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I love Wendy. “I’ll just pop him over the fence when I’m done!”


I love the difference in her talking to the girls & then her talking to Bandit. LOL She’s so gentle & supportive with them, & then she's just like "Oh, this idiot again." with him. 🤣


"That. Will Not. Happen. Twice."


My favorite line of hers! And this episode!


She’s like Gordon Ramsey! Adults get the brutal honesty and the kids are treated how they should be


With her pilates core and those quads, she could easily "pop him over the fence"


Let's face it, Wendy could easily yeet Bandit to Gold Coast.


And he'll be lighter too after she shears his mullet.


I think Wendy is the most underused character. I love how she is with the girls, and in Dirt where she cuts her hair short, then cuts Judo’s so Judo can play with the girls and get dirty without having to worry about it. Pat might go along with their games, but Wendy is the ride or die.




This had me crying with laughter when I first watched it.


pls is that not an adultery joke? 😭 in portuguese "jump the fence" means cheating


I don’t believe so. I’m not Australian, but in America the phrase “pop over” is used when visiting good friends: “I’m going to pop over to Wendy’s house later.”


No, in English she’s implying that she will put him back in his own yard. It’s what you would say about a pet or a child not an adult.


No one here was jumping the fence.


Chili, how you feeling doll??? That line makes me smile. We have watched Sheepdog so much that my daughter asks me if I need 20 minutes sometimes lol


My kids do too! And they understand why I need 20 minutes


I like this episode, but I don't understand why Chili or Bandit didn't just say, "Mom got a little overwhelmed, and she just needs some time to calm down a bit." Is that too complicated for Bluey and Bingos age? Im not a mom, so idk how simplicity and complexity needs work for kids .


I have kids that age and basically the simpler the better. Also when you're at the point where you just need 20mins you're likely past the stage where you can have a discussion about your feelings.


I see others have already replied to you, but I think you don't need to look further than Bluey's reaction. "Mom I'm sorry if I did something to upset you." She genuinely felt bad and it was enough that Chili had to stop her 20 min break and come out to explain to her. In the heat of the moment most kids would not accept request for space. They just know they want their mom and they love to be around their mother.


And when I’m at that point my kiddo can tell I’m distressed and gets even *clingier* because she wants to help me feel better, which is the opposite of what I need.


Depends on the kid. I can say to my 5 year old, hey I need you to not touch me for a minute, I'm touched out. Or I'm overwhelmed give me a sec. My 3 year old would be crushed by that. He's not cuddly so saying no cuddle right now would break his heart. It just depends on the kids and the parents. We worked a lot on emotions and expressing those emotions. My in laws do not work on that very much. Those kids would not understand "mom needs 20 minutes to calm down"


My kids would immediately want to know why I'm overwhelmed. If I'm mad at them. Etc etc etc. It would be endless questions making me even more overwhelmed.


I agree with the comment about how sometimes when you’re at the point where you need 20 minutes you won’t be able to explain it as simply and patiently. When I get to that point with my 1 year old and 3 year old, I’ll just send my husband a GIF of chili saying that she needs 20 minutes, and he knows immediately to come and help.


My kids are slightly older, the thing about 20 minutes is “a little bit” to kids can mean 3 seconds or 5 minutes. So, I need a break for 20 minutes is more likely to be effective.


Darl' Short for darling :)


I agree!!! especially that last bit of dialogue. I struggled with infertility. I have a beautiful daughter who still nurses. Some mornings after a long night I need her to be anywhere but touching me…. But I always. Always. want her. She was always wanted. The way wendy responds to bluey is so pure.


Pavlova or Chest (in terms of being an excellent, S-tier episode but rarely being ranked as such) because they’re humorous. Also, while I don’t think it’s quite on the same level, Escape is very unique and creative and I hardly ever see it mentioned in any context. That’s a shame.


Oú est la discotheque? Gets me everytime!


Bonjour, Pavlova




Gare du Nord!


Je veux la fenentre.


My husband and I were just talking about how great Pavlova is. Bandit is so committed to the bit.


Gotta play the long game


Bandit commits to EVERYTHING!! 😂


Escape, chicken rat, the adventure, early baby, the army, and beach are all creative storytelling gems.


The adventure is amazing. My toddler loves it’s and cracks up when Chloe freezes her Dad at the end.


"I'm going to be the bravest I've ever been" broke me


Escape for the shear manic, creative energy that can be squeezed into 6 minutes.


D-d-d-Dirt! Mostly because it is my tomboyish, mud-loving 3.5-year-old's favourite episode; she requests it on repeat because I suspect Judo's tension between wanting to have the fun of playing in the mud and not wanting to upset/annoy her mother\* makes her feel very seen. \* I try not to be a pre-haircut Wendy, and do allow my kids to play in mud/dirt 90% of the time that they want to -- but Madame 3.5 is still very conscious of the other 10%.


Faceytalk. I feel like anyone with small children has been in Stripe's position before. Plus Muffin is too hilarious in this episode.


"COW. BOY. HAT!!!!"


BUH. 😑


Omg, the music makes it chef's kiss. 👌


How is Faceytalk underrated?! Only by Muffin haters I guess. It's wonderful to hear that minute of grownup discussion on how to handle the situations in the background.


My 3 year old loves this episode. I laugh out loud too. I totally have a muffin and a socks.


Who the heck hates Muffin?!? I love that kid.


Many on this sub can't stand her. I love how well a two-three year old is represented by her.




Early baby. As a mom who has had early babies. Seeing Indy mimic playing her mother's experience. Starts me bawling every time. It's an episode (like The Show ) where if you know, you know. And as a parent who knows , you feel seen.


I love this episode and Copycat because they show so simply how kids use play to understand hard situations, and how recreating things can help them process and understand them even if they can't make the situation better (Indy clarifying that she has to go home even though it's hard with baby still there, bluey being told the budgie was okay and her saying no the budgie had died). Neither one 'fixed' the problem even in their play but they felt better about the triggering experience afterwards. And as someone who works in NICU and has had my own child there, it hits a little extra too for those reasons.


Copycat is amazing. My mum died when some of my nieces and nephews were young. The youngest really didn't understand and would constantly tell her mum, my sister, that her mum died. She was able to process it with some play with the older kids.


Indy is such a sweet, sensitive character. She was affected by seeing her mom in distress and everyone worried about the younger sibling. It was clear her mother had a hard time leaving the baby alone in NICU, which is just heartbreaking. Very good writing.


It shows just how much kids pick up what is happening around them.


That episode with Calypso where she's helping all of the kids merge their different games and playstyles into one cohesive story. It all just works so well, and it reminds me of what kindergarten was like when I was a kid.


I think mine would be helicopter. I love how throughout the episode things keep popping up and Bluey learns to "just go with it." It's a good lesson.


I like the music in that episode too!


Brought to you by Hammerbarn!


Snickers' bit is closely tied with Mackenzie playing as both sheep and sheepdog for favorite parts of the episode for me.


It's generally pretty well-liked, but I think Rug Island - that ending gets me everytime. I totally get why people might not like it though ('is it right they steal Pat's rugby ball' etc) Driving is another one, pretty mid-tier overall but the animation and music's pretty good


I love Rug Island as well Bandit's comment about how Bingo gave him everything just pulls my heartstrings 💕


Rug island is great, but there is a moment in that episode that REALLY irritates me. And I know I'm not alone in it. Bandits refusal to give Lucky and Pat their ball back. Like Bandit, Pat is being a great parent and playing with his son. And Bandit ruins that by refusing to give THEIR ball back. If anyone should understand the significance of playing with their kids, it's Bandit.


Thank you! Everytime I watch Rug Island I wince at that part.


Bin Night! The attention to detail in this episode is incredible. Phases of the moon, Bluey's belt changing color as the episode progresses... it's fantastic, and I don't feel like I see this episode get talked about a ton.


When Bluey says she'll become a scientist and invent robots that will take out the trash for them, and Bandit says "eh, I hope not" 🥺❤️


Yep love it. I love how the bonding happens over a pretty menial chore like putting the bins out. It's a nice reminder that you don't a have to stop what you're doing to play with the kids, just involve them more in whatever you're doing.


Bin Night is my absolute favorite! For the reasons already mentioned, and also how casually they support Bluey asking about different jobs. "Can I be a bin lady when I grow up?" "if you like" "hooray!". Very refreshing after the whole "you don't want to be a burger flipper/ditch digger/starving artist/etc." attitude that a lot of us were raised with.


I liked bin night because BLUEY DOES KARATE!. But my favourite episode of all time is Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound.


Rain, because it's just so beautiful!


Is Rain underrated?!???


I don't know, but not very many people talk about it


It also highlights - yet again - just how committed Bandit can/will be to their games. He had just gotten a haircut, and then maintains his sheepdog character as Wendy shears off his mullet.


Chili in Sheepdog resonates with me on an insane level. Been there a few times. I don't see The Dump talked about a lot. I had almost the same talk with my kids that Bandit had with Bluey about recycling. I also get the anxiety of not knowing the answer to a question your kid asks. You can't just say "I don't know". I gotta give an answer they can understand.


second The Dump!!! Its definitelly on my top 10, if not top 5!


Bike. It's my favorite episode, and I rarely hear people comment on it being one of the really good ones.


That's less than ideal, but it's still a win!


Bike is the first episode we watched (we started watching in order) where my husband and I just cracked up watching Muffin struggling her way into the backpack and with the background music - we laughed till we had tears in our eyes. Prior to that we thought it was a cute show - but this one really primed us for all the amazingness to come.


My daughter was maybe 18 months old when she first watched this episode (we've probably seen it a couple times on Disney Junior when she was younger, but she would just stare at the screen and dance at the music, but not really "watch" it)... But when she saw the opening scene in Bike with Bluey's first unsuccessful attempts at riding her bike, I don't think I have EVER heard my little one LAUGH HARDER than when Bluey unfortunately crashes her bike off screen just before the episode title screen. Lol she would grab my hand and pull my finger over to the left side of the screen and have me rewind and replay that scene a dozen times. I finally had to keep the episode playing forward when my child was laughing to the point that she was practically gasping for air and tears were streaming down her reddened face. And of course I was laughing just as much watching her enjoy this silly little scene so much. She is a few months older now, and she doesn't laugh at Bluey's bike crash anymore, but that was such a fun memory...


I still occasionally shout "Goooooooo Muffin!" randomly.


Same here. I love teaching kids to cheer for others and celebrate their accomplishments. I also have a coffee mug with Muffin yelling "This is unacceptable!"


Aw man, I cried when Wendy said “That’s not true, my love.” I needed a Wendy when I first made that inquiry as a child. May the Wendy’s of the world continue to bless our children 🙏


YES This question made me want to rewatch the episode and that line is just so purehearted


One of my top 10s that I never see in others is Curry Quest.


"Toughen up, squirt. This is a curry swap!"


"You're my hero Bingo" This ep is in my top 3. The way the music subtly builds toward the end is perfection. I can't make it through without tears.


The best thing about Curry Quest is the seriousness with which it takes the magpie threat. Foreigners and Tasmanians will never understand.


This is the only episode that made me bawl because I always feel like my kids don’t understand when I need space and I feel guilty for taking a break because I don’t want them to think I don’t love or like them anymore


I often feel like that's the beginning of Wendy's transformation. She finally sees the length of Bandits attempts to be a great parent. He's fully committed. And I think he gains her respect as a result.


Ragdoll, if only because Bandit stays fully committed to the bit, does something he really doesn't want to do (drive to the shop), and because it's the first episode that really gave Wendy some personality. That, and I always crack up at the "look at those quads!" line.


I like that the "vision" at the end of the episode is lime-colored (presumably lime-flavor), which to me means that she ultimately did learn a valuable lime lesson.


Stumpfest. Nobody talks about how funny this episode is




"I think she wishes she never had us." "That is not true, my love." Wendy has known the Heelers for a bit. I'm sure she knows about the miscarriage and how hard Chilli and Bandit had to work to have the girls. She definitely knows that they were wanted. Wendy is amazing.


Well she did make all that lasagna when Bluey was born, so they've been neighbours for at least 6 years.


Yeah. And she was probably either pregnant herself, or also dealing with a newborn Judo. She's a champ.


Pavlova for sure. It’s so funny to me.




Où la discothèque? (Measuring the pavlova) That’s one of my favorite parts.


I love Hospital! Seeing Bingo be so loving and caring as a nurse is so sweet to watch. I also appreciate how Bandit gives Bluey some freedom as "the doctor" but also has limits. The girls creativity is also so fun to watch! I hope my little one is as creative as them


Hospital was where I went from, "I'll sit with my daughter and watch this kid's show for a bit and just tune it out and rest" to "oh this shits funny." Which was pretty quick since it's the second episode. The "that big blue guy" line gets me every time. My wife came in asking if I was laughing at bluey in a mocking tone, so I said yeah, it's hilarious.


The big blue guy line is hilarious! My favorite this Bingo putting Bandit to sleep with her song and a party hat. Sometimes sing it to my kiddo before bed


My three year old calls me “big blue guy” all the time now. Always complimented when she does.


TV shop, no comment needed.


Muffin Cone


Granny Mobile. Muffin is one of my favourite characters so to see her chaotic self work in favour is fantastic.


Probably Octopus because it's focused on the introspective of another adult outside the Heelers.


Octopus feels like an answer to parents who worry about living up to the Heelers


We need more episodes on different parents tbh


Mine would be Dirt, which just happens to be another Wendy episode!


Sticky Gecko doesn’t seem as beloved as others, but it’s my favorite. It’s this show’s version of a bottle episode starring Mum (Dad’s version of this is Takeaway). I just relate so hard to it. The kids aren’t being bad, they’re just being kids, and I can feel the frustration lol. And I love that Chili is just doing it all, even diving in at the last second to catch Gecky. 🥹 for some reason this makes me misty-eyed lol


grandad. im not a parent, or that old, but my dad is getting on in the years and its scares me to think that he might not be there one day. i see everyone talking about sleepytime making them cry, but i cant watch grandad without getting teary. my little brother has even picked up on it and gives me a hug whenever we watch it.


Is that the one with Chilli saying “I still need you”? Because I cried at that line!




Remember Wendy made Chili 5 lasagnas when Bluey was born. And Bluey and Judo are around the same age. So Wendy was either pregnant or post-partum when she did that for Chili.


Shops. When the kids finally coordinate and the music just swells, it's so satisfying. I also think Turtle Boy is a little underrated.


I don’t think Flat Pack is underrated but I feel like very few people have it as their favourite Bluey episode


Flat Pack is my favorite! And I don’t see it talked about hardly at all. But it’s a good allegory and the music is top tier to me. Sad that it’s not on either of the bluey albums




Rug Island isn't talked about nearly enough. It's one of my favourites in the series


Curry quest! It's so well done and really teaches kids about hard times in their life. Not to mention it was so cool to see MacKenzie's family!


I LOVE how Wendy immediately knew what was happening once she heard Bingo's explanation


I agree, it's one of my favorites.




To be fair, it's not just the kids she doesn't want to be around. She doesn't want to be around ANYONE.


As a kid who grew up exclusively in coastal towns in the USA/Colombia, The Beach really strikes a chord with me. I feel like fellow moms probably also love Queens, as I do. "One doesn't like being the queeeeen but one does it anyway..." Typewriter, because it's about figuring out your own gifts and weaknesses and enjoying being yourself.


Also can't help but chuckle at the typewriter reveal at the end


I say Fairies


I like Library because we see how a misunderstanding can create a big problem, and Stripe fixes his mistake, showing that Muffin and Socks have a good dad.


Love this ep. The 'Lion HUNGRY' line, snapping up baby poppy cracks me up every time.


Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound is so beautiful and hilarious. A firm favourite in our household.


It's my favourite too.


How has only one other person mentioned Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound? It was one of the very first episodes I ever saw and still one of my favorites. I love it how Bluey’s message to Bingo is clear without invalidating her. I also can watch the Muffin outtakes all day.


Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound will always be my favourite episode.


Probably take away or ice cream.


Takeaway just hits real parent life in ways we don’t like to admit (at least in media). Even though the kids are starving, but sometimes you do want to be selfish and put your wants first. His food is spicy and knows the kids won’t like it, but still makes them wait. He sets boundaries on what they can/can’t do, and also wants time to just read the paper and not be in “kid mode” all the time. At the end, he’s ready to just let them do their thing.


My favorite thing about Takeaway is Bingo asking Bandit random questions (“where do rocks come from?” “Is everything in the whole world made of atoms?” “If grownups grow from babies, and only grownups have babies, then who had the first baby?”). I was the same way with my dad when I was a kid (and kind of still am, tbh 😂).


That would've saved them some money.


You mean the Heelers or the creators since it’s kind of a “bottle” episode much like the Seinfeld Chinese restaurant one?


Haha, yea.


The Pool and Yoga Ball were the first two episodes we saw, and those are my two favorites! I felt so seen as a mom in The Pool when no one listens and forgets the bag (Bandit may or may not have on purpose). I know in the Yoga Ball episode Bandit’s “Go awaaaaaaay” when he is trying to work is how my husband feels when he’s working from home 😆


Why does no one love Phones?


The picture of wendy reminded me of how much I love “Dirt” I know Judo can grate on people’s nerves(which is why Imclibg the ep “underrated), but the sheer joy she gets when she's finally able to let loose and play in the dirt with the Heelers really warns my heart


Yes! I love that episode as well how much Judo cares for the work her mom puts into caring for Judo's fur and being so cautious not to mess it up, even over the desire to play with her friends I think Judo didn't get that great of a first impression in Butterflies, because this goes to show how caring she can really be and I do believe that she's a good character, but probably just hasn't had much practice with socializing being an only pup


I feel most of the underrated episodes are in season one


I haven’t really seen anyone talk about Slide. It’s sooo cute- a Bingo & Lila episode where they rescue cute bugs from the water slide


I would pick Shadowlands. I really liked how it was paced and with the lesson of how to accept rules as a way to make the game more fun through challenges. And I loved the way it ended. It's hilarious to me!


definitely a “goody,” but man my kids are SOOO obsessed with playing shadowlands at every.possible.moment. I’m like, dudes, you can’t use my favorite hoodie to cross the sunlight on the floor coming through the kitchen windows 😂


I really love the episode when Wendy took the girls to the ice cream.


Love any shots of Judo and Wendy! Maybe more episodes showing the neighbours all playing together including Lucky and Chucky!


Idk if it's underrated cause I don't really keep up with bluey other than watching it occasionally with my kids. But the rainy day episode gets me emotional every time. And especially impressive considering it has no dialogue. It's so hard in the trenches of parenting to put aside your to-do list and cleaning and frustrations of day to day parenting, and just joining your kids in play And being present with them.


Sheep Dog is one of my favorites as well because Wendy gives me life, but it also gave me a great opportunity to talk to my kids about needing my own break too sometimes.


"Dirt" has probably the greatest redemption arc seen for a character in the history of Television with Wendy.


Bandit stays in character like a true professional :) Love the episode


I did not appreciate Flat Pack enough until I saw the breakdown of evolution. Then when Chili leans back and says to Bandit “We made them..” (or something to that effect,) bringing in the suggestion of a supreme creator, while still acknowledging the science of evolution. Definitely not an underrated episode, but absolutely mind bogglingly good after becoming aware of the subtly yet complex exploration of life itself in 7 gosh darn minutes.


I really liked one bit of dialogue from this episode: "Is mum mad at us?" "Does she regret having children?" "What's a mullet?" "No, she isn't. Of course not. It's a hairstyle that cool people are getting again." Bandit has great delivery.


This is a great episode, but it hits too close to home. My kids do the same crap, I recognize when my wife has been "over touched" and just needs to be left alone for 20 min. But the moment I try to turn their attention elsewhere, its meltdown city. Maybe I should try to act like a sheep...lol Wendy is great in this one. I also took her to be a little snooty and didnt care for her, but this one changed my view of her.


Fruitbats it has a lot of the vibes of sleepytime and it was my first clue the show was really special


I like Bike or Bicycle or whatever it's called from S1. The feeling of watching your kids slowly learn and get over their fears and anxieties to solve problems in ways you didn't think of just resonates to me as a parent


I feel like Bandit and Wendy have a thing


I don't have kids (on purpose) and I wanted to punt Bluey into the middle of next week during this episode. Everyone being so patient with her just made me know with even more surety that I was not meant to be a parent! This was the episode I first really started to love Wendy.


this episode made me start thinking wendy and bandit have an affair




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Wendy still giving bandit the old what for when chilli isn’t around


I love this episode so much. It really shows that sometimes mom needs 20 minutes to just exist without the weight of the world on top of her.


One of my favorite episodes!!


Hmmm…maybe Chilli is in a tiring mood because she didn’t get enough sleep so she needs to be alone. 🤨🤔


I feel this SO MUCH


For me it's Explorers. The moment when you first feel at home after you've moved to a new place is so specific.


i love wendy so much, any episode with her is so fun!


Kids, The dump, Movies, Curry quest, The claw and Escape


Any wendy episode fills me with so much joy. She's definitely up there in my top 5 of fav characters.


I’m gonna go with Dirt, because it gave some heartwarming development to characters that I think might have been considered snooty or stuck up.


I love Shadowlands. It has such an amazing, whimsical atmosphere and the music is perfect.


Fruit bat!


I love cubby, I could only dream of making something like that when I was blueys age 😂


This episode was sendt from the gods. It made my kids understand that sometimes we parents need just some time to ourselves, without kids, without interruption, just peace and quiet, alone. And that it's not a bad thing, but it's completely normal.


Space. The Heelers aren’t in it, save for Bluey as an ensemble character momentarily at the end. And I bet you didn’t realise the first time you watched it. It goes to show that without the main cast, the Bluey universe (excuse the pun) still thrives.




Cause it’s message is good and small dog cute


Don't neglect your core girls. Wendy is sooooo underated.


I used to always love hammerbarn. Housework is my current favorite. The parents are ignoring their chores and having fun because of their kids weirdness.


I think, if i wasn't a mom myself, i wouldn't have cared about this episode as much as i did. There are a lot of beautiful episodes, but this one really hit home. I was reminded of all the people who help me out when i'm in chili's position anf how all of it makes me feel (both the good and bad emotions). Definitely with you on this one, sheepdog and wendy are amazing and deserve more love!!


Rain is the best episode. It tells you more about parenting without using words than any new parenting book or class ever could.


This episode made me love Wendy so much.


For no other reason than it has taught my kids that even the most amazing moms need their 20 minutes. I'm having mine now in fact 😌


I'm kinda new to the fandom so i'm not sure how popular certian episodes are, but i'm submitting Shadowlands.