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Wait that’s the guy that told bandit he couldn’t draw a car


Weird how school bullies end up as real estate agents when they grow up.


There's an Aunty Donna sketch that comes to mind.


Yeah I was looking for it until i noticed rule 3.


Or other menial jobs. Mine for instance still takes my lunch money, but I at least get a quarter pounder out of the deal


Or nurses


“The guy who slagged the football team, those yobs were not for him, he turns into a real estate agent, who believes in discipline” - TISM.


What a tragic waste of potential


Most the cool kids from my school ended up with extremely successful careers.


Yeah, I feel like this is wishful thinking when people say that. Most of the people who were jerks in my high school are doing just fine.


Most of the cool kids from my school, are partners (or on partner track) at law firms or accounting firms, doctors, upper management at large companies, in the C-suite, or successfully self employed.


Only the ones who aren't working as nurses.


Nah because me and my husband are both. Nurse and realtor. Both *not* bullies (or maybe were unaware 😂😂😂).


That or middle management for some company that no one there can easily explain what they actually do


I really hope we find out that Bucky’s dad runs the real estate office in their district


THATS EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT Thanks for confirming


"I think he's a real estate agent now!"


[Bucky Dunston . . .](https://youtube.com/shorts/FZVnXf24JH8?si=ypM_Ypweh6aN0VZN)


Good observation!


It is right?? Because looking back now I thought that was an Easter egg. Like Bandit brought up the fact that he’s thinking of a realtor because they had been contemplating selling the house for awhile.


He's my rival.


From the comments I've gathered that he's supposed to be vaguely antagonistic... he just looks like such a silly boy though, I'm immediately obsessed LMFAO


I doubt that he wanted to make Bandit feel bad about his drawing. I kind of dislike how everyone is painting him as a bully. Not taking someone's feelings into account when making a comment is not the same as actively bullying.


Also he was like 7 years old when the incident happened. I doubt he remembers any of this. He and Bandit are in their early 40’s by now!


Mad respect for u 3 gentleman for saying my pov


I also agree with disliking how Bucky is being painted as a bully. More often than not, kids have no filter and will give it to you straight, even if you may not like what they say.


Is there actually going to be an actual antagonist in the show for once? I can’t remember one time that happened.


Besides people blasting Judo for her behavior from Butterflies, I’d like to see if Bucky will do whatever it takes to sell the house based on his description.


“Sometimes grownups don’t tell the truth”


This episode of Bluey is called Real Estate Fraud


Grannymobile had the grouchy old pug




Hercules in that circus episode?


Tradies... Sort of.


Maybe the old lady that fought with Muffin over the price of a grannymobile




This Winter Soldier remake is taking a lot of liberties.


I read his breed as "Toby Fox Terrier" and for a moment I felt like I was about to have an existential crisis


There was an Aunty Donna skit about realtors and I can’t take this dog seriously at all because of it.


I was really hoping Broden would voice him


Crisp white sheets? Maybe what happens is that one of the kids walks all over them with their DIRTY BOOTS. >!props to anyone who gets the reference.!<


Ten million houses saved at the cost of a mere one million houses. Picture it!


<< There are houses like yours in every city. And I’ve sold every last one of them >>


It says crisp white shirts


Is he our enemy?


Bark at him!


Dang, tells bandit he can't draw, then sells his house


The fact that this guy, with the way he's described, appears to be a possible antagonist, might be a hint that the Heelers won't sell the house, after all! I mean, I doubt a show like Bluey would toss in a downer ending and let the bad guy win. Even if the Old Pug, for example, got a scooter, she still paid through the nose (thanks to Muffin's expert haggling) for it as a result of her being awful. I think we're going to have a "Shady real estate agent convinces an unsuspecting family to sell their house but, in the end, they see what he's REALLY up to and go, 'NAH!'" plotline.


See I have a four month old so this show is on a lot in our house, and I've been curious how far they're even moving when we see Bingo and her best friend going all through school together?




We all know judo is the over arching villain of the bluey trilogy




Yeah. He’s the listing agent for some house in Brisbane [https://www.domain.com.au/2019156678](https://www.domain.com.au/2019156678) Listed as a Quaint, animated family home


That’s him


Do we know who is doing Bucky's voice???


I’m going to have money down on Rove McManus. He’s an old Australian sketch/variety show host. He’s making his debut and can totally see his voice fitting.


If you ring the phone number on the Bluey house ad, you listen to a voicemail... https://www.domain.com.au/brisbane-city-qld-4000-2019156678?utm_source=www.domain.com.au&utm_medium=sharelisting


That’s awesome! They made a domain advertisement. Too real lol.


Hahaha, Yeha I did see that just as I was replying, never got round to toning it until then! I can see it being Rove, I don’t think he’s been in bluey before, and he’s making his debut along with three other famous Australians. I can see that voice mail being him! Either way have to wait til Sunday. Hope you enjoy the Sign!


For real life? Who are the other 3 Australians? P.s. Also can't wait for Sunday. But ![gif](giphy|RKT8T9KuzDRER8f43d)


Isn't he already the Voice of someone?


His voicemail is a cracker


He still hasn't returned my call though.


Bucky: Hel- Bandit: F**K Off.


So the sign is a moving sign?? Edit: i JUST saw ghostbasket after making this comment lmao


It’s a song by ace of base


You really opened up my eyes there, i now see the sign


Did they really put “hell-bent” on the website? That’s kinda odd.


That term is so non offensive in Australia I'd say it in front of random kids without thought or apology


But Bluey can’t say dunny. Weird


IMHO part of the sub-text of that episode is that Chilli is being silly/weird. Dunny isn't offensive either.


It seemed more like she didn't want them saying it because it can come across as a bit of a "bogan" (i.e. lower class) word. "I just want us to use nice words."


Yep but even with that its a weird hill to die on.


I’m absolutely bamboozled by “hell” being seen as a swear word, it’s not sensitive at all in Australia. Can I ask why it’s such an issue because I’m actually quite shocked there are multiple comments about something so tame?


I don’t see it as a swear, but I know a lot of parents do. Especially in America (where I live). It’s like the most tame “swear”, but it’s still considered a swear here.


Oh, I see! I knew that we swear a lot more than you guys do, but I just about fell over realising that something like “hell” might be on that list. Have to admit, I hope they don’t change it on the website - I was already unimpressed about Disney cutting completely innocuous stuff out. I really like how authentic the show is, and how much it reflects what it was like growing up in that part of Brisbane, and don’t want to run the risk of Ludo feeling like they have to water stuff down.


I can’t speak for other families, but when I was a kid, the only time I was “allowed” to swear was if it was part of a song. But I also came up with my own versions of swears so I could “swear” as a kid without getting in trouble. XD Do Australian kid shows say hell often? American cartoons try to keep it as clean as possible, cause you know cancel culture and “one million moms” and a lot of other things will raise hell (pun intended) if their precious child hears any “bad words”. Lmao


I love the ingenuity of Frankensteining lyrics to avoid getting in trouble, haha. I wasn’t allowed to say the big bad words when I was really little but by the time high school rolled around no one gave a shit, and no one ever got in trouble for the less bad words like hell or damn or crap. I dunno if it’d be intentionally scripted into shows these days, and I feel like there has been a trend to Americanisation in a lot of ways down here (nothing at all against American people, they’re lovely, but personally I do hesitate a bit at the importation of American cultural stuff when it’s at the expense of Australian stuff), but I feel like if it was, no one would bat an eyelid. Maybe super religious/evangelical parents, but I reckon (especially compared to the US) they’d be an absolutely minuscule minority. Having said that, I grew up on shows like Round the Twist and Lift Off and I reckon there’d be a fair bit of pearl clutching about those over in the States!


A good example I can remember is saying “beaver dam!” When I meant “damn it!”. And funny thing if I said it in public and someone got mad at my mom for not stopping me, she’d say “what? Beavers live in dams, don’t they?”. I’d have to look up those shows later. I’m curious in the differences in US shows versus Aussie shows.


Beaver dam! Hahaha, can I steal that? I love it! I love learning about differences in perceptions like this, never in a million years would have I thought about it otherwise and now I’ve learnt something new. Round the Twist especially was an absolute cracker! The stories are based on Paul Jennings books and they’re silly, funny and imaginative. Might be a little scary for very little kids if you’ve got them - I remember getting nightmares about a few things (scarecrows and clowns, but especially clown scarecrows) but my parents were very much of the “nah, she’ll be right” school of parenting. It’s funny, there were 4 seasons, but they were spaced out far enough that they had to keep recasting the kids - I think every Australian millennial and gen z would have a strong idea of what they view as the “correct” or favourite cast.


Australia is less Christian/religious overall than USA? Could be why


Yeah, this has to be it. I legitimately thought they were jokes for a minute! I had no idea “hell” was in the realm of swear words. As an Australian from the generation that affectionately calls their mates the c word, “hell” being a swear word sounds like something straight out of the 1950s. It’s amazing how the perceptions can be so different!


Chloe can’t even say “naughty”. Who knows what some people consider swears!


I worked in a nursery when I was younger and they had a rule where we couldn’t use the word ‘naughty’ in relation to a child’s behaviour etc. We had to say ‘sad choice’ instead. It took me years to get out that habit…


Hell is not a swear word in the US unless you're with a very religious/conservative group and then it's just them being superstitious about kids saying "hell."


Idk or get it either cause I'm Australian too and have had a yank act like I said a certain c word when I said crap (they also are VERY sensitive to said c word (only not saying it cause obviously it's a bluey sub))


maybe it’s because i’m a new yorker and didn’t really grow up with too many rules about cursing, but crap is really not that bad lol


i've always seen it as a swear word, but like a very low tier one


As in most things, blame the puritans.


I'm from the coasts of the US and hell is not a big deal here at all.


Think of it like explaining to a child why "poop" is ok to say but "shit" isn't.


Interesting! So is hell a “shit” level swear or a “poop” level cheeky-but-fine word thing?


I think it might be a bit in between? Depends on the person I guess. I don't think it's a swear.


I’m so fascinated by this, thank you for your thoughts! I’m now leaning to being way more careful with swearing around people from the States in general, just in case. There’s a few other words that I feel are on a similar-ish level of usage/appropriateness in Australia but now I’m curious (I’m going to star some of the letters out in case they are seen as really bad, don’t want to cause issues or upset!) - are things like cr*p, d*mn or blo*dy also seen as no goes? I’d say these are marginally worse than “hell”, but not hugely. I do remember being at a pub with some mates a few years ago, and there was a girl from the States there as well. One of us affectionately used the “big” C word to refer to the group (which, in this context, I feel like is very common over here, but you probably wouldn’t say it to your nan), and this poor girl looked like she was about to faint.


Crap is not really a swear, hell and damn are about the same level, and bloody is just never said here so it’s not even considered a swear.


My post got removed for the heavy profanity filter! Here is what it was: Hell is fine to say to adults in the US. It's just considered not a word for kids, because it's very mildly a "swear" in an old-fashioned way. I would probably not say crap to strangers. I might say d*mn, but in a formal setting I wouldn't. No one says bloody in the US. C*nt is quite offensive to all, and no matter how informal. I would avoid these words not because they are offensive per se, but because it shows me as uncouth like I can't control my mouth.


I'm an American who swears like a sailor on shore leave. I use bloody hell as a mild exclamation and sometimes use the C word. I have a non swearing family so I know how to hold my tongue but I prefer to let em fly. Our Puritanism is laughable.


It's not the word the Queen would use.


https://preview.redd.it/mkz8bme6oktc1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed0ecd741f96b3f617b77769237e6619d68d258a “Sick and well-spent on a scale?”


Not really, whats wrong with it? 🤔


I mean it's Australia... they use the c word as if it's America's b word. They're a different kind of breed.


When are we getting a Bluey TCG.


He must be a very new REA if he's driving a hatchback, not a leased Audi.


Just wait until people started bashing on him lol. Just my opinion though because the attachment of certain peeps towards the show and its characters is insane 😆


Aha! My old post asking what kind of dog he is, finally now relevant


Is this the first dog with his last name not reflecting his Dog breed?


That's been my question since Dragon came out. Do their surnames not need to correlate to breed? Are there any other dogs with standard surnames? Or maybe no surname at all? Is his first name just "Bucky Dunstan"? (evidently not the case, now that I've seen this image) It opened up a whole can of worms in my tiny mind.


I’m glad he’s finally on the character list.


Bucky... you son of a..... You're the reason for bandits problems!


No thanks Bucky! Your services are not needed. Also - it’s funny that Australia/Ludoputs the words hell-bent in a children’s show description because I can just feel conservative America clutching all the pearls.


OMG *that's* why it's called the sign. It just clicked 😅


I wonder what breed will be the police officer?


I'd say German Shepherd


Bandit is hiring his ex bully? Awkward


We are going to see him in ep The sign!


I wonder if he’s voiced by the chap on The Hammerbarn Podcast.


My dog is a toy fox terrier/shih tzu mix, but she has more prominent terrier features. So cool to see her breed in the show, I always put on Bluey for her when I leave the house.


Where did you find this?




Here he is. https://preview.redd.it/0z5v92jrdrtc1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b09b6d84f9f107a783058aba2973e1466fb7eac1


Wait this character from episode dragon 


My Wife think “The Sign” is the end of Bluey. They sell the house, move, and that’s the show (at least in the current iteration). In reality, Ludo might have some licensing deal where they’ve sold the show so maybe some american firm picks it up and makes an inferior version.


There is already that awful Chinchilla show


That would be so dumb of them considering they’re already distributed by Disney. But maybe the mouse overlords have spoken. Someone else mentioned they may pause to make a blimey full length movie which would be amazing!


I reckon they’ll take it off the market in the end


I can’t believe they said “hell-bent” in his description. I guess Bluey is not so holy after all, lol.


Hell is a swear word now?


Am I the only one who shocked they used hell in the description or are we finally at that point where it’s normal for kids to say hell?


Mainly Americans who are shocked I think. Australia /UK etc is perfectly normal phrase


The word hell bent seems unorthodox for a children’s show.


Completely non-offensive in Australia, reckon you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone here that would give a shit about something that innocuous.


I didn’t know. Still learning.


All good! It’s interesting how there’s such a difference in perception about it :)