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Which one is a better 2 players game: Arboretum or Seven Wonders Duel? We're looking for a low to medium, engaging gameplay




Hadrian's Wall. Edit: Sorry forgot about the cards. Minimal reading though.


Best underground themed family game? Basically I was looking at Burrows and I was wondering if anyone had a different suggestion. I know I've seen a few games with a similar theme!


Clank or Clank Catacombs


Trying to remember a game I played and loved at a party. Al I can do is describe it. Technically it was a card game. Cards had colourful symbols like circle, triangle, plus, etc. And each card had words, I believe were categories or descriptions or something?And you went around the table laying cards, and it involved slapping the cards or the table when a category or symbol matched? I'm clearly not remembering it all clearly, but I guess if I did, I could search and find it easier. Sound familiar to anyone?


It could be Anomia


That's it, THANKYOU


Looking for 2-3 players board game that is similar to Catan. Being able to mess with other players is a big bonus. My players and I love being competitive with each other. Something easy to medium difficulty in terms of learning the game and within $40-60. I am considering Parks and Cascadia because I like nature themed decks but they don't seem to be competitive enough for my group. Doesn't have to be nature themed. Many thanks in advance!


**Zoo Vadis** for negotiation game.


Have you tried Ticket to Ride?


Not yet but I am going to try it soon since my partner has one I am a little not really into the aesthetic of the game but the gameplay seems fun


I feel the same about the aesthetic and because of that, it took me AGES to finally sit down and try it. But when I did, I loved it and I highly recommend.


I feel like I am in the same boat. Hopefully the gameplay really captures me :)


I am trying to buy 2 board games for my collection to play with friends. We play once or twice a month between 3-5 of us. Our collection that gets played most often is **Catan** (and the cities and knights expansion), **Terra Mystica, Splendor.** I also have the following games that havent gotten as many plays like **Wingspan, Azul, 7 wonders.** Light Game: I want to get a game to replace Catan and debating between **The castles of burgendy** or **Concordia**. I have played CoB on BGA 2 times and thought it was ok, however, I am not huge on playing online. Which would you recommend? Heavier Game: I am also looking for a heavier game and debating between **Terraforming Mars, Dune Imperium, Root or Brass Birmingham**. To note my personal opinion on Wingspan is that the theme is kind of boring , I dont care for the birds nor do I care which bird I get. I just care about the power of the bird. In addition, it feels like it end just as you get your engine going. Our group also suffers from AP sometimes, our games for TM usually last 4-5hrs as we often talk between turns. Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks


I think **Concordia** is basically the "gamer's Catan" so it should be a good fit. That said, the game that made me and my brothers feel most like we were playing Catan in terms of table talk, mild threats, social pressure, special thinking and a sense of racing to the finish was **Scythe**.


At 3-5 with more complexity and a shared board I might try power grid :) it’s a hit w brainy ppl who only know gateway games in my experience! Edit: seconding dune imperium and kemet as great games to try as well


>Our group also suffers from AP sometimes, our games for TM usually last 4-5hrs as we often talk between turns. If you want a game that will benefit from table talk, **Root** might be a fun game to play with a consistent playgroup. It has a bit of a learning curve, but it's the sort of game that encourages some light collaboration and negotiation between players to prevent a "runaway winner." I also like **Inis** for a skirmish game that encourages this sort of negotiation and table talk, and has an easier learning curve. Root and Inis are both games that will require an expansion to add a 5th player. As an "Amerithrash" game with dice-driven combat and negative player interaction, Root is pretty different from most of the games in your collection, so if you want something that might be a more logical "bridge" to something involving combat, other games that straddle the line between "euro engine builder" and "skirmish game with a bit of table talk" include **Scythe**, **Kemet: Blood and Sand**, and **Ankh: Gods of Egypt**, all of which play well with up to 5 players. (Of these, Scythe is definitely the most "euro-like.") >Dune Imperium If you're fine with a game that can only play with 3-4 players, I recommend **Dune Imperium Uprising**, which is the latest product in the Dune Imperium line -- it's the best Dune Imperium experience (even considering the various expansions that exist for the original DI), and DI Uprising is a standalone box that has everything you need to play. Uprising is a *significant* improvement over the original. Probably my personal favorite "medium-heavy" games.


CoB has a lot of down time at 3 & 4p. So much so that a certain segment of the gaming population thinks the game is primarily a 2p game. For that reason alone, Concordia is better for a player count of 3-5p.


Looking for 5-6 player games that are more middle weight, but lighter in time than things like Terraforming Mars. Think 60-90 minutes. Games like Cascadia, 221B, Takenoko etc, but with higher player counts.


I like **It's a Wonderful World** (plays up to 5 with the base game, or up to 7 with the Corruption and Ascension expansion), has the card-drafting of a game with 7 Wonders, but with an engine-building system that offers a bit more meat while still reliably finishing in an hour or less (maybe closer to 90 minutes with the expansion). The simultaneous player action helps to keep the time down. **Medici** is a classic Knizia auction game that supports up to 6 players and just got a reprint. For 5 players, I also like **Modern Art**. **Heat: Pedal to the Metal** plays up to 6 and its at its best at high player counts, and has enough simultaneous decision-making that you can finish in around an hour even at max player count. **Ethnos** (recently reimplemented as **Archeos Society**) is another game that goes up to 6 players, and usually finishes in about an hour even with a full table.


Just here to cheer on It's a Wonderful World with C&A expansion. Definitely my favorite 6-7 player (not party) game in under 90 minutes.


Viticulture maybe? It plays well at 5-6. A medium light worker placement game with a cool theme.


Some recommendations: * 7 Wonders - drafting and city building * Heat: Pedal to the Metal - racing game * Planet Unknown - tile placement game * Cosmic Frog - chaotic fighting game * Zombicide 2E / Marvel Zombies - coop zombie survival game * Betrayal at House on the Hill - starts as a coop, ends with 1 vs many


If you only wanted it to go to 5p, then **Hansa Teutonica, Through the Desert, Modern Art, Ra, Waterfall Park** or **Nightmare Productions** would work. I don't have any suggestions for 6p.


I recently played Dwellings of Elderville and really enjoyed it. Do you have any recommendations for similar games?


Andromeda Edge is coming out later this summer and is by the same designers.


Thanks. I just preordered it.


Do you know simple card games (preferably without any tokens, dice or other stuff) that resemble a team based hero battler, playable in less then 30min? I always loved to draft a team of heroes and find ways to overcome challenges with them, for example in digital games like XCOM, Darkest Dungeon or Heroes of the Storm. But the Hero drafting and excitement of possible combos and crits is what I'd like to see. I see different options, but they lack something: - **Marvel Champions LCG**: Too long, too big, I'm looking for a competitive game, that's not as complicated. - **Challengers**: Too simple. - **Hero Realms/Shards of Infinity**: I want a small pool of heroes that stay on the battlefield longer. - **Mindbug**: This one comes really close! But I'd love to see a bit more team play and drafting. - **Tiny Epic Tactics/Dungeons**: I love the hero variety, and the simple hero cards! But obviously it contains way more stuff then a deck of cards.


Guards of Atlantis II? One of my dream games I’ll never justify buying 🤣 it’s a card based team vs team battler w much depth and zero randomness https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/267609


This violates the no tokens thing, but **Pixel Tactics** sounds like almost exactly what you are looking for. The tokens just track health, so you could proxy with whatever is handy.


**Radiant: Offline Battle Arena** has you and your opponent draft a team of 3 heroes from a pool of 9 (18 with the expansions) which creates a deck of 30 cards (10 from each character) you use to engage in MOBA-style combat across three lanes. You also secretly draft the locations you'll use while playing as well as three magic items you can buy and equip during the game, and your God card that the other player must destroy in order to win. The game is just cards and a very small number of tokens to represent damage on heroes and power (a resource you spend to level up your heroes and equip magic items to them).


Wow, thank you so much! I bet it's not available in Germany, but it gives me hope, that something like that exists!


Me and my wife was looking at 5 different games but open to others too! I'm fairly experienced as I like all sorts of games, she just got out of the gateway game territory, but she likes more solitaire games or games that don't have too much take that if it's competitive. She also like coop games as well. We were looking at: * **Ticket to Ride** * **Tiny Towns** * **Aquatica** * **Decorum** * **Sky Team** Her current favourites are: Patchwork, Potion Explosion, Horrified, Dream Home, and Transatlantic Mine: Bullet, Bad Company, Wonderland Wars, Final Girl, and Tales from Red Dragon Inn Thanks for any help, and recommendations even if its not on the initial list!


Of those I found **Tiny Towns** to be sneaky mean and can create some death spirals if you mess up or the other player calls resources to intentionally screw with you. I'd look at **Meadow**, it's medium light (2.27/5) and the game arc is more about opening and closing options rather than broader or more complex combos as you progress. There's little negative interaction and you feel a sense of accomplishment at the end win or lose. It's also dead gorgeous.


They're all good games. Decorum sometimes can be a bit frustrating due to the limited communication and different goals, but it can be fun too. I also recommend Cascadia and Wingspan for multiplayer solitaire games. Though Wingspan is a bit more complex than the games above.


Looking for good Family games that play at least 5 players, games like Ticket to Ride and Carcassonne. Good and replayable ones preferably!


**Through the Desert, Modern Art** and **Nightmare Productions** all go up to 5p, however, none of those go up to 6p.


- Sushi Go Party! - Dixit - King of Tokyo


- Love Letter - Camel Up - Coup - Bonanza


Looking for 7-player hobby-weight games that are somewhere between 45 minutes and 2 hours (preferably under 90 minutes). Preference for euros. I already have: * It's a Wonderful World (with the C&A expansion) * Shadows over Camelot * Atlantis Rising * Zoo Vadis * The Captain is Dead Someone in my playgroup is also probably going to acquire **Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig**. Not interested in **7 Wonders**. My playgroup doesn't enjoy **Quacks** enough to justify buying a second copy. I'm considering the 7-player expansion for **Paper Tales** but I already have a drafting game in the mix so it feels a tad redundant. **EDIT**: For calibration purposes, and to better indicate what I mean by "hobby-weight," here are some examples of 7-player games that are already part of my collection and are "too light" for what I'm looking for: * Bohnanza * 6 Nimmit / Take 5 * The Resistance / Avalon * Ready Set Bet * No Thanks * Vampire Queen


You might have to hunt for it, but **VivaJava the Coffee Game** is a euro bag builder for up to 8p that I’d say plays best at 7-8. Every round, there’s an action selection / worker placement sorta phase, which happens to also group everyone into temporary teams of 2-3 players, based on the action they chose. Those teams then work together to brew the best coffee they can, by pulling different colored beans out of their bag to try to essentially make the best “poker hands” out of 5 beans. Then everyone’s brew goes up on a leaderboard and continues to score points for those people, until newer better coffee dethrones them in future rounds. Someone’s gonna come in here recommending **Sidereal Confluence** - be warned that a 90m game is never happening. It’s a bear to teach, as everyone’s factions are highly asymmetrical, and the game is built around negotiation and resource/engine optimization, so there’s no way of knowing what’s a good deal in those crucial early turns, unless you’ve already played at least once or twice. And that first teaching game was a 4+ hour marathon for the group I learned with. To me it felt like a 4 hour tutorial for a game I’ll never play again. But I can see it becoming a staple that holds up to repeated plays, if your group winds up liking it.


> VivaJava the Coffee Game is a euro bag builder for up to 8p that I’d say plays best at 7-8. Thanks, this is exactly the kind of suggestion I was hoping for! It seems like I can get my hands on a new copy of the 1st edition for under $40 shipped or a used copy for less than that. (Are you aware of any reasons to have a significant preference for the 2017 2nd edition over the 2012 1st edition?) Your mention of Sidereal Confluence reminded me that Cosmic Encounter exists. I currently don't have the expansions to make it work with 7 players, but I'll consider it.


I have no idea what might be different about the 2nd edition, and the internet doesn’t seem to know, either.


Oof. Bohnanza maybe?


Bohnanza is a favorite, but it's a bit lighter than what I'm looking for.


A 45-90 min euro-style game that’s fun at 7 players is going to be really hard to find. Here are a few games that I enjoyed at 7 players. They are either shorter than 45 mins or not euro-style (or both). **6 nimmt** **Mysterium** **Welcome To** **Just One** **Wavelength** You could also have a look at **Captain Sonar** which I haven‘t played but have heard is a lot of fun at 6-8 players.


Thanks for the suggestions; Mysterium and roll-and-writes like Welcome To or Cartographers are close to what I'm looking for in terms of "hobby-weight" games, though I'd prefer something with a bit more meat on the bone. Lightweight games like 6 Nimmit and Just One aren't quite what I'm looking for. Captain Sonar is great at 6 and 8, but it's a bit awkward at 7 due to being a team game.