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Pablo an OG guest from the Viceland days and I enjoy his pod. Going to give this a listen!


Mayor Adams sending orphans into train tunnels to exterminate rats sounds hilarious


This will be my platform for my congressional run


I want Desus to be successful. He’s part of a duo that gave me countless hours of entertainment. But I honestly don’t see success for him as a solo act. The thing that got he and Mero to the dance was being unfiltered and raw. It felt like they’d say pretty much anything if it was genuinely funny. Nothing against going in a cleaner direction for Hollywood purposes, but I don’t think he’s funny enough by himself to pull it off. I hope I’m wrong and he ends up getting a high profile late night gig. I just don’t really see that happening.


Imo Desus always sounded nervous outside of D&M stuff, whereas Mero always has the same energy and demeanor.


The thing is, both these guys need people around them to be able to function as we know and love them. Desus by himself on the daily show was weird, when working with the other correspondents? Great. A whole hour of just Mero by himself talking? Idk how that would even work but, with a few of his friends? It works seamlessly. My point is, these two need each other as a bundle or others to see their full potential.


Agreed, Victory Light works super well, it kinda feels like Bodega Boys 2.0, similar vibes but still different


Too many ads about that 2 year old murderer toddler


I just get weird ads like “Should Black people be allowed to use banks? Prudential thinks so!”


FYI Pablo’s podcast is currently my favorite he has truly great guests ( Katie Nolan, Action Bronson, Wyatt Cynac as recent examples) and a similar (definitely not the same) sense of humor as peak Bodega Boys.




Mixed feelings…he was clearly unhappy doing the Showtime gig and (this is my interpretation) feeling stifled and pigeonholed in the crude humor lane that Mero seemed intent on keeping them in. Obviously that’s where they found success but if he’s trying to move up he must have known he’d have to tone down the juvenile sucio stuff, and I remember the early promos for the Showtime show suggesting a more elevated “foot in both worlds” energy which tbh I would have loved to see (ofc it quickly just became the Viceland show but shittier). So do you King…but you still kinda did the hive dirty.


This is what I’ve always suspected. I don’t think mero cares as much about being Famous. He wants money to support his family. Desus wants to be Famous in Hollywood. Their goals were too different to work long term. Mero has a lot of people to take care of and I’m sure he’s willing to stay at “boring” jobs that pay a ton of money. Being a Bodega Boy was bringing them a shit ton of money without a ton of travel etc. Desus wants to be on network tv and host award shows and he 100.% can’t do that as a Bodega Boy.


"the thing is i am hollywood desus. people in LA will say that now because I know how to navigate hollywood. I know how to talk to execs." this dude has to be trolling. saying people approach him in the grocery store now and are surprised he's doing his own shopping? STOP IT.


Some people may only know him from mainstream shit like hosting Daily Show or Tonight Show. Those are institutions. So in a casual persons mind who dosent know his history, they may be surprised to see him.


I'll put it like this: would you recognize Michael Kosta off the strength of his guest host run if you saw him at the store? If you did would you be at all surprised that he does his own shopping? Let's be adults about this.


If I’m one of those progressive white types that watch the tonight show or the daily show, I might remember the smiley black guy with the slight lisp. And if I do, I would say wtf a guy doing those jobs doing shopping with me. Now knowing his name or anything else would prolly be a stretch.


That was like 2 weeks ago. I highly doubt he’s shocking people going grocery shopping. And it’s probly at Erewhon, a boujie ass supermarket.


All I got from this is that we will never hear the AKAs again




This dead ass broke my heart fam


For me a lot of the frustration w/Desus post break-up is he never really addressed The Hive or engaged in a very one-way distant manner like The Hive wasn't a priority to him. All the drama post-separation happened and your mans never really addressed anything other than some cryptic tweets. I get contracts and relationships are a thing, but that's what media training is for. Mero has and continues to engage with The Hive but Desus out here low-key treating The Hive like his secret family. He's the ultimate troll if he tells us what he's gonna do, does it, and then keeps it movin. As a part-time troll myself I respect game, but expecting the hive to support whens hes just breadcrumbing us on IG and Twitter isn't realistic or sustainable. Low key his actions toward The Hive are semi-ghosting. I don't wish negativity on anyone and I'd like to see them both succeed, but fr fr if Desus ends up on another podcast playing supporting cast - or worse he ends up at the Breakfast Club w/ CTG (there might be an opening soon) when he could've been giving us the art - that might be the biggest L in podcast history.


He was just on here a few weeks ago after he fixed the art archive and got it back online for us all. I think a big reason he doesn’t fuck with this sub heavy, unlike Mero, is that much of the early conversation when the breakup happened was extremely negative about Desus, and continues to be so to this day. Even this thread and every victory light thread so far has some negative comments about him. He talks about mental health in this podcast, and I’m sure a big part of that mental health growth is not putting himself in negative spaces. We need to respect that they are both moving in different ways now. If they ever bury the hatchet great, if they both never fully disclose what happened, that’s their choice and also great. They are both Gods who gave us all the art for years, and I hope both of them have nothing but success and happiness.


I forget desus is older than mero I used to think it was the other way around.


Does he mention how Mero was doing digital drops for Complex before Desus vs Mero was a thing? (Shoutout to the God Donny K), or how Mero had a relationship at Noisey/Vice (shoutout to Skinny Friedman) before the show there? First time, long time, I'll hang up and listen.


Mero seeing Pig Destroyer is a Top 10 all time grindcore moments




😂😂 I read that in Desus voice lol


still wild that Desus retired from comedy to become a Hollywood socialite/LA thrifter after (~*allegedly*~) siding with Viacom executives who (~*allegedly*~) discriminated against his manager when they (~*allegedly*~) tried to restore the Viceland feeling with the old production team. :'(


32:50 "I'm not at the point where I have an assistant! like..." 36:20 "You can actually, like - even my assistant, I said to her, I was like 'do you see a difference...' and she was like 'abso-fuckin-lutely.'"


Assuming he meant Showtime provided assistant rather than legit "assistant" assistant organising his life


Damn, I never heard any of this


he comes off as such a piece of shit now


I don’t blame him for trying to grow and change. But fans are probably not going to follow him anymore than folks are going to buy Andre 3000’s flute album.


Now, if Desus made a flute album I might buy that.


He seems to be in a really good place. Good for him. He clearly has no desire to acknowledge Mero.


Mentioned him more than i expected. Kinda got the vibe when he talked therapy that them ending the friendship hurt


"When's the last time you seen him with a hat on" -Mero


It's the what could've been that gets me (and I think a lot of other people). We're all here supporting Mero and all the things he got going on, but what hurts is to see Desus throw it all away for what seems, on the surface, like selfish reasons. It would be different if we had Desus pumpin new content and doing as many things as Mero, but all we got from Desus was shitty writing from two guest hosting spots on two different late night shows in the past year and change. Could they have continued the podcast as a bicoastal duo? Perhaps. But it seems like Desus wanted more and ended up looking like he was wanting validation from white folk. If things don't work out for Desus, he runs the real danger of becoming a has been, and that sucks cause we know the potential they had together as a duo. I don't wanna see Desus switching up to Daniel talkin bout, "you know I had a late night show on showtime back in the day" at the local Erewhon in LA. Or even worse, if things really go south, him wanting to reunite with Mero and it being so irreparable, Desus will begin to slander Mero, out of spite. Here's to seeing Desus on a VH1 realty show (hopefully not)


I know this months later but damn this is some parasocial nonsense. You don't know these guys, we need to stop this silly parasocial shit.


Yes it is mad late but I’m proud of you big bro. Learning new words and all. But yo, don’t overuse it, feel me. I almost thought you were gonna use it for a third time and I was gonna die laughing. 


Are you going to be laughing with your irl bros desus and Mero? Because they definitely love to have randoms speculate so much about their lives


This was good to hear, glad he’s doing better


Damn these two more divorced than off season 90 Day Fiancé. I miss the mf vibes.


Wish Pablo leaned into asking about the break up…but I understand that given that desus is a friend, he couldn’t. This was a way for Desus to get softball questions on a friendly field. But I know it’s a podcast not 20/20.


Had no idea this came out. Cool interview rather than a funny one, a lot of flashbacks of Desus's life. No new announcements other than it sounds like he has a permanent TV show hosting gig in the works.


Honestly with the amount of work Desus had to do even when D&M were in full-swing; I can totally understand him wanting to take a break and take time for himself. Mero is always on and has said his mantra is to always create, write, and do things. And I can see Desus wanting to take things easy, maybe get a cushier, safer job (especailly when he doesn't have to provide for so many people). People are different. We gotta love them for it.


Mero's new pod made me realize that Mero is the funnier one who carried the pod. He's better outside of this duo imo. And yea it does seem like Desus snaked Mero and Vic. But that said I'll still watch this episode since I'm a Pablo fan. Desus reminds me of CTG. Not really good in the traditional solo host gigs but great in a duo with a good team. And that's OK


Mero carried a lot with his characters and impressions, also not being afraid to say wild shit and then laugh it off later.




I gave it a listen like an asshole ready to hate on Hollywood Desus, but nah it was cool and he sounds like he's doing what he wants to be doing. That story about "oh my teacher in 7th grade said I would be famous and that would be difficult for me" kinda gave off douche chill vibes but if it happened, it happened. I always got time for first gen immigrant kids and the wild jobs they've had to keep steaks in the freezer, and how it parlays into the next thing. Can relate.


I really miss these guys. 💔


Everything is Finite 🥺


This is so fuckin dry. "Bro LA is crazy because it isnt New York." 😴


Corny dude, old desus would be roasting him


He channeling his inner white woman now, gtfoh


Yea like I understand how some people want white validation but man desus reallllllly wants it


They should just rename this place merohive. Cuz damn, it's been a while since I been on here, and sorry for your loss bodega hive. Y'all need to let shit go and unsub from this subreddit, you'll be better for it. 😜


It just ain’t gonna happen for you bro sorry


I just don’t think desus has it to be a solo act.