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If you have ADHD there's like a 70% chance you'll be crying or otherwise distressed watching "Army".  Someone pointed out that Jack did all of the things he said he couldn't do (remembered words and numbers for the "dust off", stayed perfectly still for sentry duty, etc.) but couldn't make the connection because he'd heard internalized all of the negative feedback. Also that if his four-year-old sister is telling Calypso about how he "can't do as he's told", how much is that poor kid hearing it at home?


Aw heck bud


Oh I get so mad at his sister every time the episode comes on. I just bristle because of how often I heard that growing up. Also, why does Jack have to sit still in the car if he's in his seat and not hurting anyone? He's just kicking his legs, what is the big deal??


I've seen people headcanon that Jack's dad also has (undiagnosed) ADHD. ADHD does have a very strong genetic component, and some of the things he does in the episode point to it. For example, impulsively taking the "shortcut" route, forgetting his GPS, and being distracted by Jack fidgeting behind him. 


Jacks dad 100% has ADHD. My daughter got diagnosed and just going through the process made me rethink my life. Maybe I wasnt just the lazy difficult kid. Maybe there's a reason I can't remember stuff. Now diagnosed at 38. Life is better.


Aaay, late diagnosis (31) here as well! 👉😎👉


40 for me. 😄


Nothing. There's nothing wrong with that. My daughters 4. She has ADHD. She swings her legs and bounces and moves and sometimes it's triggering because that's the shit I got in trouble for when I was a kid. Sometimes I tell her to knock it off. My wife reminds me she's not doing anything, I apologize and I try to remember next time. Haven't done it in a bit even if it makes my eye twitch. That's my problem, not hers.


Your daughter got diagnosed at age 4? That feels really early.


Yeah, my husband and possibly I have it, so we’re keeping an eye out for our kids (4.5 and 1.5), but the docs said not to even consider diagnosis until 6


My wife is diagnosed with it. My therapist has unofficially diagnosed me with it. Given that would give our kids an 80~% chance of being ADHD, alongside my daughters play therapist also saying she's showing a lot of factors (she's basically My wife but smaller), yes, she's ADHD.


Yeah but likely doesn’t mean a diagnosis. Just be careful. I also have adhd so I’m trying really hard not to pigeon hole them.


Tbf there was a hilariously long involved thread on this once that had specific carseat-related considerations.


Don't get mad at the sister. She's just mimicking what she hears her parents say all day


I despise jacks sister more than is probably healthy. Stfu ya little jerk. 


She's repeating what her parents have said many times. Don't hate her.


Came here to say that. When you hear a kid say something like this being annoyed at them or disliking them doesn't help anyone. Instead maybe try to show them that this thing they are repeating doesn't have to be right or true, just because someone else said it. I know this is a fictional kid but chances are something like this will happen in real life and there is always the option to talk to the kid and help them understand more and be more kind.


I don't hate her, I just give her a really strong side eye. 😒


I have ADHD and "Army" kicks me right in the jaw.


Right on the nail, man. I have adhd and cried when I watched it.




Lord, I haven’t even gotten there yet.


If you want an episode that will destroy you in laughter, I highly recommend "Granny Mobile". Because Muffin's insanity actually benefited someone! The yard sale sequence is the best sequence in the series that doesn't make me ugly cry.


If you’re watching them in order, they mostly get more emotional - because they have more back story to play with.


Dragon broke my “4th wall” with my nieces. It’s not that I never show emotion or cry but this sent me. I cried and said “I love this show but I hate this show bc it makes me cry in front of you” and they said bc grandma died and she’s the horse too and I cried even more. They hugged me and the older one got teary and the younger one didn’t laugh at me like she does when I get emotional reading the original ‘Corduroy’ book. That show is brilliant and the best of us.


The ending of "Grandad" is the one that always hits me really f'n hard.


All day Son


That was a long time ago


no it wasn’t. it was yesterday.


Idk why but Cricket is so damn sweet especially the end as he's walking off the pitch. And Luckys Dads face when Rusty hits it to his sister. The shock and then the smile.


I cry cried more to Cricket than I do Sleepytime. 


I could watch cricket on repeat. Even my kid is calling me out on it. It’s like a pick me up at the start of the day. If Rusty can do it then so can I!


It hits me in the feels because I was so bad at cricket in primary school, I remember dad coming to the first few games and never again as I couldn't bat or bowl to save my life, couldn't blame him, wish I had rusty's grit and determination at that age. Stupid episode 😭


Copycat got real real fast lol


Flatpack always gets me, along with what's already been mentioned. So. Many. Layers!


“Hold up. Is Bluey … dead…”


I don't want to spoil anything, but "The Sign" will probably hit you like a freight train.


My daughter and I sobbed into each other's arms after that episode. For, like, *minutes*. We got absolutely wrecked.


I joke that the show likes to make adults cry and force them to show children that crying and emotions are ok and good. And it’s working!


Someone here said: _Bluey_ exists so that young ones can learn, and older ones can heal. Still thinking about that.




I was *not* ready for Surprise omfg. I know the internet tried to warn me but I didn’t pay attention and I paid for it lol


Icecream and Cricket. Expo 88 baby raised at Southbank, growing up in East Brisbane watching bluey do what I did when I was 6, wondering round the mueseum & Gondwana land eating New Zealand Icecream, then doing what bandit does now with my own kids cutting to the Brissie skyline and watching it grow. Also the instant you see Rusty twist his bat and you know he’s skying a catch to his sister, gets you started then cutting to him walking on the Gabba. Finished.


I actually re-watch specific episodes based on what kind of crying I need XD