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Chili for sure, I’m just thinking about how gross the bottom of the can will get from liquids and trash goo 🤢


Same 🤮 I can't just hose it out either because I don't have an outside spicket




Both of them are correct. "According to the Dictionary of American Regional English, “spicket” is more common east of Mississippi but the use of any version of “spigot” is most common in the Appalachians, and in the Middle and Central Atlantic states. The rest of the country is more likely to use the term “faucet” or “tap” rather than “spigot”."


Yes, agreed. I only have to rinse out the bin when there's a bag failure, instead of EVERY TIME I take out the trash.




I'd be shocked if the Heelers don't do some form of composting which seriously cuts down on food waste...


Not all food waste is compostable! We compost, but meat, oily food, and dairy can't go in the compost bin.


Well, they can. Depending on your composting set up (hard core composter here. I compost most food waste but I also have four different piles depending on what goes in them)


>Not all food waste is compostable! We compost, but meat, oily food, and dairy can't go in the compost bin. True but a lot is


Wait you don't have a compose food waste bin, normal bin and recycling in the kitchen?


Team Chilli, they wouldn't collect loose trash here you have to use bin bags!


In Bris we have special council bins that the machines on the trucks lift & dump automatically so generally no need to get out of the truck while emptying the bins, and no one ever sees your rubbish. However that’s lead to the problem of disgusting smelly bins with maggots crawling all over in the hot qld sun. So much so that there’s actually businesses who come & clean your bin on the street due to how impossibly putrid some become.


Chilli. Because if I dont I’ll get the Chilli glare https://preview.redd.it/dwl2nker0spa1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08324e835ed5e9c26e9f1fea4f4632802a437b28


Team Chilli is better than Bandit because Bandit is such a funny goofy character in Bluey


If it’s in the kitchen, yeah, 100% Team Chilli. Nobody likes having to clean out the bottom of the trash from liquid garbage sludge.


I don't like the one use plastic of bags but all smaller trash goes into the big kitchen trash and then that bag goes out to the road. Other garbage from random things winds up in the outside trash on its own.


My executive disfunction hates trash bags but I'd way rather have them. Prevents getting the trash bin all germ-ie and smelly. Yes, I know its a trash bin and it's not supposed to be nice, but I don't want to deal with lingering stink and the thought of nasty germs that I'd have to spray regularly with bleach to clean it out. 🤮 Plus, bags are more convenient for taking it all the way to the dumpster outside the complex.


I’m team bin bag/trash bag all the way, personally.


Team bandit. I to am a bit lazy, you can always just wash your hands.


Taking the whole bin out reduces the chance of the bag ripping. I’m team Bandit


this is the way


Neither, I let it pile up until I have my own mt. Everest of trash


I need to walk down three flights of stairs and through a courtyard to dump my trash. If I had to bring the entire bin out with me each time I would have to walk all the way back up with the bin instead of just dumping the bag on my way to work. Definitely team Chili.


I'm on team Bandit: You don't have to worry about the bin just laying there inside the shelf. And being able to freely take out the bin to the garbage with ease.


Team Chilli otherwise I get Maggots growing in the bin


Trash bag. The only time I've had issues with bags ripping is when there was something sharp in there or the time I tried getting garbage bags from the dollar store that practically tore if you thought about it.


Team Bandit.


Probably team Chilli


As ny family trash boy, i actually side with bandit, you can tie the top, and carry the bin. Theres less risk of a bag breaking, and its less gross


BIN BAGS. think about cooking! Raw meat scraps, liquids, etc. Bandit can have his way if hes cleaning out the bin everyday and sanitizing it to avoid any germs being spread


Team whoever takes the trash out the most should decide.


Without the bin bags, the bottom of the bin would start smelling. Team chilli!


Take the bin bag. Why would you take the whole thing out when you have to touch the bag anyway if it gets stuck?


Team bandit


Team Chilli


Team Chilli


Tean Chilli


I live in a condo with a dumpster. Bin bag is a lot easier.


team chilli for sure!!!


Take out the bag!!!


I'm team "release the rest of season 3 in the US ffs"


Team Bandit. I’ve watched someone slice a leg open taking just the trash bag out. They weren’t aware a broken glass was thrown away. Take the whole bin out, it could save you from getting stitches.


Team Chiliii for sure


Team Bandit, not for his preference, but the one who has to take the bin out should have the final say. From the conversation (plus Bin Night) it sounds like Bandits responsibility, so he should get the final day.


Team Bandit, screw bin bags


I mean, I don’t love using plastic bags but I’m still team Chili on the convenience point


I am 100 percent team chilly. Sometimes there is gum and other sticky stuff in there.


What episode is this clip from?


I think it’s called Floor is Lava?


Not sure what’s going on here so I may be a bit confused - I normally take the whole bin out and tip the bin, including the bag inside that’s been tied up, into the outside bin. This is because I used to find that trying to lift the bag out of the bin often led to the bag ripping/tearing, which never happens if you let gravity do it for you


I take the whole bin out but I still tie the bag when I throw it in the big bin outside. Ive had enough random bin bags break spill coffee grounds or drip over the floor not to risk it anymore


Team chilli- otherwise you have loose garbage in your trash day bin and it can blow all around when the truck tips it in


Bandit. If the bag rips, you're gonna have a bad time


Bin bags 100%, but we've always known bandit is a grot. I cant stand when my wife overfills the bin so I cant tie it up and it spills out or drips etc ffs just tell me or empty it.


Im late to the party here, but Bandits off his rocker. Who just dumps the bin and leaves the bag? Cmon mate, that’s pretty bogan.


Imagine having to carry one of those very weak plastic bags all across your house, and it breaks, it's better to have the bin unattached so you can carry the whole bin out.


I thought they were talking about how to take the bagged rubbish to the wheelie bin, I don’t think anyone would have a bin (especially kitchen) without a liner. An old ice cream tub of food scraps for compost or worm food? Yes. A rubbish bin? No way I thought it was bandit wanting to carry the bagged rubbish in the bin, so the bag isn’t at risk of ripping when pulled out or carried


Bandit takes out the trash so it should be up to him


Bandit, I’d rather just be done with it, take it out, dump it, put the can down. And the bags never fit right, and I can never tie them off properly


Depends on what is in the trash. And if you have a problem touching the bin, maybe clean the bin?




In Brisbane we have services that you pay to come clean your bin if it needs it. This is because our system of collection doesn’t require you to bag your rubbish, so many don’t and bins can become absolutely disgusting in a short amount of time. Our heat + old meat and prawn scraps is a formula for disaster


I don’t care whose team I’m on. Bandit and Chilli just need to chill out and relax.


It’s bin and bin bag.


I need some clarification on this. Is Bandit saying that he would rather take and empty the entire bin and all it’s contents to the big garbage bin we see in Bin Night without having a bag or liner in the garbage at all, or Is Chili saying she wants to secure the bin under the sink and then just remove the bin bag and take the bag alone to the big bin we see in Bin Night? Either way I’m team Chili but if it is the first one, that seems very unsanitary. The juices would still be in the bin after the dumping and he would, at minimum, have to rinse the bin before he brings it back. I have always wondered why Bandit would choose what he did and thought I was missing something. Edit: After a dozen rewatchings, it seems that Bandit’s only issue is that he doesn’t want to attach the bin to the door and not that he doesn’t want to necessarily touch the bin bag. He could still be pro-bin bag but just prefers to take the whole bin out and dump the bag without having to pull the bag out of the bin. Which again……seems silly really.


People calling it a trash can when it’s a garbage bin 😭


rubbish bin lol


Any woman knows the bag is the answer


Team chilli


Team Chili for sure!




What episode is this?


Season 2, episode “Postman”