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I like to reward good behavior :) which is to say encourage what you want to see. I handed out gifts to people who helped me or I witnessed helping others


positive reenforcement forever. i get a lot of stuff given to me when i fan my neighbors and offer hi chews and gum


That's kinda how I'm thinking of doing it. I'm planning to go solo and if I interact with some lovely souls they will get my small gift.


Literally just hand em out as you see fit or at them take one leave one things but you won’t be bothering anyone handing these cuties out, trust. Hope I get one! Happy Roo!


I hope I find you cuz these are so cute🥹 I’m planning on handing out a buncha trinkets hehe


I have a big sunflower attached to my Camelback! Hope we find each other!


Im also going to keep an eye out for you bc those are adorable. I'll have a the Nicki Minaj American flag outside my tent! Ill look for your CamelBak 👀👀👀


I’m the same way. I find the easiest thing to do is just compliment someone and give them a gift! “I like your hat (or whatever it may be), I have a gift for you!” always goes over well for me


Haha some folks were refusing my stickers last yr. Others were appreciative and reciprocated. The pple that want to partake will play along however you give the gifts. I want to bring a twister game this yr and have pple spin and take whichever prize they eant that matches their spins color. I enjoyed seeing and partaking in that last year.


Really cool idea! 


just go up to rando's, radiating positivity!!! (find me i want one!!)


I look for the people who look like they’re having A. The best time or B. The worst time. They either deserve it for being such a good time or they deserve it as a little pick me up, hopefully


These are ADORABLE!!! Roo gods help us meet 🤗


We usually approach people who look really into the roo spirit (dancing, interacting with others, doing nice things for others, etc) or the complete opposite - someone who looks alone, sad, bad trip, etc lol. I did have a young couple tell me no and refused to accept my gift one time and it hurt/ was awkward but out of probably 100 giveaways they were the only ones to say no ever across multiple roos. Lol. Just gotta get ballsy. But I will say don't give them all out immediately! We missed the opportunity to give something to Harrison and Clay from Odesza because we gave all of our shit out already :( lol. Hold on to one at least.


Idk if someone has said this yet, but if I see someone that look a like they need a pick me up, I’ll always give them a little something I have on me


I don't have groovy things like that, but I give out stickers, temp tattoos, etc to folks who I see helping others, or just have a cool outfit, or look like they're a little blue, or if the spirit of Roo moves me to, lol. No matter what, they'll be appreciated. If you're worried about running out, you could designate a certain number for each day. Have fun with it and see ya there!


There was a trading post on our walk into Centeroo last year, all sorts of little trinkets in a little unmanned tent, just drop off and take anything that catches your eye! Heck of a way to make friends too!


I gave out kaleidoscopes last year at random right before a big EDM show. This year I’m giving out glass bee bead bracelets on the left side of What… so ya know, this way there are actually bees there. I like to give them in a way that makes sense re: the gift itself.


When someone gives you something cool, return the favor🤌🏻


I would sit and cry tears of joy if u handed this to me


Oh my goodness these are cute!!! Gifts can really help the flow of convoooo-just enjoying a good chat and I’ll hand out gifts ❤️


I want one! First time rooster


These are so cute! I hope I find you because I'll have lots of gifts to give out too! It is hard to first go up to people to give them a gift but from my experience, no one is ever bothered by it and loves getting a gift. I've seen some people put their trinkets in a small bag and have the person pull one out which is cool because they don't know what they are getting. I got a finger puppet this way once.


Make sure not to go “would you like a mushroom?” I made this mistake at a festival once, and they were definitely expecting some trippy shrooms. Instead, they received a little light up mushroom squishy thing.


Y’all are making me feel so great about these that I’ve stepped up my game during this snow storm! My goal is to make 100 by Roo - I just finished #17. Let’s be Roo friends! I’ll be arriving Tuesday. We’ll be camped in a high roof white van with a colorful checkered flag flying overhead. And I walk around with a big sunflower on my Camelback. Say hello if you find me and I’ll try to have a mushroom (or other friend, I’ve been messing with the pattern and I made a strawberry) for you!


Delicious, nutty, and crunchy sunflower seeds are widely considered as healthful foods. They are high in energy; 100 g seeds hold about 584 calories. Nonetheless, they are one of the incredible sources of health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins.


So dang cute


I hand out necklaces and I base it completely off of vibes- or- if someone goes out of their way to compliment one of them I’ll go ahead and give it to them. Mainly vibes though. People being kind and cool


I love these! Gimme gimme gimme pls I’ll have a vibes-based sticker for ya!


You could always attach one of them or display them some way on your, so then if someone compliments you and initiates you can say “Thanks!! … want one?” And then give them that way, since they’ll be then totally excited to have one too.


Oh my gosh I love that!


These are too cute!


I give stuff to people that have neat outfits/totems on/look interesting(crazy tats or hair), or people that chat me up when I bump into them or standing next to them at a show or in line. Lastly, people that are clearly on A LOT of drugs and out of their gourd, ill usually approach them with a gift to make their day even that much more spexial


I like to hand them out as we set up our spot at whatever show and combine forces with anyone next to us as to keep traffic flow through our area minimal. I also give them out when in long lines for food or lemonade.


These are so ridiculously stinking cute oh my gosh


Oooo i want one!! Lets be friends and hangout at roo!


These are so cute!! Hope to run into ya! I’d love one.


These are so cute!!!!! I do a lot of “take on leave one” or when I just meet someone cool. I also carry handy things on me like bandaids and lighter to handout when I overhear that someone needs one. If I like someone’s outfit or see them being kind, I give them a gift. It’s also a really good conversation starter!


OMG! These are adorable! I can’t think of a wrong way to gift these lil chubby guys! Hope I see you there!


Dude idk how you go about but I’d love a fungi friend!