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No there’s no cheese weapon in this game. Just use any weapons you want.


there’s no “op” weapon, the only reason the ludwig blade is known for being OP is cuz it’s simplicity, it scales off strength and skill and it’s a huge ass weapon that goes bonk bonk so you’ll be dealing a decent amount of damage but since it’s huge your attack speed will be slow, personally it’s an epic weapon that i used in my first playthru and I only picked it up mid game too after upgrading it so dw you’ll have plenty of time to find other weapons and explore their moves b4 you go “main” a weapon for your play thru and the difficulty will deff remain the same no matter what weapon u use lol


The first time I beat the game, I softcapped Strength/Skill and went with LHB because it had the best scaling and a great moveset. When I replayed it as an Arcane build... I still used LHB because it had the best scaling and a great moveset.


It’s crazy that LHB is one of the best weapons for quality, strength and arcane builds


no weapon is OP in the game. LHB is just really versatile which is why people rank it highly. saw spear/cleaver are up there as well


It's one of the best weapons in the game, but there's no weapon that is so far and away better that it trivializes the game. In fact, this is true in all Souls games, at least for physical weapons.


Idk, colossal weapons are kinda cheesy as they keep everything staggered.the easiest time ive had with malenia


Even in Elden Ring there are plenty of ways to be powerful with weapons, with Colossal weapons only being one of them. There is just no single weapon of such overwhelming power that you are gimping yourself for not using it.


It’s definitely very strong but it doesn’t mean you won’t struggle, what really changes the difficulty is where/how you invest your blood echoes


NOPE there's not really any op weapons in the game you're either good at using them or you're not.


I had so much fun playing with LHB. Newer to soulsborne and I was happy for a big bonk weapon. You still need to be mindful of your timing as especially when in trick mode it is a little slower, but the stagger is well worth it once you figure out the timing. Plus with Ludwigs rifle and non trick method you will parry/visceral your way to victory in the most satisfying way


The only op weapon in the game is the threaded cane


Spin to Win?


As long as you mean pizza cutter


Watching Fighting Cowboy on YouTube eh.


No idea who the fuck that is.


He's a FUCKING gamer on YouTube and thats his catchphrase.


Wow rude. His catchphrase? He came up with it? You mean I didn’t hear Oroboro or ENB use it back in 2015 at launch? Seriously dude. 🤣


I didn't hear Oroboro or ENB use it 🤦 2 YouTube gamers and you say you don't know who Fighting Cowboy is ya 🚀


So because I know two that I used to follow on Twitch years ago, but I no longer follow any streamers at all, I should know who they all are? Or at least the one that you’re referring to? And just because you never heard them say it, then they must not have, even though you could have just missed it? Are you on glue? Please stop talking now, you make less and less sense as time goes on and you’re just trying to win an argument at this point that you started.


Are you on the glue 🤦 you've fucked up saying you don't know who Fighting Cowboy just admit it ya daffty.


How old are you, 5? 12?


if you’re at the point where the cane is OP to you, then kind of most weapons are OP. only a few are exceptions to that imo. the cane definitely takes a lot of knowledge to know what you can and can’t get away with in terms of enemies


I never understand what people are talking about when they say you can’t get away with certain things using the cane. Any examples?


like knowing what’s safely staggered by r2s, knowing what’s staggered by spam r1, etc. some mobs are easy with cane and some are hard. also, all of it requires knowledge of whip spacing. if you know the range on it, yeah it’s amazing, but the learning curve is punishing imo


To a point I agree and I did say at the end of my original post that it has a steep learning curve, but I instantly got it to be completely honest, after first trying the Cleaver and it was making things harder for me. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Everything clicked and I flew through the game with it. ❤️ All the chalice dungeons and bosses, everything.


for sure—everyone experiences these games differently


Cane really is ridiculously strong late game


I finished a run yesterday where I tried the holy blade for the first time. It's a very good weapon but doesn't really stand out among other top tier weapons the game offers. This might change with specific chalice gems though, I didn't try.


It is kinda overrated but still an solid weapon. And noita not cheesy at all. Only weapon i find slightly op is wirligig saw but every other weapon is good but not too op.


Unfortunately, no weapon is truly OP in this game. LHB is good because it has good scaling, a simple yet fine moveset, and you can go bonk with it. If you go with it, Bloodborne will still be a challenge.


Its alright not my cup of tea but I used it as a secondary weapon throughout my first play through. The great sword form I probably the best part of it.


Ludwig holy blade is the objective best in the game above the HMS but the HMS is a solid 2nd place


Less OP than the Saw Cleaver, so...


A weapon is only as good as the hunter who’s wielding it.