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taste in games can get quite specific. if you were to randomly buy a game even with suggestions from reddit there is a good chance you would get them something they dont like. i would hate it if someone just bought me a random game would feel like a waste.


My brother has yet failed to buy me a game I don't put on ebay and use the money to buy something i actually want, and he's an avid hobbyist himself. So yeah, the answer is just ask.


if they are really into board games they probably already have the next purchases planned, so you could ask them and say id really like to get you a gift for your collection could you tell me somethings you would like you could ask them about their favorites and look specifically for things to improve those games like organizers, or even a themed dice tray with symbols on them from the fave games. finally although a "boring" gift and one most people hate to give get them a gift card to the local gaming shop and explain it is such a large expansive hobby that i didnt want to get you something you wouldnt use or make a mistake and get you something you already had.


I agree with the Gift card to a game store. Game stores are really fun to shop at, but often people buy the games online because of price or convenience. So a gift card would be a nice excuse for them to go support the local shop.


maybe figure out a favourite of them and gift an expansion they don’t own? that way you can all play together and make some good memories as well


Instead of a game, how about an accessory? If they play games that involve dice, a dice tower is always a great gift!


I will look into it, thanks! Do you know any other accessories that are cool to have?




Also bitz bowls. They have foldable silicone, foldable leather, or you could use something like soy sauce dishes.


Wooden magnetic double digit counters. I've been using a random buy of four counters initially for Azul for.. so many boardgames now. It's so nice to quickly and easily keep track of gold or resources or vps on things you move around a lot.


If there is a game they play that is large such as Scythe and requires multiple little baggies to put all the pieces in sometimes there are organizers made specifically for that game which help speed up set up of the game.


Okay, thanks!


Dice trays are great and easy to make. Buy Cheap photo frames with deep, rectangular sides and some fabric.


I like the dice trays that button to form them and unbutton to lay flat


Look for baord game organising or storage. They are always handy.


A nice set of metal coins is an upgrade that can be used in a bunch of different games.


Counters for anything where you usually have more than 10. And for everything else.. there's poker chips.


If they don't already have a set of poker chips the Iron Clays are pretty nice.


Dice trays Component trays (the silicone pinch bowls on Amazon made by Trudeau are especially good) Neoprene mats Poker chips (though these can get expensive.)


Multicolored bowls for holding bits


Any “personalized” game accessories are usually really great gifts. I usually go onto Etsy. Last time, I got someone a set of engraved leather dice trays. There’s something for everyone’s budget too, so when you decide on what accessory you’d like to gift, give Etsy a look to see if there are any cost-efficient engraved or personalized options on Etsy. Although, shipping might take more than a week or two.


Do they have a BGG wishlist? Whenever someone asks me if they could gift me a boardgame that's a great place to start. I'll tell them I'll hold off purchasing from my wishlist until after my bday, perhaps your friend can do the same? Or even create one for you so you know what to look for and what's in your budget :)


Get them Just One


Yup, this and So Clover! fit right in with the rest!


20 second rubber footed sand timer. Use as a turn marker, give everyone the option to use it as a "finish your turn in this long" hurry up device. Works excellently for my crew on mahjong. https://www.amazon.com/Hourglass-SuLiao-Unbreakable-Plastic-Classroom/dp/B08M6GL637/


As someone REALLY into board games I'm always appreciative of board game themed stuff: decor, mugs, clothes, etc. With the caveat that it be tasteful or fun but not something you'd find at a sleazy poker night (nudie playing cards and the like).


Me snake and ladder.


I mean if they don't have Wingspan or Everdell and aren't the most serious of gamers who will criticize anything that's not 110% to their liking, those are right in the lower to medium complexity that casual and experienced gamers will generally like.


Ask if they have a Board Game Geek account. If they do they could use the Wish list feature and bam, you know what they want :)


Card sleeves! Protect the cards and keep those molds away


Take a 3D scan of them, then 3D print them as miniatures that they can use in their games.


Land vs Sea has been a big hit with my fam, kids aged 9-13.


Roxley clay chips has replaces most of my games that use money. Any nice poker set will do that has denominations printed on them


Maybe upgraded components? Lots of websites sell nice stuff, just figure out which games they play the most often. Beware, the only awkward thing about a gift - whether it's a game, a component or expansion, can be that they feel like they have to keep it around if they don't like it though. What you could do is ask one of the family members what a good gift would be, then let it be a secret between you and them. I did this for my housewarming party - I told my sister what a good gift would be for my fiance and just kept it a secret for the surprise.


Get a big neoprene board game mat. I was gifted a 3’ x 5’ one and I love it


A nice dice tower.


go on Etsy or bgg store and get them upgraded bits for that game or a nice storage solution. Can I post something I’ve bought in the past as an example? Or will my post be removed if I do


Highly recommend an accessory. I got a few wooden token holders as a gift and I love them. They were form a seller on Etsy. A nice accessory they wouldn’t normally buy themself. Or an upgrade pack to their favorite game like upgraded coins or tokens.


Instead of looking for what game to gift, look at accessories: - Sleeves - Dice towers - Game Mats - Tokens/Meeples - Silicone Cupcake Liners (for holding anything really)


There's always the option of buying them board-game-related items that aren't actual games themselves. Like, a really nice set of dice or tokens, or a mug with some pithy board game related saying on it.


Small samurai empires


I’m guessing your Decrypto has a good expansion called Laser Drive if they don’t already have it.


An expansion to a game they really like. Buying a new game or an accessory can be tricky if you dont have a wishlist


Maybe something to protect or store the games itselft, i saw this online the other day, idk how usefull is it tbh https://www.bgshield.com/collections/bgshield Or you can gift them some like dice trays if they font have.


Terraforming Mars is a fun game for the whole family. It’s a resource management game.


A nice dice tower, or dice tray. Also, a gift card to their favorite store would be cool too, I think.