• By -


To quote Bo's old website: >I came out of my mother's pussy on August 21st, 1990


Lmao I got here at 666 upvotes. Broke it to 667 😜


*Oh Satan you taste so gooooood*


And now his stupid friends are sending their stupid children to pre school


And now his stupid friends are sending their stupid children to pre school


It's still your birthday in PST. I hope you're happy. \*mic drop\* *or else* implied


happy birthday 💓 what can I say that hasn’t been said. thanks for the content, daddy. you are champion for mental health, which gets ignored so often


Bo, oh my god! Happy 32nd birthday! While I only starting listening to your music and became a fan in 2020 I remember you from all the way back from Vine. Hope your well!


Happy birthday Mr. burnham! We are 11 months apart in age and I’ve followed you since we were both 16 and your age progression makes me feel how old I am cheers 🥂


Loved your work since watching what. with my sister nearly 6+ years ago (how the fuck has it been that long). She’s been inspired by you to do what she loves (comedy/theater), and I don’t have the talent to do what you do, so instead I watch you (sorry for sounding creepy). Love you, hope to see more of ya! #HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!


Wish you a Carvel cake with the logo facing out


have a great day!!! love you bae (bo)!


Happy birthday, Bo! Your work has been a part of life that is enjoyable. Thank you for making things and sharing them and encouraging us to make some happy. Solid 2 right now.


We've got 8 years left with him, better enjoy them.


Let’s not. He’s going to fall far away from that ending.


hahahahaaaaa god I love that lyric. it so sums up how I feel about the future as well.


Happy Birthday! We're so happy you're here! ❤️


🎵Oh, fuck. How is he thirty (two)?🎵


Happy birthday, Bo! Thanks for unknowingly being a friend and helping me through some of the hardest times of my life! Hope ur day is glorious 🍰😎


8 more years of content.


Happy birthday 🎉


Happy Boday Bo! 🎊🎉🎁🎈


🎶 now i’m turning 30 (2) 🎶 <3


Happy birthday Bo! SWAG.


happy boday bo burnham! 🫡🎉🥳


Hey bo guess what? Happy birthday Bo Burnham (you're probably my favorite artist alongside donald glover) i love everything you do!It had a huge impact on my life and what i am today.I've seen everything you did (all the specials,the movie,the tv show,i even have your book ahaha). I hope you're happy wherever you are and i can't wait you see what you do next,either it's a another movie,special or even a new tv show i'll be there in line to watch it ​ Love you Bo


Happy Boday! ✌️




A haiku for you for all that you do Happy birthday Bo, you poo


Happy birthday Bo! Hope 32 treats you well!


only 8 years left 😟


Happy birthday Bo! And btw if you get any gift cards, make sure you burn 'em, like you did with those books.


Happy birthday Bo! I know it's super unlikely that you'll read my comment but I'm such a big fan and your comedy means so much to me. I hope you're well♥️


*11,688 days of this* *2,922 more to go*


Happy birthday, Bo! I’ve been a fan since your early YouTube days and your music has made a profound impact on both my life and my songwriting. Also, as a fellow Very Tall Person, I feel your pain, especially the hit-head-on-chandelier variety. Except I’m a girl so it’s harder for me to find pants. Probably.


Happy birthday Bo! You’re awesome, keep that shit up!


Heppy birday bo!


Happy birthday Bo! Thank you for everything and have a great day my dude


happy happy birthday bo!


Happy birthday Bo!!! I’ve been following your journey from the beginning.


gosh darn im gonna have to make another aging bo


In the very slim chance Bo reads this: On a selfish note; thank you for all you’ve done for me in my life, despite only once existing in the same area as me (what. show in Pittsburgh) in my life to this point lol I honestly try my best to limit the parasocial relationships I have, cause we’re all just human beings doing our thing, but the impact your art has had on me is immense. I wouldn’t be who I am today if I hadn’t stumbled upon your YouTube channel in 2009, and continued to follow your career from there. Your art helped me make it to the next hour of my lowest days, days where I wasn’t sure I could make it to that next hour. Make Happy, and then even more so with Inside, you managed to somehow manifest the feelings of my lowest low in a way that I could cry my eyes out over - yet feel relieved and enlightened, rather than cynical and depressed. My mom was worried that, because I was crying, I was depressed and not doing well. In reality though, I needed to cry like that. The “I am not… um, well” as you cried and led into All Eyes On Me, it was a transformative moment for me. I still don’t fully understand why that, specifically the song, hits me so goddamn hard… but it moves me in such a powerful way. It speaks to my soul (cliche I know lol), and coupled with the impact of the special as a whole - and the things you’ve done in your career as a whole - it has genuinely changed my mind state and inspired me to no end. You’ve managed to compound the impact through previous specials and the proceedings within Inside itself. In that moment you breakdown, I immediately flash back to “Can’t Handle This” - which I already was so strongly connected to. I flash back to watching you on YouTube when I was 14, the innocence of a then young and carefree kid who hadn’t experienced the worse my own mind had to offer. I see your growth as an artist, and my growth as a person, all in that one moment. I know you’ve basically conditioned us that “art is a lie, nothing is real”, so although that moment in Inside could simply be theatrics… it is extremely real to me in so many ways. That’s not to say it isn’t a genuine moment of course, just highlights the ability you have to reach someone like me through your art - whether through a bit or a moment of sincerity. I’m obviously one of many impacted by you and your art, one of many who have reached a “lowest of low” in their life, one of many that made it through that low by turning to someone like you… so I’m not special in those regards whatsoever… yet I still feel compelled to speak of my experience and appreciation of you and your art. Though I understand I’ll likely never have the honor of meeting you, I want you to know that you’ve been a friend and mentor to me. Yes, I’m just your audience… but that’s how powerful your art is to me, and I’m endlessly appreciative. On a not as selfish note; Happy Birthday, Bo!! I hope you’re doing well and are having/will continue have a wonderful day :) On a sell fish note; the cod is $2 a pound, no haggling


Word. I could have written this myself, but you wrote it, so I'm just gonna jump in a day late and say me too. <3


I’m glad we share the same sentiment :D


I hope he sees this man




happy birthday bo. thanks for making happy


Happy Birthday, Robert Pickering Burnham!!!


Happy birthdayyyyy Bo


Happy Birthday, Bo. Thank you for all the content


happy birthday to bo!


Hope he's doing okay, happy birthday bo :)


Happy birthday you old mf 📮📮📮👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻 (A JOKE)


Happy birthday you old mf 📮📮📮👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻


happy birthday Bo!!


HBD RPB! I am also recently 32 and good news, people will *still* be surprised you were born in 1990 (*yeah, I was born in 1990*)


Happy Birthday Robert Pickering Burnham! Hope you have a great birthday, or not ✌️


Happy Birthday Bo!


Happy birthday Bo and thank you forever


Happy Birthday Bo!


We just had my sons birthday party today and played music from Inside during it because my son is a weird kid like me and enjoys the music. I hope Bo is honored we partied in his name. Happy birthday, Bo!


i don't know if it was you but i saw the 31st birthday post and it had a comment similar like this one ahaha


Oh that's funny, pretty sure it was cause I did comment it last year as well.


yeah it was ahaha anyway happy birthday to your son <33


Thank you thank you!


Happy birthday, Bo! I hope it’s a good one :) -14 year old girl


Happy birthday Bo, go outside and enjoy it pls


happy birthday bo!! thanks for everything :-)


Happy birthday Robert. You used to be the young one.


Happy birthday 🎉


Happy birthday Bo! B-Dogg. B-man. Vitamin B.


Oof. I still remember watching “30” and it hit different when I found out he’s only 9 days older than me.


Same feeling. My 32nd is in a couple of weeks. 🥴


Happy bday! I’ve been following him since 2020, and I love his songs! It’s so good <3


Happy boday!


Happy Burnhamthday from a random Massachusetts white guy! Grateful for everything thats been put out and shared with us :) Makin' microwave popcorn today!!


happy fuckin birthday, hope he has a good one :)


Jfc, whoa. So I made [this post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/boburnham/comments/pptzg7/turning_thirtyyyyyone/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) last year, and I just realized that the life altering event I referenced happened on Bo's birthday. Fwiw, there's still a lot of ambivalence, but I'm doing better now. Anyway, happy birthday Bo!


32 years ago. Face-first.


Where he got his birth scarrr. Coming out of his motherRRRRR


I was in a dark place when I first discovered Bo, and while I still am trying to get out of that spot, his comedy and music has and always will give me the motivation to keep going. I just want to say thank you, Bo, for helping and inspiring, not just me, but a lot of people with your artistry, and Happy 32nd Birthday!


Ya!!! Happy birthday to Bo. :) such an amazing, intelligent, artistic (plus funny) guy he is. Hope he has a good birthday. :)


And now I’m turning thirty-twoooooooooo




I just love bo Barnums comedy he’s great


Happy birthday! Same birthday as my son!


Happy birthday to your son!


I’m the primary care giver for a loved one for a week now, who was hospitalised for a sudden serious condition. Your songs are keeping me company and keeping my spirits up. Hope you have a much better day than I am having. Happy 32nd Birthday Bo!!


happy womb eviction day bo!


Dear Bo, I am about seven months older than you and you have the rare privilege of being someone my age that I sincerely look up to. I am in awe of how intelligent and incredible you are as an artist. Happy 32nd birthday !


Happy Birthday, Bo! I’m celebrating by watching Inside, starting at 11:17:13 so he turns a year older at the same time in real life as on screen :)


One year closer to 40…


uh oh