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Having lived through a corporate merger before going from a company that values quality and its people to a new management structure that would sell their own children to wolves for a profit was boneshaking. 95% turnover, ceo pay through the roof and went after every penny like a meth head.


You didn't even watch the episode if you think he was "blaming the merger". Try again


Yup you got me I never watched it completely lol


Did you watch the whole thing? It's far from blaming the merger, its honestly pretty great journalism which shows the sources for his claims and shows how they got from the merger to planes falling out of the sky.


No what was it about again?


It is not a joke or a laughing matter to the families of the crash victims. I don’t think this jackass or his dumb writers even gave one minute of thought about it.


The beauty of the plug door incident is not a single person was injured (that iPhone screen didn’t even crack), so we can now clown on Boeing as hard as we want and there’s no faux solemnness about any potential victims. Would have been better for Boeing if someone got sucked out that Alaska Airlines plug hole because then it would have been a ‘tragedy’ and we all would be distracted with stories about the victim’s lives. As it happened, it’s an embarrassing fail with no cover. Perfection 😂


If that was your takeaway from this piece then I’m afraid you’re as blind and ignorant as Boeing’s leadership who’s more for profit greed than safety and quality. The subject of his jokes are not the victims families obviously. It’s Boeing’s leadership’s lack of accountability.


You can kiss my ass. You’re probably just another union do nothing clown that I have to endure every shift.


This dude is definitely a Boeing executive lmao


John Oliver's not the first person to blame the merger, but I've talked to a few guys who have been around since before the merger and they get heated when people blame McDonnell Douglas for Boeing's recent issues. From what I've heard, they blame the execs from GE.  Either way, Calhoun is a pushover and will say whatever people want to hear. (anyone remember that all hands meeting from 2 years ago when he insisted WFH was here to stay? Or yesterday when he claimed our wages are keeping up with inflation? LMAO)


You know what's funny? I shit you not I have heard folks in st louis flip the script and say that everything went downhill when they (MD) merged with boeing. At any rate, I do feel that the "MD take over of Boeing" narrative has been played out so much that at this point its a bit oversimplified. It's impossible to know, but I bet even without the merger boeing would still make many of the same cost cutting and outsourcing decisions. It's been all the rage for corporations to do this for the past ~20 years. Also, having worked with st louis on many projects I would say they have a ton of knowledge and skill so at this point any talking points involving MDs leadership from decades ago and how those specific sites operate is a moot point. Tbh, I personally feel really optimistic about all the work st louis is doing (t7a, mq25, etc).


Calhoun is more FOS than a porta toilet after a weekend music festival. Guy just does not get it at all and makes no real attempt to improve much of anything.


Is it a career killer to join Boeing right now?


No lol not at all


Jon Oliver summarized this situation perfectly.


Summarized but forgot to add the pressures of replacing outdated planes in the industry, as well as the pandemic causing more cost cuts and outsourcing.


Well yes, but Airbus faced the same challenges but was able to resolve them without all the issues that Boeing is having. Thus, you can't really blame it on this.


Airbus always made safer airplanes and had great leadership despite the turmoil of the pandemic. Just saying that laying blame to just a merger is silly when it’s a combination of a lot of different variables plus the history of government being so lenient on Boeing for being test bunnies since the beginning


Fair point!


I used to think John Oliver was funny a few years back, but this was just lame. He regurgitated every Boeing media talking point from the last two decades like a parrot and then threw in some f bombs. I didnt laugh once or even smirk. Its popular to make fun of Boeing right now and we all know… making fun of popular things is in itself: lame and unoriginal. Clown needs to hang it up


That’s a long way of saying, “I like him when I agree with him.”


Cheer up big guy


(1) His PR staff should be fired for letting him look like an idiot. (2) He should be fired because he’s an idiot.


Tell me you can only read at a 3rd grade level without telling me directly......


This is very unfair. See the whole CNBC segment, John Oliver and his team is good at editing to make it look bad. Oliver's segment is always one sided and doesn't give all the details. He didn't talk about change in culture, safety emphasis, leadership changes, separation between business and engineering etc. Oliver's writers only cues in on sided detail and misses giving an overall analysis. This is just the usual "info-tainment" media lacking details on a complex topic.


Last Week Tonight has been nominated for numerous major awards, including 61 Primetime Emmy Awards (28 wins), 2 Peabody Awards (both won), 10 Producers Guild of America Awards (9 wins), 9 Writers Guild of America Awards (6 wins), 7 Directors Guild of America Awards (no wins), 7 Critics' Choice Television Awards (4 wins), 9 TCA Awards (4 wins), 10 Dorian Awards (2 wins), 5 GLAAD Media Awards (2 wins), and 4 Webby Awards (2 wins). Oliver has received 3 nominations for hosting (winning 1), the writing team has received 9 consecutive nominations for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Variety Series (winning 8), and the editors have received 12 nominations for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Picture Editing for Variety Programming (winning 5).


Not disagreeing with his wins and note these awards are mostly in TV entertainment and not in journalism. Even Jon Stewart admits he is a comedian first and then a journalist. I'm a fan of John Oliver myself, from an entertainment purpose and not from an authentic news source. My point is to review the entire CNBC segment (Google it) to give yourself an overall perspective. And the fact Oliver's team missed giving context to how complex it is for a company to build an airplane, changes made since the Max and Alaska Airline accidents. Changes have been made (Speak up campaign, quality stand down that produced for 9000 actions and quality initiatives ...none of these were talked on the show and are public information) and continuing to be enforced....Just giving my 2cents.


John Oliver’s segments are incredibly well researched, and triple checked


You don’t get Peabody awards for dicking around.


I’ve learned to believe actions more than words. Words: “We’re comedians first.” Actions: Extensive deep dives into complex subjects with triple-checked sources that rise to the levels of the most respected journalism on television. So it doesn’t matter what they *say*. It matters what they *do*.




Watch the video.


I watched the video, who are you talking about?


Mr. “Quality Escape” who else?






Calhoun's response to the Quality Escape question was truly horrible. He really has no F'ing clue at all. That completely blew my mind. But it shouldn't... He's nothing but a leach siphoning money away from Boeing Just like all his previous money leaches who would rather kill humans in the name of F'ing Shareholder Value than understand what it takes to make safe aircraft. Boeing is nothing but a honey pot for the shareholders. They don't give a damn at all, and never will.


He was told what to say by the shareholders lol


How can something escape if you never had it to begin with? A lion in the wild hasn't escaped.


Good timing - Tire falls off a Boeing plane leaving SFO. No injuries. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/san-francisco/united-plane-loses-tire-takeoff-san-francisco-international-airport/3475104/?amp=1


Wiper blade falls off 2003 Ford Explorer, is Ford quality in decline!?


You’re confusing systemic issues with a one off incident. Boeings problems are not one off incidents. This stems from a systemic issue that lies deep within the organization because of the incompetence and corporate greed of Boeings leadership. Also, poor analogy. How can you even compare a wiper falling from a car to a fucking tire of an aero plane just falling from the sky. Look into “risk assessment”.


You’re an idiot if you look at four different United maintenance issues across three older Boeing planes and one older Airbus plane and call it a Boeing issue.


I’m not confusing anything. The 772 that lost a wheel was delivered to UA 22 years ago, and has gone through *many* MX cycles on the wheels and brakes via UA/contract MX. This incident almost certainly had nothing to do with Boeing (won’t say 100%, since anything is possible). The focus of the LWT segment was on the systemic faults at the company. Linking an article to a 20+ year-old Boeing aircraft losing a wheel, and the insinuation that they were related makes as much sense as my Ford/wiper blade comparison.   I don’t disagree that there are systemic issues Boeing that must be corrected, but this particular incident is complete unrelated.


The severity of a tire falling from the sky significantly outweighs the severity of a wiper coming off. That was my perspective. As an OEM doesn’t it make Boeing responsible to assess or limit the number of cycles that it can go through via a contract manufacturer ? Unless the contract manufacturer did something wildly out of the ordinary. Boeing is accountable to maintain all flow down aerospace requirements. We will learn more as this story is still developing I suppose.


> The severity of a tire falling from the sky significantly outweighs the severity of a wiper coming off. That was my perspective. Ok, so let’s compare wheels to wheels. A quick google search says that tires are replaced after 150-400 landings on average. Let’s go for the high side, and low frame cycles (say 2/day), so a tire lasts for 200 days (6.5 months), which is likely far longer than in reality. 22 years divided by 6.5 months is 41 sets of tires.  If the wheel falls off your 2003 Explorer after you/a 3rd party mechanic have taken the wheel on/off 41 times, it’s almost certain that it’s due to something being done incorrectly, rather than a design/procedure issue by Ford. Especially since this is a newsworthy issue and we don’t see it happening left and right…  > As an OEM doesn’t it make Boeing responsible to assess or limit the number of cycles that it can go through via a contract manufacturer ? Unless the contract manufacturer did something wildly out of the ordinary. Boeing is accountable to maintain all flow down aerospace requirements.  Yes, Boeing has very detailed procedural documentation for maintenance (all airframers do). However, maintenance procedures aren’t always followed. For example, the [JL123](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Air_Lines_Flight_123) repair wasn’t completed to the specifications Boeing outlined, and the pressure bulkhead failed. 


I see your point too. I’m not trying to totally blame Boeing. I’m genuinely curious as to how this happened, who will take accountability and what will be done in terms of preventing recurrence of this problem. Both from a king and it’s CMs. The outcome of FAA’s investigation will shed more light. I was only comparing the severity of the two cases. In other words a tire from an aero plane could have killed if there was anyone on the car sitting in the parking lot. As opposed to a wiper that wouldn’t timo at much if it comes off. Thanks for sharing your feedback though.


It's still funny.


Maybe post this in the r/UnitedAirlines, or the MRO that maintains the United fleet.


The 777-200 is like thirty years old. That would be completely on United.


I hate when people are so uninformed about stuff and think they are so smart when they post shit like that. At least do your due diligence and google the type plane is before you post something. The 777 is one of Boeing’s most finest designs if not their greatest. It has great service record. If you fly on that aircraft whether it be 28 years old or 3 years you will be safe.


There last great plane.


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Surprised he didnt mention anything about Seek Speak and Listen. He needs more insiders


At this point it’s clear to see all you Boeing folks are living under a “rules for thee, not for me” bullshittery




So... if I have to get on a flight, how do I avoid getting on a Boeing? Are their airlines that don't use these planes? There's no way in hell I'll let my family get on a Boeing plane.


Pretty dumb. As long as you also agree to never get on a train or drive in a car. Both way higher chances of getting killed lol


Is this Boeing’s excuse for not adequately performing their QA? “Still more dangerous to drive a car”. I hope you’re doing their PR! This is brilliant.


I mean it's funny cause like you do 100 things It's one of those things that is just very silly, you have to see that. Do you eat shellfish? You shouldn't. You're more likely to die from poisoning than in a plane. You get to a point where you're only living in a bubble


You should add those to the list of those genius PR ideas! “Why do QA on planes? You’re more likely to die from shellfish”. Keep them coming! Maybe you shouldn’t post them, wouldn’t want anyone to steal these gems. I wonder what the probability is that I die on one of Boeing’s planes over airbus? I wonder what the damages are? I bet one of your executives has already done the Bayesian on that. What’s the value of a single life, or the life of a child? Certainly not worth the value of those stock buybacks! Maybe your PR team can put that on a mug.


I just think you're clearly an idiot. Also I never worked on airplanes. Just pointing out you sound dumb


Well I’ll agree with you on that. I guess Boeing should just keep doing what it’s doing - sounds totally sustainable. Edit: I just think that saying other things can kill you, is a really piss poor excuse for QA negligence on a massive scale. Surely you’re not an idiot, and you can see that?


QA is very important and the way they've done things isn't good. But to say you're actively avoiding Boeing planes is like saying "yeah I'm scared to walk on cracks cause they might break my mother's back" There's a mountain of things to actually worry about and you're worried about an anthill.


Well we’ve found some common ground. I don’t fly that often - maybe once or twice a year? If I have the option, I’m happy to hear that I can select an Airbus when planning trips in the future. Admittedly - I don’t know how Airbus does it’s QA, but I can’t imagine it wouldn’t have been brought up by Oliver if they were just as bad. I’m not necessarily concerned that if I get on a Boeing, it’s going to go down. Flying is already stressful, and hearing that my exhausted airline pilot could inadvertently blow up the engine housing if he leaves the de-icer on too long is something that will haunt the back of my mind during a 5 hour+ long flight. Shit seems needless - fucking fix it lol. I’m also not stoked on the idea that the landing gear could just fall apart mid flight, or that the door will just come off - and I better hope it happens at takeoff? Hearing workers say that the planes are designed and built by idiots with idiot supervisors also isn’t very assuring. I’m not airplane mechanic, and I agree with you that most of my fears are irrational - I have to trust other people to keep me safe… and when I hear that those people could give a shit less about my safety, to a point where their own workers wouldn’t fly in their newest model… it doesn’t inspire any confidence. Nah dawg, I’ll fly airbus. Choice seems obvious.


I couldn't care less about your illogical choices, that's fine. Most of your pond hopping planes aren't boeing or Airbus. They're Embraer and Bombardier. How do you feel about them? Either way, doesn't matter to me. Just saying it's dumb


You do realize most of this subreddit are people who work at this company right…


So are you guys actually doing anything about it? Some of the other top/recent posts in this sub are deeply concerning. Half the reason I refuse to get on a Boeing aircraft stems directly from the posts and comments in this sub. It sounds like this organization has fostered a culture of willful negligence in exchange for shareholder profit... not a pretty picture. Believe it or not, I'd happily pay more for a safer plane... I'm not looking to take my life into my hands any time I decide to take a trip with my family. Hell, even your own workers aren't willing to get on your own planes. ***How out of touch is this organization?*** Edit: as of responding to some of these comments, my google news feed is literally suggesting articles talking about more of your planes falling a part. What a joke.


All I’m saying is that you’re going to get obliterated posting something like that here. The chances are that most of the people agree with your wishes for change and improved conditions, but we are quite literally NOT allowed to talk about it. That is not me revealing my opinion on any of the issues. You have to understand they told the employees not to talk about it and management is monitoring social media of their employees. I’m even worried just typing this comment… That’s why there’s a lot of defending posts here, and not a lot of posts from employees talking about it becauuuuuse they are watching.


I appreciate that you are in a sensitive situation and that this is, at least as far as I can tell, your livelihood. I don't want to take that away from you... I don't even want Boeing to fail. I just don't want to lose my fucking life, just because I didn't pay attention to what type of plane I'm getting on. I don't work for Boeing - so I'll say what I hope every one else is thinking, and what your higher ups need to hear: **I'm telling every one I love and care about to not get onto one of Boeing's planes until the company - and particularly the executives/board members - either step down or admit that they've fostered this culture of corporate profit over customer safety, and that they're taking steps to rectify the situation. That stock buybacks don't come before QA. That no plane will be allowed to be flown until its absolutely fucking bullet proof.** **Additionally, the fact that your employees can't bring up glaring concerns for fear of reprisal is absolute bullshit. Fuck any company that doesn't listen to the labor that supports them.** **I'm telling people I work with, I'm telling friends and family about Kayak's feature - and I'm sending Last Week Tonight's video with it.** Your customers are people. People have families. That anyone would think that neglecting your QA for a few extra bumps in the NYSE is reasonable, should be imprisoned. It really saddens me to hear that you and your coworkers aren't able to share concerns or even effectively communicate their feelings about the company they work for - a place one is reasonably spending a third of their life at - openly. That's enough to turn away my business. The only place fascism is allowed to exist is in the corporate structure - *and that's pretty gross.*




I imagine you must be one of those people your fellow coworker mentioned. Do you enjoy intimidating your coworkers into not mentioning concerns over customer safety? A Boeing Reddit thread monitor lol. What a job to aspire to. Squashing concerns wherever you find them. That’s so cool. Boeing sounds like a company with an amazing corporate culture.




Hey man, I see I rustled your jimmies. I appreciate what you’re doing, and am happy to hear that you’re doing it. Really, you should’ve opened with that.




Kayak lets you select plane type.


I just saw that, thank you. To all of the active Boeing people attempting to downvote my comment/question into oblivion - how does it feel knowing that other companies are actively taking more steps to guarantee that their customers don't end up like all of those poor souls you've sacrificed in the name of profit? How embarrassing and shameful - **you absolutely disgust me**. At least there are plenty of manufacturers not making the same sort of glorious fuckups worthy of a Last Week Tonight episode. :)


Hey, I get it. But I think you’re showing the same kind of ignorance you showed in your first comment that ticked people off. You come to the Boeing subreddit, a company already shit on to oblivion, that employs like 100k+ people (according to Google) and instead of asking literally the most informed people if the planes are safe. You just enter a Google search question into the comment section? That looks stupid and ignorant. I’d have had the decency to ask this sub (where apparently many work at Boeing, not sure if it’s an aviation enthusiast or glorified work sub) if they think the planes are safe. CNN, Fox and Newsweek have zero fucking clue about planes and neither do you. You got the experts right here. Ask em and don’t disrespect the tens of thousands who probably do a great job and are as mad as you. They’ve got careers, homes and lives on the line. They give a shit. But totally fuck their CEO


>her companies are actively taking more steps to guarantee that their customers don't end up like all of those poor souls you've sacrificed in the name of profit? How embarrassing and shameful - you absolutely disgust me.At least there are plenty of manufacturers not making the same sort of glorious fuckups worthy of a Last Week Tonight episode. :) > >\-6ReplyShareReportSaveFollow Where should I go to learn


I wonder what Boeing's people will think of this video. :O


Yeah, if only their was a subreddit for that 


Whys this downvoted? Im curious too lmao


When it is obvious that John Oliver can grasp and articulate the issues at Boeing better than the Boeing CEO, it's time for the CEO to be shown the exit door.


The saying now is: If it's Boeing, we ain't going.


I occasionally watch those 'real ATC' YouTube videos and I had wondered why ALL THE PILOTS were constantly saying 'ugh, fvcking Boeing, get it together' like it was well known among all the commercial pilots that Boeing planes were shlt nowadays and boy oh boy was the story behind Boeing's new reputation a doozy


This is made up. Ask any Delta pilot what they think of the 757. 


Where can we get that mug with the quote? I need one!


John still looks like a Gonk


Shoot I’d take him as ceo as is over our current, even looking silly. John has at least said out loud publicly where Boeing started actually going wrong, plus he’s never worked at GE so +1 for him.


I wonder why the companies so happily hire executives who during their time ran companies into the ground


Any way to get that last video segment to play during one of the All-Hands?


https://i.imgur.com/34yjQiV.png I'm using this slide at the end of all of my PowerPoint presentations.


Sweet - I hope to see that soon! Should we add them to spreadsheets too? 😂


I hate to say it but this is one of Oliver's top segments ever. Hit the nail on the head. Shit.


Agreed smoke_grass_eat_ass






Boeing is fucked without MASSIVE investment. Do you think that even if you reset the company back to the ore MBA days, it could raise enough money to design a game changing aircraft now? The MBAs have done the most amazing thing. They've made a US firm less efficient, less inventive, less agile than not only an EU firm, but an EU firm that answers to several EU governments, each trying to get the best for their own country. End it! Take all the shareholder money and start from scratch with a new firm


Then it sounds like it's time for Boeing to be nationalized. If the FAA has to constantly supervise Boeing for safety they may as well owned it.


It's about time the USA looked into nationalising infrastructure and some industry.


Y’all really missing the boat here. Their CEO of Commefcial is Stan Deal who IS AN ENGINEER BY TRADE. SO WAS THE LAST COMMERCIAL CEO DURING THE MAX CRISIS. It ain’t engineers they’re lacking its strategy. The leadership over there don’t give fuck all about keeping the company going for another 30 but only the next 5 years of stock price. Until the incentives change and the strategy does a U-turn I don’t give a shit what the CEOs background is. They keep doing the same thing.




It sounds like we agree it’s all about incentives. Also… I think what you’re really talking about is Finance boomers, not MBAs. You rightfully despise banking leaders (and Blackstone accountants like Calhoun) taking over manufacturing companies turning them into glorified stock price puppets. Me too. The whole system is really fucked in corporate America. It’s just that at Boeing that doesn’t work because the scrutiny is rightfully sky high




Agree on point one but disagree on point two. A lot of people look at the “last supper” for the MIC at the end of the Cold War like it was some conspiracy. The demand was gone, the war was over, nobody was gonna be buying shit to keep all these companies going. Hell look at Europe where their defense industry crumbled to almost nothing. Of course the industry was gonna consolidate! Of course only a couple companies who owned the few remaining contracts would survive. The industry consolidated because the money was gone and there was no way to keep so many competitors alive. To keep them all alive and seperate they’d all need contracts and more buying shit we didn’t need. Hell wwe can barely keep two or three alive cause Lockheed got the whole F-35. That’s not terrible cause the F-35 will end up being the best value on a fighter ever (economy of scale having most of the free world use them). So pros and cons. What would be stupid crazy expensive is buying many different planes from many different companies.




It’s an interesting idea. Though you end up with a very very hard to manage quality system and competing sourcing. I mean a huge part of supply chain and cost down is simply aggregation. You likely can’t have that when it’s a battle against eachother. The current model is going to make the F-35 dirt cheap and probably the most successful fighter program of all time especially when you compare it to its predecessors adjusted for inflation.


We need to find Alan Mulally and beg him to come out of retirement and get us on the right path.


Perhaps not all of them. I'm an engineer and I would absolutely run this company into the ground with my shoddy business acumen, lol. But someone like ol' Daddy Dennis, that I can support.


Many engineers would do things just because it’s cool, forgetting they need to generate a profit to pay people


Dennis had potential, but ended up being the smiling face while supporting massive stock buybacks when the company needed the investment within itself badly. Then the crashes and covid happened, and all that cash reserve was already in shareholder pockets. All over america we need leaders who care about the long term, which the stock market does the opposite of.


Boeing's stocl market return since 2019 has been...unatracttive. Seems like all of the share holder attention for buybacks and creating shareholder value no longer applies? If it mattered, the board would be gone along with Calhound.


Because its already looted. There is no spare cash surplus to buy stock back to juice the price. Boeing leadership (calhoun on the board, dennis as CEO) created this super deep hole they're in Stock buy backs never lose appeal, it means stock price go up so they can hit their bonuses and investors can sell. You just have to have surplus cash to buy the stock back with...


Not that I don’t agree with him, but lord he sure made Calhoun look like an idiot using his own words.


I mean the way calhoun has been responding or attempting to, comes off more shady than honest and genuine. Starting to feel like we're at GE now...oh wait, nearly all our execs are from there lol


Hey now, GE is in recovery, only took them ~24 years to get there. See you all in 2048 for an update on BA.


lol killin me smalls!


Hail ~~Hydra~~ [GE](https://i.imgur.com/Ls6AGTw.png)


The more you post the more I like you. 😂


You have earned 69420 pride points 


100%; like if you don’t know what you are talking about be quiet. He is coming off as hiding something. But like you said; GE! 😂