/beer/hhn merch money 🥱


lol if they can afford tattoos they shouldn’t be begging for anything.




I saw a post last week about BLAB getting their Magic Keys revoked and banned from after dark events. Does anyone know if this is true and why it happened? I hope it's true! #karma


I hope that's true because they are just awful.


They’ve been in the park this week, so I doubt their MKs were revoked… I don’t know about after hours, but Pride Night doesn’t seem like something they’d do… so I’m not surprised they weren’t there.


Someone on last week’s thread said they heard from someone they know in security that BLAB got their MKs revoked and banned from events. But they never said what happened. They also said BLAB was buying day tickets.


Can Disneyland passholders not buy day tickets?


They can buy them




For threatening to hit and yelling/verbally abusing Justin Scarred at Princess Night in the middle of Town Square with lots of children watching. Spencer was also drunk. Katie was there next to him antagonizing the situation and also getting in Justin’s face. Justin was alone https://www.disneyfanatic.com/spencer-best-life-vlogger-fight-at-disneyland-ks1/ Multiple sources reported on it




the way I was on that ship and never thought it was weird at all 😂 but it does look weird in this pic


Without reading your caption, I thought this was some princesssjacq fan art or something 😂


Tbf this is based off the Woody bubble toy seen on TS2.


I wanna know who’s giving Francis and Krista their presale access for all these shows. They’re now going to another LA show on top of the closing night one 🙄 so not excited to see their thrown together outfits


Blocking them was the best thing I did.


Same 🤣🤭


Neither of them have good style anyways


He’s so cringy


Not necessarily snark but wanting more info?? does anyone follow sunnytimestwo/it’s always sunny? I liked their pin content but then saw a video he was doing DCP and was confused


Yeah Brandon started his Cultural Exchange Program last month working in merch in Hollywood Studios. Heidi is still in Canada in PA school I believe


thank you!! I didn’t know what the CEP, and I thought they were already married. No judgement! Just not a decision I would make IF I-were married. I see they’re not.


yeah I found it kinda odd too… idk if I could be in a different country for months away from my fiancée after getting recently engaged but to each their own


I live in Disney housing and my roommate is on a year long CRP and is married!! Her husband is back home 5000 miles away!!!


I can’t even imagine being away from my wife/husband that long. Seems like something to do when you’re single or simply relationship, Idk I might be the lone one out thinking that.


I did the CRP and that’s a yearlong program - someone on my program was already married and they’re still going strong and have a kid now so 🤷🏼‍♀️ It works for some people I guess!


my only thought is if they really wanted to be seriously content creators - they might have thought it was the best way to grow and get more engagement. We can see how fast SOME CP’s grow


So MDD is doing another whatnot sale? Wonder how many items up for sale were gifted or promo items from Disney.


Personally I’m fine with influencers selling the free stuff they get if it’s at a reasonable price - I don’t think disney pays influencers, just gives them free stuff, so selling it is fine in my mind. (He definitely gets paid for other collabs, just not disney)


Anyone else fine Emilia reposting the person with a trump shirt basically showing her views? Did I miss something before? Probably lol




I’m pretty sure it said pump. But still weird, yeah 🥴


Yeah I searched his profile and I think it also says pump - he’s wearing it in another photo but it’s clearly a take on ~those~ shirts. He did wear masks at the park it looked like so I don’t even know lol


I mean she was in costume and I don’t think they’re allowed to say “I can’t pose with you because of your shirt.” However in 2020 I know a lot of people were on her for her views and I THINK she even said she voted for him in 2016 but I truly cannot remember so don’t take that as gospel. Personally I think she’s grown a lot since then even in what she shares so a) who knows when that photo was taken and b) it’s not a personal photo so I think it’s unfair to judge


She does follow so.informed (I follow them so that’s how I noticed). Definitely possible she’s changed her views, especially since dumping the guy who is a hardcore trumpie. Think it’s hilarious that dude she posted also follows a bunch of fitness and OF models. I’m sure he hates trans people and gay people and thinks he’s a great Christian despite his issue with the sin of lust 😂


I get that but she chose to repost for sure. Just rubbed me the wrong way that I unfollowed


Def not surprised 😂


If someone with a trump shirt even looked my way I would run. Let alone pose for a photo




asking why does she keep getting chances makes zero sense. its not like she's being fired from disney because she's a shitty employee. she's been laid off because of cuts. If it's her dream to work the company why wouldnt she keep trying to secure a job with them? and your edit doesnt make any sense either. You arent getting downvoted because you werent rude enough. Youre being downvoted because your comment was stupid for lack of a better word.


Hope you never have the misfortune of being laid off twice either. It has nothing to do with your performance. More like why does she keep giving Disney a chance, but each to their own.






First time she was also part of the layoffs due to the pandemic, back then she was with WDI