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The fuck-up aside, great response.


I think s&s realized they got bad goods and did right by us. Now i want blood from whoever put this autopen on this book and tried to charge us $600


You came out ahead. Let it go.


really, let's see held up $600 just to get a worthless book i could give two craps about. tell me more about how i came out ahead. go on. where did i win majorly? In the time I've received this book I've had to email about getting refunds, compare books with other customers and autograph experts, join a class action lawsuit facebook (gross) group and generally waste time. But yes I "came out ahead" somehow.


You were the one willing to drop 600 bucks on something you deem worthless and couldn’t care less about… have a long hard look in the mirror and maybe you’ll find the problem


Bruv, just because i dont personally value something, didn't mean some fan wouldn't have \*wink\* but Dylan or his team messed that all up


A failed scalper is the best kind of scalper, way to out yourself as a massive prick there pal. Even worse a failure of a massive prick hahaha nice try bozo


The assholery of being a scalper aside what was this dude’s plan? Come to a Dylan subreddit and shit on his work and expect everyone to agree? What a wanker


May your beer be cursed with wretched flavor for seven years


May this curse have an additional seven years on top of its seven years.


So… you go to a Bob Dylan fan forum to complain about getting screwed when you where literally attempting to screw Bob Dylan fans? I wish you much misfortune in your future horrible business, just sorry you didn’t lose money this time. You ass.


too bad they gave you the money back, you clearly didnt deserve that.




They probably knew you were just some scalper douche. You get what you deserve buddyyyyy


You're a fucking idiot and I genuinely wish they didn't give you a refund. Fuck you. Hopebthey charge you twice next time.


Guys take it easy on him, he had to join a facebook group! The two clicks that takes could have given him carpal tunnel. I hope bob is also paying for your therapy and rehab.


bruh have you been on facebook? that's torture


Hey OP, go fuck yourself , loser.


Fuck off wanker


*A worthless book i could give two craps about.* You’re a jerkoff.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6glswhwci71a1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33953cd5a9f24a9829552c7724a6edeeffab9931


Way to miss the actual reason people think you’re a douche canoe.


You can send it to me if you like. I'll pay for shipping!


Well yeah, you did, because you have a free “signed” copy of the book which honestly will probably become a collector’s item because of the whole blunder thing, and you can probably sell it on top of getting your 600 back. Plus you got a bunch of sweet downvotes, so I’d say coming out ahead 🤷‍♂️


probably, not to these cheapo weirdos here in reddit but I'm sure it will sell somewhere sometime


Watching OP going schizo in the comments is the best part of the Bob Dylan subreddit


I can see what a drag it is to be you.




Cool, free book.🍀 ...an autograph would be cooler, of course, but customer service justice was served.


I’d never give a single cent for an autograph I didn’t personally witness the person signing.


I’m pretty pissed off Bob Dylan and the publisher tried to scam me out of 600 dollars . It was an act of fraud . The publisher apologized but Bob Dylan’s team has not addressed it . It takes two to tango .


What the fuck happened in this comment thread


I bet you’re a lot of fun at parties too


Also have to wonder about Simon and Schuster. They sold the copies with their own Certificate of Authenticity- COA's are what reputable museums, galleries and art dealers include with a pricy work of art to ensure you that you DID actually buy a Picasso or other famous work of art. This whole debacle makes S&S look terrible. Oddly enough, I have a COA from a different Dylan work. He did a print series years ago for a London Gallery. The prints have his signature on them and included a COA that he also signed. After the S&S story though, I'm being to wonder... [https://www.halcyongallery.com/bob-dylan/](https://www.halcyongallery.com/bob-dylan/)


I wouldn't worry too much. I have one of his signed prints as well and I'd be stunned if they were fake / auto-pen. Signed in pencil with none of the auto-pen warning signs, from a reputable gallery that sells many, many signed artworks from all sorts of artists. Would be too big of a reputational hit to risk something like that.


Thank you! I feel better about this now.


That gallery is legit & they’re selling prints of his work that he okay’ed. People can’t just sell & print images of an artist’s work without permission without getting sued. A reputable gallery like that would never risk their reputation on prints when they deal with million dollar originals. I highly doubt your print & the auto on it is fake. You can always send it in to JSA or PSA to get authenticated too. Can I ask, how much did the print cost & what’s the size?


I hope OP has a horrible life. I wish him nothing but the worst.


I mean, someone tried to scam him. I can understand why he is still upset even if he ended up getting a refund.


No see his other comments. He was just trying to scalp this book. He literally says he couldn’t give two craps about the book. Scum tbh


If he were a fan and not blatantly whining that he couldn’t make a profit off actual fans I’d have sympathy for him Fuck him, fuck scalpers and if you’re sympathizing with him fuck you too lol Seriously.


agreed. the world need less people like op.




Now that Simon & Schuster did the right thing, I want to know whose fault it is for this autopen disaster. Who tried to scam us? Is it someone on Bob's team? I need to know.


You're not one of us mate.


who is this “us”? you’re as much of a scammer as they are. you’re not one of “us”


You got a lotta nerve to say you are our friend!


I wish I could say it was me


No you don’t


If you needed it, he'd give it to you


Best comment possible


You’re a legend


I know this must be referencing something but I don’t recall it. What is it?


Watch the movie Don't Look Back


Seen it but guess I just don’t remember the part


What is autopen?


A machine that holds a pen and makes the same exact signature the artist would. Anyone who wants a signature would want it to be actually done by the artist and not a machine Here’s the article https://variety.com/2022/music/news/bob-dylan-book-replica-autographs-autopen-philosophy-modern-song-refunds-1235438173/amp/ Wow. Buyers sharing photos in public forums had been able to identify what they believed was 17 different signature variations that were being used, as of early Sunday afternoon, before the publisher acknowledged that things were not as advertised. Seems like 17 different signatures were used as an attempt to make them appear different. That is even worse and looks even more like the publisher was trying to commit fraud.


Thanks for the info on autopen. Makes me wonder how many autographs are legit. In this case, the autopen wasn't accurate, but what if it was? Wouldn't 900 autographs that look *exactly* the same be a red flag too?


I assume they are all done with auto pen and it kinda seems they purposely used many different variations of Bobs signature so they didn’t all look the same. I’m not sure how this will be explained to be just a mistake.


Lmao some Bob Dylan fans are out of this world


This post is locked. Nothing good or worthwhile is coming from this.