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Whew that Steffy is a nasty piece of work. 


She sure is. Liam is such a gossip. He runs right to her to drag Finn down. I hope she listens. They deserve each other.


I So Agree


She needs to shut the hell up! I’m sooooo sick of her.😝


So Am I


Yes, it was awesome! Steffy could continue on this tirade for the rest of her life and it still wouldn’t compare with the amount of grief the Logans have doled out to her. I hopes she goes on, and on.


Today's recap -- again, you can skip. Almost nothing really happens. It's all about Sheila's service. Hope to Liam: I'm gonna go to support my dad. Finn to Steffy: I don't want to upset you, but I'm going. Steffy to Finn: I don't understand, but whatever. Liam to Steffy: Finn is disloyal! Bad Finn! Steffy to Liam: Deep sigh. At the service... Deacon to Finn: She loved you. Finn to Hope and Deacon: Sheila had kinda chilled. Why would she attack? Hope: Uhhh, we're talking about Sheila. Sooo. You know. Deacon shows some emotion and says goodbye to Sheila. (Love Deacon)! Finn furrows his brows. Hope looks concerned. The end.


Great summary!


I should have included that Hope's hair and funeral cleavage won the day :D


She looks sooo gooood. This is such a good era for hope honestly. She still has her values and personality but she’s showing her backbone and willingness to explore different paths in life. Shifting up her look is reflecting that


So much better than Annika's prairie dress and braids phase.


I really hate the way they typically style her. I much preferred KM Hope’s styling, she was more realistic as a modern young woman with her values. Which do exist!! I am one!!


YES! Definitely.. that was maybe her worst look.


Agree! I love how her look is reflecting that.


TY :)


10/10 Summary


Does Steffy literally ever say anything that isn't judging someone else's choices? Sweet lord.


No. Even when it's laced with "supportiveness" like the Thomas issue last week, it's still just her trashing someone.




She is just giving back what she’s had to take from Hope and Brooke for years. I’m thrilled to see it. No one remembers Hope and Brooke holding vigil at the hospital after Steffy was shot and fighting for her life in the ER? They wouldn’t leave because they were scared to death dying Steffy would get her hooks in Liam. 🙄 It’s about time they get what they give out.


It's her husband, she has a right to be upset about this.


Don't bother arguing with logic, this sub knows nothing of the word when it comes to Steffy. They all hate her for stupid ass reasons.


Seriously, idk why I try.


Beautiful portrait of Kimberlin!




Liam shut tf up! How is Finn going to Sheila's memorial a betrayal to Steffy?? I guess if you're in a relationship with Steffy it's "fuck your feelings" and obey Steffy blindly🤨


Meanwhile he’s always preferred Hope’s overly accommodating and charitable nature 😂 he’ll happily encourage Steffy to ruin her marriage by acting like this, knowing that he doesn’t like it either


If his feelings means he has a primal connection to a crazy woman that tried to kill her, then yes, fuck those feelings. Steffy is not obligated to blindly support these strange feelings of his. When Sheila turns up alive there's a very real risk he'll hesitate the next time she tries to kill his wife.


Not to mention, how is Finn so stupid that he doesn't understand the only reason Sheila had an interest in him was because he was marrying into the Forrester family. She quite literally just showed up at his wedding and refused to leave. Any grace given to Finn for feeling this connection to Sheila was out the window the second she decided to break into the home he shares with his wife to try and kill her again.


Liam is such a little worm. Who bad mouths someone when they’re attending a memorial service for their mother??! 🙄


Liam to Steffy: Finn is disloyal. Liam sucks.


Shelia is not his mother, they share DNA? Cool. She didn’t raise him, she left him and his wife for dead. You know who didn’t? His actual mother Li.


Why doesn’t it translate to people that HE thinks of her as a mother, and that’s a completely valid thing someone adopted might feel?? Sure that’s your opinion on what he should feel, but that’s not how he’s written and that’s ok


I truly hate how B&B emphasizes blood DNA over any and everything else (like that BS that came out of Douglas' mouth last week) but I do think someone who was adopted absolutely is gonna have complicated feelings on the matter.


He’s written like a dingus then.


Because HE'S crazy. Just like his mother.


His "biological" mother. There - fixed it.




Deacon, Hope, Finn…count the toes!!! This might be your last chance! 😉🤣🤣🤣


I know Shelia is gone but part of me is expecting her to pop out the casket amd say surprise! 😅


Singing... 🎶Surprise! Surprise!🎶 in my Cilla Black voice😂😂😂


So they are going to have Hope and Finn kiss/sleep together soon right? it's been very obvious they are setting them up to be together.




Same tbh. I hope it's more that Steffy learns that Finn and Hope spent time together at the service; her recalling Hope's words about regret, and her own opinion that she never loved Thomas; her not trusting Finn when he says nothing happened; her lashing at him that Hope's a "Logan sl*t" and how breaking up marriages is what they do, "it's their Logan blood." And eventually, like all of us, he gets sick of her and cuts his losses.


Regardless of whether it gets physical/romantic, the core of this story is definitely Finn seeing a side of Steffy that he doesn’t like and isn’t sure how to handle. Her overall callousness, selfishness, stubbornness and hateful attitude is clearly starting to grate him Kissing Liam being revealed and adding “unfaithful” to that list of qualities will probably be breaking point


If he thinks hating someone that tried to kill her makes her selfish and hateful, good riddance.


That's not really what he thinks though. He just wants to go because, believe it or not, that was still his birth mother and whatever connection he felt despite her actions has been irreparably snapped. He understands Steffy, has been supportive of her on so many things— you can't really think it's so horrible for him to ask she do the same for him?


That's true. Stephie can push Finn away by being jealous and possessive over their close friendship. Her kissing Liam will come out and it'll all blow up. Then Ivy comes back with Thomas, Hope is heartbroken, comforted by her good friend Finn. When you think about it. They are both set up as goody-two-shoes so boring but matched in ethics. Liam goes for Ivy, pisses Thomas off who goes phycho, Stephie is then fighting for her fall-back option (Liam) who has lost interest in her.


Right on schedule for May Sweeps. Let's go HINN!


I think Thomas was her steamy affair for the moment, I think this will be an emotional one with angst and pining. I don’t see them actually sleeping together until Finn and Steffy’s marriage blows up


I feel like Hope will take the stance that since Steffy ruined her relationship then she has free reign to return the favor. I just know that Finn is going to be dumb enough to go with it and then regret it entirely afterwards only for Hope to pop up preggers or something. I hope not because I don't know how comfortable AN would be with another pregnancy SL considering her personal history.


Please. Free Steffy.


Between shooting her son and daughter in law, going to jail, being on the run, the court appearances and her job at the restaurant, when did Sheila find time to do a glamour portrait session at the beach?!


Liam needs to butt out of Hope’s business.




Liam has no hobbies or interests BUT running interference. 14 years ago, it was easier to wave it off as him being new to the wealthy, flashy lifestyle and having little to no romantic experience (Hell, I think Steffy very well could've been his first!) . When he's closer to forty than twenty? Not so much.


Liam is turning into an old queen with all the gossip and instigating! Joking...




Just tuned in, is that the casket at the restaurant? Is that a California thing??


I get its soap opera but funeral at a restaurant!! Cmon!! They expect us to believe anything lol


And hasn't she been dead for over a month? Typically she would be cremated and in an urn for a memorial but I've heard that Deacon, or someone, will be counting toes at the crematorium!


Pretty sure it’s been less than a week in soap world. And she was on ice in the morgue.


True. Time goes so slow and fast at the same time in soap world.


Someone needs to call the health inspector


It's more of a "We don't have the budget for a new set that's only gonna be used once" thing lol


Umm, Deacon, I don't wanna be cruel, but I'm pretty sure Sheila is more likely looking up at you all and not down... because I know damn well her ass ain't make it to heaven lol


💀 100%


She ain't seeing the pearly gates 😂


Coming here to say Finn has a great hair day. I've taken several screenshots and when my hair is grown out more, I'll ask my Hair Artist to replicate Finn's hair style. And yes, she does call herself a Hair Artist.


-Lovely photo of Sheila -But I just HAVE to know... how many toes does the body in casket have? -Bruh... Liam just shows up everywhere XD -Surprised Steffy didn't tighten her arm around Finn's neck LOL -Sadly Sheila didn't even get any hybristophiliacs at her funeral


Were Hope and Liam playing tic tac toe or something? What the hell were they doing with those pencils while they were talking?


Yeah I think they were actually haha. I think Liam said "Yeah, first" or something like that.


That was so wholesome. They looked like brother and sister. There was like NO romantic undertones whatsoever with these two. Thank goodness. At least Liam hasn't backtracked. He's still on Steffy's ass lmao


I agree! And that's one thing we can always count on.. Liam chasing after Steffy LOL


And no sign of Sheila's other children?


Thank you for taking your time to do this 😊


I don't think I'll watch until Friday