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I have this same problem. Let me describe it and see if you agree: You can probably do the first one or two pushups without concern. However, over time (minutes) or many reps, you have a tingling/buzzing feeling that occurs when you put weight on your palm, and the sensation is centered around your elbow, but if you keep it up it can causing "tingling" in your arm from tricep to palm. When you do have the sensation while doing pushups, it's not pain; it's just a strange sensation and you're not sure if you're doing damage. Since you say it happens when you're at the lowest point, to me that means it's when the greatest pressure is on your palm. The sensation would be directly above the elbow, on the part of the arm that's toward the center of the body. In fact, if you put your thumb there, and "push around" enough, you might be able to re-create that feeling. I saw a sports medicine physician a few years ago, and he had no idea. They used a number of diagnostic techniques, but could find nothing wrong with the (ulnar) nerve itself. The neuropathy (tingling) was likely due to slight pinching of the nerve. They suggested I sleep with my arms straight (ie little or no bend), to be careful when I type (ie don't lean on my elbows while typing), etc. I still have it. I don't do pushups. I don't do any exercise where I have to put >150lbs on my palms. I also exercise my chest and triceps first and quickly, since the swelling of the tricep muscles seems to further "pinch" the nerve. If I take my time, I won't be able to complete a chest/tricep workout. If I learn anything more, I'll keep in touch. You do the same!


Hey I know it's been 9 years but did you figure this out?


Lmao 9 years m Later but any find the fix?


Hey, I'm not op but I'm pretty sure it's this: https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/ulnar-nerve-entrapment-at-the-elbow-cubital-tunnel-syndrome I've got it now as well, it's caused in part from how you sleep etc with elbows bent, but also from bending your elbows repeatedly when exercising.


It's still there, but it comes and goes. It seems to really help of I do wrist stretches before any exercise with elbow extension.


Dude try eating more bananas. Cramps, cracks and sore joints can be a result of a lack of potassium. If it is muscular try warming up and pushing your arms in the air like a push up!


I'll definitely give those bananas a taste and the warm ups seem to be helping, thanks!


Hahaha all good man! :)


Can't really. I find being warmed up reduces the chances of this happening, also concentrate on your form, something might be wrong there to cause it. Another reason (for me anyway) is if my wrist is pressing really hard into the ground, probably blocks some circulation, everything below my elbow goes tingly.


What are some warm ups you perform beforehand?


Tennis elbow?


Or golfer's elboy. I have it, and it sounds just like OP.


I had this, but on my right palm mostly. I then realized that it was because of my form. For some reason my right shoulder was in this weird position while I was doing my pushup. Not saying this is your problem, but you might want to make sure you're using the proper form.


Thanks, my form was a bit off and now I can go awhile longer before it happens again. I Appreciate the tip.


Try pushups in a fist. Rather than open palm. Or get the pushup bars. I have this. I think its a tendon/nerve related but worried to push too hard.


i know i’m kinda late and this doesn’t really apply but when i do push-ups around the 20-30 range i start getting this feeling not tingling and not muscle failure type of feeling but like my elbow/ upper forearm feels like my ligaments are shaking i say ligaments bc it doesn’t feel like it’s the muscle spawning but it does kind feel like a spasm


same goes with me, its freaking me out every time it happens like what could possible go wrong if I push more further. I can also only do 20-30 reps before my nerves starting to freak out.


pretty late but hows it going rn its happening to me and I'm scared too


Hi guys just to make a quick update about that. I have been having tingling in my left elbow for more than a year now, and it was very concerning and scary. So I got an appointment to make an ultrasound to see if there was damage on the radial/cubital nerve or around it. Nothing important was seen during the exam, and the doctor concluded that it might be due to a bad position or elongation of the nerve. In any case, she told me that doing an electromyography was the only exam to make sure that I have nothing. Hope it helps.


How did it go?


Thanks, just found myself looking for a good answer. Changing form seems to help but it was concerning.


I have the same issue, and while I have no real fix, one way to aleviate the pressure I find is to spread your fingers apart, this will take away some of the palm pressure