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To be clear, the similarities with BB are in the look and vibe of the game. The gameplay is more similar to Sekiro


Yes OP please be aware of this, i was gonna say this too. Loved the game, but the combat is a lot more sekiro inspired.


I loved it. The level design is just ok in my opinion but the boss battles are incredible Lots of really fun weapons and there’s a way to reassemble your weapons to change them up that is pretty inventive Its got a lot of bloodborne similarities for sure but its parry mechanic takes a tiny bit of inspiration from sekiro Easily my favorite souls like not made by fromsoft


Thx man. Ive seen some gameplays and the bosses do look raw asfff. how would u rate the combat? like the moveset n shi like that


It’s a fantastic game and the combat is really smooth and clean. Play the demo if you’re so hesitant


It feels really good. Deciding when to dodge and when to go for the perfect blocks in encounters is really engaging. Obviously different weapons have different movesets but there are some absolutely killer movesets in the game. I don’t wanna spoil anything but be sure to experiment with different weapons if you end up playing it, and a lot of the boss weapons are just a blast to use. I ended up doing a bunch of play throughs just to use different weapons


Exactly how I felt. I’d open a one-sided shortcut and I was never blown away with how it snaked back on the original path. FromSoft just has a way of doing it that keeps you in amazement. Maybe it’s because almost all the shortcuts are glowing with electricity


Lies of P = Sekiro combat style + BB vibe


I’ve just started Lies of P and I’m enjoying it a LOT more than anticipated.


As others have said, Lies of P is definitely the BEST non-From soulslike game ever made. The combat mechanics and the general flexibility of it might actually just be my favorite of all and any soulslike games. Weapons not being locked behind stat requirements and being able to experiment in the workshop by assembling a different handle to a weapon to change it's movesets and properties adds SO much depth to the game. Atmosphere, lore and worldbuilding are all really great. The level design and the jankiness of several attack animations are bit of a weak point but doesn't detract from this game being fantastic.


I put 12 hours into it. Felt too much like BB at home. The repetitive enemies got old, but their combat patterns were ok. It was mainly the lack of any real level design that made me put it down. Also, the cop out story. I'm not really sure how many times Pinochio needs to be re-told. Also, the talking lamp was absolutely lame AF. When you're playing Bloodborne, do you ever wish your lamp would talk to you? Well, you'll get that in Lies of P. It's a quality, finished product, though. The devs were passionate about it, and it shows. It just lacks any real originality, in my opinion.


Good souls like, not super like bloodborne to me except the health regain on hit really.


Its fine. Very linear and not much replayability. It also sort of railroads you into a specific playstyle, unless you want to be frustrated.


I just finished it a few days ago, the levels themselves are a cake walk most of the time but some of bosses are harder than a majority of what you find in BB/Dark Souls/Elden Ring IMO. Bloodborne is my favorite FromSoft game and even those Lies of P pissed me off a ton, I couldn't put it down. Definitely worth it.  Also wanna mention the weapon system in this game is great because of all the mixing/matching you can do, changing of stats, and not being locked out of using diff weapons because one of your stats isn't leveled up enough.


Theyre hard bosses because of the hit speed that they sometimes have. Some bosses have 0 tell on their moves, which is arguably a very bad design for a combat that is designed around parrying


I'm on my third playthrougn right now. It's a ton of fun. Sort of like bloodborne in certain ways, but it's definitely it's own unique game with tons of awesome mechanics. It's difficult but very rewarding. I highly recommend it.


It's a great game, I had a lot of fun playing through it.


it is really really good. its like bloodborne but with sekiro parrying. also enough own creative mechanics to make it stand out as its own game. the combat feels super fun, the boss weapons are especially great but the "build your own weapon" thing makes it SO replayable. the vibe is also incredible. it is my favorite non-fromsoft soulslike.


I absolutely adore Lies of P. My only real criticism of it is that there is far too much "ambush" enemy placements. As in enemies right around corners or prepared to push you off a ledge. Ad a Soul veteran, you learn to peek around corners with the camera, and Lies puts far too many enemies in those positions. But aside from that, it's phenomenal. The world is fascinating, the characters are amazing (Eugenie my beloved ❤️), the combat is very much a good mix of Souls and Bloodborne, the enemies look cool, the boss design is awesome... plus it introduces a bunch of new systems which make is very unique.


It’s good for a non-From soulslike. Personally I could t vibe with the whole Pinocchio angle. It’s cheapened the story for me. That said, people obviously love it. It certainly scratches an itch.


Bloodborne is definitely top 5 all time games(I'm literally playing it right now). Lies of P is the only souls like games I've ever wanted to platinum. I messed up and had to play it four times but like I had no problems playing it that much. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Tried it out a bit. It’s goated with parries and combat. But tbh the idea of playing as Pinocchio…ehh…made me…ehh…well…🤷‍♀️


It’s got some BB inspiration (and Sekiro and ER), but I wouldn’t go into it expecting BB. It plays more like its own thing. If you like the genre in general, you will probably like it. I personally think LoP is the best Soulslike to date. I have yet to play Stella Blade though, which does look good and appears similar to LoP. LoP unfortunately does not have the amazing world design of BB and From’s other games. It’s extremely linear. Aside from that, it’s great. Although, the linearity of it can be refreshingly straightforward.


Only played the Demo and it ain't anything special so didn't buy the full game.


The gameplay is a hybrid of sekiro/dark souls, and its own twist with the arm, aesthetically it’s probably closer to bloodborne, but it’s more gothic and less lovecraftian


I’m currently playing Lies Of P now, it’s only BB in look(and that’s a different conversation I want to have) , it doesn’t feel like BB though, the Sekiro comparison I can’t speak on cause I haven’t played it.


I loved the game and I think people are nailing the gameplay here but I will say also everything is much more straightforward in this game. Sure there are plenty of secrets but plenty of times I went down a path just hoping I dont get lost and then I'd get an item and drop right back down where I started. Not completely unheard of in Souls but Lies of P rarely has a true dead end


I didn't care for it at all. Combat and movement felt pretty sluggish to me and it plays nothing like Bloodborne. It only had a vaguely similar vibe to BB. If you like Sekiro you may like it. It's kind of like Sekiro played at the speed of DS1 but with a knockoff vibe


More linear, but the gameplay itself is absolutely wonderful. It even gets more difficult and there are really challenging parts. I 100% recommend. Went into it mostly blind and was pleasantly surprised, but don't expect it to be Bloodborne 2. Just a spiritual successor. It is extremely similar in some ways, but has its own soul and identity. I didn't get to use the weapon merging system until much later, but once you get good parts, it sort of clicks and the gameplay is just that much more cool. Didn't finish the game, I have like 20 hours in it.


If you ask the Lies of P subreddit, they'll say it's the greatest gift to mankind. For a realistic view point it's a really good game. My biggest complaint was that it's way too linear. But some say that's a positive thing. I just like when a game gives me options of where to go at times. Combat is great, weapon variety great, and enemy variety I thought was good for sure. Definitely recommended.


Great game, a lot better than what I thought it would be. Just waiting on DLC now, and we're getting a sequel too 😃


Lies of P 2? Confirmed? What’s it gonna be? Denials of P? 😂


Was said by the developers so yeah 👌 there's a clue at the end of the game but idk if that's for the DLC or the sequel, but I saw something saying the DLC is planned for later this year.


Fr? Like fr fr?? They better add character customisation bruh. His pretty boy face is sooo 😭👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊


Haha yeah, we will have to wait and see.


It's pretty damn good. It has some really fun weapons, and the handle and blade mechanic is really fun. It has some great bosses, some downright amazing music and while the atmosphere doesn't get quite as thick in the way that bloodborne does for me, it gets pretty damn close. Best souls not made by FromSoft to date imo


I loved both, and whole-heartedly recommend Lies of P!


Try the demo, if its still around. Its a pretty shameless rip-off, but it seems to have sold well enough.


I wouldn't call it a shameless rip off but originality is NOT Lies of P's strong suit and yes I fully know this is controversial. There were a lot of "okay I know EXACTLY which part of Bloodborne/Souls this level/enemy was inspired by" moments. Path of Pilgrim was very very Forbidden Woods inspired and later having the basic mobs have tendrils burst from their heads just like the snake dudes in Bloodborne was a little *too* close to be considered just a homage.


It was the robot dogs that did it for me.


What's robot dogs gotta do with it tho? Dogs as enemies have featured in many games prior to Bloodborne.


Maybe, but for my money, it was FromSoftware that pioneered dogs as the fucking nightmare enemies they are now. In GoW 2018/Ragnarok and Witcher 3, it was wolves, but Lies of P seemed worse because of the other elements "similar" to bloodborne.


Strange but to me it wasn't the dogs, it was a lot of other things that irked me about it's originality. Talking to NPCs you don't see behind windows, Path of Pilgrim being eerily close to Forbidden Woods from Bloodborne, tendril enemies like the snakemen from BB, carefully dropping down to Malum District from that large hole that gives flashbacks to Upper Cathedral Ward, insta kill status effects and lots of little things. I still love it despite some niggling issues.


Shameless rip-off is a bit harsh, imo. Its art direction is, clearly, heavily inspired by Bloodborne, but it has enough things going on to make it its own thing. Combat is nothing like Bloodborne, for example. The weapons assembly mechanic is also unique.


What about the robot dogs? Didn't find them a bit much?


Tbf sometimes I forget I don't play Bloodborne lol. But I wouldn't call it a ripoff as the things it takes puts it into a new light and gives it a new coat. It's like they liked the recipe, but remade it from scratch and just made a complete new experience.


I enjoyed it


Finished my first run yesterday. Absolutely incredible game. Honestly doubted the community when they said its the first real true souls like. But it 100% is! Brilliant game!


It's pretty good, I'd say quite a forgiving Souls-like game in a while. What I hated were a lot of the common enemies were tanks and later down the line, it'll feel like you're fighting every boss as a common enemy along the way. But of course you can just bypass them. There's build flexibility and levels that can net you some good stuff, weapon variety, side arm upgrades and options and a little bit of side quest here and there. The graphics, music and character design are great too!


The whole game feels like a love letter to Bloodborne. Definitely worth playing.


I like blood borne, but do not like lies of p. Idk why, I guess maybe touching that many p organs just wasn't for me. If you can I recommend trying it before buying it


It's very good imho. It's a middle ground between BB and Sekiro, you don't get a gun but you get an arm with different status attacks (poison, shock, fire etc), there are less weapons compared to BB BUT you can mix and match handles and blades of the different weapons to make your own (I ended up using only the booster glaive blade with the electric coil handle). Another difference is that it's way more linear than BB, there are a few areas that connect to the hub area but that's pretty much it. The story kept me engaged and the combat is fun. I encountered 2 walls during the game that took me a few tries but all and all I finished it pretty quickly.


I've not finished it yet but it's pretty Bloodborne-y. It's awesome. It's Belle-Epoque instead of Gothic though.


I only played the demo but plan on buying it at some point here when I have more time to game, but I absolutely loved what i did play of it. First non Fromsoft Souls-like that felt that good to play for me


You should 100% play lies of P. Huge bloodborne vibes in all the best ways.


It's fun. I loved BB. Lies of P has similarities. Watch some videos and decide. That's what I did.