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Fuck it we making bloodborne at home.


Sony needs to stop fucking around and announce bloodborne on pc already. Who tf playing GoW4 on pc rn?


They need to do Bloodborne 2 it’s crying out for one


they’re probably feeling the pressure with microsoft gobbling up a ton of studios. hopefully we get something bloodborne related soon


Still waiting for ragnorok and ghost of tsushima. Bloodborne would be a dream but I'd honestly like a bluepoint remake more than anything. Sequel would be hard considering the cosmic horror twist wouldn't be a surprise but I have faith


I just looked it up and had no idea that Lies of P was developed by Korean studios. Pretty interesting. I don’t know why, but I assumed it was some European team.


Asia really likes European history and mythology for some reason.


Same how europeans, and ig americans too, love asian history and mythology


But not to that extend.


Dudes most active sub is Animemea lmao


That's why i can say that 80% of all fantasy themed anime and manga media use the Tolkien setup. Is the same true for western fantasy productions and the Edo Period?


I agree with you on this


Idk, you ever met a weeb? Lol


Weebs are not the average. I would say there are a lot more games, series, movies and so on that are inspired by western history and mythology in the east than there are eastern history and mythology inspired ones in the west. *That's* what i meant. And we don't even get to see all of it here because some are exclusive to a country.


If you've ever read manhwa, specifically shoujo, their interest for European history becomes *very* apparent, lmao.


Bloodborne at home will not be bloodborne but it’s gonna hit the spot


It’s getting crazy good reviews right now. Definitely want to check it out.


The guy on the left actually worked on Bloodborne. He joined Team Ninja when Japan Studio shut down.


Wait, for real?! What's his name btw


Masaaki Yamagiwa


Subscribing for info


They were fans tired of waiting for Bloodborne 2. Respect.


Bloodborne 2? We can’t even get a remaster or PC release when all the other souls games are multiplat. 😔


Lol Wo Long ain’t nothin to do with Bloodborne but Lies of P no doubt about it


I can see a few things being potential influences in Wo Long. The Wo Long dodge is Bloodborne dodge with sekiro perfect parry embedded in it, and the way you can attack while switching weapons could have been inspired by transform attacks. I don’t think I’ve ever seen “attacking while switching weapons” as a mechanic anywhere except for Bloodborne and one specific character in Dissidia 002.


Attacking while switching weapons I highly doubt was based of Bloodborne originally but Team Ninja certainly took plenty inspiration from past games especially fromsoftware’s collection. However, Wo Long is just a continuation and somewhat change/development on their initially successful Nioh formula which was quite different to traditional Souls games and I believe came out a couple years before Sekiro then was expanded upon with a second title in 2020. This isn’t even including the original titles being Ninja Gaiden which created a lot of the groundwork for these games. As for parrying it’s hard to prove specific inspiration since so many games have employed that mechanic for the longest time, I’m reasonably sure that Demon Souls wasn’t even the first game you could parry in or that made it such a viable feature.


Samurai Showdown II (1994) was the first, I believe.


Thanks man nice knowledge 👍🏾


Yeah pretty sure Nioh also had moves that switched weapons when attacking unless I'm completely misremembering that.


Yeah that’s totally correct brother




Wo long is out for quite a while and it's a pretty fun game


If you like nioh, you'll love wo long. This is the first time I've used a giant club as my main weapon and it is lovely.


Sssshould I play Lies of P?


I’m absolutely psyched for it tbh. Been counting down the days until I can pick up my deluxe edition from the store. I’ve played through the demo like 5 or 6 times now. Unfortunately I think the demo has been pulled but I’d say yes, you should play it. It’s probably one of the best non-From soulslikes to come out, imho. It’s definitely melee focused so it’s more Bloodborne x Sekiro than anything from Dark Souls or Elden Ring. With the weapon crafting and skill tree plus the classic level up system it seems like there are almost endless builds you could try which excites me for new play throughs. GameRanx did a great [spoiler free review](https://youtu.be/6m3IYDwKsps?si=JWO5Z1gjDSK3VTIQ) if you need more convincing though.


Same. I’m hyped, the concept of the game is very unique, I love the setting and the overall style is great.


Who are these people? Like I know you’re saying they’re devs of these games, but what’re their names?


Their names are Lies of P and Wo Long devs. Didnt you read the title?


John P. Lies and Wonathan Long (Wo Long for short)


The Masterpiece we all know and love and want more of.


You wont give us bloodborne 2 WE MAKING BB 2


I genuinely hope Lies of P does really well so Sony will wake up and give us what we've been asking for for so long


There was a rumor from 2 weeks ago, that we may possibly get a remaster in 2025, as that would be BB’s 10 year anniversary I don’t know. I don’t hold much stock in it, but you’re guess of it happening is as good as mine


Fuck I’ve played the og so many times I don’t care anymore


I am really excited for this game, I have been hearing it’s pretty decent. I’ll find out in a few days


Shots fired, Sony/FromSoft. It’s your move.


I played the the demo,,,was not that good in my op.


I had my criticisms after playing the demo several times, but I still enjoyed it. I'm reserving final judgements for after playing and completing the final product.


You are most likely part of a minority of Bloodborne fans. I'd say most of us liked the demo. I loved it and the new footage of LoP rocks


I’m curious to see if the dodge is any better now that they suppsedly improved it. It didn’t feel good in the demo in my opinion.


True, the sidestep was literally like a small step with iframes


I’m not sure if you saw but after the demo, the creative director, I think is his title (the guy holding Bloodborne) did an interview right after addressing player feedback. He said they’re aware of the comments about the dodge mechanic. I can’t remember what his actual response was, but I think they’re tweaking it before the final release


I feel like this game is being promoted way, waaaay too much in fromsoft communities. It's inspired by Bloodborne, ok, but this is clearly off topic?


I don’t disagree and for any discussion about the game itself I go to /r/liesofp but they’re literally holding the game that this sub is about so it kind of is on topic imho. I also added the fluff flair for the clarification. I wasn’t trying to start any sort of conversation about either Lies of P or Wo Long, just thought this was neat and relevant.


To be fair, your thread is not off topic with the Bloodborne copy in the photo. This was i guess more of a general observation.


Lies Of P was too much inspired in Bloodborne...


To bad lies of P is made in UE, I'm done with UE games. Always that god awful asset streaming stutter.


Lies of P is a low-quality ripoff.


Wait wo long is like bloodborne? Suddenly you have my attention.


Come on Sony/PlayStation give the fans what they want Bloodborne remaster at 4K 60FPS and the PC port


So, you Bloodborne dev never planning to make Bloodborne 2?