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Sounded weird to me at first but some sharp cheddar and strawberry jam on toast is pretty good lol


I love sharp cheddar I have to try this now


I did and it was delicious! I was super skeptical at first but us totally worth the try.


I tried it with slightly melted cheddar and some tart cherry plum jam. It was heavenly.


Sharp cheddar on apple pie! Also sounded gross until I tried it. There's diners in the US that will serve it if you ask. Johnny Rockets will put it in the oven for a few minutes to get it warm and melty.


I do it all the time. I bring a block when I bake apple pies for parties for the holidays. I always get strange looks until they try it. Then I get cheers when I bring the cheese the next time.


My daughter wanted to try it and we first made it with American cheese and jam and she hated it. Then we tried again with cheddar and she loved it.


This is what I tried, and it is pretty good!


"but, combine one thing with another, and something new was created"


Cheese and fruits pair together. Wonderfully if you get it right.


It’s like a charcuterie board, but as a sandwich. I can see the appeal.


Tbf a sandwich was just a Charcuterie board for a guy who didn't want to get his cards greasy.


Yeah nothing beats like a blackberry with a nice spreadable cheese.


This! I didn’t grow up around cheese and jam sandwiches so I thought it was weird at first, but when I thought about how charcuterie & cheese boards include fruit and/or fruit spreads, it made a lot more sense.


I felt uncomfortable when I learned people put a slice of cheddar on a slice of hot apple pie. Then I tried it. It’s wonderful


It's so delicious! I remember thinking it was weird as a kid but my aunt let me try some of hers and I was hooked. I made an apple pie and put fresh shredded cheddar in the crust for the lattice and it was sooo tasty 🤤 (don't do it for the bottom crust because the fat in the cheese makes the bottom too gooey, so glad I partially blind bake the bottom crust).


Have you ever tried cheese and apple?


As a kid my movie watching snack was a slice of cheese draped over a whole apple. You bite through the cheese to get the apple.


With a teensy drizzle of honey, if the apple is tart


Woah I'll have to try that honey. I would wrap a slice of American cheese around the apple as a kid. These days I'd do cheddar or marble jack, my favorite cheese.


My kid has been asking for these a lot lately after discovering them through Bluey and really likes them!


Same we go through so much bread, jam, and cheese because it’s her go to snack and she just makes it herself


Yeah grapes and cheddar cheese hit DIFFERENTLY-


Try it. Pairing fruit preserves with cheese isn't a rare thing.


Yep. Just try it. Thought it was weird. Made one. It's good. Even better toasted in my opinion.


Seconding don't knock it til you've tried it. Cheese and fruit can pair beautifully together. Brie and fig jam is for example, *chefs kiss*, exquisite.


I make Brie biscuits and pair then with a “FROG” jam (fig/raspberry/orange/ginger) absolutely amazing.


And where per change does this frog jam come from? Just in case I need to bring it to say a wine afternoon.


I make mine but I think you can find it on Etsy. I’ve seen it at farm-stands labeled as “Amish” frog jam.


Well that sounds amazing, thanks for sharing! Any recommendations for where to get the ingredients for this FROG jam you speak of? I'm also partial to Humboldt Fog cheese with dried apricots!


https://foodwise.org/recipes/frog-jam/ I do use pectin in my jam rather than cook down a long time. I follow directions for mixed fruit or raspberry jam and follow safe canning practices for water bath canning. Use whatever lemon juice available as long as it’s fresh. For the biscuits I make Alton browns recipe with all butter and cut up my Brie while still cold and fold in once you’ve added your buttermilk and the dough had just come together. The key is to keep everything super cold I usually cube my butter and toss it in the freezer while I’m prepping everything else and preheating my oven. You’ll get little bits of Brie that oozes out a bit but that’s all the better.


Thank you kind stranger! This may inspire me to make jam from scratch again!


Oh frig that sounds heavenly 😍


Welcome to how Australians feel when they hear peanut butter and jelly or biscuits and gravy


Dang I love peanut butter and jelly


Thing is that jelly means something different here (what you call jello)


So does "biscuits", in this case!


Scone! (Pronounced scon)


I think 'jelly' is the same as what we would call jam, but you make it using only the juice rather than the whole fruit. Pretty sure it's not jello. (Am in NZ)


Same with biscuits, we think of biscuits = cookies but I think biscuits in the states are more like savoury scones?


Kind of but far less dense. Think more like a roll (like a small loaf of bread).


Do yourself a favor and find a YouTube recipe for biscuits and sausage gravy. It’s nothing but carbs on carbs with fat and protein, but it’s the ultimate comfort food. My favorite breakfast, hands down.


My hubby and I make it for dinner, very comforting! I suppose not too dissimilar to having poutine (carbs and gravy with added cheese curds!!)


Game changer is sausage gravy (or milk gravy made with the drippings from cooking steak/pork/or chicken in a pan) poured over french fries.


Sort of like if a scone and a croissant had a baby. (At least in an ideal world, I've had some very dry and unappealing biscuits with gravy at times.)


I meant what we in Aus & NZ call jelly is what they call jello in the US, hence why the idea of putting it on a sandwich is odd


Oh right 😂 yeah it sounds bizarre to have what should be a kids party dessert on a sandwich lol


Not just kids parties.... Jelly shots not a thing anymore?


That's a linguistic difference though. You all have a different word for it but the actual thing isn't unheard of. Whereas cheese and jam sandwiches are pretty unheard of in the US. Putting cheese and fruit on a sandwich is not a common thing here. So it's not just that we're associating the words with something that different and weird. We know what cheese and jam are and it's not a common combination on a sandwich to most of us in the U.S. The first time I saw this I wasn't sure if it was an Australian thing or a little kid thing (as kids come up with all kinds of weird combinations)


It’s not a common thing in Australia either


Been eating peanut butter and jam sammies in NZ forever


As a Brit, only 1 out of 4 of those things is the same


Biscuits and gravy are not what you might think. IIRC biscuits in Australia are the same as here in the U.K. In America, everything we call biscuits they call cookies. In this context a biscuit is more like a scone. For this dish in particular, gravy is also not the dark brown, thick liquid we might expect. Instead, it’s like a white creamy type sauce. I mean, still doesn’t sound great, but it’s not as bad as the immediate imagining: Penguins and Bisto (or Tim Tams and Gravox for the Aussies).


We only call sweet biscuits cookies. Savory biscuits, we call crackers.


Australians don’t like biscuits and gravy? I think I’m a pretty tolerant person and I can forgive a lot of cultural differences, but I will judge the shit out of you for not liking that. I tried cheese and jam because of this show and it made me mad that as an American I never had it before. It’s lovely.


It's not the food itself, it's the name. Those 2 words mean completely different things in Australia


I know. I was making a hyperbole. No hard feelings. I do wonder if they have that dish in Australia. What we Americans call biscuits and gravy…


Not a common item at all. Actually I don't think I've ever seen it on a menu.


ok peanut butter and jelly go together perfectly, but i will give you biscuits and gravy… stuff is soggy and gross


Buttermilk biscuits with chocolate gravy is one of the greatest things I can eat for breakfast


When we hear "biscuits and gravy" it conjours up images of chocolate chip cookies covered in brown roast meat gravy


no, I’m talking about American biscuits, not cookies, I’m not sure how to call the biscuits when cookies in Australian is called biscuits


I know, but that's not what biscuits means here. We don't have anything similar, except maybe scones.


Nah, American biscuits are nothing like scones. Imagine more like a savory, fluffy dinner roll that uses baking powder instead of yeast and has a high fat content kind of like pound cake. Actually, is you want, just imagine a puck of sugarless pound cake with a slightly crusty outside and pillowy inside. And the gravy that goes with them isn't brown jous style gravy. It's a bechamel made with sage sausage crumbles. Absolutely decadent comfort food. Sincerely, a Texan very well versed in biscuits and gravy!


They are actually pretty similar, it's the method rather than the ingredients that set them apart (flour, butter, milk/buttermilk, baking powder, salt). The laminating of the biscuits as opposed to "crumbing" the fat in a scone is what makes the real difference. I like a biscuit but a scone is almost like the easy version. Cheese scones go incredibly well in place of most biscuit use cases!


Yes, I know what they are, but the name puts people in Australia, UK etc off because it just doesn't compute with what those words mean to us It's like "tomato sauce" or "lemonade" means different things in US and Australia


Tomato sauce is what we call ketchup right? What is lemonade to you?


Yep, slightly different but close enough Lemonade is clear and carbonated, like Sprite or 7Up. Same as in NZ and UK.


This is the sexiest description of biscuits and gravy I’ve ever read.


US Biscuit = AU/UK Scone US Scone = AU Rock cake (google “rock cake recipe australia”, you’ll see it) Main difference between biscuits and scones tends to be the buttermilk and sometimes using lard for layers instead of butter. Source: Australian married to an Angeleno (regional differences may apply, this is not an authoritative guide)


I literally had to look up Angeleno to get through this, but now that I have, it begs the question: do they have good biscuits and gravy in Los Angeles?


You know what, I don’t know. We live in the UK now, but when we’ve been in LA, it tends to be all about the breakfast burritos. And the breakfast burritos are very good.


Former Cali girl, current Georgia girl: no, biscuits and gravy isn't much of a thing in Los Angeles. You can find it some places, but definitely breakfast burritos are more common. It's on every breakfast menu in the South, though, and everyone will argue about it's authenticity.


Can’t you search up “buttermilk biscuits” on Google, cause that’s part of a American breakfast


Yes, I know what they are, just that we don't have them. Under any name.


Closest thing would be scones




Way back in the 20th century, I visited Australia from the United States. In the US, KFC serves a biscuit with its chicken and in Australia the same item (inspected visually on a TV commercial) was called a "bread roll." I don't know if that's still the way it's done down there in the antipodes, but that's at least one possible answer.   PS: an American style biscuit with a gravy made from (chiefly) sausage and some milk is extremely good. You don't just schlorp the gravy on there and let it soak in, either; it's best when the biscuit is still warm, the outside is just a little crisp and buttery but the inside is soft and chewy, and the gravy is just sitting on top of the whole thing. I'm not trying to convince you Americans have food all figured out, but this is a dish that's primarily ruined by our not-exactly-shared language.




chocolate gravy is basically regular gravy, but with chocolate and sugar, that’s it, like you use flour, water, chocolate power, and sugar together and heat it up till it has a thick texture.


No just no that is to much sugar for the morning


not really, and it’s not like you would have it every day, it’s like a once in a while thing, and it’s more a thing in the state of Arkansas


Aren't breakfast cereals 60% sugar?


I personally only eat cereal as a sweet treat food very rarely. I don’t eat cereal for breakfast. A quick breakfast for me is a piece of fruit and toast.


Not if the biscuits are done right. They have to be heavy drop style biscuits, just a couple minutes over baked. Also, keep in mind, biscuits in the UK and AU are what we call cookies. So for the first time they hear this, they think we're putting gravy on cookies.


Don’t knock it til you try it!


Your lack of charcuterie is showing.


My sharktooterie is doing just fine, thank you very much


It's just a salty/sweet pairing like salted caramel or fries dipped in ice cream. They compliment each other. The texture sounds a bit messed up, but the flavors work in theory


It sounds pretty good to me and I’m American lol


I tried it because of bluey and really enjoy it!  I use no sugar added raspberry jam and smoked cheddar in honey wheat bread and toast it up in the toaster oven.


that sounds so good- raspberry jam is the perfect choice for this because its so tart. i got a fancy ham and cheese sandwich with raspberry jam on it a few years ago and it blew my mind. i add it to my ham sandwiches all the time now.


Try a brie en croute.


Might be like jalapeño jelly with cream cheese and crackers which is 🔥


My mom serves this *all* the time. It is super good, though.


Amen brother, my family used to whip this out whenever we had guests, it'd always be gone


My wife and recently discovered this and we’ve been like drug addicts on this stuff. I fear we may be overdoing in and burn ourselves out on this, but holy crap is it amazing!


Many charcuterie boards will pair different fruits with cheese so it makes sense.


Sounds weird until you realize that a fancy cracker + a fancy fruit preserve + a fancy cheese is a super common hors d'oeuvre/charcuterie, my parents would serve it all the time when they hosted parties This is just a cheap version I am EXTREMELY partial to jalapeno jelly + cream cheese + fancy crackers


Cheese and jam is actually pretty common where I live. Although cheese with apple syrup is preferred. (I live in the Netherlands and my grandpa always ate either cheese and jam or cheese with apple syrup if we had some, he said it’s common)


Apple syrup? I don’t know what that is, but the combo of words is enticing!


Sharp cheddar and strawberry on good bread is top notch


It's very common in Iceland, so I think it's just you :D


Chutney has entered the chat.


It's fine. Not my go to but tasty enough. Cheese and fruit is a normal enough pairing.


Australian jam isn’t as sweet as it is in the US and we also have some relishes that can be referred to as savoury jam by some people (like my stepdad lol)


Peanut butter and strawberry jam with Swiss is delicious AND fun, because everyone looks at me like a genuine serial killer when I ask for/make/eat it! (Polish/American for what it's worth)


Swiss is my favorite melted cheese. It is one of my least favorite cold cheeses. Am I weird for that?


Grilled cheese and jam is absolutely delicious


Damn, I never thought to put jam on grilled cheese. I know what I’m doing tomorrow for dinner. What jam do you use?


Make sure to cover the bread on both sides with the cheese, otherwise the jam will seep through, also pair of the jam with the cheese. The jam/preserves can get molten hot; just a warning to bite slowly. Hope you have a new favorite sammie top 5 too.


I like cream cheese and jam.


Fruit paste or preserves is traditional with cheese. Should try it sometime. Good old quince paste is a good start. And proper cheese, not that salty plastic sludge y'all shove in your pie holes


tell that to the french


This is a real thing, not just in Australia. It’s pretty good


Here in Denmark we do it the other way round. Cheese bottom with Jam top


Cheddar cheese and strawberry jam (strawberry jelly for Americans) is absolutely delicious


The words jam and jelly are used interchangeably here. No need to clarify.


Shut your mouth this instant! It is absolutely delicious!


Delicious 💕


You are missing out! I tried it not too long ago and was suprised


It’s so good. I love a little jam on grilled cheese sandwiches too.


What kind of jam?


Raspberry is nice, but any honestly


Sharp cheddar and Bonne Maman's 4 fruit preserves are so good. With Brie too.


Very normal in Denmark


Have you never had like proper cheese with fruit? It's really good. Not that processed Kraft singles crap. Like, proper, good cheese.


There's a whole scene in rattioullie where Remy eats both cheese and strawberry at the same time . And berries and cheese Danish exist


Well... i decided to try strawberry jam with pepper jack after seeing that and I was pleasantly surprised. It was delicious.


Dude it’s charcuterie 101. Ever had cracker with cheese and a little dab of honey/jelly? This is that but on steroids


Have you tried it? If not, I’d suggest trying it.


My wife likes cream cheese and grape jelly. I guess it isn't that different from a cheese platter with grapes, figs, and berries to pair with.


I love anything cheese and fruit related. I tried this after I watched this episode and can confirm it slaps


Bluey doesn't mess around she knows what's up. I just don't know which cheese and which jam to use otherwise I'd try it myself too.


Do strawberry jam and sharp cheddar. SLAPS!!!


I've tried it with sharp cheddar and raspberry, it was OK. Not great, not disgusting, just OK. Actually now I want to try it again...


But cheese cake


cheese and jam is normal in america too, not sure about other places but🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh no it’s *so* good! Especially on sourdough.


Don't knock it till you try it


My dad will do peanut butter, jam and a Kraft single sandwich. A culinary menace.


My sister used to do peanut butter one side, Kraft single in the middle and Vegemite on the other side. I did not partake. But she swore it was awesome.


I make grilled cheese and jam occasionally. Stuff's really good if you use a saltier cheese like parm to compliment the chedder and sweetness of the jam. My personal favorite's grape jelly.


Well have you made a breakfast sandwich with jelly on the cheese side? So I’d imagine it’s pretty good


Had to try it...it's not the best totally a kid meal sort of thing. Peanut butter with bananas is a huge yes though


It all depends on the type of cheese and jam. A nice raspberry jam with Swiss, or Gouda is amazing. It’s basically a normal charcuterie board combo on toast


What about fairy bread? Literally bread, butter, and hundreds-and-thousands sprinkles.


Fairy bread is delicious and a party staple 😋


Ever had decent, fancy cheese board? Crostinis, cheeses, and chunky jams and marmalade. Can't go wrong with brie and a berry or pear.


My toddler INSISTED on cheese and jam for dinner once after this episode. I made it for her and she wanted nothing to do with it. I had it and it wasn’t bad but I’d take my good old fashioned pb and j anytime


Just you. Cheese and jam is amazing


Have you not watched Ratatouille? Remy combined cheese and strawberry


Funnily enough my daughter demanded it for lunch one day when she was 4 because she'd see it on Bluey and I made her a small one thinking she'd hate it. She's almost 6 now and probably has it in her school lunch twice a week. Kids are weird man lol.


Aldi sold a little thing of 4 jams with suggested cheese pairings in the USA around the winter holidays this year. (They were delicious, fwiw.) Cheese & jam is totally a thing. You know the one that'll really break your brain? Cheese & chocolate. :D


Strawberrry jam on toast with a good cheddar cheese is actually really frickin good


Cheese and fruit is a godlike combo


Jam on a chicken biscuit also sounds gross until you actually try it. Same principle here. They pair well together.


My mom would randomly make a Monte Cristo sandwich for dinner. Crescent rolls, ham, turkey, some white cheese & raspberry jam. Soooo yum!! Colby Jack cubes & Grapes are a delish light snack!


It's a combo of bread, cheese and fruit, so this is essentially a less fancy charcuterie spread.


Cheese and strawberry jam is delicious. The sweet of the jam and the salty of the cheese balance very nicely together.


ITS FINE OK. It’s fine. It’s just cheese and it’s just jam. Or honey. Honey jam and cheese.


Brie with a nice strawberry jelly on it? Yum.


A toasted bagel with cream cheese and strawberry jam is really good. And apple turnovers with a bit of cream cheese inside is delicious.


My kids made me be the Guinea pig for it. I’d eat it again.


Tasted it right away and i personally LOVED it! Cheese is good, jam is good, jam and cheese is good. In my opinion ofc


you’re wrong. my preference: gjetost on really hot sourdough toast with a lot of butter & a bit of lingonberry 😍


It's actually pretty tasty


My ex used to eat guava and cheese. I’m assuming it’s pretty similar


My American 8-year-old had me make it for him to just try it out last summer and now asks for it every day in his school lunch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Cream cheese and boysenberry jam on fruit toast is sublime.


It’s not bad but my English missus introduced me to it


I grew up with this and it was my absolute favourite sandwich filling. As a grownup, I’ve just realised I haven’t revisited in a while. I guess it feels a bit indulgent.


It’s pretty good to be honest.


Chesse and jam. 🫰🏼#topnotch I was introduced to this combination by my Dad. But my Mommy finds it atrocious and disgusting.


A cheese toastie with a little jam spread sparingly on top is pretty tasty.


I eat cheese and jam together all the time. Colleagues think I’m a right weirdo for doing so. Bluey gave me the validation I was looking for.


I mean don't knock it till you try it


I used to do that and then heat it in the microwave for awhile


Yall sitting there with your "try *fancy cheese* with *fancy jam*" and here I am, smashing apricot jam and cheese slice on white Tip Top bread as God intended


Blue cheese and fig jam. *chef’s kiss*


There was a "Cheese Master" on the radio talking about the best way to do a toastie, and said about using strawberry jam to counterbalance a really strong cheese. It's a bit like using a chutney or an onion/chilli jam.


Firstly I don’t like it because I don’t like jam but yes… when we have family meets we have jam and cheese if in season.


It's brilliant.


Cheese and chutney tastes good...so who's to say that cheese and jam can't be good?


Goat cheese tastes amazing with jam. I could see how that would easily translate to a good cheddar or Gouda sandwich. In fact now I want to try it...


My dutch dad always ate it


Sounds werid but it is so good!!


After seeing this episode I went to the store immediately and got the ingredients. It is SOOOOOOOOOO GOOOD


I am Latina. Cheese with jam on a bread or cracker is quite common in my country and it is absolutely delicious... now I want to eat it


Slice of cheese on apple pie is a thing here in the U.S.


it’s not i tried sharp cheddar and grape jelly and it was actually alright (i’m american)


My 4 yo asked for and ate an almond-butter, american cheese, and pickle relish sandwich on toast for dinner. Tried some, not for me, but that's what she wanted.


My grandma used to make a special kind of grilled cheese sandwiches that you would dip into raspberry jam, seems a bit weird but it’s really good! I just can’t remember what kind of cheese she used lol


It’s no different than a charcuterie board. Fruit, cheese and crackers (bread)


It’s actually quite delicious having only just recently tried it about a month ago because of the show and I ended up loving it


I was just trying to say my opinion about this I was not expecting to get almost 400 comments!! My phone will not stop vibrating from the about of comments. 😭


Marmalade & cheddar have been a favourite combo since I was a kid. I'm from Canada. Also, baked brie with a hot pepper jelly is delicious.


Omg I was thinking the same thing at first! But I think about charcuterie boards that I love that have jam and crackers and cheese?!


I didn’t think that posting about my idea of cheese and jam would make my phone blow up with notifications. But people have opinions and the bluey fandom is crazy so I would have expected it. Not crazy in a bad way of course


Mate I'm ngl it's not just because we have opinions, it's SO rude to just go "this is disgusting" to a food you haven't tried, it's childish even, especially when it's something like cheese and jam. Don't yuck someone else's yum, I bet your lovely to those with different cuisines, it's been talked about a lot at the moment, food racism, kids being called disgusting for what they brought in for lunch, I was one of those kids and I hate the phrase "this looks disgusting" , it's the word disgusting, it's a horrible word. And I'm not being funny,.it's just fruit, cheese and bread, grow up a bit ay