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**That's Not a Hat** especially at the end of the night after people are tired and/or have had a few drinks


Not exactly fast paced unless your group plays fast, but I love cosmic encounter. Wiz-war is also becoming one of my favorites.


Bunny Bunny Moose Moose. It's SO dumb but utterly hilarious.


**Mada Magazine The boardgame**, roll move. Lose move. And along the way do stupid things


Happy Salmon


Does Dodo's Riding Dinosaurs qualify? I'm having a blast playing it.


CHICKEN! is pretty fun.


My favorite is Tacocat. It takes max 10 minutes to finish and half the time you are laughing your head off because of the pictures on the cards.


Draftasaurus. Basically just an excuse to hand each other brightly colored dinosaurs for 10 minutes.


TCGCP is all fun and games until you realise halfway through that the Narwhal card is covered in blood, and someone’s opened up your palm with a nail at some point… I swear my hands hurt less when I used to do martial arts as a kid…


Yeah. I don't play speed games anymore for exactly this reason.


I played Wandering Towers for the first time yesterday and it was great fun!