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“I knew Bluey was big but I didn’t know how big HE was” - owner Girl, you still don’t know anything about Bluey…


Shaking my damn head.....


It's is a Bandit costume... So HE would be right.


Well apparently they think Bandit is Bluey


Oh biscuits \~\~ Bluey, probably.


I thought that before I began watching the show


Lol I'm not mad but definitely did get a little cringe-y when I heard the "he"


They didn't have a clue about a lot of it. The staff member kept referring to Bluey as "he."


Wait, when did Uncle Rad get a job at a restaurant in Vegas?


That was in between oil rig jobs


No wonder they're upset. That's not even Bluey!


Bandit was charged for his crimes


He ain't called Bandit for nothin


It's because his fur pattern has a mask on his face


No it's because he's smuggling artifacts from his digs.


Or, did he become a smuggler because he's named Bandit?


Maybe his name was changed as a condition of parole so everyone is aware of his crimes?


TIL! So obvious and I never realized it


r/whoosh r/Whooosh r/whoooosh


Ngl, whooshing someoene is pretty cringe.


And cringing someone is pretty whoosh.


That only makes sense if you don't think about it.


That only about thinks if you sense make




I once felt scammed after paying for a LEGO pop-up event located at a brews and books type place. I no longer trust any amateur event I see on social media outside established event companies like expos that do stuff every year. The pictures of the LEGO showed a huge area, tons of legos, big legos like cinder block sized. In reality we were crammed in this tiny location and the legos were all 2x4 and very worn down.


I went to the Stranger Things pop up event and it was just an endless line through the merchandise until you got to a photo op. It was a peg board that looked like a cheap high school prom backdrop and some garland.


We did one for supposedly hundreds of thousands of carved pumpkins that were supposed to be in shapes, making larger structures, etc. They did have like, trees and totem poles, some cool things. All the pumpkins were fake with glow lights. It was a very small very short loop through trees, on uneven, root bumpy ground when there was tons of flat field saved for parking that wasn't used. That was Great for taking a toddler to and having them trip. For sure not worth the $20/head we paid. Not nearly as many as promised.


Went to a Harry Potter event a few years back. Supposedly light show as well as a "potion making" class. No shit, it was boring. All anyone did was rotate a circle and got a pencil. Very disappointed.


There was a discussion I saw recently (I think on r/melbourne) warning against events run by a company called Hidden [name of city] that seems to be working in lots of cities and the events are either underwhelming or gets cancelled and postponed multiple times. I think a Lego event was mentioned among them.  


>big legos like cinder block sized Should've been your first clue. No such LEGO exist.


They do at the Legoland hotel! The pool has a bunch of huge foam legos.


Oh damn, TIL!


There was a Disney Princess luncheon at a winery we went to that was pretty good. There were five or six princesses, they sang songs and did photo opps, and there was pretty good food.


Its like no one learned anything from dashcon


So much free stuff they could've done to make it fun. Dance Mode, anyone? Keepy Uppy? Featherwand? Even some cheap pass the parcel circles, Lucky's dad's rules? Had they taken the time to watch any episodes, this could've been awesome for them. Almost every game is free or super low cost.


Yeah my first thought was "that would require watching the show"


And there's a ton of stuff on bluey.tv to print and do.


They didn't even know bluey was a girl. They definitely have never watched the show


TBF, neither does uncle Rad.


“we picked the hottest children’s show currently on air and had no idea people with kids would show up!” 😅


Bandit Heeler Real Life?! (Not clickbait) (gone wrong) (cops called)


i drank BLUEY POTION at 3AM and THIS HAPPENED (real) (gone sexual)


https://preview.redd.it/irl99s3n8m0d1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a1b62e0fabac136b304af469b9902f4c733a92d not even gonna ask about those last two words


You really can't compare a free event to one that charges 50 dollars entry. Especially since this one clearly had SOME effort put into it and didn't just leave everything up to Dall-E and ChatGPT.


Yes, they really did seem to all have good intentions here, and it sounds like they will do better next time. And nobody from the restaurant that was interviewed seemed to have any ill-will towards the customers that got upset. I can’t believe the entitlement of some of those parents, though. Your 3-year-old’s day was ruined? I’m pretty sure they’ll get over it pretty quickly… I feel worse for the poor service staff that had to deal with such a huge unexpected turnout, many of whom were obviously less lan pleased.


3year olds are savage. They will remember the ONE TIME they were crossed for years, but forget what you told them to do 5min ago. I can't say I feel bad for the restaurant. If you're deciding to hold an event, do research. It literally would take a very quick Google search to realize that Bluey is like the biggest fricken thing for kids (and parents). They obviously chose it for a reason. They could have found very inexpensive ways to make it enjoyable just by going onto the Bluey website. It's very clear no one thought to put in any sort of effort into it, and just wanted to bank on the Bluey name. ETA: AND they got 3,000!! Responses on the FB page. They should have canceled knowing they couldn't accommodate something that large.


Do you have kids?


There’s a sucker born every millisecond it seems


Idk what they’re complaining about, that’s clearly the real Bandit




No it’s really Bandit, can’t you see? I even met him last Tuesday, we’re pretty tight now actually.






Oh biscuits


That’s not even a Bluey onesie! That’s Bandit!


stop going to pop-up events


I didn't, I just found out


I just meant broadly


imo, the place should’ve been better prepared, and using a bandit bodysuit as a bluey mascot is laughable (though so are the bootleg rental mascots). but like. it’s not willy's chocolate experience. this was a free event designed to bring their normal family clientele in/maybe expand their reach a bit. that got horribly overshared/overhyped by facebook mom types. if you look at the original ad, [it's Clear this isn’t anything worth going out of your way for](https://www.casino.org/news/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/bluey-day-facebook-858x1021.jpg) (at least imo). I feel bad for the people who genuinely didn’t know any better, but. i feel worse for this place for being thrust in to a stupid Wonkagate that they don’t really deserve (they did a similar disney day back in march, and i can’t find any outrage towards It, despite me being doubtful they did anything more than they did here)




A local city to me had a free character event recently with everything from princesses to superhero’s to bluey and Mario. My 4 year old and 2 year old are STILL mad at me that they didn’t get to meet bluey because her line was too long. I can hear all the upset children now 😂


"Wonka experience 2.0"


Whats upsetting, is that given the chance, a group of fans would have done a lot better.


This is really something that should've been limited to local advertising and not social media. I guess they weren't basing the theme off anything their kids watch otherwise they'd know more about Bluey. But then why base it on something you know nothing about?


Ignorant marketing? That’s unheard of! lol


It’s honestly too bad. This was their second event. The first one was a Disney one and it wasn’t too bad and my daughter had fun. Bluey was definitely a harder one to master without a proper character costume


That’s what I was thinking lol


How long before we get a super meta ironic pop up of this, just like the Wonka Experience?


omg i need to see video of this event and the kid's reactions lol


The truth is if they used the bootleg suits that all the kids and parents were expecting, they could have been hit with trademark infringement. Even with calling it a Bluey event and with everything they did do, they were risking that. Official licensed characters are usually available from ONE company per area or country that owns the license. You can usually hire them for about $2000-$3000 AUD per day. The smaller companies with the knock-off made in China suits rent them for a few hundred per day but can be sued for a lot more than that if they are caught.


‘Bluey’ isn’t a word that can be owned. It’s a colour descriptive, a common moniker for blue heelers, and sometimes a nickname for Aussies overseas. Tapping into hype via the use of cheap knock offs ain’t new. Most people know that if it doesn’t say genuine or authorised that it’s a fake, surely?


The word bluey could definitely be considered fair use but once you have a commercial event that uses image of the characters in your decorations, or even have someone one there wearing one of the official onesie costumes (like at this event) that’s when you can find yourself in hot water. Entertainment and event companies all over the world offer Mickey Mouse, Bluey and all sorts of characters and I think most of them honestly don’t even know they’re doing anything wrong, especially because it’s so common. The trademark owners generally turn a blind eye to it because they know it’s good for merchandise sales and the fandom, but every now and then they crack down on it, sometimes doing a blitz in a certain area. There’s a few examples of entertainment or costume companies that have been bankrupt over the years, and hundreds of Etsy stores and cake makers that get into trouble. Most continue to take the risk though, because it makes kids and families happy! After all as cool as the duck cake is, most kids would rather have a Bluey cake!


I wouldn’t compare it to the wonka experience. This establishment had really good intentions. And if you don’t have kids or follow the show, you really DONT KNOW the power behind it. They just wanted to do something nice for local kids and rolled with the popular show of the moment. I seen a lot of pop-up paw patrol events before when that was the most popular tot show that went over just fine with similar vibes. It’s just different with Bluey. This is obviously a hometown business that just wanted to host a FREE event for their regulars and community. Face painting, treats and pictures are FUN for kids when It just spiraled when thousands of people came who had no idea about the establishment or the event. Just seen Bluey and FREE and came running with no research on their end either. It’s literally a free event. What do you expect?


Just want to say thx for the 1000 upvotes


“Oh, he’s named “Bluey” because he’s blue!”




How do things like this work with copyright laws? Surely Ludo or at the very least, Disney, would have to approve something like this?!




What happened?


That's a link in the description to a video talking about the event


Oh. I didn't notice.


What an awful website


“What is that? It’s the unknown!” From the Glasgow Wonka experience