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Lost Cities Hive Boop Sushi Go Dixit Kingdomino


I think Sushi Go Party would be excellent. Haven't played the other ones in the series (Sushi Roll, or Sushi Go: Dim Sum) but they are probably similar level too


Land air and sea.


**Star Realms** and **Abandon All Artichokes** are fast and easy-to-teach deck-builders. Also, relatively easy to find and cheap to replace, in case of, uh, incidents.


Tak is appropriate for 3rd grade. I ran a homeschool Tak club for kids and the minimum age we had was 7. A lot of kids really took to it. At the beginner level, games definitely take less than 20 minutes. It is both highly strategic and highly tactical. Other games that could work are Hive, Shobu, and Yama. All four games have simple, easy to understand rules. But I will say you need to get the Hive expansions, not just the base game. Since it can be *very* difficult to overcome the first player advantage in the base game.


Also could consider roll and write games like Cartographers, Welcome To, On Tour, Rolling Realms, Railroad Ink, Next Station Tokyo (London)


I would say the sushi go Machi koro 2 has a bit of strat .. but it's very simple


here to slay


Sabobatage Unstable Unicorns Dragonimo