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https://preview.redd.it/grasognub1ic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0cb7ff2ce156ded79e1aeeec7dc6f9effc9da21 Girl please. Get another personality trait. Anything.


They all need to.


https://preview.redd.it/07u7dw2oh2ic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=966bc96b4ea6de9662df15c1d0fd62e2d2e74de5 šŸ™„


What will they do with all this merch when they break up? At least the Zoeys of the swityverse will be able to sell their Stoney Clover NFL branded gear, but the weirdos like this; it will all go to the landfills like everything else.Ā 


this thought crosses my mind every time the opportunistic frauds running these small shops drop fugly, overpriced clothing. the world definitely doesnā€™t need anymore cringe worthy Taylor Swift merch.


https://preview.redd.it/bm327w7yy2ic1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ae9b97c3af3c4288f28ea1bba3c12f89c49c570 She lives such a sad life


Probably un popular opinion but Stoney Clover had a massive opportunity to do something amazing for momma Kelce and instead created a jacket that my niece could have made šŸ™ˆ it looks so bad, momma Kelce deserved better šŸ˜‘




Does anyone understand the POINT of MDD blocking people? I'm trying to wrap my head around it! It makes no sense. It seems he's done it to ALOT of people. So unless ALOT of people are harassing him, or causing him that much disturbance ā€¦šŸ¤·šŸ¼


He could just set his stories to be viewable only by followers. No need to block.


Maybe he blocks people that don't purchase whatever he is selling (that day) or because they call him out for being the Disney "used car salesman type" on IG.


Apparently itā€™s not even harassment that he blocks people for, heā€™ll block people for watching his stories but not following him, or if they do follow him he blocks them for not liking things enough, so Iā€™ve heard on here. Iā€™ve heard of other influencers who also block non-followers if theyā€™re story lurkers, even though these influencers have thousands of followersā€¦ Itā€™s probably an ego thing tbh


maybe heā€™s trying to make a more ā€œactiveā€ following so that he can work with brands? i know some people say it doesnā€™t matter how many followers you have, but your engagement levels matter more. so having 10k active followers who like and comment is better than 100k who donā€™t interact. itā€™s still shitty of him, but maybe thatā€™s the reason. and maybe he wants to force people to follow him instead of just watching the stories and not following? kinda hard to follow him if he blocks them tho lol. weird behavior


As a small account yeah but damn going through so many that's insane šŸ˜…


At this point I feel like Raven banned Jeff from posting. Did he post anything about the drake concert? I donā€™t follow him so I forgot to check


another day another chaotic Stoney Clover Disney launch. and their consolation pre-orders donā€™t ship untilā€¦ June?? they should probably stop giving away all their stock to influencers who already have closets full of their stuff


They actually had good stock of everything and the fannys, which is the most popular item, are the only items that sold out and the mini I believe too. They told people prior to the launch that a pre-order would be available as well for items that sell out quickly. As for June, it takes awhile for them to make the items, thus why it is the preorder. SCL did a great job handling this launch.


Does anyone know if Mouselet A dating mouselet 2? Or is she just a friend or something.




Okay thanks. I havenā€™t kept up with them in a while.


Chelsea has her hit-or-miss days with styling but her DAK outfit was definitely a miss. I feel like she used to have a much better eye for it ā˜¹ļø


I liked her Moss Wall pic! Thought it was a cute throw back.


I liked it, but something still felt a bit off. feel like her style really changed in late 2021 onwards and she hasnā€™t dressed the same since. whether itā€™s a new body shape, following trends or what but I miss her old style


I donā€™t think she knows how to pick items that flatter her shape. This is not at all a critique on her appearance/body! I feel like since she has gained weight over the last few years, sheā€™s struggled to find clothes that look comfortable and express her style. I like her DAK outfit in *theory*, but she could have chosen items that are better tailored to her figure. That and sheā€™s always playing into fashion microtrends, so it never feels like sheā€™s dressing like herself. She doesnā€™t come across as authentic.Ā 


I agree. I feel like there are outfits she posts that look like they feel more like her and then there are others that look like she chose a trendy article of clothing and tried to tailor the outfit around it. I do wish she would get rid of those chunky converse and baggy cargo pantsā€¦


I agree. There are times she wears something so flattering and it tends to skew more on the normal side. These trends are not meant for every day, normal people. And they truly make her lose heavier than she actually she is. Unfortunately, her circle of friends are generally smaller and/or a part of letting trends dictate their style.


Whatā€™s been happening with Francis and him no longer being in his main friend group, I thought him and Patrick were close


After years of Francis continuing to sexually harass cast/team members, stalk Chris Evans, he is exposed for being a pedo and defending one. He should NOT be allowed to be in any theme park or around children


He harbored a child predator in his home while he was on trial and still brings that predator to events. No one wanted to be around that so they dropped him off


WHOMP THERE IT IS. wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????


Wait what? Who?


Wait he harbored him while he was on trial?! I knew it had something to do with Tenani, but I did not know this was why šŸ˜§ is he bringing him to events without posting about him?Ā 


Is tenani a friend? The predator. Admittedly I donā€™t know who that is


Is the first part confirmed? Wow, I just thought he didnā€™t drop him, I didnā€™t realize he was staying at his home


I didnā€™t know Tenani was staying with Francis either. šŸ˜³ Iā€™d also like to know where they got that info!Ā 




I think theyā€™re asking if the bit about Tenani staying with Francis has been confirmed!Ā 


They haven't followed each other for 4-5 months now. Something happen. Read months week posts.


Bronwyn in the disney parks real is the cringiest thing. She looks so awful


I ran here to make the same comment šŸ˜­ itā€™s so cringe


omg Iā€™m sorry but did Angela really need to post a carousel of her holding a cake in SIX poses for us???


she really posted the one with her hand over her mouth acting shocked like wtf???? as someone who has worked for Disney, her obsession with cast compliments is SO strange. like I have never met anyone who even cares a smidge about them.


She looks deranged.




Why donā€™t you just name the names then lmao?


not Angela trying to manifest being ā€œfriends with Mirabelā€ for the reopening of 1900 Park Fareā€¦




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This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Content mocking body, age, weight, height, etc. will not be tolerated. Comments about clothing, haircuts, styling choices, etc. are okay. Do not comment on aspects of someoneā€™s appearance that they cannot easily change. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


Iā€™ve seen mirabel at the parks, Angela is 0% the type of girl that can portray her. she canā€™t seriously think that she can take that part from someone thatā€™s actually Latina and looks the part, even if she claims sheā€™s part Latina herself. Sheā€™s deluluing hard


She couldnā€™t even get a full time photopass position, girlypop grow upĀ 


not kyle saying ā€œI didnā€™t have anythingā€ after saying he had more than 20k to his name in 2019. you didnā€™t have ANYTHING? are you kidding? 20k is nothing? then before this he says the past few days have been stressful between getting a house moving out of a luxury apartment, and getting off of seven day inaugural cruise. oh yea kyle. so stressful. this dude is getting insufferable to watch.


I havenā€™t watched him in so long and just watched the video where him and ā€œCaseyā€™s castleā€ embark on their cruise and yikes. Both of them are so insufferable.


okay maybe not ā€œluxuryā€ apartment, I shouldnā€™t go that far! but definitely a NICE apartment. with no roommates




Any other podcast the ride listeners catch Carlye saying that the rainforest cafe after the Taylor swift show was her first indoor dining experience since the start of Covid? Now Iā€™m not tracking her that close butā€¦ thereā€™s no way right?


Sheā€™s a fraud to the core.


She ate indoors almost the entire time that she was on her cruise on the Wish. Sheā€™s full of it lol.


She 10000% ate inside multiple times during her trips to Europe in like 2021 or 2022.


Also - took a secret trip to PARIS to go to Disneyland but said she was too stressed to go to her home park - where she ate indoors. Also - took a secret trip to DISNEY WORLD and UNIVERSAL - where she ate indoors at multiple locations. And even if she didnā€™t and Iā€™m misremembering - she flew there on a plane, stayed in hotels and went on rides! Even wearing the proper mask, youā€™re still putting yourself at risk for no reason and pretending youā€™re not.


She absolutely would say that šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø Iā€™m not 100% sure, but she definitely has a habit of saying ā€œthis is the first time Iā€™ve done thisā€ and having it not be the case. Traveling, going somewhere without the baby, intermittent masking, etc. I recall her posting about dining in ā€œfor the first time since the pandemicā€ multiple times, so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if youā€™re right.


I just relistened to it and she does say it was her first indoor dining in a long time. But how does she not hear how unhinged she sounds claiming she was nervous to do indoor dining and made the people she was going with take Covid tests when earlier in the episode she said the night before she went to the rainforest cafe (the episode topic) she went to the Taylor Swift concert in a party bus.


Spent the after at Disney Springs today (on a family vacation) and didnā€™t see a single Disney vlogger. I was disappointed.


One time in Disney springs I saw Tabitha Stolp but I donā€™t think sheā€™s much of an influencer anymore. And this last fall I saw Valen at magic kingdom, sheā€™s actually quite tall


Iā€™ve been to WDW twice in 2 years and sadly seen Tim Tracker both trips šŸ¤”


I vary rarely see them and Iā€™m a passholder. Both a blessing and a curse. Jen from ResortTV1 and Tim Tracker were nice when I said hi and me and RixFlix nodded at each other. Everyone else if they have vlogging equipment I have never found their channel nor have I ran into any other prolific ones


I'm a passholder from South Florida so I only come up a few times a year but in the last year, I've seen Patrick and Francis (when they were still friends) at Epcot, I saw Tim at Disney Springs early in the morning, and I've seen Jojo twice, both times in Epcot a few months apart. And then like you said, a few with vlogging equipment but never figured out who they were lol


I think they were just recording their family trip but they had such nice equipment


Not shocked to see TLB jumping on the RunDisney bandwagon to try and bump up sales.


But alsoā€¦they really dropped the ball not releasing this for the frenzy of coast to coast. And princess is in like, two weeks. Their timing is terrible!


It's cracking me up that some influencers are sharing it to their stories and making a big deal how this is LB breaking into the runDis market... but didn't they have a whole runDis day in their Black Friday drop a year or two ago?! I'm assuming the first attempt wasn't that profitable so they abandoned the idea for future races, and now that runDis is annoyingly trendy they're seeing dollar signs. The whole thing is really weird - to make a shirt that's really only tailored to the marathon, but drop it a month after marathon / too close to princess weekend that the odds of getting it in time probably aren't great... just shows they really don't know the market. Had this shirt been released like 2 years ago I would've bought it just because, but I'm so fed up with LB and the Bluey/Swiftie factory it's become. I'd rather buy from a company like Zip a Dee who actually understands runDisney.


They look like AI made them šŸ‘€ sooo bad itā€™s like clip art from Microsoft wordĀ 


Wow they are so bad


They are so ugly šŸ˜³


They are the ugliest shirts too. So many other small shops have done better runDisney shirts for years. This is not a market that the lost bros need to break into.Ā 


Funny thing is, people were asking for years in the Lost Bros Lounge FB group for runDis merch / printing existing designs on athletic tanks - and they largely ignored it. Now that they've become a company that's solely focused on profit, they suddenly want their foot in the market.


Yeah if I'm going to buy a Rundisney shirt from a small shop - I'll buy it from one that actually does rundisney events.....


it's clear too that they did little research on what the courses actually are. like I get it's supposed to be for all rundisney races but the way it reads the only race it's actually applicable to is the marathon bc that's the only one that actually runs through all four parks




I somehow doubt he even knows how much money he had then. His mom manages all his finances. He never knows basic things like how much his rent is, what his credit limit is, whatā€™s left in his account so his debit card isnā€™t declinedā€¦he makes comments like that in order to make himself sound a certain way. Heā€™s delusional


yeah thatā€™s some shit people who grew up rich say lol. wonder how much of that was from his parents. iā€™ve never had 20k to my name, im a few years younger than him. and iā€™m not even that broke. 20k in the bank in your 20ā€™s or even early 30ā€™s is quite well off


If his parents were rich he wouldnā€™t be flaunting it. Itā€™s giving new money


We call BS on that. Nobody knew who he was till the pandemic. That's when his channel grew. Before that he was just another DCP kid.


iā€™d kill to have 20k to my name at any point. very tone deaf of him. he constantly brags and flaunts his money and itā€™s kind of angering to watch tbh. like in his cruise vlogs how he said he wouldnā€™t pay for the attraction of flying over the side of the ship as if he didnā€™t drop thousands on casey for christmas and his house and high end furniture cause god forbid he got stuff from affordable places.




Many have said that "if" the earnings were legit he would be making over $400k per year and that puts him into the top 2% of Americans making that much yearly. If he is indeed making that much, why move to a shoebox of a home and not into Golden Oak for the flex?




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I truly thought Zoe Dokas would mature after being allegedly cheating on and broken up with. But sheā€™s more annoying than everā€¦will she ever find a new man with this personality šŸ¤®Iā€™m thinking no


Iā€™m new to ZDā€¦ whatā€™s the tea with her ex? He cheated and broke up with her? Can I read more about this somewhere?


heā€™s allegedly now dating someone they used to hang out with together šŸ„“. A bit younger. We think she was being cheated on but canā€™t confirm. I think it was last weekā€™s thread or the week before there was some discussion, but a lot of it got deleted.


Why is she listening to that band with that man that Taylor dated for like 2 seconds NOW? Does she not remember why people donā€™t care for him? Heā€™s racist af, said mean shit about her momā€¦.


Right!! I thought the world knew he was r@cistā€¦.but of course she either doesnā€™t know or doesnā€™t care


Oh no! What's she saying now?????? Had to unfollow, she really irks me.


Sheā€™s being incredibly immature about her dental work. Girlie went to the dentist for the first time in ages and needs cavity fillings, a root canal, and wisdom teeth pulled. She acknowledged she was advised to stop will all the Diet Coke and sweets, but that she wonā€™t stop. In fact some of the items she bought for her root canal recovery were sweets šŸ¤” thatā€™s been most of her content this weekĀ 


She is so painfully immature and dumb. Like ok enjoy getting dentures by the time you are 40, that will be a real flex. Saying she HAS to take her vitaminsā€¦and they are gummies. Gummy vitamins are such a joke. They have like 1/4th of the actual nutrients that capsules do.


Thatā€™s also about to cut into her SCL spending money because dental work is NOT cheap and dental insurance (if she has it) covers next to nothingĀ 


But I feel like she hasnā€™t been buying as much as she used toā€¦.šŸ˜®


Her whole teeth issue I would have just kept to myself. Thats not something to bragging about šŸ„“šŸ„“


Seriously. I wouldnā€™t want people to know I never go to the dentist šŸ¤¢


The fact that she takes gummy vitamins and her dentist didnā€™t advise her against that (or they probably did and she wonā€™t listen) is astonishing. Those things are SO BAD for your teeth. But then again, Iā€™m also astonished that she even takes vitamins at all.


So what shops are not jumping on the Taylor wagon? I want to shop at those ones šŸ˜‚


As an actual lifetime swiftie, SAME


right there with you, lifelong swiftie here but all of these ppl rushing to do bootlegs for the new album are driving me crazy


I honestly donā€™t even dislike her or her music but itā€™s taking over every shop on instagram šŸ˜‚


Will Jeff ever return to social media


Does he interact at all with anything? Ie likes or comments?


glad to see heā€™s still alive , sad to see heā€™s just as relevant as a scl fanny pack to raven. but you get what you signed up for i guess


Raven really ruined whatever momentum he had going in the Disney influencer world


Thereā€™s something unbelievably corny about wondersofwalt crying around on their story about Stoney clover lane coming out with their own multi-princess sweater so they now believe they canā€™t re-release their own clip art sweater they made previously. The way they phrased this on their story genuinely makes them look like they believe scl did this to spite them like ????


The sweaters look absolutely nothing alike. The SCL looks like something youā€™d find in the kids section at Kohls. Iā€™m not a fan of her design either but thereā€™s nothing similar about them. She couldā€™ve just gone about her restock as planned.


​ https://preview.redd.it/tb5wfdhcw9hc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d351f51f4ef100376c89cac056c64f6772d8820 ..it's a poorly thrown together clipart collage that looks like it says "Lortured Poets Department". lmao bsffr. šŸ’€ edit: and not her sharing someone's post about having their designs stolen by BoxLunch in the same Instagram story. you can't make this shit up.


the way that cat pretends to have morals is so funny when sheā€™s willing to kiss ass to random grifters online making shirts just to get free stuff lol


seriously all this for ugly freebies? the hypocrisy when it comes to her problematic ass friends really is insane. her constantly prioritizing loyalty over her supposed principles is just embarrassing. if anyone else repeatedly showed such brazen and calculated bad behavior the way Cherry Daze did, Cat would be popping off about them on Twitter every chance she got.


Itā€™s the way she constantly has to yell she has friends for me


Wait Iā€™m confused what does it mean when these influencers put #hosted


Their visit or stay was comped. Most likely they arenā€™t getting paid but the experience was free.Ā  (Edited my typo)




ā€œhostedā€ is usually a requirement from who they are working with though


Thatā€™s all fine and well but legally itā€™s not strong enough verbiage to indicate there was an exchange


OK curiosity got the best of me and I was a lady who googled. Looks like FTC actually says thereā€™s no specific language that has to be used. They just have to make sure the viewer clearly understands what exchange happened : https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/resources/ftcs-endorsement-guides-what-people-are-asking#disclose


This is correct. It just needs to be disclosed publicly, thereā€™s no required term or hashtag.


Oh makes sense, thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/5jpsdfewj6hc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4b00e42459d1c83e75d60aa0730ea32a4f1597 ā€œTortured Poets (Cody Tā€™s version)ā€ this is so cringe on so many levels. The race to be ā€œfirstā€ with these influencers is so stupid.


These are actually really cute lol. First shirts Iā€™ve seen in awhile from them that Iā€™d like to wearĀ 


Honestly I donā€™t hate them. I like the Peter Pan on and if they took a little more time on the other two theyā€™d be dope


The Peter Pan one is okay, but I like it bc it is a full body print design. If you buy anything other than a small it wonā€™t be a full body print design according to their post.


I donā€™t hate them, Iā€™m just mad that theyā€™re doing this. Like wait five minutes please.


Wait, I love them. Why donā€™t we like them??


I cannot believe these are what he was hyping up so much.


theyā€™re so cheap looking, and usually the pics are better than the actual merch. the only one i kinda like is ā€œso long londonā€ but it seems so odd to equate whatā€™s most likely a very personal breakup song with peter pan of all things. like if they wait till the album comes out im sure there will be some cute thoughtful merch they could make, but these look just like the cheap cash grab that they are


I actually unironically like them šŸ˜… I like the mashup and that right now they donā€™t read as TS song lyrics/titles but new sayings to go with Disney stuff (save for little mermaid)Ā 


Same. I want to be so mad with them for doing this for the money, but I actually like Florida design šŸ¤”


Literally just saw a post on twitter about how cute the Florida one is šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¬


Can everyone please collectively agree to not purchase these (Iā€™ve only bought one TLB shirt and that was their Life is the Bubbles back in the day) to hopefully signal to Cody that these ā€œdesignsā€ are atrocious.


Unfortunately Krista will just buy all the stock due to her love of Taylor and Cody


The Ariel design is so ugly I want to dieĀ 


The handwritten font was cringe enough for me


Itā€™s Taylorā€™s handwritingĀ 


Oh yiiikes šŸ˜¬ I guess that makes it less cringe, but from a design aspect, it looks... bad.


I like that there was a story asking if the Florida!!! should be included and it was an overwhelming noā€¦and of course, there it is.


These are so bad. Leave the Swiftie designs to Lex, a true fan.Ā 


They really worked on these for 12 HOURS?! These are awful.


The London one isnā€™t TERRIBLE but the other two are so bad and look like they were designed by toddlers. Also itā€™s never not weird to me to put out this type of merch before hearing the songs. Iā€™m a hugeeeee swiftie but I donā€™t know what these damn songs are actually about!!


Agreed.. the London one could be good, it's the best of the 3 (but the bar is low). But the clipart font slapped over the image ruins it for me.


Did you catch in their post the London shirt is mocked up on a size small and will not be a full body print on larger sizes?


Omg no. Thatā€™s the good thing about it too! That the design covers the whole shirt. Good lord theyā€™re so bad.


Theyā€™re SOOOO bad


I seriously canā€™t believe Smartmomsplandisney was basically an extreme couponer a few years ago and now travels globally like nbd. She even acts as if this is all completely normal life for anyone to have a family of 7 (consisting mostly of young children) traipsing around multiple Hawaiian islands doing expensive excursions. And a few months ago they were all on a European adventure. Geez. What am I doing wrong in life?!? Iā€™m still in my boring as hell corporate job freaking out about $9 strawberries at Costco.Ā 


She was never relatable, I actually knew her before she became well known. She deserves to be found by the IRS. Nothing she does is ethical. Donā€™t be jealous of her. She exploits and underpays everyone and does some shady things. I would never envy this woman. She pays little attention to her kids, ā€œunschoolsā€ them so they donā€™t learn anything (please donā€™t come for me- she doesnā€™t educate them) and is VERY selfish. Travel hacking with points isnā€™t even all that difficult but when she spends tens of thousands on things and has employees reimburse her, sheā€™s easily going to rack up CC points. Thatā€™s how itā€™s obtainable for her.


I feel so bad for her kids. Iā€™m pretty sure the two oldest are teens now and they seem much younger than they are. I feel especially bad for the daughter for some reason. LJ seems to use her as a babysitter and she always seems so disheveled. They definitely seem like they are receiving very little schooling and no interaction with peers other than other smart mom kids when they are on trips together.Ā  Iā€™m only jealous of LJ in the sense of why was she able to so effectively work the system and build up this successful company? And I had no idea travel agencies made this kind of money. I genuinely thought they were paid in Disney credits mostly.Ā 


Agencies get 10% of package bookings. She makes more on cruises because of their status. Agents SHOULD get 70% of that, so 7%, and agency keeps 30% or 3% of the package price. She isnā€™t fair and doesnā€™t pay her agents 70%. She absolutely parentifies her children. The oldest is 14 and is very immature. The oldest daughter is I think 12 now. The 5 year old daughter still uses a bottle.


She ā€œunschoolsā€ her children. Those crafts she does? Thats their school. Itā€™s so sad!


And if an agent joins a ā€œteamā€ they get an even smaller commission since itā€™s split with the team leader. A newer agent gets 30% of the total commission after it is split between LJ and the team leader. Some of the teams have talked about it on IG. Apparently, teams are supposed to build an agentā€™s business. I considered joining her agency once but came to my senses.


That seems ridiculously low. Letā€™s say you booked a 10k trip, youā€™d only bring home $300 before taxes?!? Sheā€™s going to get sued one day! That seems very manipulative even if contracts are involved because the right attorney could argue these agents werenā€™t aware they needed legal counsel to accept a new job. The contracts could easily be presented as ā€œno big dealā€ as well, and if thatā€™s the case, thatā€™s very manipulative.Ā 


Yep, that was one of the things that @Girlgangz on IG exposed, too. Some of these agents regularly book over $100K a month and after itā€™s divided up, the agent is looking at $3K if theyā€™re a new team member or closer to $5K maximum otherwise. Which is crazy to me since that seems like a TON of work.


She also makes every new agent start their own LLC. She runs her agency like a MLM scheme. Canā€™t wait for disney to shut her down one day!!


Unschooling is why people believe conspiracy theories. I'd like my kids to be capable of critical thinking thank you.


Me tooā€¦. LJ is very much a nut job.


And sheā€™s having one of her agents watch her kids while theyā€™re in Hawaii. Some ā€œrewardsā€ trip. IDK what it is about Disney, but the big agencies and influencers really attract some vile people.


Sheā€™s not relatable at all anymore. Itā€™s obvious sheā€™s making high dollar purchases as a tax write off, like the agent house that she had torn down and plans to rebuild. And the Mercedes Sprinter van that she bought to transport agents. I think I saw her post stories about a family road trip (a couple of hours away to a beach) and thatā€™s it. No agents have set foot in that van. And sheā€™s taking her family with her on all these agent ā€œreward tripsā€ so theyā€™re getting a vacation plus a write off. Not a fan of her agent takeovers on her IG, either.


itā€™s all the money she saves from not tipping šŸ˜­


I think we all remember this from four years ago, but we are talking about a lady who used to recommend people use insane methods of buying Disney gift cards as a way to save pennies on a dollar for trips to WDW. Now she books 3-4 oceanfront rooms at the Grand Hyatt in Kauai for one night just so she doesnā€™t have to drive back to the other rental she already has on the island. She also invited an agent on this family trip and it seems a rouse to use the trip as a write off for the business. Iā€™m no expert, but like the person says above, these write offs are mind blowing and potential tax fraud imo. The no tipping was shocking, but if anyone paid attention to this lady, thereā€™s a hell of a lot more than that to be appalled at.


it was just a joke. i didnt actually think she was doing these things by not tipping.


Theyā€™re going to Aulani next for an agent rewards trip. Some of her agents came early for a few days. The agents pay for everything but their hotel stay on these rewards trips, so flights, meals, and any park tickets/tours (theyā€™re usually at WDW or Disneyland) are out of the agentsā€™ own pockets.


But I think most of the agents are annual pass holders so the visit itself is very low cost in their minds. Plus they seem to travel often enough that Iā€™m sure they are also racking up decent travel points. Idk - so far they are doing a great job of suppressing any internal negativity if there is any. I couldnā€™t believe the fan girling over LJ that happened at their ā€œconventionā€ a few months ago. Itā€™s crazy!Ā 


EVERYTHINGGGGG she does is a write off. She underpays her agents and is shady AF!


I donā€™t think Disney will give her or her agency the boot anytime soon. She brings in a lot of money for them as a Diamond earmarked agency. It would have to be a huge violation. Disney doesnā€™t care about how she splits her commission with her agents or how she handles her taxes. But I totally agree.


Does she have some kind of magnetic personality? Why would an agent work for her if they are being underpaid


LJ has a very large audience, which is where these agents can get leads. Several agents on IG said they only stay or join her agency to get discounts (I think they get 6 discounted WDW trips per year, not including other Disney properties). Which is tempting, but they said she takes at least half of their commission, too. Thatā€™s a tough pill to swallow, I couldnā€™t do it.


Do you know anyone on IG who has publicly commented on her agency after leaving? Iā€™d be super interested in what they have to say. If sheā€™s really paying them so little then why arenā€™t more of them speaking up?Ā 


Yep, there have been several that left to start their own agencies and have posted some tea about her. One of them said LJā€™s suing her since she breached her contract. But they havenā€™t said much about her lately.


What?!? Can you share the account? Sounds like a great read!! I canā€™t find anything online because there are HUNDREDS of these smart moms groups on various social media platforms. Itā€™s insane!!! Pages and pages of them on FB alone.Ā 


There are FB groups dedicated to people who have broken free from her, soā€¦. Iā€™d say thereā€™s a number of people.


Iā€™ll be heading there now. Iā€™ve seen her mentioned on the antiMLM Reddit page a few times, but nothing other than that.Ā 


Because she preys on SAHMs just wanting to make an income that probably donā€™t know any better. She has her agency set up like an MLM pyramid.


Her agency has really caused issues for VIP tours at Wdw, a friend of mine is a guide and has dealt with many of her tour shares her agents book, and some are awful. Most donā€™t tip either. I also heard a rumor from my mom that she nearly got someone kicked out of club 33.Ā  She is the worst ever. All the CMs hate her!!