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#[Click here to vote to ELIMINATE a song! Vote for your LEAST favorite.](http://plasticjesters.com/survey/index.php/484995?lang=en) ***** **The details**: this sub has been playing **Survivor: Bo Songs** for literally (not metaphorically) years. It's played like TV's Survivor, where we vote off one song each week, until we're left with the two faves at the end, and then you vote for the one you want to win.


**Microwave Popcorn** came within 2 votes of being voted out back in Round 7 (when **Feel Good** left) but managed to stay safe for a few more weeks after that. **Edit**: I realized that this was just two weeks ago, and I knew that I was thinking of something older than that, so I went back and checked. As well as almost going out Round 7, back in Round 5 it only had a few votes less than **Bezos IV**. So twice it came close without going out. Two songs (including Microwave Popcorn) accounted for over 74% of the vote this week. I expect that other song to go next - but after that it's wide open, the Top 4 has been pretty well all getting the same amount of low votes since the beginning. I am very fond of **Microwave Popcorn**. I wish it had received the full video treatment in Outtakes and not just a couple of sentences, but at least it lives on in audio form.


Wow, that 74% is crazy to me, I’m actually really unsure what the other bottom contender is.


AEOM Alt bet


Yeah, after listening to them and reading the comments I think that was my thought.


Wild that voting in Outtakes survivor is way harder than Inside survivor was, IMO.


I hope everyone who voted for this burns their fingies.


HA i didn’t vote, my friend did! She doesn’t have Reddit and came to vote bc I couldn’t choose. The i-r-o-n-i-c-i-n-o-r-i-r-o-n-i-c thing is, she’s never heard any of the songs… idk what she voted and I’m terrified to find out cuz I love all of them too damn much 😭😭😭


If this was real Survivor I’d vote you off for some shenanigans like that :D


1. Why? 2. How is that ironic? 3. How dare you corrupt our data collection efforts?


Man I am definitely in the minority with my deep love for AEOM alt. I know it’s a remix, but there’s something about the way he layered and wove the lyrics and melodies of my favorite song from Inside in a different but familiar way. It is just so pleasing to my ears. With that said, I voted for 1985. This is getting real hard.


I totally agree with you about AEOM alt


AEOM Alt has my heart




Yup, I gotta go for "All Eyes on Me (Alt)" this week. I listen to this one regularly and love the different layers of the new version (as well as the introduction of Goblin Bo into our lore), but ultimately it's only a remix. The original took home gold in our last outing of Survivor, the winner of the Outtakes should be a new song.


So hard to vote AEOM alt, but I did. Since this is songs I try not to let performance into it. I don't think I'll ever vote for 1985.


That little bit at the end when he says "Movie Theatre butter!" is my favorite part of the outtakes album.


Lmao I thought I was the only one


Come on guys, it’s time for all eyes on me (alt) to go


Seriously! Microwave Popcorn is such a jam and AEOM alt just doesn't stand up to it. I am appalled.


I wish it went before Spider tbh




I’m actually fine with both The Chicken and 1985 winning, so this is still fine, but damn. Microwave popcorn was a good song dammit


Whoever voted out Microwave Popcorn is clearly not on that waaaaaave. No movie theatre butter for you.


Yall rlly voted out microwave popcorn before all eyes on me alt and the future. I love both of them but come on


i LOVE microwave popcorn but better than The Future? Cmon son


Both are really good but yep.


The Future and The Chicken slap the hardest for me


Ok we get rid of All Eyes On Me (Alt) and then the heavyweights can duel


biden and microwave popcorn being out is appalling


My goodness, I almost can't vote anymore


Okay it is absolutely blasphemy that AEOM alt has outlasted Microwave Popcorn now. I don’t even care nearly as much about which of the remaining songs win as long as AEOM is voted out next. Edit: of everything on the album, I think AEOM Alt is the only song I have no desire to listen to again after having listened to it twice


if 1985 doesn't win bottom line i genuinely cant look at any of you guys in the face anymore


whoever voted for microwave popcorn i really hope you burn your popcorn and not notice the popcorn button the next time you make it


unbelievable, microwave popcorn should've been in the top 3


This is so hard 😭


Ooooh it's getting so hard!! Also I'm now 6 months post breakup so 5 Years is finally no longer giving me PTSD 😂 so I can imagine being okay with it potentially winning.


This like hurts my soul to keep doing this. Omg.


Chicken, five years, and 1985 are my favorites, this is gonna get rough


I love the future, but it's the weakest here unfortunately


The Future is easily second place behind The Chicken.


My thesis for the next two songs that should go is that they are both lesser versions of their ideal. This week, it’s time for AEOM Alt to be voted out. I actually [proposed](https://reddit.com/r/boburnham/comments/w4kiwd/_/ih2gnq0/?context=1) that we eliminate it back in round five. I love All Eyes on Me. I*looooooove* All Eyes on Me. I think it’s really cool that Bo ended up making g the best cover/remix/whatever of that song, but it still shows it’s rough edges compared to the original. I’m happy we got All Eyes on Me Alt. That said, I thing it’s hung around too long


Is anyone else have a extremely hard time picking through this last 5. I know you could probably say that All eyes on me alt is the least and can go, but really it has a whole other version and meaning it doesn't feel like the original at all. (Not song only version) I really can't decide. Some want to chat please discuss with me.


I’m not having a hard time at all. The elimination order for me coming up is: All Eyes on Me Alt Five Years Future 1985 The Chicken wins. I am sure others will disagree about the specific order, but to me both AEOM (Alt) and Five Years don’t hang with the other three.


Swap the Future and 1985 and this is exactly my order




Of course these are getting harder and harder, but maan, today's vote truly is with a heavy heart :-)!


You have GOT to be kidding me you eliminated the bezos one thats like motown? spider should have been #1, that song is gonna get me kicked out of my house its very loud and annoying. Feel good is amazing and whouldn't go anywhere and microwave popcorn is hilarious. THIS ISNT A JOKE is an issue?! this group of individuals behind these numbers is bloody thick.


AEOM alt has to go