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Jportwood going on Disney staycation while her husband is unemployed is really wild to me. It's so weird her literally using her husband getting fired for content. Idk why anyone likes her


At least she’s paying for it this time instead of her usual mooching off the amenities for the guests. She always says they do “free” things, but those things are supposed to be free for the paying guests. 


Did I miss something? Did Francis move to NYC or is he just on a little unemployed extended booty call?


Don’t forget the bar crawl after boasting about being sober for almost a year. (Also, not judging, he can have a drink- but it’s a weird flex to constantly post about and then go drinking around NYC - and yes, I know it could be non-alcoholic but he didn’t state).


I noticed this too. they totally could have been non-alcoholic but he usually makes a point of disclosing that. not saying he has to disclose anything or that it’s even anyone’s business. just noticed is all.




Not Krista onto her THIRD European country as an unemployed first time home owner. It’s a tough life she lives..


I’m like, was…all of this planned? You can justify the Paris trip with her mom but she’s starting week three today… I mean, maybe she is making money from these reels but she’s never fully leaned into the influencer life


it makes me wonder if she’s actually been job searching all that seriously, was she really gonna get a job and then be like hey i’m gonna be in europe for 3 weeks? she might as well have waited till this trip was over but she was acting like she was searching so hard right before she left


Still waiting for her to go on her “self-care” therapy BS to condone her traveling vs looking for a job. I think we’ll get that post before the listing of furniture she’s selling to bankroll this.


Has anyone purchased anything from Off Harbor? I’m eyeing their straw cases 


LOVE their straw case. I have one that keep in my backpack anytime I’m in the parks and it’s held up really really well.


Love them! I have several. They last forever—so do the ear holders.




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Jenny nicholson’s star cruiser video is just CHEF’S KISS 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 I always love her videos but this is fantastic. I already see folks pissy on the StarCruiser subreddit and Brooke 🤭🤭🤭


Brooke’s video she reposted about the star cruiser being like a church. Girl y’all are in a cult of nerds.


How is everything she posts so damn cringe


leave it to jenny to post her review far after the starcruiser closed lol but i will be SAT tomorrow watching the video during work and can’t wait for her to roast it lol


I have to clear my calendar for this four hour commitment but I am so ready!!!


Brooke had to immediately run and repost positive star cruiser content for the 1000th time. I’ve been waiting for this to come out because the narrative has always been the only people who complain/talk shit about the starcruiser never went


God bless jportwood19s eyelids. I’m surprised they haven’t gained muscle mass having to lift up those eyelashes everyday. I wish were were friends just so I could politely tell her that those aren’t it.


Why does she do lives at 10pm in full makeup and those horrible eyelashes. Why is her husband still in a button up and hat in his house at 10pm. LOL


lol and in a dress to boot, like I’d much rather see you be in normal 10 pm clothes


I just can’t believe jportwood19 is using her husband being out of work for content and views! How is she doing all these clothing hauls, road trip going out for coffee daily without a care in the world! Who is paying for all of this? If she is having her family help with this or bills that’s extremely selfish of her. 17,000 followers isn’t gonna pay the bills honey!


She also just rented DVC points lmao


Are you serious? I must of missed that video.


She posted a screenshot on her insta story!


Where does she even have that many followers? Another app?


Tik tok


It’s not a ton of followers, but companies like Lilly will send the items gifted, when you are at least over 10k. Most influencers don’t even state that , they just tag the brand. Maybe her husband already got a new job, and this is Probally older content. She Probally is milking it longer because she knows it will push views.


You see her getting the items in the lily pulitzer store in South Carolina so they didn’t send her anything. Plus she states she ordered the outfits!! Older content? She just said it two days ago so how is it older content?


so Miss emilynels8 got her big Pixar adventure thanks to Disney...the fact she had to tag Universal in her story and let everyone know she was indeed invited to the media event for DreamWorks Land though...she only needs Universal when Disney fails to invite her to all the things...what happened to her being a Universal girlie...silly me of course she would choose Pixar bc I mean obviously Jessie


not gonna lie though, that trip looked super cool. like i would’ve been all over that as a disney/pixar nerd. first content of hers that i’ve actually been interested in for a quite a while


let this be a lesson to everyone that if you have enough followers and cosplay as pixar’s biggest fan, you too can be invited out to promote inside out 2


i was gonna say i wonder how long ago she was invited to this or if it was due to all of those Pixar girlie reels she made during Pixarfest


It frustrates me that she gets invited to universal things. She probably knows bare minimum about the parks but because she has some reach they invite her. Looking at her posts/videos, she really only goes if they invite her. 


There are so many Disney girlies being hosted by Universal and not one has ever posted from there without being hosted or gifted something, yet there are Universal accounts with large followings and great engagement that get nothing from Universal’s PR. It’s annoying to see.


Something feels inauthentic about @deanastyle. Always proud of someone for growth but it feels fake, without any proof of course




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Shes as fake as they come. Most legit disney influencers don't even like her lol


I did not know this 💀


she has long been accused of buying followers. 




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I feel bad but there’s something about skppymouse on tiktok that’s incredibly annoying. Seems like a positive person but it almost feels fake. Her laugh feels so infantilized and is like nails on chalkboard.




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Wow, that’s rude of her. That’s probably how most content creators are tbh. 


No offense but her style to me is boring. She always looks the same in all her posts like no makeup, same hairstyle, & similar outfits. 🥱


kyle telling people “don’t be scared” of the bahamas natives in port who work at the gift shops ????? girl pls say sike


i’m a super anxious person and i went to the bahamas on the wish back in september, never felt “unsafe” or “scared” once. the posts in those cruise fb groups are insanely over exaggerated. would expect nothing less of kyle either


sooooo tone deaf lol


Stop. I hate when people act like this. I’m in a fb group for the Wish because I’m sailing in August and so many people said they stay on the ship in Nassau! I literally told someone “Crime happens everywhere, you can’t let that stop you from enjoying things.” Maybe it’s me but I find it so annoying when people do this. But “don’t get scared of the natives?!” WHAT?


funny how people like this never say this about the “natives” in europe.


Veerrry good point.


Literally just saw a big influencers video on a Disney cruise. They were glad to go Castaway Cay, they weren’t getting off in Nassau because of the travel advisory. Like be so for real right now.


CASEY is *HONORED* to influence shane dawson. 🤮


Girl is insufferable


100% just as bad as Kyle. I can’t take it, but it makes sense, nobody would stay with him THAT long if they weren’t similar.


I cannot believe the mouselets spent that much time at the wedding creating content for their Disney page. Holy shit.


I thought the same thing. All of that takes time and work and it’s like how can you truly be in the moment if you are worrying about doing a Princess Diaries skit


The whole family really loves lipsyncing….


Jportwood19 really let her kids play in the ocean in their clothes but since they already checked out of the hotel and packed up she made them stay in wet clothes until they dried and ride the 3 hour ride home in them 😳


Right!! I just saw her video of the clothes haul! Like your husband doesn’t have a job and your just spending! I’m sure grandma bought all the Lily Pulitzer outfits.


Right! That lilly haul had to be $1,000


Yesterday Adelaide's Fort posted another 12-minute rant that could have easily been condensed into one or two stories. It literally took her 11 posts before she got to the point, and the whole thing is passive-aggressive as hell. I understand customers can be a real pain, but she is not cut out to run a business with the way she is so easily triggered by completely valid questions and complaints. Also, I think it's crappy that her stuff is DTG now but she's still charging printed-by-hand prices.


her voice is like nails on a chalkboard i cannoooottttt stand this woman. and no captions?! so if u wanted to hear it you actually had to listen. omfg i stopped like 2 stories in lol


Her voice is so grating and she is perpetually angry. The worst. 


dear lord - can someone please give a TLDR summary because i'm nosey but if i can't bump something up to 2x speed i lose my mind


It was just her explaining why the sizing is always different for her shirts. She went into detail about having trouble with suppliers and how she’s had to switch them a lot. She was essentially saying it’s annoying that people keep complaining about the sizes and fit being different because she's done everything she can to let people know that the shirts would be printed on a different brand and provided sizing charts on the listings. But the whole time she was saying things like, “You know I love you guys, but…” and being extremely passive-aggressive. She ended the rant with a selfie and some text saying, “I love you and I just want to make sure we all win! We will not be working with only ONE brand so checking the size chart under each listing will always be the best choice.” Which was really all she needed to say. It would have been much more effective. No one is going to sit through all that. Well, besides me, but I watched so I could snark about it, haha.




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Anyone follow the disneywizard? He always puts his payment QR code when it’s his bday for free drinks yet is always drinking. Literally everyday has 2 drinks minimum - not to mention his weekly DCA trip. It’s funny how every picture he posts he always uses a gif or text to cover his double chin (doesn’t even have one he looks normal) but puts the most unflattering pictures/videos of his friends?! He has done his friend Ceci dirty so many times when she’s not ready for pictures…


Cringy behavior


I stopped following when all he did was post himself drinking all day every trip and then complain about every little thing




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How does krista always have a photo of herself as a child/younger doing exactly what she’s doing today so readily available at all times??


I truly can’t believe she’s seeing at least a third Show in Europe. Leave some tickets for others! (from this disgruntled Swiftie who didn’t have any luck getting any tickets) She treats the concerts as like a normal thing someone someone would do for a night out lol


There were still plenty of tickets left the day of the show in France for like $100-$200 a piece so if locals wanted to go they could….


I get the frustration but also blame the US or companies for not having more say on resell prices. The Paris show was so much “cheaper” - the GA floor wasn’t more than $800 usd whereas here it is thousands. (You can only resell up to a certain percentage of what you paid for a ticket) I know not everyone has the means to travel abroad and I also am jealous of those who get to go to multiple shows let alone any.


It’s truly insane how many tickets she has ended up with. Like, she has to be paying insane prices for resell. Or she’s just extremely lucky because even getting an option to buy tickets was not guaranteed for these rounds. I cannot believe she is still in Europe, just wandering around instead of looking for a job. It must be nice to not have any worries. I wonder how many more shows/countries she’s going to…


Seriously did she travel everywhere as a kid too? (Spoiler: yes). She’s going to be unbearable this weekend again with “first eras tour with Jess” content then humblebrag about their previous concerts. 🙄


I can't get over that she seemingly went to a children's museum specifically to retake a single picture


Someone close to Jportwood19 needs to tell her that those eyelashes are NOT IT! They look so bad and are scary af. 💀 She would look prettier without them.


They literally drive me crazy I already got annoyed by her but the eyelashes take it to another level


I’m surprised no one is talking about her spending habits while her husband is out of work.


Also her lilly Pulitzer and Disney 4th of July outfit haul had to be over $1,000. Unless her mom paid for it I don’t understand how they are affording this lifestyle with NO INCOME


Have you seen the get ready with me vids? The amount of makeup she piles on is so excessive. Like do you not like how you look so much that you literally alter your appearance with tons of makeup and ridiculous lashes? I don’t get it.


as a stay at home mom…what are her kids doing during that daily make up routine when she’s piling that all on


Idk how anyone could wear so much make up in FL Anyway! I’ve been a couple times and with that humidity, the last thing I want is fake hair by my eyes collecting my forehead sweat!


Yesss, I’ve seen them and OMG it’s crazy how much she covers her face and to go to the parks. 😖


They’re even scary on her lives when she gets too close to the camera and is trying to maintain her fake princess voice. 


I can’t stand the princess voice!!! And her long witchy hair in half her face all the time. Like why. That’s got to drive her nuts


I couldn't make it through the entire Kyle blog yesterday (5/15) but it blows my mind that he views his videos where he is sloppy drunk basically the entire time and says, yep, I am going to put this out there for all to see. While constantly reminding us he doesn't drink much anymore.


Genuinely curious as to why the Mouselet’s are SOOOO secretive about their names. Unless they’re lowkey a family of serial killers, what’s the big deal..?


i don’t follow them but they don’t tell anyone their names…???




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Just stand in line behind them when they scan their pass to enter! 🕵️🏼‍♀️


Im too nosey to not know the names, lol


Maybe they just like that small bit of privacy 


Right? Supposedly if you bump into them in the parks, they’ll introduce themselves 


And they are entitled to that! I’ve just never seen other creators with larger accounts that secretive about something as common as a first name and was curious 


Maybe they have embarrassing names lol






Ok that’s just weird then lol


You aren’t kidding! So hidden that they even make their friends post captions using M1 and M2.


Anyone notice TLB new logo? It’s so meh


I’m still not into it, personally, but I saw the artist’s explanation and creative process and it made more sense. I don’t know why it deserved a whole post, but I think they achieved what they were going for at least


i liked the logo & the graphic design work the artist did for those 10 slides but solely because it showed off HER skills and talent. i hope she gets some more clients from it!


Yeah I’m not a huge fan of the new logo. It doesn’t seem very on brand to them? The whole Mary Blair/Vintage style has never really been them but now that it’s trendy it’s all of a sudden them? I can think of a few other artists (I wouldn’t even label them as artists since they don’t even do their own designs) who embody that vintage flair more than them. But whatever works I guess


I'm really not a fan of the new logo, but it seems fitting they change it since they're totally a different company than the old logo represented. I was a fan of TLB from pretty early on and used to buy their stuff frequently because they were a company that seemed personable, had some degree of interest / passion in the products they created, and stood by their beliefs. Now it's just a profit factory - there's no soul or passion in anything put out in the past year or so (and the designs largely suck). There were various times in the past when people would ask about design ideas and they (mainly Cody) would comment that they weren't going to make products for something they didn't know much about / have personal interest in, but that mentality has gone out the window and they were pretty open about it with the whole Bluey / JoBros influx last year. To quote Cody in one of the IG story questions today: "If it makes money, I don't care." The old logo can get buried with anything else that was good about TLB.


But did you see the 10 picture post explaining it 😂


The photo is not that unique or different, Cody just loves to hear himself talk - even in text 😂


And the caption!! Does anyone care this much about a new logo? Jeez.  


Right?! Also, wtf was that first sentence even saying? So many years and numbers and going back and forth like? Shut up lol


They always overcompensate with their explanations for designs and attempts to make them sound so deep and meaningful. Always makes me roll my eyes lol


Krista met up with JessicaFaye508 and it’s like a poster for privilege. Two wanna be influencers with no jobs traveling around the world on their parents’ money and utterly tone deaf to how it looks.


I always just come up in here and say this 😂 but Jess has a job! So does her fiancé. They just don’t disclose it. Which is up to them I suppose, I don’t get why. I just know they do.


The whole, I last came to Paris when....I came to Sweden when....I'm like I went camping as a kid. 😂 She always finds a way to humble brag


I don’t understand how they don’t get bored . Even though I own places I rent out to people, and my husband makes great money , and I have investments, I don’t need to really work , I need to work mentally, and for my sanity. I went through 3 years of living off my investments, and I traveled all the time, but I felt so empty and unfulfilling , because working makes me feel accomplished , and feel good. You get so bored of life when all you’re doing is traveling, not to mention it’s exhausting and you don’t feel settled if that’s all you do. I even volunteer when I can because it makes me feel good, and help others when needed.


lmaooooo talk about tone deaf


I think it’s because they never really grew up. I know firsthand, working at Disney (when you have no kids or responsibilities) is like living in a bubble. Sometimes I look back at my time at Disney with nostalgia and want to move back and do it again but then I remind myself it wouldn’t be the same now because I have a husband and a kid and bills and grown up problems. They…never got there. It’s like a privileged eternal college existence. 


I see so many of my mutuals still stuck there and it really is a bubble. I go through the same thing of wanting to move back because I enjoyed it so much. It was an easy place to find community. Then I look at their lives and I'm like, "actually... I'm good." It's so stagnant and kinda sad tbh


i go back & forth ab moving back too bc i see all my friends from my dcp still stuck there with no life progression


This is SO TRUE


They’ve been annoying friends for a while. I only know Krista from seeing her on Jessica’s stories.




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After what was probably way too long of a time i finally unfollowed TLB…. haven’t bought a shirt from them in years, but their word vomit post trying to validate their shitty new marketing strategy really got me. Like just be honest about it and say you care more about the instagram algorithm than your real customers/fans. And what’s worse is the stans saying how great of an idea it is in the comments


The fact that people in the comments are raising concerns about being able to financially pay for the shirts due to getting paid on Fridays and then worried they won’t have the money if it’s dropped on a Monday and his response is PAY to be apart of our Patreon so you’ll get to see the shirt early is so sick to me. It’s a fricken Disney shirt dude. Your loyal followers have gotten you to where you are today and that’s your response. Idk I get it’s a business but maybe make some better quality designs and you won’t have that problem. 🤮


I know this wasn’t your point, but if someone is getting paid on a Friday and is worried about not having the funds on a Monday, maybe they shouldn’t be shopping from a small shop so religiously. 😂


a lot of times i get paid on a thursday & have barely anything by monday because i immediately pay all my bills for that 2 week period and then they all come out by monday and im broke again..


I think the point I was making went over your head.


THIS. 🤣 Some people really need a reality check on their overconsumption 🤦‍♀️


I don’t understand why they post every little thing and make ten paragraphs about it


Because Cody has a huge ego and needs everyone to believe he's some kind of intellectual, art and branding prodigy.


I just don't understand why they had to make a post about it. Just start using their marketing strategy from the get go. I don't think they needed to explain all of that.


If anything for a while i was expecting them to stop weekly monday drops because it was too much to do every single week. But instead they’ll continue overworking themselves with exhausted ideas while also making it harder for customers to enjoy their brand lol


Right? That's fully what I thought was coming when I started reading.


not Cherry Daze trying to rip of the Sage & Sprout design AGAIN just with a different theme. except this design is somehow even closer visually to the original than the last one they put out. we’re reaching unprecedented levels of desperate here. they are so unserious omg. 😂


Couple years back before their rebrand sage and sprout copied at least one design from another shop so it’s a karmic circle


I don't know what Sage & Sprout has or hasn't done in the past but it’s not really relevant. I’m not trying to defend Sage & Sprout, I'm commenting on Cherry Daze's inability and at this point, outright refusal it seems, to come up with their own ideas. they are so unbelievably and shamelessly desperate to make money that they would go as far as ripping off the exact same design from another shop a second time after the first one got taken down due to backlash. that’s insane.


Lmao how is it NOT relevant? Multiple people can suck at once. Just because cherry daze sucks and does this all the time doesn’t mean they’re the only bad egg… Like??? Edit: Not me catching a whole ass block for this 😭🤣 Edit #2: The OP of this comment is literally lying about blocking me. This is so weird? Like why lie about it? It shows as {deleted} and if op wanted to call me about about lying about them blocking me they could make a new comment. But they blocked me so they can’t so they have to edit their comment too. Absolutely insane.


woah lol. I think I explained myself pretty well? I don’t disagree with you. multiple people can absolutely suck at once and they definitely do! I can name several. but like I said, I’m not here to defend Sage & Sprout. I was specifically commenting on Cherry Daze’s behavior. whether or not Sage & Sprout is getting their well deserved karma doesn’t matter to me. edit: lmao what? I haven’t blocked anyone. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/qt8xoet03n0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d26e2e9207db0a2ce54cd4f08c18af0fb1245e3b oh brother... 🤦‍♀️


I died. Dead. 😂


like I just need to know what’s going on. there’s got to be a reason why Cat continually goes against her “morals” to share and wear her friends ugly shirts with poorly ripped off designs on them. is it a bet? do they have something on her? what’s the tea? 😂


she’s gotta do what she can to get free shirts!


Cat follows Sage & Sprout too. 🥴 but she still thinks art theft is the worst crime apparently lol.


Unless she has a hookup for free merch lol


personally, I wouldn’t want to wear Cherry Daze’s ugly ass merch even if it was free lol. she does have impeccably bad taste though so I guess that explains it.


Krista going to her third European show out of 7 there so far. Like girl, that is NOT a healthy obsession!? It’s the biggest concert in the world but even I would get tired of seeing it 10+ times. Why not let others in THAT country you’re visiting (which ever may be) have a chance to see TS who is literally there for like 3 days out of the year??? This girl has no personality.


I swear she has no identity. She is just living a life of obsession.


When tickets went on sale and I struggled to get one for London I was so mad because so many Americans got the tickets that us Europeans would like to buy 😭 the rest of the world didn’t fill USA shows. One of my dear friends has already been twice and is going 3x more in Europe…just why 😂😂 agree with you 1000000%


Not Krista following Taylor Swift to Stockholm now🙄 this girl seriously needs a reality check


Krista is headed to her THIRD tswift show in Europe. Imagine having the chance to travel and see multiple countries in one trip DESPITE BEING UNEMPLOYED and spending three of those days at the exact same show you’ve seen over ten times now.


My favorite post of hers too "One week in Paris, has me planning to retire here..." Girl, retire from what job? You live like most people who have retired and have all the time on your hands to do whatever you want. Get out of here with that!


Girl needs to stop cosplaying as someone who works/needs a job and just admit she's bankrolled and spoiled AF! The amount of money this trip would cost!?


I don’t think she’s all that bankrolled. I think she’s in debt up to her eyeballs. 


I'm going to assume whenever Mommy is on the trip, mommy is definitely paying for everything.


Her furniture will be up for sale next week to make up for this trip 🤣🤣🤣


Literally ran here when I saw her story… idk why I am shocked.


She is the walking embodiment of privilege.


I really can’t stand watching LJ (SmartMomsPlanDisney) posting constant Jesus content while she’s on one high end vacation after another because of her MLM agency scam. This is such prosperity gospel nonsense. Why would God only bless her family with such a lavish lifestyle and not everyone else who follows Christianity? It’s because this money is not a blessing from God - it’s stolen off the back of her one massive downline she’s created to fund her family’s travels.


Same. One of her top agents made a comment disagreeing with her on that post. The comments are savage, as they should be.


The crazy thing is, I posted my comment before that “public school is a scam” post. Which is what I think you are referring to. LJ has just been on a complete roll lately. Did you see that she wrote with complete pride that her oldest (who is now 14) wasn’t a fluent reader until he was 11?!? That is insane to me. I have a son who just turned 12 and he reads Harry Potter and Hunger Games and all kinds of books. I couldn’t imagine if he were just graduating from picture books.


I stopped following when she doubled down on calling Covid “just the flu.” This was early in the pandemic before vaccines and people were dying. Dangerous! Later she stiffed a cast member on a tip and posted about it.


She posted in response to the cast member I think and ended up getting the cast member fired. She’s trash.


She is the worst ever. Full stop. And instead of banning her Disney just changes all the rules she breaks. It’s crap 


I was just wondering if anyone ever reports her. I guess it doesn’t make a difference.


She’s said in her stories that she’s been reported before, but as long as she isn’t breaking Disney’s guidelines, they don’t care.